Increasing, not Diminishing: Investigating the Returns of Highly Maintainable Code | Proceedings of the 7th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Technical Debt (2024)


Authors: Markus Borg, Ilyana Pruvost, Enys Mones, and Adam Tornhill

TechDebt '24: Proceedings of the 7th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Technical Debt

April 2024

Pages 21 - 30

Published: 07 June 2024 Publication History

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    Understanding and effectively managing Technical Debt (TD) remains a vital challenge in software engineering. While many studies on code-level TD have been published, few illustrate the business impact of low-quality source code. In this study, we combine two publicly available datasets to study the association between code quality on the one hand, and defect count and implementation time on the other hand. We introduce a value-creation model, derived from regression analyses, to explore relative changes from a baseline. Our results show that the associations vary across different intervals of code quality. Furthermore, the value model suggests strong non-linearities at the extremes of the code quality spectrum. Most importantly, the model suggests amplified returns on investment in the upper end. We discuss the findings within the context of the "broken windows" theory and recommend organizations to diligently prevent the introduction of code smells in files with high churn. Finally, we argue that the value-creation model can be used to initiate discussions regarding the return on investment in refactoring efforts.



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      Code smells tend to have an impact on software quality attributes such as reusability, maintainability, and understandability. These are code flaws that do not necessarily prevent the system from operating; rather, they increase the possibility ...

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    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    Increasing, not Diminishing: Investigating the Returns of Highly Maintainable Code | Proceedings of the 7th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Technical Debt (5)

    TechDebt '24: Proceedings of the 7th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Technical Debt

    April 2024

    55 pages



    • Chair:
    • Matthias Galster

      University of Canterbury, New Zealand

    • Program Chair:
    • Zadia Codabux

      University of Saskatchewan, Canada

    • Program Co-chair:
    • Rodrigo Spinola

      Virginia Commonwealth University, USA

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    • IEEE CS


    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 07 June 2024

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    1. mining software repositories
    2. source code quality
    3. maintainability
    4. technical debt
    5. business impact


    • Research-article


    TechDebt '24



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    Increasing, not Diminishing: Investigating the Returns of Highly Maintainable Code | Proceedings of the 7th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Technical Debt (9)

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    Increasing, not Diminishing: Investigating the Returns of Highly Maintainable Code | Proceedings of the 7th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Technical Debt (2024)


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    Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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