Welcome to the old NINE and dine | Full Hell's Kitchen Season 9 Marathon - Dining and Cooking (2024)


June 23, 2024

Every episode from Season 9 of Hell’s Kitchen, all in one video! What a time to be alive!

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00:00 – Episode 1
37:57 – Episode 2
1:15:29 – Episode 3
1:52:54 – Episode 4
2:30:40 – Episode 5
3:07:55 – Episode 6
3:44:34 – Episode 7
4:21:46 – Episode 8
4:59:06 – Episode 9
5:36:45 – Episode 10
6:14:38 – Episode 11
6:51:40 – Episode 12
7:29:21 – Episode 13
8:05:52 – Episode 14
8:42:12 – Episode 15
9:15:58 – Episode 16

In Hell’s Kitchen, two teams compete for the prestigious job of head chef at a top restaurant, all under the guidance of world-class fiery chef Gordon Ramsay.

#HellsKitchen #HellsKitchenUSA #GordonRamsay

welcome everybody I’m James I’m the Maj D here at H’s kitchen so are you excited to go to Hell’s Kitchen I can’t wait to start cooking I’m a rock star in my own world so being here and being treated like Rockstar isn’t really that much of a difference where are we house the biggest CR on I am the hottest Chef in the hottest restaurant in Dallas me and cheff will be like that watch out I walk all take them all bigest small and never fall I’m here to win it baby everybody likes to have a good time but it’s not let’s try to be nice and hold hands and be friends it’s me versus you and I’m going to steamroll you while the chefs are anxious to have their first taste of Hell’s Kitchen Hell’s Kitchen what Chef Ramsey has decided to give them an unexpected detour we pulled up outside and it was like welcome Hell’s Kitchen chefs what like what is going on guys so it looks like we’ve arrived let’s go off the bus please let’s go I was super excited and nervous like what’s going on like holy [ __ ] are coming through watch pleas watch out hot pan 1 2 3 go to hair and makeup let’s go you going to make me look good all of a sudden we’re getting hair and makeup it was insane I mean is this is how a superstar feels oh my God I love it you guys ready to head upstairs good luck you’re going to need it good luck everybody we hear like a crowd in the background everyone’s getting so excited minutes we ready what the hell is going on here like we are not really going to cook our signature dishes for all these people 30 seconds a lot of people out there just like see us damn this is like the real deal ladies and gentlemen welcome to the orphan theater please put your hands together for the Hell’s Kitchen chefs [Applause] seriously what on Earth did you expect a packed house a standing ovation screaming fans really right now none of you are stars resumés mean nothing got it got it un [ __ ] real I felt like I was getting paraded by wanted to just be like oh we’re unworthy we’re unworthy but then I was like boom back down to earth I’m looking for someone to emerge and prove to me that they’re worthy of being called a star because this season of Hell’s Kitchen the winner will earn a salary of a quarter of a million dollar the winner will become the head chef in the most competitive restaurant City anywhere in the world New York [Music] City you know I know I’m from down south but absolutely ready to handle the big time man yeah A4 million and in New York like it blew my mind it blew my mind the winner will become the head chef at the upscale unique prestigious BLT Stak BLT Stak is absolutely amazing I’m from New York I couldn’t have wished for a more perfect scenario get your asses back to house kitchen and cook me the best dish you’ve ever cooked got it yes sir sir get out of here off you go let’s go don’t stand there waiting for me let’s go Stars my ass [Music] [Music] w [Music] d yes [Music] woo with the prize of being head chef still lingering in their minds the chefs will now have 45 minutes to prepare their signature dishes uh slow down be right there okay just say that it’s calm down my name is Elise I am from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania I am definitely not afraid to fight back are you scared are you scared they better watch themselves it’s good it’s good why are you still talking oh you playing like that you got 250k on the line like I will elbow my mom by my way 20 minutes to go I’m going Li actually being in Hell’s Kitchen and cooking your signature dish it’s a little surreal at first behind behind behind behind but when it comes down to it it’s the same [ __ ] different toilet you know what I’m saying same baloney different bre if you want a bowl the bowls are up in the back thank you all right 10 minutes to go boil over boil over here my competitors will absolutely be intimidated by me as soon as I walk into a room every eye is on me it’s just something some horror that I give off down the line 3 minutes to go excuse me two I don’t know whose plate this is but it’s going to get knocked over you better not knock my plate over I got a little nervous and I got a little frazzled and it felt like those 45 minutes went by like that 15 seconds to go 5 4 3 2 1 and serve yes yes the signature dishes are a chance for you to shine and stand out as individuals but this is actually your first Team Challenge the men’s dishes will go head-to-head with the ladies dishes let’s get them boys excellent let’s go first up in the signature dish challenge go Carrie the pantry chef from Dallas Texas will face off against will a sue chef from New Jersey ladies first what is it it is a chicken fried ribey with Yukon Gold mash and white truffle cream gravy I actually have a little sugar in there stop say that again I have sugar in there that’s what my mother always did I do not know who in their right mind would put sugar in mashed potatoes just try it Chef Ramsey is going to love it because it’s freaking delicious it’s like an org*sm in your mouth come on oh I’m sorry I don’t mean to laugh that is disgusting okay first name uh will from North Jersey Heritage Italian Italian and Jewish I grew up my friends call me a pizza bagel okay what is it it is sheep’s milk nudy I’m a technician when it comes to culinary you know what I’m saying I don’t worry about somebody eating my food I do it and I do it right um that is delicious thanks Chef great job thanks Chef a point to the pizza bagel congratulations well done I will wow next two please let’s [Music] go um right first name is Amanda what’s the dish this is a eggplant roll Andi with creamy Penta this seasoned perfectly thank you Chef there’s Talent there you Chef good job that’s [ __ ] High Praise coming from him I’m on cloud n right now okay so first name is Brandon Brandon what is it it’s a recipe I hope that you recognize this is salmon with a basil cream sauce this came from Harvey’s restaurant where you were a cook that’s right that’s why I wanted to make for you I did a lot of research and I really wanted to show Chef Ramsey that I’m the type of guy that will go the extra distance I mean salm’s cooked perfectly sources season nice congratulations to both of you you both got the point well done next two please uh ladies first first name is Jennifer Jennifer from where Boston Massachusetts what’s the dish uh it’s called Jenny’s pork it’s um my special marinade on my pork please Chef Ramsay please do not spit out my food it’s not bad the pork’s moist and tasty thank you someone up above answered me it didn’t suck pork’s actually quite nice Jonathan from where Memphis Tennessee what the [ __ ] is that on a plate call this the uh punch drunk chicken I got the southern flavor you know I put a lot of flavor in the food raw but real so if Chef Ramsey complains about it well he’s full of [ __ ] man hold on it gets worse the pineapple looks like canned yes you open a can of pineapple and you stick it on top of a chicken limited time today limited time 45 minutes limited time you’re so full of [ __ ] even your eyes are brown while you come in here and serve me a canned [ __ ] Pineapple you can [ __ ] off now serious I’ll pay for the ticket you tell me no sir it’s an app absolute freaking mess but the surprising fact was you opened to have a can that’s what pissed me off more than anything I’m not even going to taste it ladies congratulations let’s go next two please come on go buddy right um first name and uh what in the hell is that on there my name is Kupa this is a traditional guati dish of uh Stuff n first off doesn’t exactly look appetizing does it no it’s like you’ve got four bits of ass wipe on a plate Splat you’re [Music] right spices are raw planned my dear Cooper yeah that is crapper wow he thought of me as a joke I’m better than this I’m so much more better than this uh right first name is Paul Paul what’s the dish it’s an eggplant intini with crab and marap or orot it’s actually quite nice thanks Chef you’re an actual cook conrat rations the G good job thank you slam dunk next two let’s go please first name Jamie what’ you do I’m a suf you’re already a sue Chef yes I’m still a young chef but I know how good I am tell me about the dish um it’s lame lollipops with a red on your comforter mhm you’ve overcooked the most important thing the lamb if you’re going to have the balls to call yourself as suf learn to cook lamb properly first yes okay uh stepen what is that I have SE div scallops over wild mushroom risotto I’ve been cooking 30 years nobody else has a chance in this thing honestly it’s like toenails from a [ __ ] dinosaur look at them it’s got good flavor it’s got good flavor you can’t be that deluded the point goes to none of you stop [ __ ] around sorry Chef okay let’s go after two disappointing dishes line cook a leas the sculls I cook perfectly thank you Chef takes on New Jersey executive chef Chino the Miso so strong and it doesn’t really sit well well done Elise and Elise ties it for the red team next two please thank you now line cook Monteray the SE bash you’ve nailed thank you sir swears off against Kentucky Sue Chef Natalie the lamb is perfect thank you Chef congratulations you both got the point okay let’s go both three let’s go with a score tied at four line cook Elizabeth he’s got that impact makes an impression on Che jef Ramsey it works the dish Works while line cook Tommy the tattoo on the forehead could you just lift up so I can have a quick look if you don’t mind says rock and roll makes an impression of his own so I’ve got to take you serious I’d appreciate it if you [Music] did There’s finesse in there it tastes nice thank you points going to both of you well done all right well done let’s go come on J last chall now with the score tied it all comes down to the last two dishes what’s the dish this is hand roasted pistachio scallops with pureed parsnip the actual scallops they taste nice but you burned the top of them yes my scallops were a little bit burnt but he said they tasted good I was kind of in a panic what is it it’s a it’s it’s a pork Taco why would you choose to do a Taco on a daylight today uh cuz it’s delicious me being the last person up and knowing that I am just bringing up tacos I was so nervous like I I believe I personally believe it’s very delicious and I hope that you’ll you’ll same oh [ __ ] me it’s going to be great well let’s do it proper in shall [Music] we point goes to come on come on come on gentlemen good job thank you shf boy Jason looks a mess yet it tastes delicious good job this is huge I pulled off a weir with some tacos such an awesome feeling well done okay Jens you’ll be treated to a unique feast in one of the hottest restaurants in Downtown LA whining and dining with last season’s winner of Hell’s Kitchen Nona how’s that sound awesome excellent thank good okay ladies you’ve got one uh miserable horrible evening you’ll be preparing house kitchen for the opening cleaning both kitchens got it yes sure Chef good let’s go after claiming their first Victory the men head to La Market at LA Live this is awesome to meet with last season’s winner it felt really good to see NOA it was inspirational [Applause] good great great how you doing I got ripped theart tonight I mean yeah that’s okay so did I every day when you go in there and you fight and you put your best foot forward every day you have to remember that this is for your life it’s not just fun and games sitting and talking to Nona kind of gave me an extra boost I listened to everything she said and I took it to heart and I’m just going to use that to my advantage I never toasted of women that’s scrubbing our mess blue [Music] blue what is that the kitchen looks like a [ __ ] tornado went through it there’s no room for anything because there are so many dishes outp put points on the board and I’m still [ __ ] mopping I’m a little upset that I’m here cleaning because I earned my point that’s right I won Kupa and Carri zunar team if it wasn’t for those two we would be like out eating dinner right now it’s the end of the first day in Hell’s Kitchen and with the grand reopening of the restaurant awaiting them here we go the aspiring chefs are anxious to start their prep this is our first service the nerves are building man the tension is building but all in all I think we’re just going to dominate the red team morning chef how we all doing today great great chef we provided you with your own ja hankle knife sets each one of you have a set oh my God those hankle knives are the bomb these Nies are sh let’s go ladies let’s get it together Crank It Up we lost cuz a my horrible dish I’m hoping I will be able to shine today because if I fail twice I’m going to shoot myself sorry While most of the chefs are feeling upbeat one Chef seems to have lost his rhythm bro relax know I’m getting like dizzy and [ __ ] relax bro stop take a breath bro you know it’s all I’m doing is breathing I don’t feel good at all Jason look like [ __ ] so I decided to go looking for him I helped him over to the medic what’s going on man he’s burning up he needs to cool down you can tell he’s overheated dude sweating a lot relax come come sit down I’m fine he need he needs to take it down and not I just want to [ __ ] go cook feel really weak how long has this been going on for I’ve been breathing like this like for the past hour an hour okay all right you don’t really sound all right why my arms so like bre cuz you’re breathing all crazy I’m like what the hell is he having a heart attack or something that wasn’t looking too good for him Chino you’re on desserts right now bro all right 100% I care about Jason’s well-being but regardless we can’t sit there and harp on it because we still have a service to put out this is what the kitchen’s about man we got to pull through guys got you I’m fine here we go why don’t we take some of this stuff off you say it’s all wet I’m fine hey I’m sorry I be like like I’m just really pissed [Music] off minutes before service Jason is rushed to the hospital and Chef Ramsay lets the chefs in on his status right listen carefully please not good news unfortunately Jason’s been taken to the hospital he’ll be on a few days of bed rest he will not be returning back to Hell’s Kitchen damn like we didn’t really get out there the gates and then like we’re down a man like how the hell that happened I trust the rest of you ready to go yes yeah and I’m looking for a smooth service what is it going to be smooth let’s go Jason’s gone yeah it sucks because he’s a good guy but I have no doubt in my mind that eight of us guys are better than nine of those girls James yes chef open house kitchen yes [Music] [Music] chef tonight Hell’s Kitchen is once again the place to be in Los Angeles the restaurant has been redesigned with a stunning balcony above the kitchen that gives those diners a unique view of the action in the kitchen okay all right first order Chef let’s go okay blue team here we are first ticket of The Blue Team One r one scholet one squab one spaghetti yes sir I’m sorry can you repeat that can I repeat that I’m sorry let me repeat it [ __ ] yourself yes sir can I repeat that is he [ __ ] stupid okay red team come here let’s go first ticket good luck two covers away T 401 SC AO Onre one New York hey Madam Sor I’m not going to shout over you I’ve got 10 seconds a window to call these out come here you big mouth come here call out the [ __ ] ticket come here call out the ticket y’all ready we need one scallop two risoto for appetizers while Elise delivers the order in the red kitchen thank you over in the blue kitchen one Chef has made a delivery of his own montere why are you giving me garnish it’s got fired a little bit too early sir so what does garnish go with gar garnish go with the entree Chef right so are the entrees ready no Chef so why are you even sending them on their own uh we haven’t sent the first [ __ ] table appetizers now I got the [ __ ] garnish my apologies have never again [ __ ] off Mont while montere struggles with his timing come on guys get a grip talk to each other back in the red kitchen Carrie is ready with her first appetizer we got it we got yeah let’s go scals going to the PA so now we got scallops and no rotto where’s the Roto in my hand Chef my scallops are up in the past it was extremely frustrating because I’m doing my part I was just like Elise come on make some [ __ ] rotto walking with a [Music] rotto stop no chance it doesn’t even look like a [ __ ] risoto it’s like a rice pudding look at it you start showing me you don’t care about my [ __ ] customers I’m going to start showing you that I don’t care about you you understand can no one make a [ __ ] risoto I’m on it Chef Krupa’s jumping on it Chef I got it Kupa you’re going to have Kupa replace me I’ll kick Krupa’s ass with a blindfold and a broken arm while kba fires up a new risoto fire over in the blue kitchen Steven is eager to deliver his food to Chef ramsy can I come up with it how’s this gal let’s go up with it right now can I go go up go up with it don’t go up with him man can I go I’m ready L the spaghetti up guys oh [ __ ] me so lovster is ready for the second table thanks to Steven well I just want the first I’m working on the first so why are you giving me the second I’ll I’ll go one at a time the thought of you doing two things at once forget it just focus on the first ticket Steven yes Che talk bro step was very easily flustered and I told him it wasn’t time to put it up RTO SC we can go we don’t have the time to sit here and do [ __ ] twice going in the window coming to the side chef behind right behind T 23 please let’s go thanks to will the blue diners are finally receiving their first appetizers m o That’s thank you meanwhile back in the red kitchen Kupa walking with your risoto has delivered her risoto for Chef Ramsay’s approval who made that rotto I did Chef yeah delicious thank you good job KOA oh oh K’s back W go hey hey hey hey oh make 10 more like that finish service than maybe yeah chef but don’t stop peeing your nickers now yes chef it’s an hour into dinner service and with Krupa’s help food is finally making its way out to the red diners good really good meanwhile the blue kitchen is moved on to Entre blue team it’s the first table come on and Chino is bringing his fish to the pass I got what’s he done to this blue team yes chef no garnish anywhere still fragmented and look it’s [Music] Burns I burned a miso card you know I should know this [ __ ] too cuz I’m Asian oh guys Cho really [ __ ] a card up man based of that mother with rooft or something Gino come here you get out my side sit down Scott get in peeling onions garlic but away from the stove there you go at least you won’t be able to burn any of that horrible absolute [ __ ] useless while a benched Chino watches from the sidelines I want all the Entre yes sir Kupa is ready to lead her team once again with their first Entre let’s get these Entre out together as girls we’ve made a pack we are not losing tonight Wellington’s ready I’m walking with it right now so it’s it’s a little bit more pressure for me not to [ __ ] up who cooked the Wellington perfect yes chef thank you thank God it was perfect let’s go ladies let’s kick the boys’s ass please service go the Wellington please and entree leaving the kitchen finally let’s go Krupa’s leadership has helped the red team get Entre out to their hungry diners it’s worth a wait meanwhile in the blue kitchen G ready to go almost Steven has taken Chino’s place on the fish station fish was sinking like an anchor I said you know let me go help them out I know I could cook good scops where are they yes let’s go you put the crate down and work with two hands sorry sh hurry up Scout you’re in the window hey come here you just touch you’re springy Chef they’re what springy when you spring back usually they’re ready so they’re ready are they I feel that they’re ready that [ __ ] rubbery sorry Chef everything stevenh was touching was turning into [ __ ] tonight you know how they say you can’t teach an old dog new [Music] tricks sit down and eat them enjoy your springy scallops let me know how you feel halfway through Bon of te I think they’re perfect come on fellas come on Chef Ramsey has already benched two members of The Blue Team I need two SCS he is now looking for Tommy to rescue the fish station how’s that hey rock and roll boo come here [ __ ] I go from springing to boil bits of [ __ ] oh yeah this sucks took a h of a dive take a seat and [ __ ] eat them service please little glass of wine 7 young blond goes beautifully well with the raw shev Skillet Hell’s Kitchen weeds out the week this competition is mine and it’s only a matter of time 1 two three of you all on the freaking fish station I jumped over to help out yeah I wish you jump in the oven that would make my life a lot easier nearly 2 hours into dinner service the blue team has completely stalled on the fish station but over in the red kitchen scallops are going up to the pass Carrie is ready to impress Chef Ramsay with her scallops carry scallops a cook let’s get I want more color the Pan’s going to be hot yes sir oh we’re not about to go down on some scallops come on please scalps are coming Chef let’s go this early in the game you know get the [ __ ] together keep it moving look at the boils Rubber and boils it’s very very frustrating cuz I just wanted to make Chef Ramsey proud start again yes chef as the red team comes to a screeching halt oh [ __ ] sake no food is leaving either kitchen I’m pretending it’s my uh my beef wellington and the diners not surprisingly are getting restless we don’t need any more wine we need food C duck lamb Wellington how long 5 minutes Che montere can you talk to me 5 minutes have per I want the garnish 30 seconds before the protein hit the window got it let’s just put up one [ __ ] table you serious I can’t get a Pino Noir are they a little red there’s your teamwork there really concerned the fre freaking Stooges got the Wellington coming up Jonathan look at it sure Chef I apologize it’s cooked perfectly thank you Chef first one of the [ __ ] night let’s go I have never in my [ __ ] life cooked a beef wellington but I’ve rocked it today and I’m going to keep on rocking it man I got my Wellington ready Monteray Randon I’ve got a Wellington cooked perfectly but where’s the [ __ ] garnish my fellas my how long on garnish 2 minutes the proteins cooked perfectly way now it’s Stone Cold God damn Monteray I got this yeah you got just a big old bag or what the [ __ ] there you [ __ ] go take it he’s not even 2 minutes away he’s [ __ ] miles away get another Wellington in now we cannot lose this dinner service like my ass is like seriously on the line while The Blue Team tries to recover from Monterey’s mistimed garnish wa now one seab bass one chicken one Wellington yes sir back in the red kitchen Carrie is looking to redeem herself on the fish station I’ll po the fish I’ll cook it but Elise has other plans I got it babe no I got it this my station thank you clearly Carrie is a weaker cook than I am so I felt like I wanted to take charge to impress Chef ramsy why is she cooking fish I don’t know what she’s doing she just came over here and grabbed it Chef I mean are you [ __ ] kidding me that [ __ ] is crazy what in the [ __ ] is she doing I didn’t let her cook it she came over and grabbed it Chef well I was going to cook it for you because we’re all a team right uh she’s trying to prove a point Elise yes chef I got a six top dying for the appetizers and you’re cooking fish I put the spaghetti up you [ __ ] off sit on the chef [Music] table while Elise spends time in The Penalty Box back on the blue side Jonathan where are we well it’s in coming up Jonathan has delivered another perfectly cooked Wellington good all it needs now is the garnish from Brandon fet is already up bro watch potatoes they’re about to burn got them FL pull them off we’re waiting on the size got them Brendon look at me the potatoes in front of you the burnt you’re standing over them yeah sh Bron want to sit there and puff out his [ __ ] chest I know how to [ __ ] do this I’m the [ __ ] man [ __ ] bro you suck come on guys that’s twice in a row cook to Perfection and we can’t even send a table together because nobody’s together smooth service my ass I have never in my whole career ever been stopped by [ __ ] side items never thees were coming out amazing and I was getting held up by [ __ ] potatoes come on do you have any idea how [ __ ] frustrating that is Paul think he’s a badass on the grill don’t you [ __ ] talk to me dumpling oh we’re [ __ ] with no food coming out of either kitchen James has spotted a disturbing Trend in the dining room Chef James tables are walking out blue te they’re walking out you Muppet get off your fat ass let me show you something not one entree has left this [ __ ] kitchen not one yes sure and look at the pans back there any bright ideas you want me to jump in I’ll clean them I’m talking about the customers not the freaking pans yes yeah any ideas hey what are we going to do now they are walking out [ __ ] off at that point it was a train wreck on Ice there was nothing we could do about it stop you’re out your [Music] misery let’s do this ladies come on let’s not disappoint the customers carry they’ve G shut it down this for me has been the most disappointing Opening Ever Carrie it wasn’t the scallops I was concerned about it’s about nothing else was timed with it well the resera kept coming back what was I supposed to do about that don’t try to throw me under the bus about Theo because your scallops came back more than once your scallops came back more than twice and I offered to help you on the fish station because you can’t cook fish Paul Jonathan you were sort of standing there with your pants down getting absolutely [ __ ] every second how’ you feel [ __ ] I rate I sent up the same [ __ ] four [ __ ] times and I waited for potatoes and [ __ ] carrots Brandon are you not bothered was it just I am bothered chef but uh we’ll try not to let him down next time chef wow I’m really happy for Paul that he actually learned how to cook protein you want to pull them out right now man I mean that what you want we can lay him out on the table if you want to hon I mean I’m just calling it as I see it I’m just saying the losing team tonight with zero Entre leaving the kitchen is a blue team get back upstairs to the dorm work as a team and come to a consensus on which two are up for [Music] elimination Brandon don’t know his ass from his elbow like let me tell you something in baseball this was a [ __ ] swing in a Miss strike three then you hit yourself in the nuts with the [Music] bat anybody want to speak probably dude it’s all you man first of all you ever pull that [ __ ] [ __ ] on me again I will [ __ ] slap you across the goddamn [ __ ] shut up dumpling I’ll say whatever the [ __ ] I want all right whatever the [ __ ] I want meatball all right don’t ever act like a tough guy again to make tough guy you the [ __ ] act you act [ __ ] BL you look like a little [ __ ] breadcrumb dumpling ass ass really this guy is a meatball he got real lucky tonight you’re I I am i r I’ll say this obviously Paul and Jonathan those two sat there they banged bro I think we should take it I think we should take it to a vote I’m going to call it out man sorry bro no offense I’m going to call out Steven as number one no no no listen I’m a team quiet we all get that we all he didn’t even get Entre out Chino was burning fish left and right at least I fed some people apps did they feed any Entre no big zero sorry I’m going to go Brandon and Chino just because nothing on that side got up this [ __ ] sucks dude so what we signed up for guys mhm somebody’s going to go home [Music] bro men have you reached consensus Jonathan who was the first nomination the blue team’s first nomination was Steve why just the uh the different methods he used in failed the blue team’s second nominee well bonay actually was second why please I’ve never had sides stop an entree from going out and it was really it was really [ __ ] up you know you know it pissed me off a good bit Yeah worthy nominees but truthfully I think there are three individuals deserving to step forward this evening Steven monor and China try step forward please let’s go mon yes chef why do you think you should stay in Hell’s Kitchen I think I should stay in Hell’s Kitchen Chef because I know I can do better than Steven Steven yes chef why Steven he tried to step up to the plate and he really didn’t do what he said he was going to do neither did you yeah Chef I know I mean at the end of the day I was still in a fighting you know I I I try to give him my all no matter how bad I started off I kept fighting Chino it just wasn’t the garnish that stopped the Entre coming out yes Che you had a pivotal position on the fish it’s certainly unacceptable I thought I could do it until the Miso Cad and uh I definitely overextended myself and I should have said something but I didn’t he spent more time prepping garlic than he actually did physically cooking I’m looking for an executive chef I’m not looking for a prep cook so Stephen you saw what went on yes chef who do you think out of all three of you should be leaving well I I I already chose uh moner Chino and I we we did get a few appetizers out right now I’m having a difficult time honestly all three of you sucked my decision [Music] is Chino and Monteray that’s right both of you back in line Stephen jack it off your time is done short and sweet thank you sorry but I can’t go through that again it’s embarrassing being the first one kicked off I think that uh Chef Ramsey made a mistake but it is what it is it’s done you know nice guys always finish last that’s probably [Music] me H’s kitchen is a series of tests and so far we have achieved a failing grade get a grip fast got it yes sir [ __ ] off Chef Ry gave me another chance so I got to bring my A++ Plus game I’m going keep fighting I Ain hear no Bell I got to bring it I’m so glad that I know that I am capable and that I pulled it off today from this point on I’m just going to get better and better and better and better now it’s time for me and Paul to go to the mattresses it’s somebody I’m going to have to keep my eye and uh it’s somebody that I’m going to have to eliminate sooner rather than later man I realized early on that Steven had as much chance of being the head CH at BLT stake as I do of winning a gold medal in figure skating and now the continuation of Hell’s Kitchen please tell me how we could screw up tonight even more dinner service tonight was so embarrassing man I have never in my life had a side item stop a entree dude never I’m glad we lost this should be reality check numeral Uno the more we fought the deeper we sink Brendon and Paul bitching at each other like they a bunch of little girls man you don’t fight in front of Chef bro this is nonsense me and meatball got into it a little bit Paul is absolutely threatened by me if you think you’re too good to communicate leave that [ __ ] at the door man cuz right now it’s a team competition and we got to be a team man after an abysmal dinner service Chef Ramsey wants the chefs up early so he’s organized an early morning concert [Music] oh my god get down Mo what the [ __ ] is going on let’s go downstairs everybody let’s go oh my God where are my pants run run run run when I finally opened the doors is this kid just going away and I want to take the guitar and smash it if I was as young as that kid with a new guitar and I’d probably do this same thing let’s go I thought it was a tsunami but it was Justin Bieber’s evil twin let’s go come through please oh it’s chilly come hurry hurry let’s go I’m a guy I love the ladies you know I’m scoping out a little short shorts yeah got my heart going a little more this morning good morning you guys look exhausted you’re not sleep last night no it was uh a sleepless night Carrie how do you sleep I have sleep dreams you have sweet dreams ready I’m always ready to see Chef Ramy well on the back of the last performance of our service I’ve had nightmares okay I thought it was best we got an early start today and more importantly a return back to basics and nothing can be more basic than being a master at meat temperatures for me this is a chance to see who’s strong enough to become the head chef at BLT stake in Manhattan time for your challenge you’ll be working in teams of two and each pair will have to to prepare a stunning medium rare New York strip a medium ribey a medium whale filet and a well done burger and will because you’re one person short you’re going to be Manning the grill on your own you do not want to lose this challenge trust me hell yes I know I can cook meat I’m definitely confident in going up against anybody here got it yes sir I’ve given you all 20 minutes starting from now find the grill let’s go after an opening night meltdown Chef Ramsey has selected this Back to Basics challenge in which the chefs must work in pairs and Grill four cuts of meat to specific temperatures a medium rare New York strip medium ribeye medium well filet and a well done Burger don’t do that just let it chill for a minute oh my God the mere spite of Carrie irritates me dang back up off my arm dog the [ __ ] won’t let me do [ __ ] watch out get off oh God I just want to will you stop it already while Sparks are already flying between Elise and Carrie ridiculous Jonathan and Brendan than’s missing is a beer cooler and [ __ ] are completely laidback I know it’s early but [ __ ] you know every time you fire up the grill you want to grab a beer you know men absolutely have an advantage over women over the grill ever since we were cavem men we’ve been roasting woolly mammoths over the open plane we’re definitely going to kick ass 10 minutes left let’s go how’s that filet it can stay on the longest oh yeah we’re not even close bro while the pairs continue to frantically work their meat we should have threw that one on last will the only Chef working as a solo will you done letting them rest je Hasam more hands off approach you’re letting them rest wow Will’s done step on that flame BR piece of 10 seconds to go 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 and stop awesome yeah that’s going to be nice let’s see which team has nailed their temperatures to Perfection yes let’s start with Amanda and ker let’s go please okay who cooked the New York weed Chef on all the meats medium ra yes yes chef if we don’t win today somebody might strangle somebody else we have to win you cooked it Medan rare that’s perfect KOA and Amanda have the red team off to a good start okay their next steak the ribeye is absolutely perfect next is the Flaming Yan mean well filet and it is mean well great dear and if their burger is well done the ladies will receive a perfect score moist and well done good job four for four that was perfect I would have kissed Amanda on the lips if we hadn’t all not brushed our teeth yeah Brendon Jonathan let’s go with an outstanding start by the ladies the pressure now shifts to Memphis head cook Jonathan okay and New Jersey head chef Brendan New York’s strip that is not medium rare ribey that it’s perfect beautiful riby man it was like flowers blooming and [ __ ] the filler I also medium well and it is perfect burger damn I’m not even cut it just feel that I mean it’s like one of those joke turds that you stick on your granny’s chair really dude we’re all supposed to be professionals uh I would imagine and hope that people know how to cook meat piss off okay carry the lease with the score 4 to2 for the ladies let’s go Pittsburg line cook Elise and Pantry chef from Dallas Carrie are eager to extend the red team’s lead the New York’s STP that’s not medium rare that’s rare it was Carrie’s fault she was just standing there bitching and complaining when she should have been serious about the challenge ribey who cooked that I did Chef that’s not me je that’s medium rare Lise cooked every one of those [ __ ] steaks every one of them zero for two not impressive at all I agree sir okay medium well fillet is it medium well it’s medium well all right ladies the burger gray and dry not happy with that one out four dear oh dear come on ladies you should not be here if you can only temp one out of four pieces of meat right next up the men are now trailing by three let’s go let’s go let’s go but Pennsylvania executive chef Chino perfect and New York line cook Tommy quickly closed the Gap medium rare it is three out four good job tying the score at five good J next up come Sue Chef’s Jamie and Natalie meum excellent medum well beautiful well done and still juicy good job earn three more points for the red team I’m here to win we haven’t left Hell’s Kitchen it’s time to win a challenge and get the hell out of here Paul and montere let’s go while Pennsylvania line cook montere medium rare perfect and Florida junior Sue Chef Paul it is medium well thank you Chef well done doesn’t mean cremated only get two of their four meat temperatures correct disappointing sorry okay ladies you have Eights men seven it’s close let’s go with the men trailing by just one point Ladi Jennifer Gina and Elizabeth could win the competition for the women with a perfect score if the ladies get all of these right they clinch the deal now New York strip I ask for medium rare medium rare nice ribey I also the medium you cooked it medium rare damn no with an incorrect temperature on the ribeye it’s not medium well and the fet damn the ladies fail to close out the competition the burger I ask well done a nice color on it a great sear the Burger’s moist beautiful beautiful absolutely beautiful the scores are 10 to Ladi seven to the guys okay will let’s go will you get all four right you win we’re doomed it’s 107 the only guy that we have left is Will and everybody’s having problems with the burgers today okay New York strip I asked for medium rare and it is medium rare beautiful good job 108 okay that’s one he’s got three more cutting meat he’s going to [ __ ] up one riy I asked for medium please please [ __ ] up please [Music] medium it is perfect next one is for the tie the filet I asked for a medium well you cooked it median well perfect ladies 10 gentlemen 10 and it’s all down to one Burger bye-bye girls bye-bye so far the men have fallen short of cooking a burger well done come on Chef like come on there has to be something wrong with one piece of meat of his you cook the burger perfect thanks there it is that’s what I’m talking about I played a win perfect or nothing congratulations men Win 4 for four I’m pissed carry and El just killed us they got one out of four pieces of meat it shouldn’t have happened man congratulations great job good job folks good job we was all [ __ ] running around hugging like [ __ ] girls at band camp everybody starting to bond and that’s what it’s all about right now right for winning my God have I got a great reward for you Palm Springs yes wo Palm Springs baby little RNR man feels good to win get ready because our private jet takes off in about 40 minutes are you [ __ ] kidding me so get upstairs let’s go guys baller status I’m a big deal big deal to get private planes oh dear oh dear ladies you had it in your grasp you were three points in front of the men Elise and Carrie you guys screwed it for your team you’re going to have a very miserable drawn out day I want my grills back to spotless condition and then later we have a unique meat deliver coming I got a plane to catch uh Happy cleaning I’m pissed at a leas [ __ ] by one damn point you’re going to let your ego get in your [ __ ] way so that you [ __ ] up for the whole team guess what your ass is going to be the first one on that chopping block and she would have been your partner too you’d have been pissed off like she never shuts up this blows she [ __ ] gets on my last nerve and I get along with everybody Elise gets such a bad attitude about abs absolutely everything it’s bringing the whole team down shut up and do what you’re here to do which is cook I mean even just the look at her makes me want to soccer while the women are already a team divided the men are united and are ready to take off for Palm Springs let’s go guys come on Brandon going to Palm Springs [ __ ] we jumped on the private plane right up in the air I think I can see Hell’s Kitchen from here holy [ __ ] me bro I got a little fear flying uh thought I was going to [ __ ] myself it can cook temperatures perfectly but it can’t fly fly we touch down in Palm Springs there it is we get to the tram and every one of our Jaws was bottomed out man look at the view wow look at that now this is amazing I’ve never seen anything like this yeah this is pretty crazy there we go excellent it was absolutely incredible oh my God welcome to the top of Palm Springs now that’s a prop of view yes yes can we just spare a thought for the girls back in HK 30 seconds that’s sucks to be you job guys while the men enjoy a taste of paradise the women are about to get a taste of something else Chef Andy comes out with a blender I’m thinking we’re like having a little [Music] co*cktails we had a lot of meat we don’t want this to go to waste so we’ll drink our lunch oh my God no no oh no no I’m scared the texture was ungodly this is not going to be good it was chunky there was senu and fat oh my God if I throw up I’m killing everyone don’t talk about it just drink it and be done with it oh my God this is awful trash can Trash [Music] G to me Carrie looked like she was enjoying it she’s probably had plenty of meat in her mouth trash kid you got meat mustache while the women try to swallow a disappointing loss back in Palm Springs the men get some quality time with Chef ramsy this time for me is special time to get to know you monor what is the ambition my ambition comes from my family my wife and my my six kids like I I do this foren them good monor’s got six kids that’s a lot of kids uh my father told me when we were younger that every generation you need to step up the family’s name and uh I take that very seriously Chef Ramsey got to know us more on a personal level you got to know what’s driving us that took Chef Ramsey from being some badass Chef in a kitchen to normal human being I come from a very accomplished family lawyers doctors uh master’s degrees always had the label potential on me and the first time I ever made a meal and served it to my family and made loved it I mean loved simple roast turkey aunts and uncles thought that I was just amazing I made Thanksgiving dinner my parents were like oh my god look what he can do like my eyes lit up this is what I want to do for the rest of my life dawned on me there it was like potential realiz wahahahah blah blah blah shut up man there’s a journey that you’ve got to go on and every service you’ve got to get better so you got to get your game face bring that experience now back and now the next service you guys couldn’t get an entree out just been served through at the same time thanks forb Sal the while the guys enjoy Chef Ramsey’s company outside the restaurant back in Hell’s Kitchen the ladies are about to get intimate with a beefy Hell’s Kitchen delivery I knew it was going to be a cow I knew it oh my god dude like really guys we don’t want this to drop on the floor so make sure it’s a team effort okay up we’re going to lose it down here in the back no I’m afraid I should be in the the back come on I got it come on come on come on oh my God all right that cow was [ __ ] heavy I’m slipping I’m slipping too I got a [ __ ] cow leg on my shoulder it was absolutely a cluster [ __ ] so um three knife kits right under there we’ll just start cutting away so now we have to cut that meat that’s how I feel about the punishment yeah we just got to like lean as hard as we can but once SN SN I got all my weight I’m not even touching the ground it’s okay it’s okay just taking out my aggressions for the whole day on this cow this is like awesome I feel like I’m like right [ __ ] there oh you you guys are we’re almost there guys yeah freedom I don’t know if that’s my blood or the cow I’m just kidding it’s the cows way to go ladies all right so let’s continue our verbage ladies this will help us the conf potatoes comy potatoes are in butter and no they’re in oil because they’re comfy yeah even though we have been working all day and we have also been studying our asses off we are not going to lose service Beef Wellington scoring it and we’re brushing it with with egg what’s in the egg mixture um I don’t know okay that’s what I’m saying this is good practice I don’t want to lose another challenge but I don’t feel like this will give us a disadvantage because while the men are off drinking they’re not really thinking about about game time tomorrow guys are you realizing that the guys are being set up for failure right now you think they’re going to do this [ __ ] when they get back hell man you get a couple beers no yeah yeah despite a day of heavy labor the women are completely focused on doing whatever they can to be ready for tomorrow night’s dinner service appetizers crispy Kari yeah well not all the women you don’t have a boyfriend do you no no boyfriend don’t got time from boys I’m too focused on myself today was a very long day I just wanted to have a glass of wine and talk with Brendan cuz I’m done being punished to self what some little Dallas loser that you broke his heart or something oh I broke many heart I have no doubt I am not approved but like seriously what the [ __ ] is up you don’t know about me I’m evil you devious and evil and stuff I don’t see it at all what are you doing I don’t think car’s priorities are in the right place he to go to bed have sweet dreams for you too baby all right sweet dreams you be good I’ll try hey Brendan yes come here excuse me you rang I’m not getting any exercise here well figure out a way for you to burn calor what a stank a dank skan* [Music] [Laughter] tonight Hell’s Kitchen opens for the second time and while both teams get an early start on prep the men seem confident how’s everybody feeling man it’s coming together I can feel it Palm Springs pulled the team together now we’re bringing a a game the wolf pack is definitely [ __ ] howling tonight we rocking man wo while Jonathan finds his inner wolf Elise attempts to organize the women we need to break off in teams divide these recipes and make sure we got everything needed down the list yeah I think we may have an advantage going into service tonight because we all kept studying our asses off squab gets peas shho so we had the wrong one on there let’s go ladies Crank It Up yeah move on to the next thing let’s go ladies I had this amazing feeling that we having such a good night tonight we should go around to every station and label everything yep it’s only going to help I think that it’ll be a turning point for us let’s kick some ass James yes chef let’s go open house’s kitchen [Applause] [Music] please tonight in order to take some of the load off the kitchen Chef Ramsey has chosen two items from the menu to be served tableside please get Sal I’ll have the prime will and Carrie will be starting in the dining room making Caesar salads and later Kupa and Monteray will be carving prime rib or two Four Tops okay ladies here we go we’re going to kick off for the red team four covers table one two seats of salad one scet one brisket come on ladies let’s go said one brisket one brisket or two briskets I think that’s one right okay the red team’s got to win tonight we have to prove that we’re meant to be here brisket salad I know we’re going to kick ass once we get going the SC uh-oh there SC in here unbelievable who gave me the brisket taste that Jennifer come on it’s a long way away from brisket it’s pigeon yes come on oh my God why did I mess up the first [ __ ] salad a Shake It Off shake it off while Jennifer’s attempt at the brisket salad has gone a foul over in the blue kitchen Jonathan Chino and Brendan are working hard to get out their appetizers Cesar salad was up of chapini sculls where are we Chini she P up where’s the risoto Gino how long how long out on the risoto Gino get your head out the rice and talk to him yes Chino reminds me of a chipmunk on meth he’s a little bit too hyperactive for me and not all is calm in his world burn on the Bott yep risoto burnt and overcooked on the bottom it’s going to pop I got Chef I got it Chef I got another one Chef it looked like somebody just took the pan and [ __ ] in it and then tried to put some radoo on there man R Chef I can’t believe it he did it again I’ve got another burnt Roto it’s burnt it’s [ __ ] bur Gino what the [ __ ] is going on how long for the Roto 8 minutes sorry a minute excuse me apologize result is behind it yes come on chino I can’t have a another bear service today right now I have to take this more serious than everybody else I have to prove the Chef Ramsey that I belong here if you burn me that Rosato one more time look at me hey look at me I’ll drag you out of here no Chef no Chef while Chino starts over on the risoto back in the red kitchen how long on a first Gallop right now the women are pulling together and are pushing out appetizers at a steady Pace service please 10 30 thank you service please pick up 51 let’s go Carrie there’s just one small issue oh my gosh I just SP out I’m the wrong table I am so sorry two Caesar salad Carri sculls are ready yes customers don’t wait for Caesar salad come on all right so who’s having the Caesar salad let’s go Carrie Jeff Ramsey was on me like white on rice Carrie yes Che hurry up let’s go Carrie what did I do to deserve this is this exciting I need three seeds of salad can someone go and help her yes I will yeah how can we be backed up with a Caesar salad what the [ __ ] seriously it’s a Caesar salad hi I’m going to be your assistant today while ker Bale’s carry out back in the blue kitchen Roto Chef Chino has finally nailed a risotto very nice that Roto and appetizers are leaving the kitchen go please keep it like that yes you my SE bass working Brendan on the fish station is now ready to move on to Entre seab bass is ready are we ready to go on Brendon I haven’t called it who called the Entre even if Chef Ramsey isn’t who fired I didn’t fire yeah Chef C bass has been fired and he’s ready what is going [Music] on you cooked the bass is your meat ready no chef and the garnish already no Chef you’ve got to work as a team please brenon man he jumped the gun you know he’s too busy trying not to [ __ ] up that he forgets it’s about communicating okay let’s go for the first entree together yes yeah timing yes sir away now one Cass one Wellington one New York strip one prime rib yes Che get another Bassin it’s an hour into dinner service and while the men have moved on to Entre they would like some fresh parmes I got that f for you the women thanks to Krupa’s Speedy assist on the Caesar salad enjoy your salad thank you have now caught up all right let’s go okay yay very good good here we go are we ready walking SE nice job Brendon yes chef is that the same bass no Chef you didn’t start a fresh one yes I did Chef so where’s the old one then R away Chef show me yeah Chef I can’t find it are you lying to me cuz I’m I’m going to stop this whole [ __ ] kitchen I’m going to ask you one more time to tell me the truth is that the Bass from 10 minutes ago or is that a freshman You’ cooked cuz I’m going to turn this [ __ ] kitchen upside down [Music] oh my God Chef yes why start a new bass start a new bass stop everybody stop new garnish brendon’s an idiot for lying to Chef Ramsey he’s like seriously you’re making a fool of yourself and you go to the garbage can search it and turn me out like that yes yeah firing again firing again you do that to me one more time trust me [ __ ] the elimination I’ll send you out there and then let me tell you that yes chef won’t happen again Chef Ram is not a stupid person I was blowing smoke up his ass and he called me out on it start again firing a new bass now Chef whilea blue team starts over on their first entree over in the red kitchen Elise see where’s the chicken has decided to take on the role of leader P Wellington let’s get our prep up to the window ladies Elise has an awfully Big Mouth 1 minute to a window with black C lamb cone potatoes and brussel sprouts Elise is on on her little high horse right now she’s not leading she’s yelling and screaming start carving how long please 10 minutes to the window 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 seconds I in don’t point at me I’m not a [ __ ] dog okay just get real a little bit 10 minutes listen I meant 10 seconds sorry come here you if you think I’m going to tolerate your big fat mouth by talking over me every time I’m trying to tell you something I’ll kick you out here and now sir let me finish my sentence and don’t be so rude is that clear yes sir give me a 30 second window and stop pointing at me like I’m some pitcher got it good finally someone can get Elise to shut up okay thank you Chef Randy while Elise for the moment has been silenced in the red kitchen one duck one lamp let’s go the blue team is still struggling to get out their first entree let’s go it’s time to stop [ __ ] around let’s do this I’m waiting for the duck let’s move Tommy how long 3 minutes buddy hustle I’m tired of getting my ass kick chill out please stop arguing and just put the food up son to pissed me off man don’t question what I’m doing until the chef yells at me I knew what I had to do and I kept cranking it out dock coming up my apologies just relax let me do my thing oh come [Music] on a Tommy the duck is overcooked [ __ ] it’s ridiculous man Tommy start a new chicken it’s overcooked you have one ready a duck duck duck sorry Chef all of you D come here not one entree has left this [ __ ] kitchen get it together yes the men’s kitchen has been riddled with problems and they have yet to send out a single entree you get some more bread I’m starving but the women are halfway through theirs keep it together ladies let’s go come on ladies let’s finish this strong our team really needed someone to lead them vocally let’s go we get ready to Plate ladies so I’m going to drive these tickets you got butter squash pure red yes I do let’s go ladies just refuse to lose tonight go please Cooper start slicing yes the prim rip we are definitely rocking it out don’t you love tableside food we’re going to continue this momentum it’s a beautiful thing voila is that perfect timing or is that perfect timing oh my God Creer trooper I dropped the whole prime rib on the floor oh I feel like an ass Chef Ramsey I just fell with the whole ribs in my hand so oh for [ __ ] sake the whole [ __ ] thing the whole [ __ ] thing I’m sorry you’re kidding me oh come on one simple task monor monay once you finish the rib serve the rib to CER hey butter fingers when he finished serving the rib from The Blue Team take the trolley Do not drop it yes sure while Kuper takes the fall for the prime rib mishap Seabass is ready the men are ready with their third attempt at their their first entree oh come on Brendon it’s raw come on bro really Brandon you suck you suck blue team blue team yes chef chef it’s just got worse not one onree has left together yet not one you [ __ ] me on the Roto you screwed me on the duck and now I got a raw bass what are we going to do now any suggestions I’ve got one big suggestion you you you you you [ __ ] off out of here get upstairs what the [ __ ] man it is so frustrating dude made us look like a bunch of little [ __ ] ass [ __ ] man ladies I need four of you in here finishing the blue team any of you having another person coming in to finish what I [ __ ] started is the most infuriating slap in the face literally taking your dick out and whipping it across my chin feeling that I have ever had in my life [ __ ] I ain’t sign up for this bro send my ass home bro absolutely nothing came out right people just don’t know how to [ __ ] cook that was like the biggest [ __ ] [ __ ] I’ve ever experienced in my life man I’ve never been thrown out no kitchen bro it’s embarrassing okay okay all right fine he can’t [ __ ] he can’t get the [ __ ] Roto out I didn’t sign up this I signed up to win we’re all supposed to be professional chefs right I agree right so what the [ __ ] I’m not happy about it either you think you’re pissed I’m pissed too all right we just got our asses kicked in a big game I don’t like the lose this is the only thing I’m good at bro I did not come out here to be made a fool of that’s too much for me no this is some [ __ ] you realize that they’re all in our kitchen right now 7even our guest yeah yeah we’re getting whooped by a bunch of [ __ ] chicks in there we just got schooled man we should have had a [ __ ] pen in a piece of paper we should have been taking notes we just got our asses [ __ ] kicked bro like come on man while tempers continue to flare on The Blue Team the women are now on fire good job ladies in both kitchens let’s go ladies we got this what did they do over here I don’t know it’s a disaster look at me yes chef lost table two Wellington one Seabass one New York STP yes yes it felt good going over to the guy’s kitchen and you know taking care of their tickets that felt awesome once we a little organized over here I can see what’s going on I got one Wellington the steak I’m about to cut cut I want that sace as well okay two Wellington one Seabass where is it come on yes chef two Wellington comeing in right now Chef Seabass are you ready you’re going let’s go let’s go hurry up let’s go sorry Chef thank you uh ker yes chef very nice AB SE bass thank you Chef hell yeah service please ladies well done great job thank you thank you Che beautiful oh my God I’m so excited we all rocked it in the guy’s kitchen today it’s the most amazing feeling uh ladies yes Che that was a tough service but we got there yeah great job well done thank [Music] you what happened hey man what do you think happened all right we got blasted to Pieces we got the [ __ ] kicked out of us and now here we are all right this is what I noticed people weren’t talking [ __ ] kept getting sent back you didn’t put up you didn’t put up in you didn’t talk what do you want us to do get like who’s the Y’s loudest one we not no it’s not about who the Y’s the loudest bro but nobody’s doing what they [ __ ] say stop the testosterone the reason why we don’t win service is because people don’t help anybody here they’re in it for themselves instead they like to just [ __ ] rail that person and just keep making it worse and rub salt on their wounds I do not want to keep [ __ ] talking about this go get this over with all right let’s go face the music [Music] tonight was A Tail of Two kitchens ladies great job men I’m I’m disappointed well yes chef who should leave house kitchen tonight 100% Brendon orino Paul who should go Brenan and Chino Jonathan I voted for Brenan and Chino if you had to pick one I’d choose Chino some of you guys have just a bunch of [ __ ] phonies you know that all you do is Scream what Chef Ry says and when Chef Ry leaves you just clam up you don’t you don’t want to put yourself out there you can go [ __ ] yourself Chino you know why they’re winning you know why the girls are winning they may not like each other but they all [ __ ] study their [ __ ] I’m getting balded out on Roto what do you do you go on me I didn’t see you jumping in trying to help somebody else like I was get [ __ ] up cuz I was [ __ ] you ain’t no team player you don’t even know what it means [ __ ] you guys anyway Brendon CH step forward Brandon what is it in here that I haven’t witnessed that you’ve got left heart Chef I don’t quit character those are things that you cannot teach I don’t stop fighting I know what I want I want BLT Steak I want to apolog olog for lying to you about the fish I was mistaken and and giving you the wrong answer and that is not a reflection of me Tiner yes chef are you done I’m I’m not done I’m going to be as honest as possible to you maybe I’m not as good as I thought I was I thought I was pretty good before I came here so it’s been really humbling see people like me I will always get better at something no matter how old I am I will get better at something because I I’ll be honest with myself and I can face the facts are you better than brenon absolutely I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t think that okay the person leaving house kitchen [Music] is Brandon give me your chef jacket Chef your time’s done buddy thank you Chef thank you good night I’m out don’t hate the player hate the game I’m sad to leave Hell’s Kitchen but uh I’m going to go back to New York and Lead another kitchen of greatness uh I just wanted to give a shout out to Carrie good luck I am your biggest fan and uh call me all right Chino yes chef get better quickly uh ladies I got a small problem I need to talk to you all we’ve only seen men leave the building tomorrow morning I need to hear from a volunteer who will go to the men’s team and give them much needed [Music] support Chef um with all due respect I like to this roll with the six I have be real bro hell yeah man agreed we all agree on that Chef we all agree Chef you like to roll the way we’re at I’m I’m I’m rolling the dice damn that yep thank you for your thoughts let me tell you you’re striving for reputation I’ve got one and you are not going to [ __ ] ruin it get out of here with all due respect to the women let us cook let us [ __ ] show you what the six of us now have I do not like that idea what so [ __ ] never they can’t even put their dicks away for 5 seconds and realize that they need some help it’s pretty ridiculous and it’s embarrassing I am Zen you cannot penetrate me I’m the Gody that has nothing to lose and I really don’t give a [ __ ] what anybody thinks bunch of frauds the only thing bigger than Brendan’s ego are the lies that he tells and I can’t have that in Hell’s Kitchen and now the continuation of Hell’s Kitchen I a come out here to be embarrassed man monor I agree with you bro it hurt my pride a little to have Chef Ramsey say that he feels that us as a blue team we needed some help if we do succeed next shft is because another person from another team came over that’s the [ __ ] up thing about it look whoever comes she’s part of our team I have no problems with anybody coming over I’m tired of getting my ass kicked she’s [ __ ] blue she’s blue so what are we going to do I was thinking about it I’m tired of the drama you know and and I’m not I’m not saying that your drama or your drama but we all [ __ ] know that this combination right here I can’t stay in this Dynamic anymore if Carrie and Elise do not get split up that that will be the downfall of the red team I don’t want to go and I’m not you two not getting along is an issue he said a volunteer I really want to go I see it as an opportunity for one of us to step up I really want to go too damn that really takes away from our team you two are very strong in the kitchen we’re all competing against each other anyway you’re either going to prove yourself here or not exactly I mean seriously I was thinking about it but I don’t know I have an idea if you want to go then I won’t go if Jamie won’t go are you behind me on that yeah I wanted to go on the blue team but everybody knows that this was the best solution that could possibly happen all right it’s easy done I volunteer I just haven’t had really a chance to shine and I think this is my time to step up and do it plus I enjoy working with guys I’m going to come out smelling like roses car’s going okay [Music] done with the big decision behind them the women and and the men settle into a peaceful Slumber but early the next morning Chef Ramsey has arranged for a Rocka slumber [Music] party I don’t like clowns clowns are freaky shut the [ __ ] up for real get the [ __ ] away from I’m [ __ ] here get your [ __ ] away if you come [ __ ] he me I’ll [ __ ] knock you the [ __ ] out it’s a wrong way to wake me up get the [ __ ] out of here [Music] bro come on Quick Chef Ramsey feels that since you cook like a bunch of clowns you might as well be woken up by a bunch of clowns apparently we’re all a bunch of clowns what a stunning metaphor my mind has been blown today in the challenge there’s a very special ingredient out from there is a truck full of Stone Fired non-bread it needs to be unloaded and brought in immediately okay let’s go everybody outside okay right inside line them up in the kitchen I’m a sandwich guy I love stone fire non bread dude I’m curious to see what we’re going to do with a crapload of non bread right good morning good morning chef look at all those red jackets it’s like an army there so ladies who’s volunteering I am chef wow wow wow wow the person joining the blue team will be Carrie it’s not you nle yes chef we just lost a good member of our team this sucks this is awesome for Chef Ramsey to pick me that shows me that he knows that I can step up what do you think you can bring to the blue team to make a difference I was over in their kitchen a little bit last night and I think there’s some organizational skills lacking maybe we can pull pull together and really make it happen love the attitude will you make it look painful it’s nothing personal against any of the girls but um sucks I’ve never had anyone say that to me before in my entire career in the kitchen to have it happen in front of you that’s what that’s What Hurts the Most I do not want anybody that was not on our team originally on our team now but Chef Ramsey is going to do what Chef Ramsey wants to do and the only thing we can do is roll with it right now I think our guests are arriving they are very hungry you got to be [ __ ] kidding me bro I don’t do clown Chef have a good look behind the clowns because today you’ll be cooking an extraordinary lunch for children a ladies welcome this is your next challenge when I’ve seen the moms and the kids coming in I got that fire inside of me cuz that’s why I’m here for my four babies I’m getting a little teary eyy now you know I definitely miss my babies first team to feed their diners wins The Challenge let’s get into the kitchen let’s go in today’s mommy and me challenge who’s doing bamel Carri is the chefs must first serve pasta and chicken quesadillas to 50 hungry children I’ll cook chicken if you can find some tortillas once all the kids have been served the chefs must prepare panini sandwiches for 50 mothers utilizing the non bread from today’s delivery we going to eat some food the first team to serve their side of the dining room wins The Challenge are you hungry they’re going to bring you some food soon right ladies first order in here we go one quad one bowl of pasta for the children that goes first let’s go yes quadas I need somebody on quadas right now got it I’m over losing challenges we have to win this one where are we going with this blue team here we go away first one Casey one B pasta for the children me personally I feel a lot of pressure in this challenge because as a team we suck this is [ __ ] pick it up I feel like we need the win let’s go guys bang it out both teams are up to a fast start very and within 20 minutes each kitchen has fed half of their hungry children convection oven’s on I’m going to put it in now okay yeah can I flip it do you want to get a new one started you think that’s okay no put it in I can’t believe Jamie is going to serve burned quesadilla not going to be good where’s the quad as Burns it’s children l ladies ladies come here all of you would you Ser that to your baby unbelievable Jamie stop sulking like a [ __ ] baby the babies are out there not in here startop again [ __ ] [ __ ] while Jamie is making her little diners wait you hungry I’m starving in the blue kitchen Natalie is determined to push her new team ahead I’ve got two more coming at you will and get out the last of their kidss plates uh what’s your time on the chicken monter chicken is in 2 minutes 2 and a half at the give need four four minutes four minutes guys nice job Natalie okay I’ve got you on case it is we finally [ __ ] started communicating you know why because we got Natalie over on the team how we looking guys how long Chef Ramsey knows what he’s doing 100% man you got peppers on there yet yes service please last Cas of there there we go to The Panini yes chef last case to you guys go table two let’s go 30 minutes into the mommy me challenge the teams are virtually tied having served all of the children in the dining room three chicken panini one ham three sweet potato fries now the race is on to get the mothers fed we need three chickens one H let’s go here we need some over here we can’t be keep crossing over other Carrie you’re running around frazzle I’m not running around frazzle I’m trying to get this [ __ ] done we already been assigned paninis I’m doing the chicken Carrie you can cut you can cut we need to be organized I consider at leise like a little yip yip dog she just kind of at your feet and you just kind of kick her way you know how about I’ll cut it over here she’s not [ __ ] listening not listening I’m trying to get this [ __ ] done I’m frustrated with Carrie I hate her she runs around the kitchen like a chicken with her head cut off breathing and all that nobody needs that looks like there [ __ ] missing this is not Carrie made this Carri made that one get rid of that [ __ ] I made that one right there at least I made that one right there and I said it right get away from me Carrie while the red team wastes time arguing I need a ham on the Fly I need a ham yesterday I’m making it now thank you two chicken one ham one veg the blue team’s Newfound chemistry is paying off go and they now have the lead you’ve got a very small lead keep it going yes up go light them up there service please table one table one thank you uh ladies the guys are flying out now come on chicken it’s like a back and forth battle with us and the red team we’re so close right now we got to pick up the pace let’s do this two troubles left let’s go right now ex unbelievable all of you just stop look at me look at me there’s no chicken in here and do you think I’m going to push that out you got a small lead but it’s shrinking away start the table again guys use every single little bit of chicken we had a nice even layer man oh man that burned my ass man I need the paninis 30 seconds to the window you’re griddling panis you know what I’m saying it ain’t rocket signs good rock good rock guys come on we’re so close we I can take it away from them that we full quickly there we go send the chicken let’s go last table to FEG Panini let’s go guys pick it up come on come on come on fast fast fast talk to each other talk to each other they’re on their last ticket and so are you come on come on Carrie got a vegie right here Chef is that it Go service please blue team [Applause] congratulations I really want to go to The Blue Team I really did that was the first time we actually communicated bro and 2 credits given where credits deserved Natalie came in she’s a rock star Natalie that’s awesome that’s what I do boys said we need to come back together as a team at the same time we have to look at our weakest links too because that’s going to cause US problems at dinner service why are you in my space I’m not in space you’re in my space your mouth is one of an issue Carrie you following people around and walking around doing [ __ ] is one of the weakest issues Jamie I thought I was actually helping out no find a station and man it that’s it all right fine guys line up let’s go yes okay blue team job well done you know if I have known it was that easy to bring a a beautiful lady in to get everybody talking i’ have had Tommy put a dress on [Music] man okay today you’re going to have a lot of surprises I don’t want to give them away now in front of the girls it’ll be unfair so run upstairs and change into something a little bit more comfortable okay get out of there ladies where did that Spirit go how can you lose it is it because you lost your lucky charm in Natalie no Chef I will say Chef I feel like Carrie ran around the kitchen today like a chicken with her head cut off and didn’t know where she should go what she should do cuz we were neck and neck and we could have won this challenge easily with our eyes closed I was trying to like get everything out I was doing everything I can because I want to make it perfect I wouldn’t send out a half sandwich or anything like that it’s just like I don’t know what the problem you need to shut up that’s what needs to shut shut your mouth problem stop talking unbelievable Carrie all right just but okay just leave it okay you’re going to be spending a lot of time together today figuring it out first of all look at the state of my dining room what a mess oh I want my dining room pristine ready off you go go this is a disaster like how did I end up with this team that can’t put their differences aside when it’s all of our asses on the [Music] line kids are disgusting kids are nasty gross the restaurant was disgusting I can’t understand how kids can be that messy my son is 3 years old and was never that [Music] messy there’s something in the vacuum I don’t know how this [ __ ] thing works Carrie is worse than useless something not up here you broke the vacuum cut dang it I feel a little bad for Carrie everybody’s got this tainted image of her and once you get somebody in your radar every single thing that they do you’re going to criticize it never fails I don’t like punishment While most of the red team goes medieval on carry the blue team is in for some medieval fun welcome to the splendas of medieval times right medieval time oh my God getting to sit and eat a big ass turkey leg and watch people [Music] [Applause] fight in the heart go Blue Knight don’t take that [ __ ] from him kick his ass [Applause] [Music] yeah I am a Kitchen Warrior I got my battle axe I got my my shield and I really really enjoyed myself today yeah it just keeps getting better we not only got to watch a sword fight but we got to do it ourselves man Point your sword out in front of you just like this that [ __ ] was cool I mean there was literally [ __ ] sparks flying as the blue teams reward gets better and better the red team learns that their punishment is not just limited to cleaning sick it is crap it also includes setting up for family night which is tomorrow night at Hell’s Kitchen great we’re going to be assembling a playground another team building exercise ladies good job why don’t we have some people do this while some people put the basketball court and of course Carrie the mouth was like I think we should you think a couple of us should get started on that yeah can we do that come on Alys I thought the best thing to do is put together the biggest project the swing set push forward but for some reason Kupa Elizabeth and Carrie will put together the basketball net which is like three pieces turn that way pull it is really stuck good how did we get it stuck so good [Music] victory for the Blues team when the Wes are finished for the day’s work please bring me a flogg in a me them acting like fools I wanted to turn around and swing at one of them what are y’all ladies building can we get do we get to play with this later no that’s a lot of that’s a lot of instructions for a slide ladies enjoy building stuff we shall go be drunk and married yes after a long day of pleasure for the blue team and pain for the red the team settle in to discuss their plan for the next dinner service Natalie what do you want to bring to the table that’s going to help us win the service based on what you guys did give us the scoop the reason why we did dinner service so good the other night is because we had everything set up on point we would make out lists for every station I’m taking all the advice I can get from Natalie right now you know because she was with the red team they [ __ ] blasted us out in the past two dinner Services if we set up the stations and we keep a constant communication that’s all we need to do while The Blue Team works out their plan of action the red team is hatching a strategic plan of their own think about it logically what are we going to do with Carrie during dinner service especially if she’s assigned to a hardcore station help me come up with a solution I don’t know I the only thing that’s I don’t know what did she do today she made bashal sauce not even made it from scratch what else all right good point you want to know what I did yes I hit it up the Bal sauce then I went over and I helped you with a casadas cuz I would get things done faster why you have an attitude with me I don’t have an attitude with you I’m just God stop with the attitude I giving you attitude and you were excuse me I didn’t even say did you not pop you not pop they said put onions in do they said it I didn’t say a [ __ ] word you popped off and said put you me any attitude God damn it Jamie Carrie is creating all these problems and that’s what’s fracturing the team if she can’t get it together we were screwed is going to be a problem she’s got something [Music] wrong tonight is family night in Hell’s Kitchen meat’s doing good over here guys and while the red team is hoping to repeat their successful last dinner service in H kitchen the blue team is hoping to claim victory like they did yesterday in the mommy and me lunch M garlic and Sh are done prep is going very smooth everyone’s in syn that’s the number one step to Victory boys while the blue team’s communication has reached a new high the red team’s communication who needs confy garlic has hit a new low prep seems to be going good the red is not fighting anybody I mean what better way to avoid a drama than not talking no the most popular night in Hell’s Kitchen is family night are you clear on what you’re doing tonight to ensure that this hectic evening runs smoothly Chef Ramsey has dispatched Chino and Gina to assist James in the dining room James Gina and Chino open house kitchen please yes [Music] you’re right here ladies for tonight’s dinner service in addition to the regular menu Chef Ramsey has added a kids menu that includes chicken tenders burgers and spaghetti chicken fingers spaghetti okay three each table will also be served a welcoming Margarita Pizza so what does that say there help me understand that it’s a margarita one chicken tender one beef wellington and what’s that kid cheeseburger and no sides did you offer the sides uh no I didn’t Chef oh piss off Chino Chef RS was busting my balls about not writing legibly and I don’t know I’m completely discombobulated here you are Chef two appetizers three Onre is that right yes sir very nice red team we’re off two sees a seller on your P yes sir let’s go guys I’m going to do the best that I can I’m on my aame and I can get us off to a racing start check the bottom good service please nice Pizza Elise thank you Chef margarita pizza away table 30 please while Elise gets the red team off to a good start the blue kitchen is still waiting for Chino to deliver an order Chino Chino Chino Chino let’s go time’s of the essence so it’s got it’s go time got to go got to go two cover 21 chicken tenders squab salad entree Beef Wellington holy crap finally he’s written the ticket out right blue team Margarita Pizza one CH Contender one swap salad entree one beef wellington one spaghetti for the children give me time in that first Margarita two minutes here good let’s go as Jonathan gets the blue team’s first pizza going in the red kitchen kroa is ready to deliver her first appetizer Roto where is it kroa yes chef all right I’m walking with the rotto you guys ready yeah I need that squid ASAP blue team you may be winning every [ __ ] challenge that comes along but we’re winning the important stuff who made that risoto I did that’s delicious thank you Che yeah we’re going to kick ass tonight oh my God Amanda what is going on over there Elise yes chef I knocked over the sauce Amanda is very frazzled it is super frustrating to me because I’m really sick at this point of babysitting people oh my gosh 45 minutes into dinner service service please appetizers are flying out of the red kitchen and the blue kitchen is looking to Tommy two chicken tenders to get them off the ground chicken finger are you off or no dude bring are they burnt they’re burnt bro F get more chicken fingers down now two chicken tenders you think that’s burnt you want a server bro you [ __ ] bring it to him guys I’m dying here Tommy to turn Chef they’re overcooked and they’re [ __ ] dry chy come here come here I know they’re children right I’ve got four of my own would you serve them that [ __ ] what is that it’s like a [ __ ] baby flip-flop I’ll piss off come on quality product Tommy piss off while Tommy’s over overcook tenders keep families on the blue side waiting where’s my food where’s my food the red team led by Kupa and Jamie has completed their appetizers and Chef Ramsay is looking to Carrie and Jennifer to keep the momentum going with the Entre okay first entree two SE one lamb two New York strip one card 6 minutes to the window wake up Carrie Jennifer let’s go I’m not a carry hater but I am not looking forward to working with her on the meat station tonight are we sure there’s a burger on this yes one Wellington one cheeseburger correct yes Jennifer what proteins do you have right now one Wellington one lamb two strips and a burger okay two strips so I have I have lend right here let’s go guys right behind just put it down yeah why do we have a kids Burger it’s not even on the ticket no neither is the Wellington all of you come here it’s the first freaking ticket of the night two bass two New York strip one lamb one Cod no burger no Wellington oh my God oh my God your first ticket Jennifer this is embarrassing half the dining room is filled with children pathetic I’m mortified that I was even a part of this I will not go down for Carrie I should have just pushed her away and had her do something else start again yes sir yes sir while the red team stumbles now’s your chance to get ahead yes sir the blue team has completed appetizers and now they’re ready to get started on their first Entre okay let’s go two chicken tenders one c one lamb one Wellings and one strip one kid spaghetti yes yeah you also have a zucchini and a broccolini on that dish get your broccolini going now get your spinach going get everything in the [ __ ] pans and let’s rock Tommy he ended up messing up on appetizers so after that I was me personally I wasn’t going to have have none of that Chef I’m reading this right turn around and put the [ __ ] goddamn food there a solo chicken so if I have to work fish and garnish at the same time I’m going to do what I have to do if you guys [ __ ] me on this fish man I’m be pissed I’m tired of losing dude I’m sorry bro I’m so Fu down don’t say sorry to me ever bro just [ __ ] do it man got it Will’s great at calling out and getting everybody on Focus Tommy five [ __ ] potatoes bro I wanted to say uh get away and leave me alone I’m not an idiot but um it was much needed help what’s the ketchup for next time you start giving me stuff I don’t need I’m just going to throw it at you yes thanks to a very vocal will the blue team’s first Entre are leaving the kitchen as for the red team they are now ready with the second attempt on their first entree I’m ready I’m ready is it ready you guys I’m ready anybody else I’m ready you ready I’m ready can somebody send it then yes chef yes chef let’s go New York strip let’s go B coming right behind the garnish is there I have one there’s the other one behind right behind a chef it’s going to come back it’s raw I don’t should I put in the oven put it in the oven put it in the oven come on let’s go hurry up let’s go Amanda come on girl you got this where’s the two bass two are in the OV two are in the oven Amanda yes chef how long for the first two bass 3 minutes Chef it’s raw I didn’t cook it 3 minutes it’s it should be like one more minute that’s because you didn’t Seer it good enough and you covered with a you need you need to yell at me I’m already getting yelled at by the chef why the [ __ ] are you yelling at me let me cook the goddamn food I’m not yelling tell you you don’t do that again with that one stop stop all of you there’s nothing happening Amanda sorry you guys while Chef Ramsay and some children are still waiting on the red team’s first Entre over in the blue Kitchen Two Weddington one lamb one strip two burgers yes let’s go Natalie all eyes are on Natalie on the meat station got everything going yeah we’re waiting on you Natalie you drive the ticket it’s in everything’s in I’m just waiting yeah it’s go time Natalie should be coming out with fire out of her [ __ ] eyes oh my gosh it’s raw it’s raw they’re not cooking how they’re supposed to while the blue kitchen Waits on Natalie’s wellingtons the families on the red side are hoping food will be coming their way in the near future that’s one what’s going Amanda I’m sorry Chef what’s going I have two basss on this ticket chef with the lamb and a Cod and a Cod and a Cod the cod’s not on the Cod is not not on check what I forgot about it oh my God Amanda is there anyone home you haven’t got the Cod on I forgot about it family night disaster night I’m sorry you’re going to be up on that shopping block if you don’t get it together girl on Amanda I look over I see Amanda and she is just absolutely Blank Stare she’s a deer and light she’s shutting down by the second I’m sorry for letting you guys down Amanda yes fight back yes for God’s sake woman get some dignity it’s our first table while Amanda holds up the red kitchen the blue kitchen’s still waiting on Natalie I’m just running behind on those wellingtons Natalie wake up right now I feel like the spot like kind of on me I need to step up or I’m going to fall on my face Natalie drive it how long one minute one minute thank you let’s go Natalie yes yes coming up with two wellingtons behind behind to Wellington shf Natalie good job go Wellington with Natalie back in her groove families on the blue side are enjoying their meal that’s some good stuff yummy huh but the families on the red side continue to [Music] wait how much time now waiting on the lamb Are you standing there with your hands on on your hip while we’re trying to put this ticket out no I’m not I better see you cooking something Elisa is always yelling at me see what I mean I’m not going to let her get to me I know I can cook I know I’m good how long to window we have one more minute please let’s get it up garnish let’s go here we go 30 seconds the window yes chef where’s the bass it’s coming up right now service where’s the lamp right here Chef let’s go yish please look at this oh [ __ ] it’s raw is it still walked come on guys walking no it’s right there she’s got the other be kidding me guys no that that okay stop leave me alone all of you come here look at the [ __ ] state of this I thought it looked good I’ve honestly think that Carrie doesn’t have all her marbles why are you doing this to me I saw this and I thought it was okay chef and that’s why saw this it’s not even H it’s raw raw [ __ ] Gina please yes sir take this useless Brigade around every freaking table and I want a sincere apology on the back of your crap performance piss off every one of them why didn’t you explained at this table could you look at all these children they’re all famished we sincerely apologize ol about your Entre it was humiliating apologizing to the tables when I felt like it wasn’t my fault very sorry we apologize we are sorry you don’t have any Entre right now yes we’re a team but you can only do so much when you have a broken leg ladies I promise it will not happen again okay ladies yes that was the first useful thing you have done tonight it’s also the last get out of here all of you and hang your heads in shame because you absolutely suck piss off embarrassing and on family nights you certainly don’t care about the children oh my God shut it down Chef is going to call me out I’m telling you he’s going to call you out but there’s two of you going up this could be a great opportunity for the red team we can get rid of carry and turn something negative into a positive the first time all the food is up there don’t talk to me right now I don’t want to hear what you got to say get out of my face just wait you can talk to her later she can talk up on the chopping block that’s when she can [ __ ] talk don’t it word no I’m not going to have you talk nobody here talking okay let me ask you a serious question right now do you take medication because I think that you are living in another world you were nothing but a distraction on me you didn’t call anything you [ __ ] up the whole Rhythm of the kitchen and I I knew this was going to happen [ __ ] I did stop it I did not you know how bad I want this stop it while the red team is busy pointing fingers the blue team is fired up and on their way to completing their first dinner service do you my lady feeding not only the families on the blue side but on the red team side as well we were like the Pistons in a [ __ ] car we were a unit we were a team we dominated I’m ecstatic come on guys we’re doing [ __ ] awesome all right come on guys last’s take guys are you good Tommy yeah where’s the Lam chei I knew that I would be able to make a difference on the blue team go [Music] please blue team you finally did it you walk out this Kitchen tonight with your head up high good service we got it yeah that felt great I love my team I just couldn’t help but smile all over inside Redemption man this falls on the meat station not and I’m not saying you fine then I’ll go up it bothers me it’s not not fair that I might go up cuz of my partner Elise is Right Carrie needs to go home Elise you’re going to blame me anyway you don’t even want me here I called it I said if Carrie’s on meat we’re [ __ ] because that is the station that driv the tickets I got frazzled I did every time every time that is not true I admit I [ __ ] up with the raw lamb I [ __ ] up with the raw lamb how about I [ __ ] up the entire night I [ __ ] up the enti I [ __ ] up the entire night though well then you’re crazy just like I said period into discussion now I know I do deserve to be here I’m not ready to leave Hell’s Kitchen and I’m ready to [Music] fight where do we start ladies where was the group of women that performed so brilliantly in the second service it was it was very disappointing and humiliating and I feel like the common denominator was Cary Chef jennif talk to me uh we were unfocused we weren’t talking to each other we weren’t dream having two on a section one takes out the protein one drives it I wish I was a lone Chef to be honest whilst you’re all jumping on the bandwagon of Carrie let me remind you nobody stepped up to the plate anyone else got anything to say this is what needs to happen is the attitudes need to be adjusted they do there’s a lot of attitudes in this kitchen and something need who has the problem with their ego there’s a huge problem between uh Elise and Carrie and the drama that they’ve BR cuz people who did work today are pissed I’m pissed Kupa stood there I tried to baild my team out I tried to bail my team out while Kupa stood there K stood there you stood there honey there goes the ego Chef this confirms why no Entre left your k kitchen Jennifer step forward please my next choice [Music] is Carri step forward do you know what Amanda join them Carrie tell me why you think you should stay in Hell’s Kitchen I love cooking it is my passion it’s in my heart I’m not ready to go yet Chef I want to prove to you I am good enough why is your team so desperate to see you out of here I don’t know what Elise has against me she’s had something against me since day one I’m not quite sure what it is it’s not just Elise Carrie Amanda yes chef why do you think you should stay in Hell’s Kitchen well Chef unlike um Carrie I am not in denial that I had a [ __ ] crap performance tonight in the kitchen not in denial at all um I want this Chef I’m not going to [ __ ] around and lie to you and say like oh you know save me you know feel bad for me I’m good I can I can [ __ ] work my ass off for you Chef I Can Do Better you’ve seen me do better you didn’t fight back yes chef you threw the towel in I know Chef Jennifer Yes Che why do you think you should stay in Hell’s Kitchen Chef the last days I’ve been here uh it come a little bit more comfortable um one of the hardest workers in this kitchen so why don’t you take control then I thought that you driving the meat would have done on it I should have cooked everything but again I have a partner and I thought you could handle one thing out of seven it’s so easy to throw me another bus why are you in denial I’m not in denial I had a horrible performance this evening I know that I’m not in denial so we’re not we’re not throwing you under the bus we’re just telling the truth okay the person leaving Hell’s Kitchen is [Music] Amanda sorry your time is done give me your jacket and leave house kitchen thank [Music] you thank you thank you thank you good night and good luck love you Amanda I’m so completely and utterly embarrassed and disappointed with myself my dream coming in to Hell’s Kitchen was to win so to have one of my Idols tell me you’re not worth it that [ __ ] sucks back in line both of [Music] you this is a message for all of you when you screw up no matter how little how big you fight back and show me you belong here and more importantly never ever give up got it yes sir get out blue team well done thank you I’m so mad I could punch a wall out Carrie has zero Talent the side ever makes me want to puke and if Amanda had to go Carrie should have went along with her at least she kind of just made a full lot of herself sorry honey I’m not going anywhere I will defend myself I’m not going to let anyone try and stab me in the back uh-uh taking how low the women feel and we want to drive them that much lower if they’re 5 ft under right now I want to put them 10 ft under take no prisoners Amanda lost the will to cook on the L tonight I lost the will to keep her [Music] here and now the continuation of Hell’s Kitchen I can’t believe we lost somebody with so much potential and kept baggage I am in shock right now I can’t believe car’s still here it’s just mindboggling to me this is [ __ ] up because he kept somebody who sucks the worst out of all of us I bet you she won’t slide past the blade again wow cuz she’s not going to get better she sucks I’m so over relas in her mouth and her attitude I’ve had enough she stood there and did nothing and she’s still here her mous have sent her home Jeff Ramsey doesn’t put up with that crap and Kupa had the nerve to say anything she’s the second weakest link she’s not going to last she’s number two you know what I got one thing to say to that [ __ ] F Elise does not know how to shut up her attitude puts everybody off what are you doing moving now why me and Elise have had a problem from the GetGo she’s had an issue with me from day one how I have an issue with she has never said anything about you never really cuz she said plenty to my face I said her non bread was a piece of [ __ ] and if that’s your signature dish and that’s the best you got and that’s what represents you any keep your [ __ ] opinion to yourself no no then if you if you don’t want to hear other people’s opinions don’t move in a house with 14 other people I’m moving over there right I want to be out of your [ __ ] face [ __ ] got mad about your attitude mad about your nonre your non I got mad about your attitude your you’re mad because I told you about this is why I need this room she got her [ __ ] neres are we going to be able to get [Music] along after a late night get everybody up get up guys get up Sue Chef Scott and Andy show up bright and early we got overalls you have boots everybody get dressed and downstairs with special gear for today’s challenge can I get it yeah come on everybody downstairs go go go gow let’s go guys good morning good morning Che okay as you can see we have a chicken delivery this morning are you ready to unload the truck yes sir thanks driver lucky for you you don’t have to [Applause] today you’re going to get up close and personal with a key ingredient a chicken man I’m from Jersey we don’t chase chickens where I come from we Chase chicks for today’s challenge each team will produce four chicken dishes to determine what ingredients you’re going to be lucky enough to use each of you will go into that pen grab a chicken deposit it into your bin and then run to the bow and select an ingredient the key is to get as many ingredients in 5 minutes as possible everybody ready yes I think today is like our day we haven’t won a challenge yet we really need to step it up now and we need to [ __ ] win a challenge 5 minutes starts now in today’s challenge the chefs must race to catch as many chickens as they can I’m from Tennessee dude I know how to catch chickens it’s a toal go the more chickens catch got almonds almonds the more ingredients they’ll have to use when they are making their four chicken dishes [Applause] Tomatoes Get on ch ch it’s like off the scene of Rocky right now it’s the bestest know can catch a chicken I can catch a chicken hell you these [ __ ] chickens is [ __ ] fast pineapple yeah come on come on Jamie ucky farm girl Natalie has no problem diving into the competition coconut milk while her teammate come on shows off some Cowboy skills of his own Gino might not be the strongest cook we got here but damn it can he choke a chicken City Slickers kroa and Gina aren’t afraid to mix it up with the chickens 19 seconds to go and both team Wrangle enough chickens to complete the first part of the challenge 3 2 1 and stop well done ladies nine ingredients blue team 11 ingredients good job everybody happy we going and get changed and I’ll see you in five let’s go after a quick clean and a quick change Scott and Andy bring out the chicken please as you can see you only have one lonely chicken when you cut that chicken up make sure you have a portion that is good enough to shelf that dish you’ve all got 30 minutes starting from now CH the teams will cook their four dishes in pairs who’s frying we are we need a breast please Chef Ramy wants each pair using a different technique they will either Grill sauté roast or fry I’m putting a little more salt no and they are only permitted to use the ingredients selected earlier you got the chicken in Carrie Chicken in Chef Ramsey teaming up with Gina which I’m super excited about and we have Fried Chicken yeah super easy we’re going to knock this one out all right Gina what do you think babyes it look pretty does that look pretty Gina yes make sure it’s done in the center all right 10 minutes gone just under 20 minutes to go watch that chicken like I’m on it I just turned it all right brother I’m on it I knew exactly what I wanted to do with the dish yeah that’s what I’m talking about I cooked the bacon on the grill the garbanzo beans on the grill everything on the grill yes it’s done take it off hey want me to cut it J make it look [Music] good relax relax oh my God I cannot believe this the breast falls on the floor we don’t even have enough chicken to even put on the [ __ ] plate cannot use it chill out chill out my fault my fault while montere and Tommy try to work with what they have left over in the red kitchen Carrie how’s the chicken doing oh it’s a little raw Carrie makes a grim Discovery Carrie it’s a little raw I got to finish off in the oven yes yes it was raw that much of it in the center was raw really there’s no way that’s going to be done just leave it in there one minute to go come on come on get our chicken get our chicken we got to cut it let’s go come on [ __ ] carry 3 2 1 and stop G I did everything I was supposed to do this is so embarrassing you you don’t know what you’re doing if you’re cooking chicken and it’s that raw in the center okay everybody confident in their dishes Gina first of all you’re shaking your head talk to me honestly Chef honestly um our chicken’s raw what our chicken is raw why is it raw it in the oven we fried put it in the oven I’m talking Carrie cooked the chicken she didn’t have it in the fryer long enough and it didn’t have long enough to finish in the oven so it’s [ __ ] raw come on ladies I can’t believe that what’s going on there Elise I don’t have anything against anybody but it seems that the common denominator is always Carrie guess we’re seeing time and time again that everywhere Carrie goes it’s horrendous listen to me and listen carefully I’ve got a couple of guests coming in here so hold it together yes from People magazine senior writer Jen Garcia and from Entertainment Weekly editor Dave Cara good to see you both welcome welcome welcome please take a seat by the way the chef today with the best dish on the winning team will be featured with me in People magazine I love that magazine I get it every week let’s start off with the battle of the fried please first up Carrie and Gina square off against Paul would you be so kind to explain to the guests what happened please um I was on the team with carry and the chicken was completely raw in the center I’m sorry Chef get back in line please I’m humiliated by our dish but Gina she just wants to throw me under the buzz so hard I don’t like girls that is not it’s raw Carrie shut the [ __ ] up oh it’s really raw po when I think of fried chicken I think southern style so I made a roasted corn and then I made a nice Rosemary grit and just a basic gravy that’s classic it’s simple tastes good thank you it’s not easy to eat but it’s worth it once you once you get the taste thank you clearly no competition anything has to be better than raw chicken 1 n to the blue thank you well done good job next we have the battle of the so next Jennifer and Kupa attempt to even the score as their chicken catch aori there’s a bit much on the plate it’s delicious it does taste better than it looks faces Jonathan and wills lemon herb sauteed chicken it’s beautiful I could easily see this on the page of our magazine I’d like to give you both a point congratulations great job let’s go the battle of the grilled chicken up next it’s Jamie versus Monteray and Tommy if Jim’s grilled chicken salad loses the blue team will win what do you think I think the flavors threw me off a little bit but the chickens cooked really well overall I did enjoy it yeah it is cooked really perfectly thank you uh Tommy not much chicken on there though no um what happen to the chicken please we had to slip up on the cutting board and the end piece fell onto the floor yes it’s not on the plate don’t worry half the chicken is missing congratulations red [Applause] tea well done it’s all going to come down to the roast with the score tied come on go come on Elise The Roasted Chicken will decide it all as Elise and Elizabeth take on Natalie and Chino I have for you today a succulent roasted chicken it also has a butternut squash puree and a Swiss charred sauté with sweated onions and garlic it’s it’s beautiful the color is p they really do it’s like it could come from a restaurant kitchen who’s idea was it it was my idea Chef whatever she wanted all the Limelight on her but it was 50/50 you don’t like Sharon do you no no didn’t think so um Natalie please uh what I have for you all today is a roasted chicken coconut curry soup it’s delicious um it was kind of unexpected for me pretty great oh yeah I have to agree I like that a lot chicken has a great spice to it you’ve nailed the chicken back in line thank you while we have a little conf flab thank you yeah it’s tough on that one very tough we’re on a winning streak and we’re going to walk out with the win today man definitely okay um that was tough cuz it’s all down to the last dish sick of losing sick of doing punishments I want to get out of this house before I hurt somebody we have to win this one it’s all down to the last dish will it be Chino and Natalie’s curry chicken soup or Elizabeth and Elisa’s succulent roasted chicken congratulations goes to Red Team I won I’m so so excited I knew that my dish was the best up there first challenge one good job guys me and Elizabeth’s dish okay in spite of a disastrous start you get to fly the coup yes as you’ll be spending all day go-karting at K1 Speedway I cannot wait to go go carding yay the besti the one that had the visual impact belongs to Elise and Elizabeth well done you cannot believe that we are going to be in a magazine this is everything I ever wanted out of [Music] life a round of applause for the judges please thank you okay red team get out of it going out we won oh my God this is the best day of my life okay blue team whilst the red team will be breaking land speed records today you’ll be cooped up today you’ll all be working with you guest it chicken I want the most amazing 80 c chicken stock beauy done clean out the carcasses peel onions and get that stock absolutely [Music] stunning it just kind of pisses me off that Carrie brought up raw chicken today raw we shouldn’t have lost going to start off making chicken St okay yeah I don’t know if elast is going to fit in that Go-Kart with [ __ ] head of hers might have to get her a bigger Helmet or some [ __ ] yeah hey guys bye guys bye guys don’t wreck I mean have fun I will you know they’re going to turn that gokar R into a bumper cars right go cing I’m so happy to get out of here bye Hell’s [Music] Kitchen let’s go hi ladies hope you guys are all ready to have a great time today we’re going to get suited up and get ready to race okay right so let’s get going I’ve never raced a car before never but I am going to kick some butt in go-karting [Music] I love go-karting you take off each one of us slam on the gas and it was like a rush I actually don’t have a license I’m from Manhattan New York go-karts were really [ __ ] [Music] fast it was kind of like scary for me I was freaked out in my head I was going about 100 mph I guess I was driving like Miss Daisy while Jennifer takes her time getting around the track back in Hell’s Kitchen so you want to go over some menu items the blue team is looking to make good use of their time together in the kitchen yeah why don’t we go over them again guys we standing here might as well occupy the time in the right way all right order in Squad Roto scallop C entree Wellington Cod stripping best rice is going starting to go starting to go starting to go we had our first two services and it was loss sucked do my fish thing we got an opportunity to work Kinks that we might have seen in service 3 minutes out now I’m going to say okay dude it’s not ready so so it’s still uh in the oven so hey you got to give me 4 minutes no that’s not good how long you got to give me 4 minutes dude Chino sat there and it was like okay 3 minutes 3 minutes on 3 minutes on a 3 minutes he can’t even fake being a good cooked so I need 2 minutes what I’m saying say I’m behind again I mean really there’s no cooking involved I mean how hard is that so that’s that’s I’m just going to try Hurry Up Chino while Chino puts the breakes on his team’s dinner rehearsal attention ladies this is your final race the red team is ready to put the pedal to the metal the final race is me Elise and Carrie the three of us have the fastest [Music] times soy there there was no way I was going to allow Carrie to win the race I’m going to run Carri off the road my I know Elise is a [ __ ] freak behind the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wheel if I can’t win the next better woman in line and win it is Jamie as long as Carrie didn’t get to have the trophy and try to find something to brag about I was okay [Music] yeah with challenges with dinner service looming the chefs are hard at work preparing keep your head on your shoulders don’t freak out we need to win boys while The Blue Team seems focused and United in the red kitchen Alise that’s all we have yeah that was everything you gave us that’s why I put a heads on her cuz it cooked down like would you stop talking to me like I’m your [ __ ] child has found someone else to agitate whatever you need to calm down I am calm I’m just saying you’re always talking back to me you don’t need to talk back to me seems to have a problem with authority I’m here you’re here get it straight hello I heard you you’re so [ __ ] disrespectful this is the first time I smiled all day let’s go let’s go let’s go James yes chef let’s go please open Hell’s Kitchen yes chef for tonight’s dinner service there will be extra pressure on the chefs as both teams will have VIP guests sitting at the chef’s tables world champion volleyball players Misty May trainer and Jen kessie will be dining in the red kitchen I’m excited while the blue kitchen will play host to multi Olympic gold medalist swimmers Janet Evans and Mark Spitz to see you nice to meet you look great oh we’re all girls on this side all girls in the red team tonight we have special guests at the chef table which really puts on the pressure because the chef table was so close they’re watching you I mean it’s different when they’re watching you from the dining room we’ve got two Olympic ladies cheering for us over there come on SO fingers crossed girl power nice to see you both ker yes chef you can host the chef table yes oh my God I love them I saw them well not live but on TV it was so awesome Hi l how are you I have to say congratulations and I think you’re great come on red team two scolars one TWY one cards one lamb one Wellington yes chef let’s go Elise come on yes chef I’m feeling very confident about dinner service because Carrie won’t be on meat so tonight will go a lot better than last service I need four minutes okay four minutes while Elise gets the red team started on appetizers okay blue team here we go Chef Ramsey is ready with the blue team’s first ticket unorder one resting one an enti s a salad L some spaghetti welcome hello how are my good to see you nice to see you Mark Spitz both my wife and I are big fans thank you please sit down hey Jonathan when you’re on dessert so it’ be easy for you to look after yes I’m a mark SP fan Che Janet Evans and Mark Spitz at the chef table it was [ __ ] awesome Gold Medal Service let’s go I’m a big fan hey how you doing I’m doing real pleasure to meet you uh could I get y’all anything right now sure sure back in the red kitchen scallops where are they walking with scallops and then you get that Alise is ready with her first appetizer [ __ ] how Alise yes yes I’ve got no color on them they’re rubbery they’re watery wake up Elise you’re mix it with salt don’t turn them till they’re nice and Golden Chef ramsy when he teaches it’s easy to learn from him but if he teaches you something you better get it right sculps please yes chef [Music] Elise yes chef that cooked perfectly thank you Chef I’m proud of myself it started off rough but I recovered and that’s what’s important with Elise delivering gold metal scallops come on Tommy over in the blue kitchen child right behind your Chef Tommy is hoping to score with his appetizer yes thank you sir making Caesar salad so easy like you know I knew she would like it how is everything her dressing actually was a little bit too saturated Jonathan my salad was like soaking agressive how do you [ __ ] up salad how [ __ ] hard is that [ __ ] I’m just going to make a fresh salad oh there there’s no sense in this [ __ ] excuse my language that’s okay skulls how long I need another Caesar with a little less [Music] dressing hey come here you I’m pissed off of just throw it in the trash Miss EV said our Caesar salad was found the Cesar salad who dressed it I did come here you you can’t dress as salad and I’ll do it right now while Tommy takes another run at dressing the Caesar salad back in the red kitchen how long on your scallop Elise right now Carrie is coordinating the times for her team’s appetizers right now I’m not no what do you mean right now she’s got can bring it listen don’t ask her after are you ready just give me two minutes I’m walking with scallop no no Carrie called it and said we were ready to go up be quiet Elise Elise and Carrie fight no no matter what it really brings the rest of us down okay you can go up now no we’re not going up now cuz I have to start my scallop over oh come on start your scals let’s go come on it’s an hour into dinner service and thanks to Natalie come on guys keep talking to each other the blue team has delivered most of their appetizers I like it and now Chef Ramsey is looking to Monteray to deliver the first Entre C fast the [ __ ] is this that’s [ __ ] falling apart Cass what Cass fall apart oh boy when you take the fish out of the pan you leave it on the spatula it fell apart it’s nothing I can do it fell apart you leave it on the [ __ ] spatula is that what you did no it’s not no you didn’t so it’s the fish’s fault again no it’s not the it fell apart it’s nothing I can do it fell apart there is something you can do because you should be [ __ ] responsible enough to care you’re going to [ __ ] lie to my face and tell me there’s nothing you can do I understand what he’s telling me and I’m listening to him but you ain’t going to keep cussing at me I’m going to [ __ ] who you are Chef Ry Chef Scott Chef Andy you ain’t going to keep talking to me like that so don’t sit here and [ __ ] me and tell me that there’s nothing you can do put on on shut up and Monteray has decided to go toe-to-toe with suf Scott all you have to do is bring it up any it won’t break I understand do you then [ __ ] do it then do it get this done [ __ ] you well [ __ ] you to then [ __ ] dog when you [ __ ] got too much pride and you want to stand there and [ __ ] cuss Chef Scott that’s the [ __ ] that needs to go home pass me some um Goose necks please yeah just shut him down and sit his ass home right now that’s a done deal you want me to cut the Wellington yes chef all right pass me a goose I can’t do everything for everybody goddamn it I’m helping everybody I can man up man your station man man you ain’t got to talk the [ __ ] up with that dumb [ __ ] man get the [ __ ] out of here whatever man you the float float John was floating if you’re floating you float and you help everybody that’s what a [ __ ] float does hey if you going quit then just quit now you ain’t Fu me type of way I know that guys stop get on the stations and serve the damn food serve the goddamn food in that’s it I’m doing everything I can [ __ ] do dude you work at desserts you man the [ __ ] up man time to yell at each other but not time to cook guys guys stop personally I’d love to watch them both beat the [ __ ] out of each other however we got Mark spits and Janet Evans in the kitchen two Olympic gold medalist swimmers and people are going to argue it’s embarrassing 2 hours into dinner service hi hi go please yeah the red team has finally delivered all of their appetizers to their hungry diners finally here he and is in the process of sending out Entre oh hold on hey stop have you slice the New York strip yeah Chef oh my God Gina you don’t slice it until when Gina you ready to walk so is the bass ready I’m nowhere near ready oh my God how long do you need on your bass at least I need at least 7 minutes minute well done well done you think it’s funny Gina I don’t think it’s funny at all Chef I was like get me out of here like I wish I could have just disappeared and been like sitting in a bubble bath somewhere drinking champagne come on ladies get it together while Gina has stalled the red kitchen we got to get our time together L seriously in the blue kitchen montere has finally sent an acceptable seab bass let’s go really good okay let’s go Chef table one lamp one wedding yes now it’s up to Chino on the meat station to get Entre out to the Olympians let’s go Gino yes you got to let will know when you’re going to have all that up 1 minute out 1 minute one minute out welome garnish I was going over there to help Chino I got it I got it I got it you know try to communicate to the kitchen what the times were for his meat Chino how long until it’s ready just give me 3 more minutes je so you need 3 minutes uh give me a minute give me a minute you mean actual minute like 60 seconds oh I need three minutes so I’m sorry a minute I mean yeah it’s going to be a minute I’m sorry like one minute I thought yeah I thought it was going to be a minute like but I was wrong yes I understand that but you have to call real time right I I was wrong you don’t need to preach to me okay so it doesn’t help doesn’t help okay just go away lington I just want to put up the food what is that cold too ice cold she knows ol of you come here just touch that touch the meat touch the me it’s raw raw come on we got to get it together come on guys while Chino starts over on the special guest’s Entre in the red kitchen watch this table V VIP Chef table Chef Elise is ready to hand off her SE bass to Chef ramsy behind you H coming through coming through SE bassing What She Done To That Elise yes chef come here come here that’s right come here I got one bass right yeah and one bass raar raar raar get the bass back in the pan [ __ ] at least had some problems on the fish station I mean I thought Chef was about to kick her out of the kitchen I was kind of hoping for him to but you know at yes chef I wasn’t what kind of frame of mind you’re in but it’s not on a [ __ ] Championship performance let me tell you the leas will never admit that she’s wrong and she just stood there with her eyebrows up and just looking who are you going to blame now nobody Chef that time you looked at yourself in the mirror yes chef I took some responsibility yes chef while Elise makes another seab bass over in the blue Kitchen Chino is ready with his second attempt at Entre for the Olympians look at that chewed up to [ __ ] and that that’s raw yep it’s [Music] pink blue team stop come here you look at that that is raw that is white fat and what have you done to this what what what is that so now you just [ __ ] yes chef yes chef I feel like a dumbass [ __ ] idiot cuz I can cook better than that it just it’s embarrassing there you go all of you [ __ ] off out of here get upstairs so [ __ ] pissed it’s not even fine we suck the way I look at it is anytime you get a server shut down you suck my apologies and the last service they were good that’s what hurts you got to fight for it exactly after shutting down the blue kitchen I want to serve the chef table one lamb one b Chef Ramsey looks to the red team to deliver Entre to both Chef’s tables how long you ready Elise yep slicing guys slicing hurry up Gina yes chef oh come on stop all of me come here what is that it’s RAF I just placed into it oh really I’d never have guessed so in front of these ladies here this is how we want to perform raw bass overcooked bass raw lamp what an embarrassment sorry Chef why are you doing this to me it’s like being in a volleyball match and I’m the ball getting pounded I was just like oh my God it was bad let me tell you something really important shut it down after shutting down both kitchens I’d rather send something Chef Chef Ramsey has Sue Chef Scott and Andy make the Entre for the chef’s tables and after a disastrous dinner service Chef Ramsay sums up the evening with one word pathetic so therefore the winning team tonight is nobody both teams think of two individuals that could really make your team Stronger by [Music] exiting get out of here Chino was struggling in the kitchen you don’t come to Hell’s Kitchen to learn how to cook you should already [ __ ] know is there any need to discuss what’s going on I’m going to be honest with you guys I know that I’m [ __ ] things up but Natalie don’t make it look worse I was trying to help you and if it came off that way I’m sorry it’s like rubbing salt on the wound you’re not if you’re not going to help don’t just don’t help like you’re actually on the red team at that point she wasn’t there to really help she was there to exasperate how badly I was doing don’t make yourself look good to make me look bad I think you did what you have to do girl you know that why are you crying Natalie come on girl what’s wrong don’t cry girl don’t cry she was very quiet and then she started crying she likes to put on a show and it’s a joke we here as your team girl you know that I have a teammate that thinks I was trying to [ __ ] him on purpose I what what I have to kiss your ass all the time I wasn’t lying you want to take all that that I did for you and flip it around on me hell no I don’t deserve that I care about everybody and I would never ever ever take this so much as a competition that I want to screw my own team I would never do that we know who’s going up and that’s all that needs to be said all right I wrote everybody’s name down what we’re going to do is just put a hash mark next to whoever had a bad something Dayan Kupa on the first challenge nobody else seemed to take charge how we’re going to deliberate how we were going to decide so I just came up with the idea with the tally marks what does anybody think the first service everybody gets a point besides me I don’t think so let’s be real about this [ __ ] second service was perfect except we were waiting on Carrie Caesar Sal and he was sending people to help her toss salads out it’s the truth if I remember correctly he said that one of the best Services of all Health kitchen history why would I get a point somebody had to come help you I think this is [ __ ] Alise overall collectively we’d be a lot better if you weren’t running your mouth all the time H whatever mouth uh I’m so tired of the yip yip dog i’ would like to drop kick her out of here I’m not going to let you just walk all over me anymore at least I’m up Walk we’re doing a point system no I think this point system blows this is fair all the way around the board I think we should vote what why because you know you’re going to get another point it’s who would make the team Stronger by leaving let’s get these points done I don’t put up raw chicken what happened to I hold up I’m talking I’m talking shut up I’m I’m talking I’m tired of hearing you call you weren’t in the kitchen I ran to me station and we ran to Victory because I was on the me station and everybody could concentrate everybody knew their time oh yeah what happened to night what about with that wall about I didn’t give up what I didn’t give up shut up I’m talking don’t [ __ ] with me [Music] [Music] El blue team have you come to a decision yes Natalie first nominee Chino Chef Chino he was on the meat station and the meats weren’t cooked to the right temperature who is the blue team’s second nominee uh montere Chef why based on tonight’s dinner service not being able to get out the fish red team have you come to a decision yes chef Jennifer first nominee and why please car Chef Carrie yes car is our bottom player interested who is the red team’s second nominee the second nominee is Elise Elise why the team feels that the arguments between Carrie and Elise is definitely part of our problem Elise Carrie Chino Monteray step forward please mon why should you stay in house kitchen I know I’m a strong cook I just had a bad night tonight you look so out of it and you just you weren’t even responding to the help that was being given you just shut down I don’t I don’t believe I shut down I won’t say that I gave up cuz that’s the last thing I do you shut down I didn’t shut down Chef I don’t care what you say he say or anybody else in back of me say I don’t care for [ __ ] nobody [Music] Chino why do you think you should stay in house kitchen it’s been rough it’s been rough to say the least and uh I feel embarrassed I wish I could show the guys man what I can do cuz what is it that I haven’t seen that you’ve got left in your tank Redemption that’s a big part of who I am and I’m not going to give up that I won’t do Carrie why do you think you should stay in Hell’s Kitchen you know Chef I know I’ve had a rough start I’m not going to deny that and I know I’m better than this I am a fighter it’s in my heart it’s in my soul right now we have to think as a team and at least she is not a team player at all I have stepped up my game every service every challenge I’ve gotten better if you ask my team who they’d rather see leave between me and Carrie I’m sure the answer will be Carrie Elizabeth if you had to drop at leis or Carrie who would you drop Carrie chef Jamie Elise Jeff koer who would you have dropped Elise as well Jennifer who would you drop Elise ginaa Elise Chef Natalie you were in the red team who would you send home Elise or Carrie Elise Chef no hesitation there at leise I did what you asked I took a vote here’s the sad news for you your team want you out of there so badly you may be better off I can he you one thing I never make the same mistake twice this is my first time on the carpet this is her second his second and his third it is not my time to go yet Chef I’m not here to throw anybody under bus I’m keeping it 100% with you Chef I can work on my attitude but you can’t give somebody common sense and talent especially when you’re 31 I’m 26 I have so much to learn and so much more to give are you done okay time for a difficult decision my decision is elas stop crying and get back in [Music] line the person leaving Hell’s Kitchen is Chino threee Strikes Out buddy give me your jacket and leave house kitchen thank you chef [Music] I’m disappointed my expectations were a lot higher I came here to cook you know and it’s a shame that I didn’t get a chance to cook a little bit more but I will never sell out I’ll leave this place with my dignity intact listen carefully from tonight on things are going to get a lot more difficult now [ __ ] off all of you theise thinks that we all turned against her that she thought she had friends there’s going to be hair pulling it’s going to be a blood bath I just hope I’m never on a team with Elise again she just does not get it you’re being voted off because you’re a [ __ ] everybody hates a winner and I learned tonight that I don’t have any friends in the house they don’t know who they [ __ ] with Chino took his time in Hell’s Kitchen very seriously the problem is he seriously couldn’t cook and now the continuation of Hell’s Kitchen now [ __ ] off all of you holy [ __ ] B oh my God we have to deal with this [ __ ] again at least she’s got problems with everybody her attitude is a huge setback for the team I just want the drama to stop I’m [ __ ] embarrassed I still love you baby I still love me too I learned a valuable lesson tonight I see to the strategy now let’s cut the strongest one you know what I mean it’s cool though I ain’t worried about it game on if that’s how we’re going to play the game and start trying to cut the competition we’ll let the games begin cuz somebody’s going home next week and it ain’t going to be me so you’re pissed at me oh I’m not pissed at you I’m not pissed at all I’m happy to be here I just know that I don’t have any friends in this house it’s not about being friends it’s about professionalism but I’m a better cook than she is why would you want to keep somebody weaker on your team when you’re trying to win Challen because your mouth gets us in trouble every service that’s why yes I have a big mouth the person I bicker with the most here is Carrie and if we’re both up for elimination why wouldn’t you just want to cut the bickering and keep on winning cuz I’m a [ __ ] winner and I’ll sit here and say that all day and my modest know because I know what I’ve been through I know where I came from and I know how I started in this [ __ ] and I’m not going to stop now they just woke the sleeping giant watch out now like I said I learned a valuable lesson tonight what was the lesson Bring It On here we go as a new day dons the chefs are reminded once again that in Hell’s Kitchen the one thing they can expect wow we got going on here is the [Music] unexpected oh my God there’s chef ramsy with Dr Jackal stuff going on behind him we supposed to go out here come on let’s go Wow it looked like a high school chemistry lab I have flashbacks of dissecting frogs and worms and stuff right good morning morning chef today I’ve invited two very special chefs who have a unrivaled reputation for bringing science and food together they work with NASA to create more exciting food for the astronauts they’ve even created a delicious frozen pizza that changes flavor to a dessert as you eat it wow please welcome chef canu and Chef roach it’s m moto moto good to see you both the guys from Moto are amazing they do the craziest things I’ve ever seen done in a kitchen ready yes sir watch closely we’re going to make you a dreamsicle sorbet first thing we’re going to do is take this sound generator we stick it in the orange basically it’ll produce a 22,000 khz sound it takes the cell structure of the orange and turns it into a liquid we’re just going to pour it into this bowl that’s crazy I was astounded sound waves dude I mean are you [ __ ] kidding me man next a little liquid nitrogen the cool thing about using liquid nitrogen is that it freezes so quickly it’s definitely dangerous you can freeze and crack your body part off I really wanted to get my hands on this [ __ ] ice cream in 45 seconds this was like totally awesome I would have probably done so much better in chemistry class if chemistry class was anything like this delicious you’ve seen The Cutting Edge but great chefs can do amazing things with very little and that is what your next challenge is all about We’re Going Back to Basics Fire and Water you can steam you can boil you can poach all other cooking methods are off limits wow my mind went blank I was fixing to get to use this things from the future you know but uh jumped in the time machine and went back a 100 years each team will be provided with six stunning proteins red team you have seven members so you decide which protein you want to make two of and then after you’ve cooked it taste and decide which one you going to present got it yes sir 45 minutes to cook starting from now in this challenge each Chef will have 45 minutes to create a unique dish featuring one of six proteins I’m taking the salmon I got the lobsters I’ll take ve I’m taking the meat I’m doing Guinea H we’re doubling up prawns car’s doing it and I’m doing it let’s set up over here Chef Ramsey has designed this unique challenge to test with the chefs can do when limited to cooking with only Fire and Water I have never done this to a filet before the team that can steam boil and poach its way to the most points wins The Challenge oh I was doing the guinea hand kroa I grabbed that [ __ ] when there was still two on there yeah but I called it I called it earlier guys [ __ ] get off my Guinea hand I chose ve kind of cuz it’s the only thing that was left I was very angry about that this is [ __ ] [ __ ] Jamie the only protein we’re missing now is VE nobody’s doing ve I am oh she’s doing you’re doing scared me I was like nervous there were going to be idiots missing a protein while the red team seems to clear up a little confusion over their proteins in the blue kitchen one Chef I’m stomped right now is clearly confused I think I should um break the prawns down or leave them whole I would leave them whole they would look great yeah feel like my this is so basic we had plenty of time I don’t know how monre didn’t know what he was doing how much time we got you got to ask it probably ain’t that much oh [ __ ] yeah he’s off the hook my sauce is coming out rid dick in this [ __ ] I think the judges are going to love this dish because the V is going to be very flavorful it’s going to be tender oh oh oh KOA just came a little bit what I should taste good 15 seconds to go gosh that time went fast guys go get him the windows got to move got to move 4 3 2 1 and serve before judging can begin the red team must choose which prawn dish will be presented car’s or Elizabeth’s I like Liz look at it I like her presentation at least you’re saying you like Elizabeth’s you haven’t even tasted carries exactly I use my eyesight first before tasting yes I did because Carrie has disappointed Us in the past and I definitely don’t want to lose another challenge I’m telling you guys it’s been fin bell pepper with a white Buran sauce I I don’t like it whose dish are we dropping Carri why are we dropping carries I think Elizabeth tastes good and looks better we’re choosing Elizabeth dish that’s fine even if I were to fight for my dish they still would have put up Elizabeth cuz I know how my team is they don’t have any faith in me they don’t believe in me here we go fire water and protein first F minum let’s go come on Jonathan first up with their dishes Jennifer and Jonathan Jonathan please shf up I basically uh went back to the basics meat and potatoes and vegetables how far did you go back visually it’s a train wreck definitely doesn’t look like restaurant caliber visually but you know looks can be deceiving the beef is cooked wonderfully thank you they looked like a bit of a train wreck but it was the best tasting [ __ ] train wreck you’ll ever experience man Jennifer it’s a basil Pono sauce I never cooked meat in broth before so yeah I think you actually nailed the texture the fact that you’ve never boiled beef before and you executed that that well Bravo thank you ch ch it’s a close one I would say by putting forth a little bit more thought in the idea of uh visually presenting I’m going to go with red team red team congratulations thank you Chef you know jennif you with the red team leading by one montere and Elizabeth are ready to show what they’ve done with just fire water and prawn have a prawns with Benedict prawns eggs benedict prawns are definitely seasoned but they’re just really overcooked oh God they’re hard it’s solid Monterey’s dish was a hot mess he had very overcooked prawns and he did it with eggs benedict I mean that’s not going to work today I made for you spaghetti with prawns I just tossed it in olive oil the seasoning needs uh a lot of work I’m disappointed I expected more Can I taste yours please yes SEF yeah thank you back in line please I think I would have preferred this to that one actually mhm uh you got a great dish it gives that Vibrance in the mouth thank you Chef I’m like hell yeah uh-huh you TR out girls screw them jent it’s too bad they didn’t present this one because that one actually tastes better what a disappointment no points to either team it’s all right up next with the salmon dishes it’s Jamie salmon with a citrus jasmine rice I do think that the salmon is uh pretty overcooked versus will I cook the egg over a double boiler like they did back in the olden days the textural components and the flavors work really nicely together thank you Chef you’re absolutely right congratulations blue team the score is tied at one and it’s time for the guinea hens with Gina lightly poached Guinea H breast with some mushrooms I thought the mushrooms with the puree nice combination thank you and Tommy I got a poach chicken leg and a breast there’s just a lot going on here why would you serve the leg and the breast at the same time I don’t really think when I do things I just do them I think with this less would have been more jents red team or blue team I’m going to go with red team red team congratulations red team good job thank you Che I got the point I’m like yes thank God next up the battle of the lobster with the red team up by one elely is looking to seal the victory potion of Vermont sauce it is a little rubbery yeah while Paul hopes to tie it up Citrus poach butter Lobster Bravo thank you Chef congratulations blue team well done thanks Chef PA now with the score tied at two it all comes down to the ve dishes it’s Natalie versus Kupa I made a ve terine wrapped in Greens I don’t take it personally but the terine kind of comes off as having like that cat food texture the flavors are lacking seasoning and proper cooking technique not good not good at all [ __ ] ker let’s go so everyone knows how much I love my comfort food so we’ve got poached ve in like a delicious broth visually it’s pretty bad I’m just going to close my eyes and taste it so not surprisingly it tastes a hell of a lot better than it looks I I’ve got to work on that I think it it has the flavor reminiscent of like a good beef stew yeah it actually tastes quite nice it’s delicious I have one big issue with that dish and it’s not funny especially in front of esteemed judges that Madam is not Veil that’s fil minion oh no Carrie go and get me the veil in there quickly hurry up I don’t know what possessed me to grab the filet and not the ve and I know the difference Jamie the only protein Wom now is VE nobody’s doing ve I am oh she’s doing ve yep thank you very much I just wanted to crawl under Rock I’m very very ticked off at myself don’t you know the difference between a Philly Minong and a freaking side of ve I screwed up and throughout the whole 45 minutes no one noticed it wasn’t being used and in front of my guest how dare you red team blue team no points back in line so good I’m so embarrassed we have a tie but red team two big mistakes the screw up on the ve secondly the best dish sat on the side there’s no way in Earth I can have you winning this challenge blue team congratulations well done thank you so much for joining us and look forward to seeing you in Chicago at that amazing restaurant take care I’m pissed off right now I didn’t win this challenge but the weakest dish was definitely ker it sucks losing the challenge it sucks being punished okay as for today’s challenge was all about fire and water both teams are getting wet blue team your reward you all are going to one of the finest spars in Beverly Hills oh yes wow relax chill and sit back sounds great man Spa dude I love [ __ ] massages red team trust me you will definitely be getting wet because you’ll be up to your elbows scrubbing the hot tub and cleaning that amazing fountain at the front of H’s kitchen’s entrance oh come on one more thing you’ll be prepping both kitchens ahead of tonight’s service that’s right we are open for dinner tonight got it yes Che way to go girls way to have faith in car appreciate it this blows blue team your massage tables await you off you go enjoy job ladies up to the dorm James and Andy will call you oh I feel like [ __ ] right now we needed this win like we need air and a spa is probably the best prize we could have gotten and we lost it this is about to be the worst day ever how do you not know the difference between filet and ve it was clearly a ve with the freaking bone and everything on it I’m really pissed because it was a tiebreaker and the reason we lost is because of kroa I know no I don’t think we’re going to argue about this [ __ ] I’m just going to be kicking myself for a while for the stupid mistake I made and so pissed off in myself I am sorry about that while the red team licks their wounds the blue team is off for an afternoon of [Music] pampering oh my gosh this is crazy [Music] all right how you doing hello good afternoon welcome to amazing okay Tommy you just fit in so well here I know I know I feel right at home never been to a spa in my life I was totally out of my element we have a fun day of relaxation and pampering wonder if people going to put hot stones on my ass cheeks like really weird like just strange all [Music] around I don’t care about mineral bass and foot massages and rich [Music] people but um you wouldn’t have to sell me on the idea of getting used to it oh man oh that feels good I definitely needed this boys get their Spa we get our spa yeah I can’t believe we actually have dinner service tonight I’m like shocked sucks like doing all this work and losing the challenge and then rolling right into a dinner service I didn’t hear any splashes so no one’s thrown anyone in the fountain yet it smells yeah that’s blows I don’t like this today my positivity level is extremely high and um I don’t have any patience we are the queens of punishment man I think Elise doesn’t realize how bad her attitude is I mean she didn’t help us win that challenge so get the [ __ ] over it [Music] how do you like your scalp massage oh it’s amazing this is awesome so anybody would like to get any waxing done today we do have a waxing station available I’ll get my face waxed who’s going with me don’t come at me with no wax you know what I mean I’m a man I don’t need that [ __ ] I’ll use a razor y I’ll get a brow wax I’ll man up why the hell not you know what I’m saying I mean my wife does it I mean how hard can it be son of a [ __ ] [ __ ] I’m about to bail can I tap out oh that back I feel like I got slapped in the face by a large bug I think we’ll definitely be ready for some dinner service tonight while the blue team’s day at the spa is winding down the red team is gearing up for dinner service by prepping both kitchens I can’t believe we’re like going right into dinner service here I know right I’m kind of freaking out myself oh boy what a day at the spa tonight going into service I’m ready to rock with my eyebrows I mean look at them I mean they just don’t get any better than that how’s our kitchen look girls I definitely think our morale is down right now but the red team’s got a win tonight we have to prove that we’re meant to be here we can do this let’s go guys let’s go blue with Hell’s Kitchen just minutes from opening it appears as though both teams are feeling confident for service we got this lady okay James yes chef open Hell’s Kitchen please [Music] for tonight’s dinner service Chef Ramsey has added a tableside special to the menu halit Sashimi Jennifer will look after it for the red team that’s 40 and it will be Natalie’s responsibility for The Blue Team thank you here we go Sashimi wow straight off the order two covers table 10 want Simi one on order two covers table 60 you see me want scul up let’s go Blue Team communicate yes don’t go too quick on the scallop we have to put the risotto out first we’ll talk to Natalie to make sure it goes out all right Natalie once you slice the first one give us a two-minute warning and then we’ll put the 3 minutes so that means you dropping like 30 seconds all right who got the halet sushimi I did you’re in for a treat with Paul organizing the blue team they are off to a good start on appetizers meanwhile in the red kitchen Kupa is eager to get back in Chef Ramsay’s good graces Jennifer can you get that shashimi I’m about 3 minutes on that risotto already doesn’t take that long after the disastrous challenge that I screwed up I’m going to need a major comeback in order for me to to redeem myself as Chef Ramsey’s eyes walking with the rotto cuz I think he’s always going to view me as a girl who can’t tell the difference between fet minan and be who made this who made that Roto the rotto is like soup C Roto is like soup soup soup soup a [ __ ] soup soupy boto what the [ __ ] was wrong with me come on ker I know you don’t know the difference between ve and bees but you must know the difference between soup and risoto yeah sure this sucks I am better than this ker cook perfectly okay let’s gois one [ __ ] up veroda after that no more Kupa seems to be back in the group on appetizers perect keep it going meanwhile in the dining room hello Jennifer is sweating it out tableside this is grapefruit literally I was stressed out because I was sweating and I could feel my nerves top it off with some fresh orange sauce God sweating Jennifer I know it’s hot out there I know I’m sweating like crazy yeah no no but look at me napkin and wipe your face okay not in front of the [ __ ] customers 45 minutes into dinner service the blue team is off to a fast start and have completed their appetizers let’s go guys one tray one post Lobster one Land one sea bass that’s and are relying on Monteray Tommy and Jonathan to keep the momentum going on Entre what kind of mushrooms for the SEI a little chopped up mushro I got those right here I had a little problem with the menu remembering what goes with what many of these go with the lamb no those don’t go with the lamb that’s the that’s the best lamb that’s the best that’s right Jonathan has a bad memory you should know the menu by now this is going to go into this the [ __ ] that’s the lob that’s your dish right lobster right okay okay Jonathan why is Paul taking over the garnish uh he’s helping me out CH helping out doing it I’m having a little bit of trouble oh come on Paul come here you yes chef helping me out is a big difference but actually taking over I’m not going to let Chef do you understand yes chef will the garish be ready Jonathan yes chef it’ll be ready cuz it was not you can [ __ ] off I’ll have it ready I’m sure while Jonathan attempts to hold down the garnish station on his own back on the red side sculls want love spaghetti yes let’s go it’s up to Kupa and Gina to work together and get out the next table of appetizers how long Gina talk to your team I’m ready I’m ready can you slow it down I need about a minute and a half on my pasta I’m good to go slow it down a little bit Gina seems to be in a rush to try to get things done but the pasta wasn’t ready so I kept on pushing it back and pushing it back I’m walking with the scallops oh are you everybody else ready hold on hold 15 seconds walking with my scalp oh [ __ ] me it’s frustrating that she’s not listening to me she was focused on on the task that she was doing but it there was no communication let’s go spaghetti go spaghetti coming right now Chef yeah you’re not even working as a team yet hurry up crew PA Chef Lobster spaghetti under curs not me Cooper taste that hurry up raw I’ll give you another one Chef G definitely screwed me over timing wise and I had no choice but to take it up like that and then take the blame for it Gina Cooper all I’m begging for is communication get it together start the table again while Gina and Kupa refire their appetizers the blue team has managed to start sending out Entre unorderable post on Wellington and now all eyes are on Monteray on the meat station how long Monteray 3 minutes je 3 minutes how totally comfortable working the meat station cuz I know it I had a nice little rhythm with me everything was perfect I felt pretty good oh [ __ ] me monay yes sir when the white fat marbling of a Wellington is not even [ __ ] melted that is raw raw and we got another one I fire again Chef hurry up monay put up the food right the first time I mean it’s like we all know chef je ramse is not going to take a rare cut of meat I don’t understand at this stage in the game take that first place off and if it needs more cooking don’t continue [ __ ] slicing it yes put it back in don’t send it to me [ __ ] raw yes yeah while montere restarts his Wellington over in the red kitchen Kupa is finally ready with her second spaghetti oh my God so pissed off I can’t take it anymore all of come here in my [ __ ] time what’s wrong with that it looks like [ __ ] there’s no pasta it looks like baby food out of a [ __ ] tin it’s disgusting all right chef from a soupy risoto to [ __ ] spaghetti drown in sauce right now appetizers is sinking the whole ship hey you you [ __ ] off upstairs get out I can’t bear to look at you anymore get out I do you know I’m better than this you’re the only one who can take your own grave and I dug myself pretty deep at this point with Kupa vanished to the dorm all right I’m going to the window with the scallet Cesar here the red team has somehow pulled it together and is now getting appetizers out to their hungry customers meanwhile in the blue kitchen Chef Ramsay is looking to montere on meat and Tommy on fish to get Entre out of the kitchen to c one Lobster one Wellington yes sir 3 and2 minutes yes on on the two on the two the Wellington Tomy Tommy how long on the Cod you’re driving Tommy Tommy doesn’t talk he shuts down he gets real quiet and then he doesn’t talk to Chef and that to sound a disrespect to Chef so Chef gets even mad at him tell me how long Tommy you’re keeping us all [ __ ] waiting now it’s coming Che it’s coming I promise yeah but give me a [ __ ] time 2 minutes yes no give me five oh [ __ ] you now I got to redo that cut can’t put that out right [ __ ] man here push it back five on that Cod guys five on that two Cod I’m being a leader for myself in Hell’s Kitchen right now I’m making sure things that leave my hands are perfect and that’s how I will be noticed monay hey boo how can you keep on reheating your meat before it’s overcooked I don’t know how the [ __ ] you do it it won’t be Chef it won’t be montere and Tommy struggles with their Entre have left many of the blue diners for frustrated I’ve had what three pieces of that bread it’s ridiculous meanwhile the red team have picked up the pace and have moved onto Andre’s two Lobster one Wellington one card how long Gina hey hello T to garnish you’re driving the tickets yes chef guys I’m playing my card I need a minute on that card how long Gina I’m walking I’m walking with it you’re walk I’m walking what you’re not okay whatever I whatever oh my God I don’t have everything you don’t have have everything why does anyone understand talk Gina wasn’t communicating with me and I don’t know if she was trying to throw me under the bus but that really screwed me go on there Gina she’s reheating vegetables you’re cooking fish to order Chef scream at her yes chef talk to each other yes chef Gina’s poor communication once again has stalled the red team but over in the blue kitchen Tommy is ready to deliver his ref fired Cod can’t see B Wellington stet I hope it’s working you up at the card who played this Wellington a [ __ ] god well take a look at this I don’t think it’s going to pass if you if you don’t think that’s right you need to let them know now guys I don’t think it’s right pull back come oh [ __ ] [ __ ] off come here you I was me I said you 4 minutes ago how can you continue cooking a Wellington I had two Chef one was over and I still had one to sell with the other check another one was overcooked as well so they’re both overcooked you come here you yes sir last table was the C overcooked now it’s the Wellington let me communicate to both of you [ __ ] off out of here get out of here both of you piss off get upstairs and [ __ ] sit and HP each other get out Tommy everything was ready to go and Tom kept pushing the time back it’s like I only push it back for so many times so I was pissed I I had it TW I had it twice dude I had it twice everything Clockwork Perfect all night I I had it twice I did not deserve to get thrown out the kitchen tonight you you you you kept pushing the time back in the Wellington I did not hand the chef anything that was bad you killed me I don’t know what happened it’s almost like I got pulled into someone else’s mistakes that’s not fair at all there’s no way I deserve that one it’s nearly 2 hours into dinner service and Chef Ramsey is hoping that Gina and Elise have put their communication problems behind them and are ready to deliver Entre Gish plent of fries yes chef really yes chef I can walk with my Entre now are you ready I need a minute out when you’re walking you can’t just walk up there will make sure I heard you it’s like two cats fighting the communication thing just went out the window and they’re both guilty Gish Mash parrots where’s the B plating now Chef are you sure yeah yeah that’s H okay there we go H Che very hot oh stop [ __ ] off will you all of you come here roll bass roll [ __ ] bass oh my God like here it comes anything to say now no Chef nothing at all anything to say anybody [ __ ] off both you [ __ ] off upstairs I feel like my performance was subar but I don’t feel that it was B bad enough for me to be thrown out the kitchen [ __ ] man if my Cass was okay I wouldn’t have got sent out honestly nobody was talking to me and I kept having to ask what’s going what are you going up with and you were already walking and nobody had told me anything nobody was telling me nothing I know so y’all can try to throw me under the bus if you want to wasn’t nobody telling me [ __ ] why you getting at not you not you not you know if anybody’s going to throw you under the bus or not and before that you’re already catching an attitude that’s what I’m saying just calm down you don’t know what’s going to happen shut your mouth for 10 [ __ ] seconds and listen there’s nothing personal against you it’s just that attitude I don’t feel that I was the worst while the debate continues on the patio back in the kitchen the remaining members of both teams hurry to complete dinner service last ticket ladies keep it going ladies keep it together I’m slicing the well walking with my meat okay behind Chef coming down watch your back service please hurry up got Garner Shift come on girls we can finish this let’s go last table guys Hallelujah switch off I’ve had enough I am so pissed off cuz I can’t see a leader anywhere no inspiration no communication zero you’re going backwards winning team No Such Thing both the blue team and the red team get upstairs and come up with two individuals from each team that could really make your team stronger by getting the hell out of there [ __ ] off I think we’re both in Danger tonight I mean red team blue team both had piss poor Services you could send two people home he could send four people home I don’t [Music] know all right let’s do this let’s make this short and sweet who wants to go first how how have to go with uh tom boy and Monty man [ __ ] Monty needs to go man either e you can cook or you can’t and he can’t you know he can’t [ __ ] cook man I nominate money the second one I nominate Tommy he turned his back to Chef and Chef was yelling at him I mean he wasn’t communicating yeah I know I didn’t do it on purpose you know what I’m saying I didn’t know when you turn your back to him and not say anything that’s literally going like this to him he just doesn’t communicate with the team you need to be vocal you need to talk when you shut down the kitchen shuts down with you we’re done here guys yeah I’m going out [Music] swinging Elizabeth pick two who would you pick paa and Delise you I really felt like it was a disaster of a service for you was my performance up part tonight yes but I don’t feel that I was the weakest who would you vote for I would vote for Kupa and [Music] Gina I mean I [ __ ] up this morning really badly and I [ __ ] up service but appetisers did go out car who do you say I mean I’m sure you’re going to me anyway because you would love to see me down or so will you quit taking it [ __ ] personal oh my God if I had to pick one person I would say it was G I just didn’t hear you I didn’t hear you at all you know we’re all guilty of not communicating properly tonight you know we weren’t communicating I was asking tell me when you’re a minute out tell me when you’re a minute out and you didn’t she already said that she didn’t communicate she took charge of what she did wrong I mean I know you don’t like me and you would love to see me go up and I’m not trying to argue so I’m defending myself and I’m saying what happened on my station they want to pretend like it’s about a team but it’s really not it’s everybody for themselves please let me just make it to individuals because that’s where I need to be that’s where I’ll shine the most not trying to worry about these other broads who don’t give a damn about [Music] me I will say this one thing feels good not to be up there myself [Music] Paul first nominee in y please honor Chef he’s had lackluster performances in the last two services so your second nominee is Tommy we feel that sometimes when he gets weeded he’s lack of communications detrimental to the rest of the team and Red Team have you come to a consensus yes Carrie who’s the red team’s first nominee and why please first nominee is Kupa the challenge with the proteins and also this evening appetizers several came back okay so your second nominee is second nominee is police she failed to communicate and she held up SRE Elise Kuper Tommy and Monterey step forward [Music] please Elise why do you think you should stay in Hell’s Kitchen I think I should stay in Hell’s Kitchen cuz I have a lot to give and I know that I’m not the weakest on my team but I can guarantee you Chef that if you grant me a second chance I won’t be up here a third time so if you’re not the weakest who is Gina is the weakest Cooper tell me why you should stay in house kitchen help me my last 24 hours have been my lowest are you the weakest Chef in the red team I would have to say at least just because of the attitude wasn’t looking for the weakest attitude the weakest cook I would have to say Gina as well Tommy you seem to melt down into a little Zone I could have been more vocal with my team it was my flaw but I sure as [ __ ] didn’t step down and step back from my station you cut me off and then you cut your team off Chef it doesn’t mean I’m giving up it means I made a mistake monory why do you think you should stay in Hell’s Kitchen I’m definitely not done here I push for you and I I push hard for my team are you the weakest Chef in your kitchen Monteray no I’m not Chef I think I’m a great cook okay my decision is [Music] Elise I agree with you Gina take your jacket off your time in House’s kitchen is done you are disintegrating there’s no fight back there’s no voice please give me a jacket and get out of house kitchen yes sure thank you thank you for the opportunity good night [Music] I do think Chef Ramsey was wrong to let me go he should have eliminated Elise she’s a big problem on the red team but I absolutely will walk out of here with my head held high I gave it everything that I had each and every one of you listen and listen carefully I have not given up on you yes I’m pissed because I’ve seen flashes of Brilliance are you all ready to fight back yes Che then show me good night good night I’m feeling like the bullets coming right at me and I managed to dodge it but this is the last time you will not see me up on that chopping box ever again woo baby another one bites a dust that’s a step closer for me to get to that grand prize that’s BLT and that 250k when somebody tries and tear me down that just gives me the strength to push it to the next level and I’m putting my game face on and they better bring it cuz I sure will be they say good things come in small packages but unfortunately in Gina’s case her Talent matched her size [Music] tiny and now the continuation of H’s kitchen good night now I need you to get somewhere between being a mouse and being a no mouse okay you promise I promise I can do this I’m trying to work on my attitude and my weaknesses and my flaws I’ve definitely become more humble here I’m supposed to be here yo oh did your heart drop again oh yes what I’mma kill him [ __ ] pump I’m so relieved I’m so [ __ ] releas it’s a little offensive the way Le reacted she’s not a very humble person and so it wasn’t surprising to me for her to be like a cheerleader when she came back she’s so happy I don’t think this is a reason to be happy no we lost G just got sent home without even defending herself it’s not really a time to be celebrating seriously just shut up I’m still [Music] here after a miserable performance at dinner last night the chefs are eager for a shot at Redemption let’s go ladies and Chef Ramsay is happy to give them one new day new beginning everybody is starting with a clean slate because For the First Time In house kitchen we are going to be hosting a high school reunion oh I love high school we had no worries it’s where I met all my best friends I wish I could go back to high school Culver City class of 1991 excited yes yes sir I was not a big fan of high school everyone the best years of your life have never been to college okay listen carefully upstairs in my office are three reunion committee members and we’re going to have a private discussion with them on what they’d like to see on their menu from the red team I would like Elizabeth and from The Blue Team Paul let’s go seriously Elizabeth she really is a space kette you’ll say something to Elizabeth and it’s like a 30second delay it’s like what huh I want wonder if anyone’s Hometime you got to pully come on buddy come on PA go Blue Paul’s a great cook Paul knows what he’s doing I have nothing but faith and confidence of all ladies hello hi may introdu you to Paul and Elizabeth hi so um first of all we’re very honored um to host this special event do you have a theme an idea in mind we were thinking maybe we could recreate something Hawaiian BL that would be fun I would definitely love to see some pork something more hearty I would love to see some scallops scallops I haven’t done a lot of like Hawaiian cooking and stuff but I’ve done like Asian and they do taste extremely similar I’m a pescatarian so I I only eat fish okay how do you guys feel about combining Meat and seafood on the same place like a surf and [Music] turf I not for I think Elizabeth kind of Daydreams a lot or she doesn’t pay attention she just said that she doesn’t eat meat Elizabeth in la la land any more questions no I think I’ve I’ve got a concept okay we going to get cooking thank you for that inside we’ll see you um shortly yes chef Ramsey’s tasting menu challenge will not only test the team’s creativity but Paul and Elizabeth’s ability to listen and communicate Paul Elizabeth you’ve got all the information you need you got 45 minutes and your time starts now off you go now it’s up to Elizabeth and Paul to convey the committee’s preferences to their teams okay they definitely said they wanted as so I would definitely want to do appetizer bacon WRA like scallops is really nice why don’t we do a roasted pork tendine sliced I think that sounds really nice look cool too I think lentils is nicer with pork I don’t know where the lentils came from they’re not Asian I was confused as to if she really did have the right details or not so I feel good about this this a good idea this is what they want they want to do a Hawaiian theme okay yeah they also want pork we got a good tenderloin right here you do like a pineapple or mango chers for the pork yeah that’s do like a fish surf and turf one of the ladies can’t eat meat at all maybe make like a crab sauce for the fish yeah that sounds good okay should start cooking each team must create and prepare a tasting menu consisting of one appetizer one meat on tray and one Seafood entree we got to get the pork in the OV and start the lentils okay I’ll grab the lentils the winning dishes will be featured on the high school reunions menu so I got the guava I got the lime what else is add to this put some uh some chilies in there chilies yeah what else some sugar some vinegar yes yeah like make a Chutney monter you need to know what you’re making pay attention you shouldn’t have to ask us every 7 Seconds what goes with this or what goes with that what I’m doing to this pineapple is breaking it down right now yeah yeah you need to know man this is it put up a shut up let’s go come on Monty the [ __ ] where the spoon is that while montere struggles to stay focused over in the red kitchen Carrie is very focused we need to dice this up for the avocado on her own ideas we can do um a little bit of orange zest n no I always do zest I’m not feeling that really yeah I kind of took charge but I’m not bossy I’m always willing to let other people put their ideas in as well tuna right here next to it a little avocado then we’re going to do the stick out can I make a suggestion what if we do them so they go sideways no I want the highest yeah so far I’ve had the most success working by myself so for me to pair up with flirty bimbo I’m excited I am and job on the same dish I just I wasn’t feeling it don’t worry I got this I make this all the time at home just said the 2 minutes to [Applause] go I dropped the scalla babie well we got four ones to work with that’s it will you got the red salt I got red s here I’m getting the bacon pieces on it holy we got this croutons croutons you put the nuts on top put the what on top the nuts no there’s no nuts sorry 3 2 1 and serve okay I’d like to introduce you to three amazing ladies that are here to choose who’s got the best dishes Jenna Di and Flynn hi ladies please take a seat we’ve got our wonderful tasting menu for you the theme is Hawaii what the hell I didn’t hear anything about Hawaiian it was Asian I don’t know where she came up with Asian appetizers let’s go are you kidding me they wanted Hawaiian we’re going to look like idiots going up there with these Japanese these dishes okay natally it is AI tuna and Ono Pokey it’s traditionally Hawaiian I have it on a freshly toasted crestini wanted something to be uh really easy to eat tiata I had the perfect bite you HD it on the head for me I really enjoy the consistency of the fish I think it’s great thank you good stop thank you n nailed it we have a tuna tartar that we put our own little spin on a tuna with the avocado that we mix some chilies with on top you have the won please enjoy Lynn I absolutely love the tuna I think the guacamole is a little bit overpowering all I tasted yeah we can lighten up on that car sh f for me the fish and the guacamole I like them each separately I don’t know about together it felt maybe a little what like for you but I thought the flavors were amazing car at least let Madam I’d like to hear it’s constructive feedback yes sir thank you Carrie does need to learn when to shut up shut the [ __ ] up right now Carrie cuz I will strangle you myself Jenna what do you think Dy a red or blue I think I’m going to have to go with the blue I’m going to be agreeing with Jenna on this one I agree the blue okay damn congratulations one point to the blue thank you so much Ladi thank [Music] you I can’t believe I got beat out by a crustini damn it meets please with Natalie giving the blue team the early lead it’s now time for Kupa and montere to face off with the meat on TRS okay Kupa we have a nut crusted pork loin there’s some delicious lentils with a little bit of blanch Bach Cho on the side how was that um I mean it tasted delicious but I don’t know that I felt like it was a Hawaiian themed dish yeah I think of Hawai I don’t think of lentils one right here we have a roasted tenderloin on top we have a a mango pineapple chutney the pork was the dish I was most concerned about monor’s Chutney was going to be the wild card I hope we get this right I hope the pork’s cooked are you uh sending the ladies on a diet where’s the rest of the dish we thinking you know light but you know a little fulfilling that’s really it’s worth a smart portion it’s worth a small portion thank you ma’am it’s very [Music] tasty need another bite I mean it’s really good ladies I don’t think I have to ask yeah yeah congratulations point to The Blue Team good job thank you Chef I am so sick of losing like I hate losing I hate it one no I no the secret to your cooking is sit three ladies in front of you fish please let’s see if the blue team can make a clean sweep of it uh let’s start off with ladi’s first please wow look at that looks amazing we have barbecue seared scallops and the barbecue sauce it’s guavo Chipotle finished with bacon lardons I hope you enjoy it ladies did you say bacon yes bacon lardons okay I’ll have to pass on this one I’m sorry is bacon inside the sauce or yeah the bacon is inside the sauce okay and you really wanted the scallop it’s okay Elizabeth di did explain that she’s pescatarian and she couldn’t eat meat I’m a pescatarian I can’t eat it cuz it got bacon in it and I kind of looked at Elizabeth like oh no you didn’t you [Music] forget oh my God Elizabeth I um just asking oh Jesus um I okay I’m sorry I was under the impression that like we we could mix them I’m sorry how do you guys feel about combining Meat and seafood on the same plate like a surf and turf I know Elizabeth gave us the wrong ingredients you gave us the wrong theme you gave us all everything was wrong Jenna how was that well I’m going to have to admit I’m not a big scallop person wow I honestly just didn’t care for it that much it’s too barbecuey I thought maybe it was a little undercooked yes scops could have been done with a touch more cooking um especially the one I ate uh will give us some Delight please here fish course we have a Banana Leaf wrapped steamed Opa Opa is also known as Hawaiian MoonFish and the sauce is a coconut chili lime ma sauce oh my gosh yeah this delish gorgeous wow amazing on I don’t want to stop eating amazing delicious kind of takes your palet on a little bit of a journey wow like it’s really flavorful it hits you I still think about it afterwards I feel it in my mouth uh good job thank you very much ladies again I think it’s pretty obvious yes blue team congratulations great job 3 n a shut out well done thank you sh great job I mean we just got spanked so bad I’m tired of losing I’m not a loser thanks for coming then good to see you D thank you it’s a nice to remember yes I’m frustrated because it feels like Elizabeth wore earplugs during her briefing cuz she didn’t bring back none of the right information and we all look like idiots all right Paul great brief thank you Chef it feels amazing to have a Clean Sweep but it even feels more amazing that I led us to a clean sweep so I have an amazing reward for you you’ll be spending the day on a magnificent super yacht it’s got four levels it has a Jacuzzi wow a fully stocked [Music] bar trust me you are going to have an amazing day on the water I’ve really needed this win it’s like fireworks going off inside of me right now it’s like man up to the dorm congratulations great job well done thank you Che enjoy oh ladies you’re in for a busy day let me tell you that you’ll be working to redecorate and transform house kitchen into an Hawaiian theme ahead of that wonderful dinner yes chef yes chef but first it’s time to start cleaning let’s go I’m really sick of this [ __ ] I don’t know where all this [ __ ] came up with that we made because that’s not even what they wanted she definitely said Asian I know 100% but you pressed the issue of bacon and they said they wanted pork pork we want pork so I said go with bacon but if she was a pescatarian I’m sure she mentioned it and that was something that should have been told to the team because we would all know that we can’t put bacon on the I’m not going to take all the blame for this when we lost by a landslide can’t blame the whole thing on me everybody lost points and not because of the information I said just because like the dishes were not good enough your gallops were undercooked the leaf [ __ ] while the red team plays the blame game the blue team is ready to party on the boat that ain’t a boat [ __ ] that’s a yacht this is awesome woo this is the best reward ever oh we get a captain’s hat what I get a captain’s hat we get a camera waterproof digital camera hey guys right quick you guys look like the Village People that looks like David Le ladies and gentlemen the Paul is on the yacht [Music] got perfect this is what it feels like to be better than everybody else serious today that’s what I’m talking about as The Blue Team sets sail back in Hell’s Kitchen the red team does some heavy lifting let’s go [ __ ] this is heavy pick it up but not everyone is pulling their weight it’s heavy are they heavy Jamie yes oh that one’s lighter you got the whole thing yep that’s heavy as usual is kind of standing there you know not really doing anything just kind of talking oh that one’s real heavy that’s how Elis is she’s good at pretending she’s doing something when she’s really not somebody want to give me a hand drag it damn while the red team seems to have had enough of Elise The Blue Team can’t seem to get enough of Natalie nice BL baby can’t beat that can’t beat that baby this is where it’s at man they don’t get no better than this we pitched a perfect game perfect I feel like a movie star right now I kind of came in as a supporting cast in The Blue Team and I feel like that I kind of brought everyone together at first I was totally against another person coming over to our crew but I’m Happ with that Natalie came over the men’s team died and The Blue Team flied you you know what I’m saying they give me a lot of respect and I know all my team has my back get a picture now oh she moved quick back at Hell’s Kitchen the girls have been making L outlays for hours how many do you think you’ve gotten done of those lays 19 oh my God what a relaxing day I drank so much wine can’t understand anything they’re saying I’m the king in the world we walk in and the red team sitting there at the table making lays they look miserable so why not rub it in a little bit the hot them was so comfortable get off of me com but you know what I got this cool waterproof camera’s we’ll show you all the pictures so fun we’d all had some drinks we were all having a really good time and sucks for the red team but you know what can you do hey will you take a picture of me standing in like the flower garden I’ll take a picture you went abolutely oh [ __ ] it’s definitely interesting to see Natalie a little tipsy why don’t they F Natalie deserves it Natalie worked hard we all worked hard it’s cool to see Natalie letting her hair down I wish I could have got the splash man that was a classic that that would have been beautiful now sexy I think a lot of the guys on the blue team you know they miss their wives they miss their girlfriends and they really love having me on the team and honestly I appreciate all the comments they make and wanting to take pictures of me you why don’t you take the yellow thing off already you should have been a model not a cook I modeled for a while I can tell give me a good one you ready give me a good one on three two one [Laughter] yes morning comes quickly and the chefs must get an early start prepping for tonight’s first ever high school reunion dinner service but after yesterday’s indulgent day on the high seas how’s do feeling oh no gross the blue team is moving a little slow yep and the red team is working on their final punishment task so is it good cake I’m working on it putting together a three- layer cake um yeah I’ve never put a cake this big together we have to pick this [ __ ] up and put it on top of this oh my God you need another hand set of hands oh ta right middle move it move it move it move it move it move it this is going to be the worst cake ever this cake is going to be a freaking joke because nobody’s taking this seriously am I the only one that cares all right can we have like a team meeting for 5 seconds this cake look like [ __ ] and it’s not funny Who’s Laughing stop saying that like no one’s taking it seriously Carrie got a big mouth as always and she want to try to get in my face with it she better back down I wasn’t saying that I was making a joke that’s exactly what you said you said no one’s laughing either like that that to other people makes them feel as though you’re they’re not taking any serious I’m not trying to make anyone feel I’m telling you what you said youin don’t make me inferior you don’t make me feel inferior I just don’t like how you try to act like no one else around you is taking it serious blah blah blah blah blah blah care blah blah blah blah blah you’re a trifling ass [ __ ] are you kidding me I’m about to show you [ __ ] everyone take don’t have to Y at me I’m right here you better get out of my face blah blah blah blah blah fcking about my face honestly I just don’t get trashy like that that’s not my style freaking drama are you okay I’m fine it’s ironic that we’re prepping for high school reunion and while and car are like two high school girls wanting to rip each other’s hair out and accomplishing nothing so we’re screwed that’s what we’re stuck with I think it looks like [ __ ] why don’t we just cover it up with a [ __ ] bunch of flowers we’re getting into a lot of decorations all right then somebody needs to just work on decorations make a lot of [ __ ] decorations I’ll start working on flowers okay with the reunion just minutes away everyone cool everyone knows what they’re doing all right let’s clean it up the decorations are all falling off hi guys morning chef Chef Ramsey wants to make sure everything is in order let go big big big night our first ever high school reunion red team ladies yes sure that looks amazing wow well done thank you where’s the cake please Scott we ordered a special stand for the cake right yes okay good excellent what on [Music] Earth holy crap did someone vomit on it what’s all the bits of brown at the bot what’s all that we thought it would looked like look at it it’s like a big Mexican somera gone wrong with someone shot on it oh God blue team have you seen this disaster Olay [Music] yeah uh let me tell you something we are definitely not serving that thing do you mind Scott do you mind just putting that over there or thank you I hope you did a much better job preparing the blue team’s winning dishes yes please tell me did that okay let’s go Chef okay James open H’s kitchen please let’s go yes chef you look ridiculous it’s a Hawaiian night yeah I gathered it’s Hawaiian night but honestly can I open yes James at least once a year Chef Ramsey tests the chefs by closing Hell’s Kitchen for a special event tonight is a Hawaiian themed high school reunion and everyone is hoping it will be a night to remember I’m so glad to see you guys1 I haven’t seen you guys since 10 year right rock this [ __ ] BL team here we go two crab two tuna one shrimp one pot stick I really feel like tonight the blue team we’re going to knock it out the Park I mean we got this menu down it’s our dishes we’re going to take it in service tonight stay focused let’s go okay red team here we go two P stickers one crap on tuna yes why is there garlic on this what’s what’s the garlic going hey what the [ __ ] is this the blue team’s totally at an advantage all three of their dishes are on the menu tonight so it scares me because the red team doesn’t know how to make these dishes wait are you doing the shrimp sauce or I’m doing it I thought I was doing it up here while the red team tries to find their footing The Blue Team seems to be off to a strong start how long please I need 4 minutes Chef 4 minutes H CU man and Al we all rocking pushing out the apps are you coming up yep I’m right behind you go this is going to be easy easy money and we going to walk out this kitchen Victorious thanks to montere and Natalie on appetizers service please let’s go the blue team is humming along there you are thank you and satisfying their reunion guests meanwhile the red team is eager to start sending food as well walk with my salad I’m not walking yet maybe a little too eager Carrie Carrie did you just walk your apps up yes I did it’s okay though I’ve got two pot stickers with that it’s okay it’s our salad pot stickers how long uh I need 2 minutes Chef why can’t everything come up together I don’t know if it was they didn’t hear me or so they just went to the window without you yes chef Carrie has a tendency to want to like make herself look good and some of the mistakes she makes shows how much of a rookie she is it’s like neck and neck with Ken ker who’s the weakest I asked you to work as a team everything else will come out together from now on Chef oh [ __ ] offia here you go as far as I’m concerned you can [ __ ] off start again while the red team struggles to get out appetizers the blue team has moved on to Entre where’s the Snapper hurry up guys please yes I’m walking to the P right now watch your back watch your back Paul yes chef it’s cold in the center and it’s [ __ ] fire I’m struggling Paul I don’t expect that from you it’s our first table I’m struggling Paul I don’t expect that from you not tonight yes chef this is my fault I [ __ ] up I’m taking this 100% on my shoulders is that a total refire yes guys we got to pick this up while The Blue Team starts over on their first set of Entre is it going the red team is still struggling to get out appetizers is any teamwork yes sir call back the next table call back the next table two shrim two shrimp oh [ __ ] who’s going to lead the red team I am Chef let’s go then let’s go ladies to two pot stickers salad and one shrimp let’s go walking with shrimp I see myself as a natural born leader I do have a big mouth but I know how to use it 30 seconds on my pot sticker 30 seconds H walk in my salad following with pot stickers we can do this how nice to co*ke though beautiful the J ladies that’s right that means I don’t just talk keep up the communication I can back it up you know what I’m saying service please thanks to Alisa’s leadership the red team’s reunion guests are finally enjoying their appetizers it looks good yeah the pot sticker’s good meanwhile over in the blue kitchen three op one Snapper one pork one New York strip go Monteray decides to lend a helping hand we need broccolini just use the same pant got it after I was done apps I immediately jumped on the garnish you know I just went for a throttle two p is this what’s this that is for your broccolini you just put broccolini in the cold pan it’s going to get oh greas oh rule number one vegetables in a cold pan with cold oil turns them into what must start again yes yes I want to see some respect and now he just put in the trash I’m sorry oh my [ __ ] God you [ __ ] kidding me it’s it’s really embarrassing I need you at your best use your brain yes chef well montere starts over on his broccolini over in the red kitchen fish to the window rice garnish let’s go I need rice I’m running low I got it Carrie is hoping to impress chef ramsy with her [Music] speed Terry look at me look at me yes are you adding the old rice into the fresh rice just reheating it I’m watching everything you’re doing no I did add some the old them yes I’ll I’ll start over right now dump that pan and start over she wants to cut corners and you wonder why I’m pissed off no Chef that’s pretty stupid my mind was blown I was like well Chef Ramsey sees her for who she is is the weakest on the team I know the name of your restaurant Shay leftovers yes sir while car starts from square one on her rice Chef Ramsey Snapper please is waiting on Paul where’s the Snapper once again yes chef I’m pushing it out right now it’s [ __ ] Ro all of you I’m I’m struggling the fish is [ __ ] WR it’s the second time and it’s the committee’s table you can’t do that to me Chef Paul’s crashing and burning on the fish station like the Titanic you know it’s [ __ ] going down you offish [ __ ] Jonathan Monteray on the fish I’m like okay come on let’s go let’s go get a grip guys one more 5 minutes Jesus Christ while Jonathan and montere try to rescue the blue kitchen over in the red kitchen Elizabeth is ready to prove that she is more than capable on the fish station fish to the window yeah Chef I want my performance to be absolutely perfect especially after the really embarrassing challenge like I have got to redeem myself Elizabeth yes chef that’s fely cook the SN thank you Chef thank you you and I we’re on the same Pace I on the same let’s go then while the red kitchen’s dishes are now a hit with red diners oh go red team over on the blue side of the dining room I do apologize it’s being recooked the reunion committee has yet to receive a single Snapper Jonathan Monteray committee table we’ve got to pull it together 2 minutes 2 minutes Che jump in you need help you you do what you got to do no just do what you got to do CH fry throws me on fish tast so I do what I can and Jonathan just sitting back and just watching I’m like dude what the hell are you doing start [ __ ] cooking for your team please like what is wrong with you what the [ __ ] is Jonathan doing I’m trying to help St I’m just trying to help Jonathan is sitting in the corner like some straight dog with his tail between his legs if anybody needs anything just holler at me okay so I guess I’m by myself I have to step up and I’m like more than capable of doing this job where is the snapper right here s r all of you come here just touch that put your hand on top of there touch it touch it don’t you you dare I am so pissed off I can’t take it anymore I’ve enough he screws me you walk away where’s your respect get out [ __ ] off can a couple of us stay shf and try to do something piss off [ __ ] this is the second time I’ve got kicked out of a kitchen and you know that really hurts my [ __ ] feelings red team listen carefully The Blue Team are out you’re now going to finish and sweep up for the ship performance The Blue Team have done yes sir two Snapper two New York strip one PK One open away yes the red team won tonight because they got kicked out oh my god it feels amazing I apologize for the delay on your Entre V team stepping in though to make your meal for you so your Entre will be arriving shortly now it’s up to the red team to finish service for the blue team’s guests who are still waiting for their main course I don’t want any bread I wonder we need food come on ladies please come on garnish up okay beautiful let’s go behind behind behind snaer got it it’s nice two snaer there you are 25 as the reunion committee applauds the red team for their entree [Music] [Applause] arrival out on the patio the blue team has little to celebrate up John not [ __ ] you got your [ __ ] packed why you say that cuz it’s time for you to go baby me yeah you when you get on the real estate then let’s see what you going to do I’ve showed my [ __ ] skills several times I I ain’t s nothing out [ __ ] up I seen you [ __ ] hiot no dessert I went straight to [ __ ] Garden straight to it and went straight to it went straight to it and [ __ ] it up got [ __ ] sent back went straight to fish and [ __ ] it up so kill that noise man you didn’t cook anything are you [ __ ] serious you ain’t in a position to say anything that anybody can’t cook or do anything to [ __ ] right not when I Ain never see you do anything you don’t even the [ __ ] menu you still don’t [ __ ] know it and you don’t know how to cook as Monteray and Jonathan continue to battle the red team has successfully completed dinner service and Chef Ramsey has something special plan for the high school reunion guests good job the red team uh ladies and gentlemen first of all seen as it’s Hawaii night I’ve got a little surprise for you to help celebrate this phenomenal 20year reunion take it away boys [Music] [Music] please hula dancing looks fun I mean I seen you can even do it with love handles I’m just saying [Applause] wow do not de this a HT that’s our next ch [Music] right with the reunion ending on a fiery note The Blue Team seems ready to explode we don’t know what you can do cuz you ain’t cooked yet you came out throwing shots at me I don’t know why you’ll be at the house uh crying cuz you got voted off you’ll see what I’m going to do I don’t see how you get those shots when you only toss a couple Cass to work kasside this where I come from a [ __ ] move like that you wouldn’t last 5 minutes in my neighborhood don’t wait till I walk away don’t talk that [ __ ] when I walk away now you want to back it up back it up back up I said to your [ __ ] face dog I’m a grown ass man dog whatever I said I said to him and I said to you in your [ __ ] face I ain’t about that at all dog like I said man you might as well your [ __ ] man they never been me ever [ __ ] ever [Music] blue team have you reached a consensus sir Natalie blue team’s first nominee and wife our first nominee Chef is Monterey he was put on the fish station to kind of take over for Paul and he was still serving up raw fish blue team second nominee why our second nominee is Paul Chef he let us down on the fish station tonight overcooked and undercooked fish made us all get in the weeds and get behind yep Paul Mony step forward [Music] please before I begin I want to hear from one other person Jonathan get your butt up here that’s right wow I’m seriously disappointed po that was one of the worst dinner Services I’ve ever witnessed I’m sick to my stomach of what happened tonight I ruined somebody’s 20year anniversary that they’ll never get back I feel that I’m not done Chef I take full responsibility for what happened but I really really don’t want to go I’m unconvinced you disintegrated you backed up the entire dying room I know Chef I had the worst Sur of my life I am so disappointed in myself that I’m literally cringing cringing of watching you at the pass and I’m [ __ ] on you every [ __ ] table cuz I couldn’t get my [ __ ] together I don’t want that to ever happen again and I have enough determination to make sure it won’t [ __ ] happen again that’s why I still want to be here cuz my fire isn’t out pul chef back in line thank you Chef I’m on the fence right now Jonathan are you you a better Chef than Monteray yes chef why I have the uh communication if I think it’s going to be wrong I rather talk to my team and get it right the first time you know try to get a strong start but get a stronger finish monory yes chef what have you got that Jonathan hasn’t I think more experience on just the cooking alone and the language and the ingredients that we work with I think I got more experience than him maybe knife skills as well knife skills knife skills yes I don’t know what he’s talking about I’ve never cut myself since I’ve been here it’s hard to cut yourself when you just marinate meat all day and playing with meat all day okay the person leaving House’s kitchen is moderator give me your chef jacket your time is done in house kitchen head up mon thank you Chef was honor thank you bud love dog good love I appreciate the efforts I truly think that Johnny should have been eliminated because he hasn’t done anything since he got here if I had have known you know to stand in the background and not cooking anything was the key to stay in Hell’s Kitchen i’ have been de dad from the start doesn’t matter what you’ve done before you entered Hell’s Kitchen it matters on what you do inside this restaurant got it yes sir get out of here here it is right here M I’m still standing and I’m still in the kitchen baby you’re on the couch I know it’s Chef Ramsey’s restaurant but at the end of the day this is my prize I’m here to win and no one’s going to stand in my way feel like Chef Ramsey is giving me the biggest chance in the world I’m ever going to get I got to put what happened T night behind me focus on tomorrow it was high school reunion night in house kitchen unfortunately for Monteray he flunked the test [Music] and now the continuation of Hell’s Kitchen you good yep I’m good I was a nervous wreck Chef Ramsey saw some weak points in me that he needed to bring to my attention and it’s time to Knuckle Up and buckle up man I can feel my [ __ ] heartbeat in my throat this is my second chance so the next dinner service man I’m not going to disappoint him I’m ready to win a service me too I’m tired of losing and we’re not doing it [Music] anymore easy girl man wow how many glasses have you had we need some more this is pretty normal for a chef get off of a 16-hour shift you’re a mess and you have a drink or two and then you just sit back and relax Natalie don’t be making faces at me oh Koopa damn right this is so hysterical I didn’t really figure Kupa for like a big lightweight how are you going to drink the licky if you can’t open the bottle she’s drunk I am not I Lov Kupa I think she’s funny she had a couple drinks uh good for her let her loosen up a little bit it’s good to see her actually have some [Music] fun oh my God I’m come [Music] on that’s when you know you’ve had enough while everyone is energized and raring to go there is one Chef who not surprisingly is in a world of pain I feel like crap I guess I went a little overboard I don’t even want to think about that again oh God I just want to move forward for the challenge morning let’s go okay so I thought I would get your mind going early this morning look at this amazing table of ingredients what I’d like you all to do now is to think of something delicious based on the ingredients in front of me let’s go at least okay I do take it seriously when it’s game time I start automatically thinking what I’m going to do can I get past you doesn’t that smell amazing there’s so many different grains fruits oils I really have no idea what’s going on everyone’s got an idea yes sir good back in line please whatever it is I need to step up and show Chef Ramsey that it wasn’t a mistake to keep me here what would you make grilled swordfish blood orange reduction least the fresh Berry zabon sauce and whipped cream Jonathan honey glaze pork tenderloin all interesting thoughts but I’d like to get the opinions of two experts who are specially skilled at mixing the ingredients in front of me hi Christina morning ladies morning morning please come in how are you m great good to see you too now ladies take a quick look at the ingredients and tell us what you would do we’d make beer these ladies would answer beer to just about everything right that’s true these two ladies are beer samas wow that’s awesome an example in terms of how we can use beer with ingredients in front of us can do like a baby back ribs brazed in barley wine definitely Rosemary time beer bread salad with beers of vinegret Jonathan funny how you’ve just woken up all of a sudden she had me at baby back ribs okay for today’s challenge you’re cooking with be when they said beer I was like uh that’s the last thing I need ladies please hot chicks and beer let me tell you something this doesn’t suck that’s exactly how I like my beer Chef listen carefully because each of you will be creating your own special dish using one or more of the beers excited yes sir the time starts now each Chef has just 45 minutes to create a dish featuring one or more types of beer it’s actually pretty refreshing for a stop Chef Ramsey has designed this challenge to test the chef’s creativity excuse me Natalie I’m going to try some of this belg and their ability to create a well balanced and delicious dish I’ve got a thousand ideas already man using a unique ingredient Jonathan a little less time drinking and more time cooking would be greatly appreciative yes yeah oh my God I want everything 42 minutes left to go come on ladies I want to win today yeah let’s get this done Jonathan time to shine let’s go oh I’m fixing a sh here ladies hungry yes I happen to be fond of beer spent the last he is running a gastro pub oh you did I’m going to crush this so you tell me to knock a cute blonde out of the park with a phenomenal dish you don’t got to tell me twice don’t forget when you’re thinking about your dish Dr of colors too oh definitely you got ladies to impress you know what I’m saying 20 minutes to go yes oh boy let’s get cranking while Tommy seems focused on the task at hand kroa is anything but kroa what are you doing I’ve got a rabbit raising in um um raspberry uh the Belgian white if we’re going to win any challenge each individual person has to be running at 100% and K is running at about 50% right now uh wait what are you saying wait too oh uh at least I mean G carry wow 5 minutes let’s go pineapple I want to win ladies come on 30 seconds to go oh my God three two one and serve right red team blue team I want all of you to rank your dishes from 1 to 5 red team you have one extra in your team so you’re going to drop one start now let’s go guys that doesn’t have any flavor to me is this chicken chicken that’s a funny looking chicken it’s rabbit rabbit chicken whatever it is King [ __ ] was nasty I’m beyond pissed off my dish was not the worst this sauce is weird who is this it’s mine that’s five five that’s five really that bro’s weird I has something weird what’s in the sauce the beer chili that’s what it is the beer so five right that’s what we’re doing you wants in the broth of blast broth is five I was a little bit surprised that pulie was ranked last cuz Paulie’s a pretty good chef but his dish was bad man red team whose dish are you dropping Elise Krupa’s dish because it’s a little tough and under seasoned Carrie why did you look so pissed off I didn’t think mine hasard fifth Hey listen the good news is at least you made the cut hey that’s right Chef Paul and carry let’s go go Carrie go Paul let’s start off with the ladies first Carrie please I did the fillet I marinated it in the stout beer and with my sauce I used the raspberry pour a little of the Stout in there as well I think it’s delicious I think you ladies will definitely enjoy it you can really taste the raspberry in there MH you can feel the beer in that dish I could see how you’d be a little burned that this is fifth Choice well done ber pull please what is that grilled piece of salmon with heisen broth I was a little shocked that my team felt that my dish was the weakest Salmon’s beautiful time to taste the broth we’ll see how it plays out sorry like dying over there that’s bitter uh ladies I’m sure we’re all in agreeance the Point has to go to Carrie yeah thank you I’m not just a pantry Girl Carrie that was for me the best dish you’ve ever cooked okay in fourth place Jonathan and leas let’s go at least what I made for you today is salmon cooked it in the Belgium white beer it’s interesting unlike the last two dishes it’s a little more lighter which is nice I try to go lighter because I know personally when I drink beer I’m full oh look at the size you no wonder not even pint size Jonathan please oh wow that b when Jonathan pulled his lid off his dish I like what is that visually he’s got that sort of pineapple gone wild [ __ ] me it was fruit salad on meat again call this the uh punch drunk chicken you open a can of pineapple and you stick it on top of a chicken a lot of chefs are fascinated with proteins you are obsessed with fruit explain to the ladies what the dishes please I have a pan seared chicken breast I Incorporated my raspberry Lambic into my pineapple and bed of hash it’s a pretty tasty dish it’s sweet too sweet yeah the thing about good beer is the balance and so I just think that this just missing a little bit of that balance uh ladies um red team or blue team red team I agree congratulations Elise good [Applause] job man I’m I’m about to the point where I’m ready to say [ __ ] using some fruits but you know inside I can’t let that happen I love fruit man okay 2-0 to the red team let’s go Jennifer with the red team leading 2 to zero Jennifer’s he aison chicken and sausage stew I mean visually it looks like a plate of leftovers is up against Natalie’s Chocolate Stout fillet honestly it’s almost like you’re drinking a beer and Natalie triumphs over Jennifer good job girl with the red team’s lead cut to one go Liz Elizabeth’s Amber muscles and clams salty yeah it is salty faces off against Will’s Lambic infused venison loin I think it’s delicious it has everything that dish and the blue team’s comeback is complete hold up kids up him down with the score now tied blue team red team let’s go it all comes down to the top rank dishes from each team Jamie for the red team and Tommy for the blue Jamie please I marinated the duck in the Belgian white with some garlic and shallots and then the duck has a glaze of the raspberry beer reduction ladies it’s good it’s interesting yeah different I mean the duck is uh delicious I was hoping somebody would do duck with the raspberry lambing Tommy did a duck with the raspberry lambing did he really the same dish yeah very good great job thank you okay Tommy please where are the ladies add did the duck as well let me show you how it’s done Jamie all right check it out here’s what we did here oh my gosh I boiled my purple potatoes down and stout then I just put aside a brussel sprouts which were uh cooked down your he a Weiss in ooh that’s good yeah yeah raan it’s pretty good this has a depth mhm the meat has a saltiness and you still get the sweetness from the Lambic good job I mean really good job back in line both of you please thank you ladies good job Tom I was just trying to flirt a little bit the cute brunette seemed to enjoy my company two good dishes I mean this is going to be really difficult going down one dish had an edge congratulations goes to [Music] blue team yeah it was like a ton of bricks just fell on us again right good job Tommy good job Tommy here you go guys good job hell yeah I aced it this definitely proves fact that I’m just the most awesome of anyone in the world ladies um a big thank you as always yes pleasure great job best wishes see you again blue team I’ve got an amazing day do you like speed me cook next to I’m only kidding I’m only kidding switch parts of me please you going make me stand next to him okay all of you are going to be VIP guests at the Long Beach Grand Prix indie car racing yes oh fantastic get yourselves up to the dorm as fast as possible and enjoy your dare speedoo oh dear ladies it pains me to say this this today is delivery day delivery day everyone knows this is the worst punishment that’s right we’ve got up to 20 trucks arriving restocking resupplying it’s going to be it’s going to be tough it’s okay it’s okay at least you okay mhm what’s wrong nothing what what do you mean nothing you’re standing there crying your eyes out talk to me nothing Chef really we’re going to crack cuz we lost the challenge come on suck it up it was like a little spoiled girl she does get her away she those a fet it’s okay bring it on Chef I’m not crying I’ll take it start off by cleaning down the kitchens let’s [Music] go godam your scream scared me more than the horn hey Ice Ice Baby I don’t want to lift that I’m living I’m not going to sit here and prend pretend like I’m not mad as hell that we’re about to be carrying all this stuff I got my point I’m just tired of being punished because arresting the members on my team make rookie mistakes this punishment sucks the ice like so cold like my arms are getting like frostbitten take this one’s like wet put one on my other shoulder it’s heavy you okay with two be careful Carrie don’t take on too much I’m my God what a dumb dumb while Elise seems to have put it in park at the punishment The Blue Team rolls up to the racetrack hot damn we pull up and all I see is the Hell’s Kitchen indie car and it was badass I’m Paul man AR L J what going on man will we got to meet Simona man a hot chicken a fast car H that’s right on my alley man yeah baby time to rock and [Music] Ro you know the G’s just snatch you back in the seats speeds of way over 220 man it’s an unbelievable feeling man I’m going to talk about this for the rest of my [Music] life I’m pretty bad in cooking so you guys have to teach me something I’m pretty I’m pretty bad at driving a car I don’t know anything about racing I met some really cute girl who drives cars so I was interested in you know stuff where where you from switzland Switzerland yeah I’m a big fan of your cheese huh put the holes in with the holes in it yeah P you got to work on your [Music] game what we got this time what are you [ __ ] serious there’s no way I could carry in kegs away more than some of us put together all right one step at a time can you lift it up I can’t do it put it on the Step at least really oh my God I’m not being a baby but this is heavy as hell it hurts can someone walk with me and just get this one down Elise is definitely a diva every 1 inch I’m like Elise you got to [ __ ] pick it up she’s pissing me off I’m really just done with Elise she gets in this like rut of attitude and it’s a weight that we carry all the time I’m here to [ __ ] win I’m not here to throw my back out this is ridiculous I got to stop let’s use the cart well can you’all three not get it we can take our turn on the cart does your does that cart stay carry at least take the [ __ ] cart thank you I’m done with the leas who died and made her Queen why don’t y’all just bring him to the door and I’ll wield him to the STA oh does it have your name on you know what my fist is about to have your teeth on it how about that knock it off seriously the least is not a team player I was just absolutely fed up with her attitude like that’s it you you you’ve hit your strike limit you’re done I’m exhausted [Music] as the day comes to a close the blue team is winding down from a day at the track those race cars got moving today I was like meanwhile the red team come on Jennifer what’s up is all wound up all right well I’ll be the leader I’ll stop the lease I take the punishment so serious and I feel like sometimes you don’t I agree there’s a lot of times where you stand around or take the easy job and that irritates me when you just tend to walk slow and tend to yeah because I’m not going to overextend myself if I know I can’t Carri or I it’s for your teammates to be to to haul every heavy [ __ ] some of them can carry more here we go did I take two bags of ice on my shoulders like I was Hercules no because I’m not trying to impress any of these people here they’re not the ones who’s going to say I can stay or can the red team has confronted her about her lack of effort in today’s punishment the punishment is all of us the rest of us are busting our ass and you’re like hold bu my ass too [ __ ] that you’re getting all defensive and stuff I’m not being defensive I’m defending myself on the matter that’s being defensive okay the red team got upset with me and I don’t really care because I’m not here to make friends but in this game you have to have a strategy I don’t want there to be in a m I will try harder to move over this bump uhhuh I just want to have a good service tomorrow and I will say whatever I have to say because I don’t like losing as both teams get an early start on a long day of prep Elise can I help anybody with anything appears to have a new attitude want to help me with this here’s the salad for it there’s back up down here just turn all okay this is interesting I think Elisa is working on our attitude cuz at the end of the day we need to figure out how we can win I just want to win let’s pray I’m just kidding [Music] who’s doing what here I can work on the meats I’ll help you knock some out real quick you wrap those wellingtons you do four in a sheet yep how many you have get several of these man let’s face it man you know our dinner Services suck ass it’s definitely a time for Redemption for the blue team so my God let it be tonight you know please oh so good today my dish yesterday wasn’t up to Snuff yeah I’m definitely ready to bounce back hopefully I keep my head above water tonight everybody needs to keep their head in the game do what you know and that’s it James yes chef open H’s kitchen [Music] please it’s beer night in Hell’s Kitchen this looks like a water l in addition to Special beer Towers at every table Chef Ramsey has added Belgian ale steamed muscles and stout spiced venison to the menu ordering chef thank you thank you okay here we go three Lobster spaghetti one scops yes chef can’t drive it at least let’s go yes chef work like a team Jamie need to drop your scallop scallops are dropped right now okay I’m a minute and a half away on this spaghetti want me say it again or we good I have a minute and a half out I don’t want to jinx anything at least is trying to work on holding your tongue I hope that it stays that way um how long you need on your scal cuz I’m ready to go I I can walk where’s the spaghetti walking with three Lobster spaghetti we got one more scallop following this one ladies very nice that Lobster spaghetti yes chef Lobster spet thank you ladies great start keep it going let’s go ladies we can do this tonight the red kitchen’s new found team unity has them off to a good start on appetizers meanwhile in the blue kitchen Chef Ramsey is looking to Paul and Natalie to deliver on their appetizers rotto two scolars yes how long Paul 4 minutes Chef 4 minutes Paul yes chef tonight is your come back night yes chef let’s go I want to hear it yes yes chef I’m hoping that Paul can do a way better job than he did last dinner service one person has a bad night it could bring the whole team [Music] down very nice uple thank you Chef scolar please Natalie I’m dying let’s go coming right now Chef first [ __ ] table huh Natalie yes chef rber touch them come on hurry up it’s the first table come on Chef Ramsey expects a lot out of me I would love to just be perfect all the time but that doesn’t happen in real life hey great Roto unfortunately [ __ ] scalloped did you not see that the scallops were horrible just be vocal and say it yo I [ __ ] up the scallops I Want It All absolutely on the money yes free fire please 5 minutes on the first table 5 minutes heard thank you while Natalie’s unsatisfactory scallops have sent the blue team back to square one on their appetizers in the red kitchen muscles scallops away the red team is rolling and just waiting on yes Che sorry to keep you waiting come here all of you come here hey look look that’s the state of where we are now I did tell her right before dinner service I was like Al least you need to drain that salad here’s the salad for it there’s back up down here need to strain all these okay as always she never listen look at me why is it in the water I didn’t prep the station car prep the station it’s in water I’m going to drain it it’s be drained before we start and I did ask you to do that what section are you on I am on appetizer sh right so who’s responsible draining the [ __ ] salad I’m sorry Chef I’m draining it now as usual it wasn’t drained for me despite Alisa’s soggy salad the red team quickly recovers getting most of their appetizers out to their hungry diners that looks really good back in the blue kitchen going up with scallop Natalie is ready to impress with her second attempt on the scallop appetizer Natalie yes sir just rubber touch rubber come on Natalie please come on the Pan’s not hot enough Natalie even from here it’s got to be searing quick it’s it’s searing Chef it’s sizzling Chef not enough okay not enough they’re going to boil the scallops are massive not enough okay yes chef you know it’s just it’s just really frustrating you know I was getting stuff in back I was having to trash scallops it’s just like a catastrophe oh my God God look at all those scops will Paul Jonathan Tommy come here how many scops are we having to refire Natalie had to sear off a million scallops tonight cuz she couldn’t get them right this is not going to be good oh my God 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 40 shut it 15 16 17 189 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 oh come on we haven’t even sent any out Natalie wake up I’m sitting here watching Natalie sink fast in the Titanic on fish take your pan put it here drop your scallops so I go over there to show her how to see your scallop scallops I’m dying let’s go you need a scallop up there now thank you finally now you got the color on the skull UPS stick to it yes yes chef good job Natalie keep it going service after a quick tutorial from will to Natalie the blue team is back on track SC behind h pleas well 15 meanwhile the red kitchen has moved on to Entre and the pressure now rests on Jamie on the fish station and Kupa on the meat station to keep the momentum going Kupa how long uh I need 2 minutes Meat and Fish have to work with each other so I was yelling at Kupa how much time Kupa how much time how long 1 minute Che my medicine’s going to be about 2 minutes that’s what you called 2 minutes ago she would give me times but they were completely off Jamie 1 minute or 2 minutes 2 minutes chef come on then yes chef pick it up it’s really getting frustrating see ready I’m walking up with my bennison and Wellington Jamie CER come here I got one SE bass pink and undercooked raw and the venison it’s not even hot in the middle what is that come on Jamie ker Jamie and CER weren communicating as a team and that’s been a problem on a red team nobody wanted to step up be a leader so I’m going to be taking over one SE bass one venance how long ladies 4 minutes 4 minutes to the window her while Elise barks out orders Jamie and Kupa refire their first Entre we got to pick this back up ladies over in the blue kitchen Jonathan is Keen to impress Chef Ramsey at the two uh wellingtons in the venison right here Chef yeah oh [ __ ] now come here all of you the pastry touch it with your fingers it’s [ __ ] raw Jeff Tommy WRA the wellingtons what’ you think I think it’s [ __ ] up man yeah what do you think then Mr rock and roll it’s not good not good I’ll remedy this won problem right now I’m calling Tommy out I can’t let this make me look bad are they all like that I’ll tell you right now Chef yeah it’s it’s it’s [ __ ] too man yes jef the second one I just cut was just like that oh my gosh were both sides of the pastry I did I was doing them with you brother we were doing together side by side today so don’t throw me under the bus thanks Tommy for [ __ ] me on my Welling right from the start thanks I mean come on man Jonathan’s running around the kitchen blaming Tommy for [ __ ] if it’s raw that’s you not knowing how to cook Walk Like a Man talk like a man take it like a man bro straight up thanks Tommy nearly 90 minutes into dinner service the Wellington Fiasco has created a log Jam in the blue Kitchen come on meanwhile the red team is ready to redeem themselves with their Entre service please and now that food is flying out of the kitchen wow look at that oh wow this is tender two seats One V and one Wellington how long the old Elise returns 3 minutes KOA 3 minutes we got it Elise well if no one else is going to talk I’m going to talk for everybody you’re yelling it too much a little too much how long I don’t know they won’t 3 minutes I said don’t throw it all on us I’m not throwing anything trying to tell you what it is you’re just yelling after that you’re going to have one Cod one strip and one benison she’s [ __ ] confusing let the [ __ ] out of me the just stands there and yells every [ __ ] ticket two seab bass one Wellington one venison is the next two tickets I was just like shut up just shut up Wellington New York I have the Wellington and the New York ready I’m cutting it right now oh this one’s going to be overcooked [ __ ] oh my gosh holy [ __ ] this is not real everything’s [ __ ] oh come on red team stop everything’s overcooked kroa was cooking all the meat wrong she was a nightmare what are you doing I don’t know Chef I honestly don’t know what happened there is no reason I’m frle Chef I’m sorry you’re telling me kroer you want to go home no Chef let’s go with Kupa threatening to derail the red kitchen over on the blue side Jonathan and Natalie continue to struggle to get the blue team back on track with their Entre how long on the bass 3 and 1/2 minutes I’ve never cooked SE bass here before but it’s just like any other piece of fish and you know I’ve already messed up once you know I don’t plan on doing it again how long do you need go ahead I’m fixing a cut two wellingtons F this Wellington’s overdone yep here it is baby I’m almost to the point of panic Tommy prep my Wellington’s like big balls of [ __ ] what am I supposed to do that’s a little bitty mother right there probably going to get my ass handed to me on that one yep oh [ __ ] me all of you come here uh Chef Ramsey’s about to [ __ ] kill my ass one I don’t know what the [ __ ] that is it’s a little one that’s my fault SEF it won’t happen again it’s [ __ ] little we overcooked CU of the size I realize that it won’t happen again I promise just like that [Music] and you is raw in the center raw you a talented cook Che I’ve got some more Wellings you and you [ __ ] off get out I’m crying out man I’m I’m so sick of this [ __ ] man hey h take that [ __ ] with you I’m done I quit Jonathan come here you can kiss my ass Jonathan I’d respect you more if you told me before you brought it to me anything to say it won’t happen again don’t [ __ ] dare bring me that [ __ ] yes Che won’t Happ it again [ __ ] off it’s just really frustrating like I know that I can do it I know that I’m a good Chef you can’t do stuff like that here and I know that I get [ __ ] on wellingtons cuz somebody else prepped them that don’t know how man you’re responsible for it that’s why we got tock check everything I needed to get them out there something if your prep’s [ __ ] then your service is going to be [ __ ] I’m tired of being the foga with two blue team members banished to the dorm two minutes on the next table right heard that okay Paul Tommy and Will are determined to complete dinner service in spite of being short-handed Tommy minute and a half yes or no all good buddy yes okay service please how was yours really good come on let’s go with only a few tickets remaining both teams race to complete dinner service let’s go let’s see if we can finish on High please let’s go coming up with it right now I need one more minute on though venison CER wake up come on eight plates please just follow me with them varnish is in the window let’s go we had a rough start but we finally got together we completed service and that’s all I care about oh welcome back thank you Chef yeah I think I got my Swagger back tonight welcome back homeboy switch off [Music] I’m looking for greatness it didn’t happen tonight so the losing team is red [Music] team and Blue Team all of you go back to the dwns and come up with two individuals from each team that you think should be leaving Hell’s Kitchen leave leave me alone please I think it was my inexperience on fish that bit me in the ass tonight but I’m definitely not the weakest Chef in the kitchen so I’m not ready to go I don’t deserve to go home I know I don’t Jonathan set up and overcooked Wellington so my votes for Jonathan are you kidding me man she had 30 scallops sitting there I didn’t have 30 wellingtons sitting there do cool with Jonathan and Natalie I’m cool with that I mean they got kicked out you know I naturally got to go with Tommy I was stuck in the mud right off the rip man you don’t realize how bad that backed up the meat station it’s not my fault he doesn’t know the timings of the foods and when to rest Meat joh Boy [ __ ] up it’s not me whatever happens happens [ __ ] this dude so what are we thinking we got to come up with two people guys one hello obvious there’s no if answer buts about it I [ __ ] up but I’m not giving up I’m going to fight who’s the second one I think that we should judge based off of who Chef Ramsey was really on all night my vote is Jamie what’s funny you need to take responsibility for the [ __ ] that you do wrong yep I had a little bit of water in my Sal but everything else went out perfect I don’t deserve to go up there you deserve to go up there more than I do first of all I didn’t say you should go up there did I you just did no I didn’t but you did but I didn’t you did she did not be quiet for a second when Chef Ramsay said I don’t give a crap what Ramsey said what do you mean you don’t care what he said can I finish okay go ahead let me know when you’re done what the [ __ ] what just let me know when you’re done you need to work on your attitude oh my God and you do too all right shut up shut the [ __ ] up you’re both pissing me off Jamie talk I’m done there’s no point in exhausting my words with you anymore that never have I been pushed the way Lisa has pushed me I’m done dealing with her right uh blue team have you reached a consensus yes chef yes chef will first nominee and why first nominee ton Chef is Natalie cuz she couldn’t recover from her bad start on fish second nom and Y second nominee tonight Chef is Jonathan same reason be have difficulty recovering on the meat station tonight uh red team did you come to a consensus yes chef Carrie first nominee and why first nominee is Kupa she started on the meat station and it just like kept getting worse second nominee and why second nominee is Jamie what’s the matter she had a raw sea bass but I thought everything else she sent out was fine so clearly Jamie wasn’t your choice for second nominee who was it my second nominee was Elise Chef Elise why she started yelling the tickets at us when we didn’t need someone to continue yelling one ticket over and over and over again I completely disagree with Carrie Chef I feel that Carrie is intimidated by my assertiveness and I felt like it was my duty to call tickets when other people weren’t natle Jonathan ker Jamie step forward [Music] please Jamie tell me why you think you should stay in the Hell’s Kitchen Chef I have a lot of fight in me I know that I’m a good cook I know I’m a strong line Chef I don’t expect you to make those kind of mistakes Ker why do you think you should stay in Hell’s Kitchen Chef I have a lot still to give and I can do this without any doubt in my mind how much longer can I wait I still have a lot to show you I’ve given you some good services and I’ve given you some very bad ones so you’re just on a downward spiral Jonathan tell me why you think you should stay in house kitchen when you told me to [ __ ] off I wish I would have just looked you in the eye and said no what I wasn’t ready to walk out of that [ __ ] kitchen kitchen because of somebody else’s mistake come on Natalie I mean I I’m last I mean maybe you’re just going to do the honorable thing give me your jacket no Chef I’m not I can’t sit here and say that I perform like you want me to perform I know that you know that I’m better than that and I know that I’m better than that I’m not so sure uh this is a very difficult decision the person leaving H’s kitchen [Music] ker please give me your jacket and leave house kitchen thank you Chef I know you have heart but your time is [Applause] done it hurts that I’m eliminated now and I’m going to kick myself for this for a very long time but I have not let anybody back home down cuz everybody knows how much I fight for things and they know how much I have in me blue team red team we’re not done yet and now the continuation of how’s kitchen we’re not done yet one of the biggest issues that you’ve all got is the lack of leadership so tonight I want you to nominate the one Chef on your team who has the best leadership skills got it yes and give me an answer first thing in the morning get out of here I think that we definitely do need a leader someone that could like pull us all together so we’re more of a team I know who my vote is oh you me yep yeah it’s my vote are you serious hands down really me really are you sure you’re talking about me right does anybody have any thoughts on who we want to put up as a leader I nominate will I was going to go with you man yeah the fact that you’ve helped me the entire time here will helps everyone Will’s our leader you need to be able to follow the lead so I mean will wants the lead I’ll follow will until I feel when I need to lead I’d like to thank youall for giving me the opportunity to lead us to the [ __ ] promised land bro I’m 100% game man I came here to stand in the front no problem I will do that that was easy while The Blue Team makes a decision quickly the red team is struggling we have a task Upon Our Hands ladies well two of us already voted V that [Music] Jennifer you vot yourself I actually think I am I mean I talk and I’m vocal with people [Music] like you’re kidding me there’s no way she could lead a horse to water much less make him drink car’s voting for herself is that funny I think it’s funny what is your definition of a leader relas not you maybe cuz I don’t do it like you at least maybe has nothing to do with how it is with me I just wouldn’t trust somebody who doesn’t have basic food knowledge I would feel comfortable asking someone for help if I feel like they’re being condescending about it or laughing about you please that’s not true because I help people when they need it yeah you help throw them under the bus do I want to be the leader of this mly crew that I have I don’t know if they really can be [Music] managed after the late night team meetings Chef Ramsey is anxious to get an answer to his question oh the chef are you the leader no Chef we’s going to step up to the plate chef good red team Elise who have you picked as the team leader Jennifer Chef Jennifer Yes Che yes chef the strength of a great leader is to understand the highs and the lows the weaks and the strengths in their team so Jennifer on your team who is the weakest leader I would say it would be Carrie wow Chef I disagree with that totally I do know how to lead I know how to pull people together I know how to be that cheerleader and get people when they’re in a funk okay uh will your Chef which member of your team has the least leadership skills Tommy being a leader you have to be vocal you have to be able to communicate you have to listen to everything that’s going on around you and I think that’s exactly where Tommy faults in I think I am a good communicator I am vocal I know I can lead a kitchen staff I’m going to give Tommy and Carrie a chance to prove to their team that they have great leadership qualities there always is a TW this is Hell’s Kitchen this isn’t predictable kitchen each team is going to take five stunning American Comfort Classics and evolve them into something truly special Tommy and Carrie you will decide what everyone on your team is cooking they will come to you for leadership Direction start it up yes St 45 minutes starts from now let’s go for today’s challenge Chef Ramsay is not only testing the chef’s creativity as they try to evolve five American Comfort class all right ladies but he’s also giving Tommy and Carrie an opportunity to prove that they can lead I think you should go with the hamburger okay chicken noodle soup and then how about a cob sella baby can you knock it out okay I want to do the pizza I want you to do spaghetti meatballs okay I don’t feel you got it SPH I wanted to do pizza I want to be the one to cook the pizza but as usual Carrie doesn’t listen to anyone’s suggestions she wants to do the pizza herself but I know that she’s going to [ __ ] it up while Elise predictably has a problem with car’s game plan the blue kitchen Tommy is still waiting for one Tommy cut what do you want to do what is this called again end with Tommy the engine’s running but there’s no one behind the wheel I’m doing the cop salad okay what are you going to do okay I think I’m going to do the burger what kind of meat do you want we have ground strip you want to do the pizza I would love to do the pizza but I would like to do a barbecue pork pizza with a little Southern depends we time I mean I want to do I want to do like a caprino pizza I want to do like a like a toasted pistachio like a truffle oil and honey Tommy has got the worst idea so so how exactly is this going to work all right what do you want to use on the pizza as far as ingredients what do you want to use for the toppings let me just get this grill hot I already told John the four ingredients for the flatbread pizza but I don’t think he’s ever made one before I think he just didn’t want to admit it I’m baffled man I need to know what’s going on it I’m standing there trying to talk to him time’s getting low and he’s he’s basically [ __ ] ignoring me Tommy what’s going on while Jonathan struggles to keep Tommy’s attention how’s everybody feeling are we doing good the red team wouldn’t mind a little less attention from Carrie I like a lightly breaded chicken breaded chicken yeah I think that would be yummy all right Elise how we thinking on the pasta what are you thinking I’m thinking that I’d rather had done Pizza are you making some meatballs right now yeah har I’m going to make meatballs car’s not helping the cause she’s the wrong person to try to lead someone cuz she can’t lead herself Elise do you have your pasta dropped my pasta is dropped do you have your pizza in oh crap Ola I should have did the pizza like I said but no one wanted to listen while Carrie hurries to get her pizza ready over in the blue kitchen Jonathan come on Tommy we got a little bit of thick cheese over here it’s going to take time to milk all right is waiting on Tommy’s directions 5 minutes let’s go that’s got to go in now guys like now now now I’m waiting on you man you got that cheese on there I ground up the mozzarella man Jesus bro well you didn’t talk to me man it’s so easy to make a flatbread pizza it’s just when somebody just doesn’t want to do what we’re doing that makes it difficult slice this and put it on right afterwards hurry the [ __ ] up come on ladies we got to start plating 30 seconds to go I’m going in the [ __ ] oven I’m freaking out about my pizza right now 10 seconds to go you [ __ ] kidding me come on Pastor please please five let go let’s go let’s go let need braal four come on guys three son of a [ __ ] [ __ ] my pastor two one and [Music] serve okay I have invited the judge this challenge ladies and [Music] gentlemen Wolf Gang Puck oh my God right oh my God like big stars came in my eyes I couldn’t believe we had wolf game puck good morning I’m like speechless right now good to see you how are you I’m excellent I’m hungry good good good good Wow real oh my God red team blue team let’s start off with the battle of the burgers let’s go please stop is Jamie versus Tommy Jamie please present your dish to Chef please Chef I have lamb burger sliders with a red onion cature and a rosemary garlic oil okay to me a little overdone but you know it has good flavor I think the pickled onions has sweet and sour in it it’s not bad that was probably one of the best compliments I’ve ever gotten brilliant Tommy tried to put a uh like a jet Japanese spin on a American classic the meat is cooked out a soy caramel with a little candy ginger you know show me your hand look how colorful that looks M that’s how I like my Burgers to look too okay yeah so next time a little color in here should we taste it go for it you know it doesn’t have the wow so Chef if you had to choose which one would it be you know what I would choose the ready excellent well done great great start ladies good job Jamie good job Jamie okay let’s go next up Elizabeth naty cob salad please um Elizabeth first I made like a traditional cob salad I did a honey Dion dressing it’s a good tasting salad but you have to look what you have in here could you not have presented it with some finesse we want a little bit more inen from a classic what I have is kind of a remix on a cob salad um I decided to use salmon instead of chicken let’s taste please I wouldn’t call it the cop salad it’s not really what we have in our mind as a cop salad but I mean I would give it a different name and I could serve it probably in one of our restaurants thank you okay who would you like I think uh The Blue Team blue team congratulations thank you so much I agree with that nice thank you Chef she didn’t make a cob salad so I was a little confused that they gave the point to somebody who did a salmon entree yeah with the score tied at one will and Elise at least present your spy meat are each looking to impress with their unique take on this classic dish I would say it looks like a mess okay did you drop it and picked it up okay will please oh no was lacking SCE no point I don’t know I wasn’t impressed with it both of them both will and Elisa’s dishes have disappointed scoring no points for either team with the scores still tied at one it’s Jennifer’s southwestern chicken noodle soup I think it’s a good soup thank you Chef versus Paul’s Italian style chicken noodle soup it looks good but I think the flavor fors flat my heart hit the [ __ ] floor I was like no red team or blue team red team wow thank you Chef thank point to the red good job Jennifer good job ladies I cooked for Wolf King [ __ ] he didn’t throw up b a trash barrel he actually liked it okay the last dish is the Battle of the pizzas let’s go pizzas I’m excited let’s hope they’re good I don’t even want to take that pizza up please present your [Music] dish okay let’s go I’m not taking it up you can take it up come on man just take it up bro come on guys I’m not taking it up pick it up bro for God’s sake come on it looks like [ __ ] man dear dear right uh Carrie please present your pizza to Chef thank you I did a shrimp basil pesto with a blistered heirloom tomatoes did you taste it yes I did it looks raw and it tastes raw cooked it’s embarrassing take it back I’m I’m embarrassed I shouldn’t it’s embarrassing I know you come to spu I show you how to make a pizza okay unbelievable her dish was [ __ ] raw blue team we’re taking this home man we got this our definitely won that Jonathan please present what is that I have a flatbread pizza um what is that what why did you see a pizza like this I I haven’t sure honestly I mean if you go to Italy they arrest you for that you know that it smells like honey honey and a white truffle W everything we don’t need on the pizza you put on I’m standing here looking like an ass because um I had no say so in the pizza basically I just rolled the dough out I thought it was a great pizza had it been cooked properly Jonathan is an idiot I’m not even going to ask you have to taste it take that away look like a [ __ ] ass again dear oh dear as disgusting Jonathan and Carrie I mean honestly Jonathan what have you got to say for yourself Jonathan gets [ __ ] again by a teammate and and made to look like an ass honestly I could flip this whole goddamn dining room upside down man okay no point no well congratulations red team wins two to one congratulations oh yeah good job ladies good job we won and I was the leader I’ll let them give me the kidos my God Carrie doesn’t have anything to celebrate she didn’t do anything to help win this challenge best wishes thank you thank you chefs keep on working yes thank you I don’t hide nothing I don’t candy coat Tommy was a sh*tty leader today that’s putting it mildly ladies you and your team are in for a special treat good Ser you a treat aw a True Hollywood experience yay you’ll be cruising down like hot chicks down Sunset Strip yay we can look and then I’ve arranged for very unique very personal performance at the world famous Laugh Factory it’s going to be a blast head up to the Dos good job good job good job oh my God this is so big so awesome cannot wait to get out of here while the girls are having a day of laughs and letting their hair down you’ve got a long brutal day of cleaning first of all you’re going to clean and prep both kitchens because I’m opening house kitchen tonight in addition I want those dorms spotless got it Chef now get out of here piss off and Jonathan yes chef you’re disappearing no I’m not I’m right here Chef oh my God we’re leaving the house oh my God I’m so excited I get to be a pretty girl today do you think that this dress is too much oh no no know it’s a dress up I’mma put my freak them dress on while the red team gets ready for some Hollywood fun down in the kitchen Jonathan is already feeling the punishment what about it John I don’t know if I got a a a pulled muscle or a pinched nerve in my neck shoulder something man Jonathan if you’re not feeling well leave all the heavy lifting to the rest of the guys yes sir and all of a sudden when we get punished it’s like I pull the muscle come on man you’re just being a little [ __ ] right now I’m I’m worried of about Jonathan you know I have babies to take care of back [Music] home oh my God this is really hot okay what you Lady Gaga that’s right what the [ __ ] was that girl wearing on her head I like my feather I don’t care what people think love it let’s go baby baby Sunset Boulevard Palm trees and sun okay guys part of the punishment you’re also going to clean upstairs in the dorms okay Tommy since you were the team leader those are for you and you can start in the bathrooms fantastic your toothbrush ah it’s not going to be pretty this is really happening right now hey touch these nasty girls nasty stuff dirty drink bottles dirty cups dirty stuff everywhere it was disgusting I thought I was a [ __ ] slop any word on where Jonathan is no while cleaning the dorms without Jonathan is no fun for the blue te it’s all laughs on the red team L yeah Laugh Factory hey yeah what’s going on did A bird hit you on the way in what [Applause] happened it was great for us to be not in the kitchen not doing punishment we needed this for my birthday my husband gave me a scale for his birthday next year I’m going to give him a ruler felt really good bonding with each other and having fun like a few hours to not be nervous about dinner service Gordon Ramsey would have been awesome during my labor cuz it was 22 hours I know he would have gotten that baby out get out get out get out I would have pushed that pop right out and then he would have been like it’s wrong while the red team can’t stop laughing back at Hell’s Kitchen oh there’s no joking on the blue team no word on Jonathan I don’t know what he’s doing really getting tired of it why the [ __ ] is he not here he’s freaking out hey hey what’s up blue team hi how y’all doing how was your afternoon it was awesome oh man I’m like absolutely glowing I had such a great day does it look clean yes holy [ __ ] wait a minute congratulations red team here’s a set of cookware for each of you the home the Demers cookware is absolutely beautiful that is definitely the chocolate covered cherry on the top of a great day with less than an hour left to prep for dinner service yo we are severely out of [ __ ] time Jonathan is still missing an action is Jonathan out I guess so he didn’t do cleanup so I’m really starting to doubt Jonathan’s character right now I’ll tell you dude he’s stting to piss me off big mister I’m never going to quit and I’m always going to fight has a crick in his neck and now all of a sudden he’s not doing anything you want to sit on the sidelines because you got a crick that’s absolutely ridiculous now what the [ __ ] wrong with them looks like we have four people today honestly if Jonathan doesn’t show up to dinner service tonight I don’t want him on my team anymore [ __ ] it man let’s show them we can do it with [ __ ] four Jonathan sat out his team’s punishment and prep work oh [ __ ] but now with less than an hour until dinner service he has returned to the kitchen what are we looking like as far as prep we’re behind like really behind you finally come in and expect somebody to coddle you and hold your hand we’re just getting into this kitchen maybe like within the past 10 minutes really y really it just doesn’t work that way man PA what are you doing with those Tomatoes I’m sure some of my team is pissed but I’m hurting pretty good right now if you want to know the truth I got to do something man I can’t leave y’all hanging but hell no I’m not going to quit I’m going to hit dinner service man and and just do what I do meanwhile the red team hurries to finish off the prep that the blue team had started for them I need somebody to scy I’ll do it thank you tonight no mistakes we need to be on one page before dinner service we got to get this [ __ ] together man let’s go ladies let’s go guys yeah quickly James yes chef let’s go open he’s kitchen please [Music] quickly as the doors open for dinner at Hell’s Kitchen welcome and have a lovely evening Chef Ramsay’s special guests for the night arrive Chef yeah 21 and 31 are the coast guards thank you table 31 look at me the appetizers now US Coast Guard yeah show them some respect yes chef let’s go Jennifer a minute out yeah minute out walking in 30 seconds good wow drive it Jamie yes cheff we have really solid Cooks on our team how long on the pizza Carrie how long does it take about 2 minutes I mean with the exception of Carrie what is it with you and pizza is T I can do this T there’s a pizza on the next table yes sir and it’s not even rolled out I’m rolling it right now s Carrie is just so like frazzled in her that she’s not even thinking straight and can’t see in front of her look at me that’s already [ __ ] when you roll it looking like a pair of [ __ ] knickers I’ll start a new one Chef Jesus Christ as Carrie tries to avoid an early sinking of the red kitchen Chef Ramsey wants to make sure a demoralized blue team is still afloat all of you table 22 is a US Coast Guard don’t [ __ ] this table yes yep Jonathan yes chef wake up let’s go yes I’m up Chef lift it feel like [ __ ] right now I’m running at about 50% but not sure as hell wasn’t going to stand there and look like a [ __ ] in front of Chef ramsy who put all that [ __ ] pasta in there I did I put four ERS here come here come here come here come here you know that is not all going to cook like that evenly hey are you watching or you not part of this sir you’re running the [ __ ] appetizers you’ll never ever ever cook all that one basket spread it into three let me tell you how frustrating it is to have someone next to you that’s supposed to be your partner that’s not contributing anything come on yeah Chef while Jonathan works on portion control in the blue kitchen the red team is hoping to get just one portion out of Carrie how long it’s burnt my garlic burnt stuff and I had to start over come on Carrie how many times you’ve been on the appetizers now it’s the same resulted from weeks ago yes SE nothing coming out all because of carry nothing coming out again yes SE Jamie yes yes chef let’s go you Carrie was struggling so I tried to help where I could when I could I do more than that or is that enough it’s good sometimes that’s what you have to do with the weakest people is go help them out ABS Carri I’m ready right now guys all right go ahead I’m walking with RTO you guys are walking I’m walking thanks to Jamie’s help the red team rallies let go pushing the appetizers out to the dining room thank you sir that’s really good while the VIP diners on the blue side can only watch and wait didn’t we order right before then two capalini one muscles our hope is coming please take that up I’m taking it up I got to get it mixed or we going to get our [ __ ] asses shoot out again coming up with muscles right behind us very very blant capalini overcooked and not an ounce of salt in the muscles it’s a US Coast Guard yes sir yeah they save lives for a living at least we can make their night exciting by give them some delicious food yes sir start again hurry up do you have past in yeah man I’m ready how long for the capalini you don’t have pasta in damn man Jonathan and Natalie engaging each other who’s taking control I am Chef just [ __ ] do it yes chef I’ll do the muscle you start the calini between Natalie and Jonathan on appetizers man it was like the fish marking all that floundering going on that cini ready right now taking it up behind you in 30 seconds cholan sh [ __ ] me over my [ __ ] dead body all of you come here where’s the SPO just taste that taste it I swear to God it’s like food from a kindergarten I’ve tasted better can spaghetti and this is the US Coast Guard you Che show them how to do a lobster capalini Chef if it doesn’t sink in they’re out I don’t care they’re gone Natalie start the sausage again please yes yes there was no communication between Natalie and Jonathan tonight they literally had their backs turns to each other all night pull that pasta out it’s done slide this put this together Jonathan come here I want to work with you the Pain’s starting to get to me I thought I could push through dinner service man but it’s it’s gradually getting worse what’s happening honestly what’s happening look at me straight in the eyes what’s happening come on um give it to me my Mobility is a little limited uh I didn’t want to give up on the team or be a [ __ ] or give up so I’m I’m in here doing the best I can it it doesn’t stop you using your brain I’ve had a young man in here two years ago that broke his [ __ ] arm he went on to win the [ __ ] competition if you’re giving up get out I’m not giving up well [ __ ] you fight back I am fighting chef and stop sending me [ __ ] yes chef you know obviously he sees something in me uh he knows I’m a fighter so I’m going to step it up a couple notches another CH the next ticket all right Jonathan yep I’m putting it together right now okay Jonathan has begun to Rally back fighting through the pain all right capalini salad for the scallops right now it’s nice he cooks and the blue team is back in the groove finally cooking appetizers worthy of the US Coast Guard really good meanwhile in the red kitchen how long 3 minutes Je let’s go 3 minutes the ladies are trying to keep it together I order 5 cup table 31 two Wellington two New York strip yes all meet so far yes let’s go keep it going okay so everybody knows on the first ticket we have two New Yorks and two wellingtons right y yep it’s it’s interesting that a group of girls that hate each other outside 2 minutes at least 2 minutes all right you got it thank you can work together in the kitchen keep it up ladies thank you Jamie everything was working in harmony it just felt like a symphony hey what are we next two strip medium well to Wellington Elizabeth are you walking we’re walking in like 30 seconds at least 30 seconds thank you Elizabeth yeah she’s placing got it thank you for checking you’re welcome I’m walking I’m walking right now all right so I got that I got that ladies perfect season garnish all day on time keep it going yes while the red team is working in Perfect Harmony minut we do to speak English The Blue Team continues to hit Sour Notes I got a SI thing in there just a noise in here sorry we were just all over the place I mean at one point I almost fell over Tommy opening an oven and he starts laughing care Tommy come here come here yeah hurry up yeah stop [ __ ] laughing cuz it’s not funny okay it’s not funny okay [ __ ] hell what do you want an accident hell no go in slowly then he comes back out sh the [ __ ] out out there work on this one yes all right what if I’d have fallen with a hot pan and like fried my face off like that’s not funny want it off no no let’s go then yes sure as Tommy struggles to keep his head above water the red kitchen is being flooded with meat orders on TR incredible two New York St one Wellington one meatball all meat again I got it I got it this is insane I’ve never seen the meat station this busy again all me two New York trip one Wellington you’ve got nothing to do I’ll help I’ll help her I was on the fish station truthfully I I got the easy end of the deal tonight nine Entre eight meat one fish Wellington Wellington Wellington strips trip meatball I was like oh my God how long at least 2 minutes I’m thinking to myself is this going to be the night that I go down because I had so much stuff I can’t even count Wellington I’m walking are you two New York STP one Wellington keep it going don’t stop I wasit look like [ __ ] I’m sorry Chef let’s go don’t stop sorry Chef yes chef at [Music] leise perfectly cooked the Wellington thank you Chef please do you want me to come over and help you I got it thank you Wellington she’s nailed every time excuse me girl while Alisa’s Entre continue to be a hit in the dining room wonderful oh the blue team is still stuck on appetizers can you fire another scallop for me please and falling further behind hey blue team blue team yes sir pants down come here all of you come here that’s it move Natalie 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 tickets come here come here come here just look them there look and listen to them how long 4 minutes look at the [ __ ] difference Chef let’s blow him out of the water right now boys and don’t stop done [ __ ] go watch the pizza in the oven it doesn’t burn man it’s freaking embarrassing because I know every single person in the blue kitchen is a better cook than anybody in the red Kitchen New York strip Wellington where are we how long Tommy anybody helping him or what I got it I got it you got to cut those too man I got to [ __ ] me you cut it and bring it up bring it up what’s this one normal or medium is that medy which one just thank you medium or what Tommy can cook but Tommy doesn’t communicate Tommy’s in his own [ __ ] world Tommy what’s this on garnish you had two TS you had a where’s the two medum stop leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone my [ __ ] head hurts the last two are the two medium all of you all of you just touch that just touch that where’s the two medium here chef and that is the medium rare oh the cold one you made me look a [ __ ] [ __ ] in front of Wolfgang Puck today now that’s that’s hot that’s L warm and that’s cold are you done no no no I’m I’m done yeah I’m done with you eat them up get him back to the [ __ ] pass how long how long 3 minutes Chef you have another Wellington you can use or do I need to put this one in why can’t we just [ __ ] reheat them it’s falling apart it looks like [ __ ] I’m not sending it out like that meanwhile the red team is close to finishing their best service yet last table come on it’s Che last table drive it got it I think we won tonight I [ __ ] hate when people say that jinxes us I think we did though okay but don’t jinx it I am so impressed with my team wow that’s good and the way that they allow me to lead us to victory tonight I think we won while Alisa is ready to give her victory speech The Blue Team just tries to stay in the game remember it a how you [ __ ] start it’s how you [ __ ] finish let’s go holy [ __ ] my head hurts I need one minute on my pizza we had our nuts bashed and our asses handed to us tonight but everybody just stuck in there and didn’t give up pick up please this is your last ticket come on guys finish STW pizza’s up Chef oh Bravo finally got here it does look really good very good worth the wait oh what a [ __ ] [Music] night what I’m looking for and begging for are smooth Services where each kitchen is raising the bar and I got it congratulations red team finally good job ladies the one person that did impress me Elise great job thank you blue team you’re moving [Music] backwards get back up to the door and come up with two individuals that you think should be leaving House’s kitchen get out of here we’re eight [ __ ] diners service is in we still haven’t had a [ __ ] good service in my opinion it’s going to be Jonathan going up he could have done something during prep and during the punishment to help the team instead of sitting there all right who’s got what to say I’ll go first dadly a JN cuz we got held up on apps a long time I don’t agree with that at all the appetizers being held up and sent back were not my fault Jonathan did nothing he did not have my back he did not know what was going on and he made me look like an idiot the capalini is the only thing that held up the appetizers and it’s the only thing I asked Jonathan to do was cook capalini Natalie was actually cooking the capalini and I stepped in to help I feel like I’m getting blamed for her [ __ ] up because I was on apps and that’s not fair to me man [ __ ] Natalie she tries to use everything she can to take the heat off herself put it on somebody else you know maybe I ought to stop being the [ __ ] nice guy and get selfish like everybody else Jonathan who are your votes for Tommy and Natalie my only problem was the W Table Steaks it wasn’t just that though it was that communication thing again and it [ __ ] everything up I get what you’re saying John I do because like he doesn’t communicate you know he doesn’t communicate I just don’t like anyone running into my station and shuffling it around you got to voice up and say hey get the [ __ ] out slice my meat you need to own that you need to get up balls I don’t know what’s going on I thought I was going fine all night but now I don’t feel completely safe [Music] [Music] blue team you reached a consensus yes yes chef Paul first nominee and why uh our first nominee Chef is Jonathan we had a slow start and second nominee in y second nominee Natalie chef why we feel that appetizers was the reason why we had a slow start so our vote tonight is for appetizers Chef okay Natalie Jonathan step forward [Music] please yeah Paul’s right we got backed up big time Jonathan tell me why you think you should stay in the house kitchen first and foremost sh you know I’m not a quitter I I don’t even know the definition of give up tonight I wasn’t 100% um but I still you know just uh sucked it up and stepped in and did the best I could to support my team you know I’ve made a few minor mistakes since I’ve been here but I’ve definitely learned from those mistakes immediately and adjusted truthfully are you over your head no Chef I’m not I’m not going to take one step back I’m going to take two steps forward I’m a fighter and I’ll stick it out to The Bitter End Natalie you’ve shown over the last three services one mistake you crumble I just got really frustrated because I felt like I needed to babysit no that’s [ __ ] you know he said he came to service at 50% tonight and that’s what I felt I was frustrated and I felt like I didn’t have someone backing me up let me tell you something that station could be done with one person I know I’m a leader on this team and if you need to see more I’ll give you more are you proud of your performance tonight no no and the fight back was where um I felt like I tried to pick up the pieces I really do the person leaving H’s kitchen [Music] is Natalie take your jacket back in line Jonathan game over big [Music] boy it’s been real honest to your friends I appreciate it thank [Music] you this is pretty disappointing you know it should have been a different call Natalie’s not going to be able to hide behind that [ __ ] too much longer you know it’s just a matter of time Chef Ramsey is going to see through it and you know she’ll be the next to go relx niely you’ve got one more shot make the most of it get out of here chef chef yes chef Alise great job thank you Chef okay well this sucks Alisa’s attitude’s going to be magnified by 500 we’re we’re [ __ ] that’s all about me from here on forward I’m not going to worry about stepping on people’s toes whoever needs to be here in the end will be here and I guarantee you I’m going to be one of them nobody on my team could have done what I did on me tonight period I am back baby baby the only thing worse than the pain in Jonathan’s neck was listening to him blame everyone else for all his mistakes I was glad to put him out of his [Music] misery and now the continuation of Hell’s Kitchen get out of here Elise great job thank you Chef good job Elise good job El I kicked ass and I banged it out without even blinking twice when I get in a Zone like that there’s no stop of me 85% of the Entre came from my station tonight everything was me elast is on a little high horse because Chef Ramsey gave her Kudos I can’t even tell you how much she came off my station tonight at least 20 States wow good for you you get a a forever I mean God God doesn’t it get old you’re like a broken ass record you’re a [ __ ] crybaby crybaby ass who’s cried more here you so what so what uhoh I cried cuz I got passion so shut up I’m a leader I don’t have any problem earning people’s respect around me because I can back up my talk she can’t even make a pizza here you’re a [ __ ] idiot you really are you’re a [ __ ] idiot oh you called me something back I mean the best thing is if we could split them up or one of them could go home I’m Carri and I’m going to be a cry baby with my bottle of [ __ ] wine start packing your [ __ ] every dinner service cuz I’m going to make sure your ass is going home at least is on a miss to get Carrie kicked off this team as soon as she can what does that entail is it going to affect the rest of the team that’s the million-dollar question right now you don’t know who you messing with get ready you’re going home after a divisive night in the dorms the chefs are eager to face the next challenge but first Chef Ramsey has a question for the group okay who’s married here not to each other well no and theise did you win him over with your cooking my spaghetti cuz that’s the first thing I made for him so if you got straight to his heart via the stomach right yeah Jennifer the last time you seduced a man how was it all right well I know what takes the boxes [Music] off I’m single Chef married to the job okay what I’m getting at is that romance and food goes hand in hand right yes sure for today’s challenge each of you will be responsible for in a sexy delicious dessert wow you’ve got 1 hour your time starts now off we go I call a berri this is rough man the chefs have just 1 hour to create a romantic dessert I have no idea what I’m going to do using a wide variety of ingredients provided by Chef ramsy [ __ ] hate desserts I’m not comfortable with desserts but I play a win I said it from day one and I’ll say it now the only one that can beat me is me I have blue team 40 minutes left I have no idea what the [ __ ] I’m going to do while will struggles to find inspiration in the red kitchen Jamie is not exactly having a sweet time either I hate desserts everybody does I’m being pushed out of my comfort zone and that’s not easy for anybody for me it’s really hard I’ve always said I’m the worst pastry chef on Hell’s Kitchen you can’t be worse than me there’s no way ladies just under 30 minutes to go yes chef yes chef that to warm smells good yeah it does on top the chocolate on top yeah it’s good yeah I think I know it’s sexy when it comes to food I’d rather put myself on a plate you know drizzle some chocolate on me that would work but um we couldn’t do that that’s delicious a toffee and macadamia nut sticky bun with white chocolate drizzle and I don’t know where Tommy got the idea that a sticky bun is a dessert cuz it’s a breakfast food oh I brought my coconut again Tommy is very scatter brain completely winging it you know what I’m saying let’s go 2 and 1 half minutes to go one stunning portion guys not 15 move Tommy guys finish up 30 seconds to go oh my gosh it’s perfect 3 2 1 and serve listen to me carefully you’ve got four on The Blue Team you have five on the red team ladies drop one dessert pick one Jennifer I can still taste the alcohol in your bananas I can’t but I just think Harries isn’t the prettiest that’s my issue yo mine is very good it was very tasty fine I’ll take mine down but I’m telling you melting guys can we [ __ ] make a decision you have a lot in your eyes that’s a lot yeah a lot it’s for two to share I think that they’re going to have a mess with that I really do I think we should drop aisa’s pick one drop a Lisa dessert look like baby vomit as soon as you shove a spoon in that it’s going you go that’s not sexy time’s up all right we’re done we better [ __ ] win it’s hard to be a team when some people are out for themselves at least I sit here and admit that I have selfish Tendencies and that I can be a [ __ ] Alise you have the weakest dessert on the red team unfold your arms okay today we’ve been graced with two very special judges really phenomenal especially in the dessert Department welcome please Wayan Lucas and Jordan khah good to see you Jordan khah desserts recently compared to Jackson Pollock this man knows how to create a stunning dessert way and Lucas one of the most talented Pac chefs anywhere in the world extraordinary we have like top-notch judges at the top of their game it’s extremely intimidating we’re feeling nervous excited yes blue team let’s start off with Tommy let’s go Tommy Let’s Go Blue the desserts will be rated on a star system with each of the guest judges giving each dessert between one and three stars the team with the most stars wins oh Jesus what the [ __ ] is that I made a toffee and macadamia nut sticky bun and uh sticky bun my girl loves chocolate and she loves uh cinnamon bun old is she she’s rather young Chef uh you really going to put me on the spot she’s 19 all right and how old are you 31 Chef 31 I’ve been with a couple girls and uh this is the last one Chef I’ll tell you that just think the good news is in tun’s times she’ll be drinking whing sticky bun in terms of sexy appeal yes or no not so much just sort of plopped on the plate and drizzle all over wh please jump in it’s definitely not done it still has that translucent looking color in the dough I’m still chewing you present a dessert that’s under cooked Tommy how many stars please one Jordan how many stars I’m sorry buddy I’m going to have to agree one star one star I really just made something that I know my girl would want to eat so I was kind of cooking for her I love you baby Jamie please with the blue team off to a shaky start it’s now Jim’s turn to step up for the red team it’s a croissant fig bread pudding with chocolate and a strawberry champagne glaze Jordan the chanelli the whipped cream is separating a little bit probably give it about one star one star I would give that two stars I tried to make it as sexy as bread pudding can be I guess it was an epic fail Paul please present your desserts thank you come on baby it is a banana Penta cake with a lemon Mar Capone whip it really shines and evenly balanced with everything else like it would give that a three thank you wow say three stars thank you great job thank you really good jobob bam sexy time Elizabeth Let’s Go Blue Team you leave now with the red team trailing by five stars Elizabeth’s ricotta strawberry Napoleon gets mixed reviews I’ll give you two on this one it’s very gritty yeah grainy one yes yeah you know this wouldn’t be happening if my dessert went up nle let’s go come on blue with the blue team up by two I feel like it was cooked at a little too high of a temperature Natalie’s chocolate espresso bread pudding makes a small disappoint pointing contribution to her team’s point total one star I’m going to go two stars now it’s car’s turn to impress the judges Chef Ramsay and her team my nickname back home in Texas is Blondie so I decided to go with a blondie with butterscotch chips there not sexy sexy but maybe it’ll be sexy in your mouth it’s pretty sweet there’s no balance me it’s literally one component nothing else there I’m going to have to go one I’m going to have to go with one also thank you Carrie plain ass sweet ass I told you that’s how Carrie always plays plays it safe it wasn’t good you should be lucky got one I love my team they love me so much let’s go with a three star lead and only Jennifer left to go for the red team will only needs to score four stars total to guarantee a win for the blue team that is definitely light it’s the lightest of all the desserts we’ve had so far I’m very happy with the way things came out here Will’s a strong player in this game and I’m like oh my God I’m so nervous right now visually willing it’s not visually appealing it’s sort of the same color the same tone the same note and the combination of the cream and the salt and pepper it almost gives it somewhat of like a rancid sort of taste one thing you don’t want to hear is the word ranid right not so much no I don’t think you knew what you were doing I’m going to have to go one I’m sorry yeah I’m going to go with one star one star yeah that one all around not good and far from being sexy I guess I don’t have a choice but to agree with what the judges said about the dish I mean they’re they’re experts you know Baby Ruth doesn’t hit a home run every night so what can you do with Will scoring just one star from each Judge Jennifer you need six stars to win let’s go jennif the door is open for Jennifer to win the challenge for her team but she’ll still need to get three stars from both judges Jennifer please describe the dish to the judges I um combined banana faes with chocolate thank you flamb bade with marbon and you actually put some thought in the presentation thank you I feel confident in my dish I thought mine out I think it looks great I might actually be able to pull this off way Jordan one star two star or three star I’m going to go three well uh Jordan one two or [Music] three I think it’s the best one we’ve had so far I’m going to have to go three stars done congratulations red team congratulations great job thank you we won because of me thank God I thought for my dish to get up because we almost didn’t get the point just before I say goodbye to a judges at least I want to taste that dish leise really better put her money where her mouth is right now that’s all I have to say uh just explain to the judges what it is please it’s a fresh Berry zabon followed by a heart bypass a dessert for 10 I probably could have put in a smaller glass do you think so this is going to be so much fun what is in there at the bottom berries in the Lor and vinegar vinegar how much vinegar have you put in there just a splash no there’s more than a splash in [Music] there smell the vinegar in there honestly today’s your lucky day let me tell you why we’re not awarding a zero back in line what a disaster you made the right choice dropping that let me tell you Chef Ramsey nailed it it was disgusting we made the right decision okay let’s thank Chef Jordan Chef whan for giving up their day to be here and judge those dishes thank you thank you ladies for your reward sh Wait for it please you will be heading off to one of the sexiest cities in the world Las Vegas you have got to be kidding me oh my God oh my God you’ll be staying at Cesar’s Palace holy and the most amazing it’s not a suite it’s not a penthouse it’s a villa five bedrooms Butler At Your [Applause] Service but oh my God I feel like I’m dreaming right now like this doesn’t feel real we are the happiest that we have ever been as a red team uh hurry up get your back pack the airplane’s waiting let’s go good job blue team for our next dinner service House’s kitchen we do something it’s never done before the first ever date night at Hell’s Kitchen for the punishment today you’ll be transforming this beautiful ornate stunning dying room into something romantic then you’ll be setting up the most amazing raw bar for the menu as well okay off we go Che punishment somebody freaking just stabbed me twice now I forgot how much scrubbing oyster sucks my fingers are s feel like I let my team down I felt like [ __ ] I’m a better Chef than that I can’t believe we [ __ ] lost will killed us this punishment is definitely bringing us down a what’ you do now will what’ you [ __ ] up now while the blue team is punishing will for their loss the red team is completely energized for their reward such a big deal it’s like overwhelming to my body I am so [ __ ] excited we are going to Vegas what’s a wear we need to be beautiful be hot be sexy this is what we love we’re going to Vegas oh my God this is awesome hey girls welcome to West aine ready to go to Vegas have a good time oh my God I can’t believe we’re going to Vegas I’ve never been to Vegas I’ve always wanted to go I can’t wait to see this massive Villa that we’re staying at I’m like freaking [Music] out oh ladies we’re here hell [Music] yeah oh my God this Villa is the sick sickest thing I’ve ever seen wow oh my god pool table grand piano indoor pool did I mention a hasn’t naked chick love it this is all for us look at the rooms the suite is big enough for me to not even know that Carri exists tonight this is amazing holy [ __ ] the bathroom is insane I have a heated toilet seat in my bathroom oh my God it’s sick seriously in a good way I don’t think it gets any better than this toast to Jennifer I’m so sad thanks girl you’re are welcome who could this be the doorbell rang in the Villa we had no idea what to [Music] expect Callis God are oh my God Holly Madison I’m a really huge fan a Playboy I couldn’t have wanted a more perfect person to meet today are you guys excited to be in Vegas I came here to deliver just some little goodies I actually have a book I wrote about Las Vegas so giving you that giving you tickets to my show but the really exciting part is you guys I’ll get passes for you and one guest to come to Las Vegas for 3 days and two nights my God this day couldn’t get any better in my mind we get to come back to Vegas again after Hell’s Kitchen it’s unreal thank you so much the guys who killed for this oh they’re going to while the red team gushes over their Las Vegas experience back at the restaurant The Blue Team decorates for a special dinner service date night at Hell’s Kitchen ow you [ __ ] son of a these things are definitely making me thorny bro yo anybody want snow cones no I would love a snow cone man Cherry I like it shaved I would have they go hang out in Vegas but I’m not going to be pissy about it all day dance with me oh yeah oh let the red team have their fun in Vegas they’re probably just tearing each other from limb to limb so awkward what a beautiful night oh my god it feels so amazing out here seeing the whole strip oh my God it was so cool it was beautiful can you to me off yeah baby I can’t believe car sharing tonight sh usually got a straw that bottle by now W come on guys we could be doing punishment right now all I said was the truth oh God you can’t take it don’t dish it all you’ve been doing is dishing a Le I’m just playing with her she’s being a baby no fighting in Vegas we’re overlooking the strip enjoying champagne and they still seem to find time to argue with each other it’s just unbelievable I really don’t like it at least we agree that come on let’s toast to not liking each other while the red team parties the night away in Vegas morning comes early for the blue team but they are now wisely using punishment time as their time to regroup there’s no more leeway for excuses all right ain’t going to [ __ ] happen the last two challenges I kind of botched on I’m here to step up the game I’m here to do what I got to do no more excuses for anybody you ride or you die that’s it sink or swim if you [ __ ] up it’s cuz you [ __ ] up as will attempts to inspire The Blue Team ahead of tonight’s dinner service the red team makes their triumphant return from Vegas back to hell I can’t believe we’re back already hi hey how’s the trip we all get to go back to Vegas for 3 days two nights that’s awesome about I’m so pissed three more days and two nights in Vegas I so could have used that Natalie was a little bit bummed that she didn’t get to go to Vegas suck it up I didn’t come here to eat drink and relax I came here to work I came here to do what we got to do let’s go Carrie ladies let’s go James yes chef open H’s kitchen please let’s go it’s the first ever date night in Hell’s Kitchen and the restaurant will be playing host to all kinds of couples wow from those who’ve been married for 20 years to those who’ve just met this is my first blind dat ever wow okay kind awkward don’t say anything dumb in addition to the regular menu Hell’s Kitchen will also feature a lavish raw sea food bar I love you here we go ladies look alive this ain’t the night to lose reting yes I order four cover T 41 two Scholars one rotto one Lobster capalini on trade two bass two New York strip Chef two of your on appetisers who’s in charge here me Chef I’ll do it I’m I’m very vocal Chef I will take care of it so you’re going to run it I will run it thank you this is my opportunity to step up and show that I am a leader and that I’m good let’s go guys all right guys game time let’s go okay blue team here we go on order four C table 23 one one sc one Lo capalini and Oyster Rockefeller let’s go wake up Tommy yes got you I’d like to prove something to Chef ramse here tonight IE I’m not an idiot I need a scallop Tommy oh Jesus while Tommy tries to stay focused over in the red kitchen Carrie tries to coordinate the red team’s first order I got two scalps how long on your vett Elise Elise Elise she just wouldn’t work with me she refused to communicate with me how long are those anales how long are the anales two sculls two oysters how long um Drive [ __ ] TI will not give me a time on how long 2 minutes 2 minutes I just can’t work well with Carrie and I’ve tried 2 minutes 2 minutes I just feel that Carri affects our team in a negative way not [ __ ] talk to me the service is going to be affected because your personal relationships no [ __ ] come on come on girls while the red team works on their communication 2 minutes Elise Elise over on the blue side Tommy tries to get ahead on appetizers Tommy bring me that try scops what have you done of course you had the upcoming orders you season them with seconds to go when I give you 3 minutes that’s when you season them out all right not a second before Tommy you can’t season the scallops when you’re 5 minutes out pulls the water out of the scallops and dehydrates them so Tommy had to throw all those away h on 4 and 1 half minutes Tommy what are you doing I can see him from here he sees them again again getting ready 4 minutes you don’t fire until 2 and 1/2 minutes it’s start over Tommy why are you doing this you were just told 10 seconds ago not to my bad boys I got a little ahead of myself don’t don’t say sorry man just freaking pay attention to what you’re doing while Tommy puts on the brakes over in the red kitchen thanks to Jennifer musles and rotto walking the red team is racing ahead walking with skallops heading to the pass nice see in the sculps yes sir Go please and appetizers are flying out to the dining room thank you very much it’s very good he look come here you me yeah hey look hello come here all of you come [Music] here whose hair is that that was an in the pant Chef when I brought it up hold on just say that again now she’s saying that we planted it just say that again no Chef that’s not what I said so I’m asking the question whose disgusting greasy black hair is that well I guess it must be mine oh really of course it had have been Jamie’s I mean she was right there and then she didn’t even say anything I was just totally disgusted are you not bothered yes jef I’m bothered I checked him in shs when I brought him up oh really he’s not even in the game you know what you’ve just given up no Chef I do feel like Jamie gives up in the kitchen I haven’t seen her fight back yet I haven’t seen her really like knock it out the box like I have she’s not exactly getting better you start sulking now look at me hey you want to start sulking just go home no Chef four rice I’m around three and 1 half out on those four rice going with the one Scot 2 minutes fire SCAR H hey hey hey look at me hey hello he’s cooking the sea bass what the [ __ ] is he doing come here you hey come here he’s cooking the [ __ ] onake before we get into the [ __ ] appetizers I got a little ahead of myself I was on Speed Racer mode started to get a little racy in the brain I doing everything a hair early so he’s cooking the seat bus now for the third table we haven’t even sense the appetizer okay I’m rushing it all right rushing it do me a favor [ __ ] off outside get a big deep breath of fresh air piss off go on outside outside hey look at me [ __ ] off what a [ __ ] Muppet it’s not just in tonight’s dinner service that is Tommy this is how Tommy works every single night I just don’t see where there’s any room for improvement at this point romantic dinner more like a [ __ ] up dinner while Tommy gets sidetracked in the dining room back in the kitchen the red team is already moving on to Entre you best your life have a look at [Music] this all of you come here yeah that’s you what oh god I didn’t even see that oh [ __ ] hey come here you didn’t see that burning stuff to a crisp and trying to pass it off like you didn’t see it sh that’s some kind of joke I didn’t even see that I have another one in the oven Chef don’t kick me out please I do not I’m not ready to kill Chef no get out no I have another one in the oven get out of it God damn it I hav [ __ ] Chef please no I have another one in the oven I can do this [ __ ] move you thick [ __ ] idiot hey Madam Madam take your [ __ ] with you yeah enjoy your romantic dinner on your [ __ ] own I am so [ __ ] pissed off right now I wasn’t definitely ready to leave the kitchen how could I not see that Jamie had a hair in one of her freaking garnishes a hair he didn’t kick her out but I screw up on a piece of fish and he kicks me out one piece of fish one piece of [ __ ] fish that doesn’t make any sense to me damn it while Carrie lets off some steam upstairs back downstairs Tommy is still in the dining room yeah once again I’m sorry by the way Chef told me to go outside and get a breath fresh air I walk out the hottest girls i’ ever seen like staring at me and I was like oh sweet uh Hi and then I left because my heart belongs to uh another and uh ran back in the kitchen now I’m even more excited to launch into service right now awake I was a little ahead of myself my apologies yes awake look at me yes or no in the eyes yes chef yes chef absolutely hurry up scops I’m coming out I’m going to say one minute I have to you know prove myself the chef and show him that I got this now nice looking scallops Tom yeah you look good bro thank you brother going the oysters yet hot service please Tommy has finally recovered and the blue team is able to push out appetizers service please how’s that very good meanwhile in the red kitchen the Entre are at the pass and Chef Ramsey is waiting for garnish Jamie any time now or you just going to piss around with me again Jamie seems so like confused and I just want to be like listen wake up come on I mean [ __ ] hell are you still rig and mors with you oh come on that is overcooked Jamie hey come here hey all of you come here you s me that taste that [Music] Chef does that look romantic something zucchini no Chef you’re not even bothered yes chef I just don’t know what’s going on with her tonight I she’s just not focused get it together Chef yes chef it’s an hour and a half into dinner service and with Jim’s garnish finally meeting Chef Ramsey’s standards let’s go diners are now receiving their Entre again oh my guys it’s so good meanwhile in the blue kitchen how long two one chicken C walking up shf Paul is ready with the blue team’s first Entre what’s he done Co Paul a rash stop all of you come here Paul just asked me is it raw th you tell me just touch that touch that romantic dinner pisses me off cuz Paul knows better than that I mean you just can’t serve raw chicken hey Chef let me ask you is that raw Chef it’s under I have another one I’ll give it to you right now come here you answer my [ __ ] question yes chef it’s wrong get out pink carnations Maybe Pink chicken no chance I [ __ ] up on a chicken I I’m [ __ ] furious with myself Jeff let me back in let me finish what I started Tommy give that to Paul for his [ __ ] romantic dinner upstairs hurry up put the scallops on shut up while Tommy runs off to make a special delivery to Paul out in the dining room cheers my love the Coupes seem to be making the best of date night even if they still don’t have their food meanwhile back in the red kitchen vegetarian cap Elise is ready with her vegetarian capalini oh Jesus Christ that’s not vegetarian Elise this is the shut your [ __ ] mouth one capalini no Lobster I’m again yeah [ __ ] off I’m sorry you’re here you are like her you just can’t be bothered anymore no Chef Elisa is one of those people that she thinks that she’s one of the strongest but not tonight Andre one [ __ ] vegetarian capalini no Lobster just playing tomato sauce call it out chef Andre’s one vegetarian Lobster capalini one more time Andre is vegetarian Lobster calini more time one more time one Lobster capalini vegetarian is it in yes chef wake up yes chef I know Chef R is pissed off at me because I know he expects so much more out of me and I expect more out of myself and I’m pissed off at myself a black jacket you need a straight jacket as Elise contemplates Chef Ramsay’s motivational talk really I had to give this to you Tommy hurries back to his fish station but he’s not alone I get back and Chef’s making the scals for me and and I’m like waiting for him to get out of the way I didn’t want to interrupt him or ask him one minute to the window scolars Gordon Ramsey’s in the kitchen so you’re going to watch me Chef I’ve got take over can you take over yes I got it Chef I got it tell me there I have it I have it right now I got it Chef I got it let’s go then all right it was kind of fun Y and a chef I wouldn’t say it’s even yet but maybe it’s like this [ __ ] bozo okay 5 minutes out while Tommy finishes what Chef Ramsey started over in the red kitchen vegetarian C Alise is ready to impress with her next oyster dish let’s go oh come on in fact you tell me Chef are they overcooked yes they are come here you get out hey do you know what hey you don’t care I do care look come here look look they’re like Poli look at the water look at you’re going to say you going to say they’re fresh and delicious no Chef yeah take that take that [ __ ] off out of here eat them enjoy your dinner nice romantic plate of voices for a little superstar Bon of a tea princess I’m pissed I’m embarrassed the only way to get worse is if I don’t have a chance to redeem myself because I know I can [ __ ] do it one table at a time yes chef what a [ __ ] disaster one capalini right now 2 minutes on the SE strip Wellington watch this calini car and Elise are dead weight the right team needs to prove to Chef Ramsey that we can and actually work together let’s go slicing right now I’m walking come on let’s go Two Chefs down the remaining members of the red team somehow pull together service and send out the final Entre of the night wow yeah they’re very sweet they’re good let’s go let’s not stop meanwhile the blue kitchen has also picked up the pace one SE bass two New York strip one Wellington how long coming up now I just took Chef Ramsay’s challenge to step up and I did it come on guys we’re almost at the end let’s go table 62 please as the blue team moves on to deserts one of their diners is about to receive something especially sweet I your [Music] dessert wow for the past 5 years I’ve had the honor calling you my girlfriend will you be my wife for the rest of my life [Applause] there was a proposal out there man that brought me back to when I proposed to my wife romance in the dining room man is awesome I’m going to [ __ ] cry there’s nothing I won’t do for [Applause] [Music] you a night of romance if that’s the best you could all do I want a divorce from each and every one of you let me tell you that Elise no concentration a lack of respect and between you and Jennifer two of you on appetizers and when I offered to take leadership what did she say no I got this i got this i got this and nobody had it you know what Elise how many appetizers did I get out that didn’t get sent back let’s think about Dad and stuff whatever whatever exactly whatever whatever me I’m worried because unfortunately whether you like it or not your performance it’s actually getting worse Elizabeth I don’t know when you’re going to come out but hurry up Carrie I’m fed it with your arrogance I’m fed it with your attitude you’re not even a chef you do know you burnt the bass I would have never started it if I saw that Chef I do have passion I am a talented Chef [ __ ] sandwich girl I’m not just some [ __ ] Pantry girl clearly the winning team is the blue team [Music] ladies get upstairs to the dorm and come to a consensus of which two should be up for elimination get [Music] lost I am going to prove him wrong I’m going to fight I’m not going to let Chef Fram tell me I’m some sandwich Pantry [ __ ] no I am so pissed right now I am like livid so who’s going up well I would say the car cuz I [ __ ] up one piece of fish no for arguing with Chef Ramsey yall actually mad at me because I didn’t want to go if he kicks you out you get the [ __ ] out you don’t [ __ ] argue with him I’m sorry that I’d like to fight for my position you fight now you get your ass up there and you [ __ ] fight I going to fight you done him I mean I knew they were going to choose me I’m just ready to go up there and sha I deserve to be here I want to be here well obviously I’m going up yall decide on who else is going up I don’t think any of us have [Music] [Music] safe Jennifer first nominee and why first nominee is Carrie Chef she disrespected you you threw out of the kitchen and instead of following your instructions she embarrassed us as a team and stood there and fought with you second Nomine and Y the second nominee is AAS Chef the appetizers that got sent back were through relase and for some reason these two their attitudes come out all the time they bring our Dynamic down we’re tired of it the drama that comes with this Carrie Le step forward my goodness me sounds like the three ladies standing behind you want rid of you both Carrie tell me why you should stay in Hell’s Kitchen I just want to prove you wrong cuz you are wrong about me I am talented I do deserve to be here why do they hate you because we’re constantly fighting she’s constantly in my face talking [ __ ] I have tried to solve my problem with her but you know what right now I’m focused on myself I haven’t given up Chef I have not given up Elise tell me why you think you should stay in house kitchen Chef I made some mistakes tonight and I’ll never make the same mistake twice I know that I’m not in over my head like Carrie I know that I wanted a final five you have a problem with your ego you don’t like taking orders it’s your way or the highway all I can do is apologize for performance and and beg you to give me another chance I think you’re done okay the person leaving House’s kitchen is both of you both of you back in line the person I’m going to eliminate tonight is going downhill and I can’t deal with it for much longer a person leaving House’s kitchen is Jamie you’re done jack it off please I can’t go any further with you I’m getting no response good night bye [Applause] Jamie it’s not a good feeling to hear from one of the best chefs in the world that I didn’t have what it to to say here it hurts deep it is tough to swallow my pride and walk out those doors it’s one of the hardest things I ever had to do Jamie’s gone cuz she was in over her head and instead of getting better she got worse and worse and worse let that be a lesson get out of it yes chef yes chef at the end of the day I’m a way better Chef than Carrie but you know what I’m here to kick some ass red and blue if what happened to Jamie ever happened to me I’m telling you now you better call security because you can guarantee that I will not be walking out of his silence El’s hated me since day one I mean obviously she doesn’t want me here but you know what sorry honey I’m not going anywhere Jamie’s lack of fightback told me she’s not ready to be a head chef the remaining chefs need to know it’s not about what they’ve done in the past it’s what they do here that [Music] counts and now the continuation of Hell’s Kitchen get some sleep we got a big day tomorrow get out of here yes chef yes chef I told you wasn’t going home I’m here still here I’m hungry I want it I want it so bad it’s time for Carrie to be selfish [ __ ] everyone else thank you Laura for keeping me here my God what just happened I can’t believe it wasn’t carot I am in shock right now I don’t agree with Chef ramsy on this one Jamie’s a way better chef and Carrie Carrie should have went home tonight she shouldn’t have gone we lost one of our strong players Jamie was strong now I got Larry Mo and curly on my team what the [ __ ] am I going to do you two have to [ __ ] figure it out I’m going to say it right now guys s like droing me [Music] nuts after an unsettling night for the red team Chef Ramsey wants to get down to business right away okay red team blue team good morning morning so we’re going to have a little competition this morning my favorite challenge of this whole competition at blind taste test I was waiting for this challenge I was sure that we were probably going to have the taste test today I am really excited about it excited yes great Tommy and Carrie let’s go let’s go Tommy come on Tommy come on Blue’s go Blue the blind taste test is always a critical challenge for Chef Ramsey as he believes that a great pallet is essential for being a great chef Tommy can you hear me Tommy you’re Muppet Pantry girl can you hear me Pantry girl each Chef will attempt to identify four items by taste alone the team with the most correct answers wins The Challenge first one easy and chovis open up it’s hard you got this music blaring in your ears and your blindfold and you’re just like but I don’t mind cuz Jeff Ramsey was feeding me so that was kind of cool what is that sardines sardines it’s okay blue what is that salmon what and chovy oh God this is going to get it really hard car and I’m thinking like it’s earthy you know it’s a root like oh maybe it’s a radish what the [ __ ] carrot ah Tommy this is ridiculously hard what is that come on Carri carot good job Eggo [Music] EG come on Tommy EG y potatoes potatoes what is that egg egg what a hardboiled egg wrong egg yolk you said hardboiled egg there a big difference got it yes thank you I knew exactly what it was I mean come on really really the red team is leading one to nothing and Tommy has one last chance to get on the scoreboard by correctly identifying mango come on Tommy mango mang yeah come on red strawberry what mango mango with the score tied it’s time for the next matchup come on will sue Chef will versus line cook Elizabeth look at her stand up oh my God she’s all like she did look like she was trying to go to the bathroom freaking you have to stand up looks like you’re having a crap okay thank you Chef cauliflower yo challenge I’ve been waiting for I’m ready to kill the blind taste test man I’m ready to kill it broccoli Chef broccoli Lobster come on will I can smell that [ __ ] from here [ __ ] man mushrooms what Lobster a [ __ ] [ __ ] bro he’s done really well and everything here so what is going on COD let me have some Lobster I’m a know it’s Lobster pumpkin sweet potato puree butternut squash puree [ __ ] will and Elizabeth are both 0 for three and their last shot at Redemption lies with mushy peas It’s on the menu um um I don’t know um um uh I um I don’t know um I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know um I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know [ __ ] [ __ ] I I have no [ __ ] idea um uh please just just answer the guy so we can go on please I I’ll say anything spinach oh Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth well mushy bees yes I got one point whoop be [ __ ] do suck that is so hard I’m just freaking pissed I missed things that I missed the blue team has a slim lead now it’s time for PA and Jennifer to go head to-head chicken but both Jennifer turkey chef and Paul turkey pick the wrong poultry come on next they’ll try asparagus asparagus yes yay celery they’re both crunchy that’s about all celery and his berries have in common PE pull Walnut Jeffrey to put nuts in my mouth tastes like walnuts guys cheddar cheese arm I’m pulling your Italian card cheddar cheese yay [ __ ] I knew she was going to get cheddar cheese she’s from New England whatever you guys put cheddar cheese on apple pie so final round it’s Elise and Natalie with the blue team leading by just one point come on Natalie it’s still anyone’s game I still have the best pet in a group and I’m about to prove it f Mo on Natalie turkey she called Fon turkey really Elise beef what kind of beef filet we’re tied at three you’re welcome red team you’re welcome brussel sprouts nle par snip [ __ ] shredded like that Elise water chestnuts oh my God coconut um fresh coconut yeah elast coconut good job I’m proud of Elise I got to give Pops to the girl good stuff I mean you know what good stuff with the teams tied at four and only one ingredient left it all comes down to sour cream oh [ __ ] it is so close so close we’re praying at this point come on Natalie come on Natalie I hope she’s say Crum fresh I dropped the ball our team dropped the ball I’m just hoping Natalie will step up and freaking win creme fresh sour cream it’s 44 and it’s all down to Elise if she gets this right red team wins The Challenge this like waiting’s killing me at [Music] least sour [Music] cream red team wins that’s right blue team woo thank you thank you El you [ __ ] kicked ass red team better kiss my ass today because I want it for them who don’t got a palette not me I’m so pissed I’m totally kicking myself if I went on my first instinct for everything I tasted I would have done so much better uh Elise great job thank you right for winning the battle of the pallets I have something truly exceptional planned you’re going to be heading up to the highest point in Hollywood Hills you’re going to be enjoying the most amazing Gourmet lunch gour lunch oh there’s only one way to get up there what you’ll be going horseback Scott thank you Scott thank you I am stoked for this I’ve never been horseback riding I’ve never seen a horse in person so I need to tell you something important ahead of our next dinner service seeing as one of you is going to become the head chef of BLT state in our next service in Hell’s Kitchen we are going to become the most amazing Steakhouse awesome yeah so the menu clearly will be featuring steak plus I would like a homemade jam to go along with our stunning desserts so losing team for your punishment I’ve got a massive 200 10000 grape delivery arriving in a few minutes oh my God my God I want them sorted washed and then carefully deeded and peeled by hand Tommy you got it sounds like a fun day right yay grapes yay ladies please head back up to the dorms and get changed see you in a little bit guys Happy Trails I’m kind of upset I don’t get to go on this little Endeavor riding anything is fun whether it has a motor or legs blue team get out of here piss off [ __ ] yay awesome fun [ __ ] hate grapes the old grape truck give me four of them I’ll lug four right off the bat I don’t give a [ __ ] I just want to get the [ __ ] over with let’s go juices and jams bye guys by guys [ __ ] y’all come back now you here I am so excited to be getting out of Hell’s Kitchen I’m going to ride to [ __ ] out of that [Music] horse oh J Jam you look so cute congratulations thank you oh my go here comes James I get to do a reward with you you look like you belong on there I got to tell you James comes down on the most beautiful horse in the world and he could like ride it so has anybody ridden before hell yeah I’m born and raised in Texas I grew up around horses I mean this is like car’s perfect day oh my God no that smells to go bathroom harrie you have an effect it’s still freaking going oh my God I don’t know about this I don’t enjoy dirt and fli and pee and it just grows me out P yourself on up okay so there’s your reins there no you’re fine let’s go where’s no seat belts oh this is awesome guys so if you look out here ladies you over see the whole of la oh my gosh the view is just absolutely beautiful it really made us feel like like winners okay guys we’re going to go up to the top and we’re going to have a little drink to celebrate oh wow absolutely gorgeous to the ladies to the ladies to the red team wo is while the red team enjoys the fruits of their labor The Blue Team this is stupid labors over their fruits I don’t like it none of us do peeling grapes by far the most tedious thing I’ve ever done in my life don’t find all my grapes sucks ass this is so monotonous that I’m ready to stab myself just for a change of pace you say I carry us through with a cheery whistle you start whistling bro I’m going to bust your lip [Music] this is like crazy like I will literally like Snap hey what do you guys call a purple gorilla what what a Grape Ape I’m going to go crazy while it’s sour grapes on The Blue Team back on the Mountaintop the red team enjoys the Sweet Taste of Victory Del maybe a little too much I which one I want to do next we’ll go for this Carrie was like empty that’s good they got you some bread am I turning black am I getting yes a little bit Yeah God every time guess you won’t be drinking no more huh just eat your freaking por can we have to check grape jokes so many grape jokes are you serious right now bro why Natalie’s going to [ __ ] snack one more gra joke bro hey guys this is grape hey if you hold on a second uh you know let me put my brain to work you’ll probably have grape expectations for a better J please say one more damn grape joke please do it because I’m going to [ __ ] choke you let Natalie I feel like uh after my jokes I’ve lost all appeal to you oh my God I am tired of these stupid [ __ ] graes [ __ ] you know why because I’m not stealing any more grapes this is the stupidest [ __ ] and I’m not doing it any the [ __ ] are you I’m not doing it anym no more no more [ __ ] gra I’m not feeling any more gra ever again in my entire life she she’s looking you feel bad bu I feel better oh that was great Tommy I’m I’m going to kill [Laughter] you okay don’t run oh my God Le slow the [ __ ] down I have to pee hold on way what are they [ __ ] Hammer oh they’re drunk good for them o we’ve had some wine I’m just going to let you know had to kill some grapes eh you stink holy [ __ ] [ __ ] it smelt like she just stumbled out of a bar at 4:00 a.m. oh my God I love you Carri but do i s like wine yeah you stink like wine uh definitely hoping that all the girls wake up a little hung over and a little sluggish tomorrow hopefully they’re not ready for battle because we are oh my God we would drink everything let me get some M [Music] it while the men settle in for the night and catch some z’s all right boys the red team catches Natalie up on their day God them horses were disgusting I’m not even going to lie to Natalie and as soon as we got there car was like should I demonstrate can I demonstrate can I do I show can I demonstrate can I show them and then she went by a horse and a horse like I swear you over dramatize everything I mean the horse did do that you stuck in a full of fabrication I swear it gets better so was like all confident you went over in a horse but like you’re so full of [ __ ] let’s go back to your drunken stay cuz I liked it a lot better when you’re passed out oh I’m that drunk [ __ ] you know what because I’m not an alcoholic like you [ __ ] walking around with a whole bottle of wine with a straw on it you’re more crazier than I think you are okay shut the [ __ ] up you’re going to tell a goddamn story tell [ __ ] ride that’s exactly what you did I can hear him I don’t give a [ __ ] let him Fu kiss my ass [ __ ] cuz I’m not going to have to look at you after this week because your ass ain’t getting no better oh really Chef Ramsey keep you here because you beg not because you can [ __ ] cook I am really looking forward tomorrow cuz somebody’s going home it’s not going to be me it’s an early start for both teams how are we coming ladies did anyone find Shives as they get to work we have the hanger steaks yeah prepping for tonight’s steak night in Hell’s Kitchen I’m so ready to win let tell you something it ain’t going to get much easier than this it’s going to be steakhous tonight it is a very streamline focused menu everything is relatively simple blue team’s got this tonight ladies let’s go okay Stak night in House’s kitchen and it is overbooked so tonight we’re going to be doing a double seating one team is going to serve tables and one team is going to cook then we’ll receip and start all over again excited yes good red team you won the Battle of the pallets so you get to choose whether you’re going to cook first or serve tables first let’s discuss this I think ladies I need your decision now please okay we’re going to serve first chef but you’re going to serve first yeah Chef okay blue team get on your stations get set up we’re opening in literally 5 minutes red team into the dining room let’s go yes chef my strategy is to serve tables first I think it’ll show us what to expect where we know we’re going to get pounded and see the orders coming in please if somebody says they want their stake anything other than me Jim R write it on The Tick okay James please let’s open Hell’s Kitchen it’s state Night round one let’s go yes [Music] chef for this special steak night Chef Ramsey has created a menu featuring a ribeye a New York strip as well as a Hamachi appetizer can I get you guys anything to drink what would you like for an appetizer for the first of tonight’s two seatings the blue team will be in the kitchen and we’ll have just 90 minutes to feed the entire dining room for you ma’am oh the Hamachi okay excellent thank you guys great nice M serving so easy please tell me you’ve written it in English Che yes yes chef as long as you have the attitude and the smile and the personality you can rock it Bravo on order and a away two Weds one shrimp one Hamachi Tommy’s on appetizers if we can get a good start it just makes the whole kitchen um go so much more smoothly 90 minutes Don’t Panic Tommy how you doing Tommy Tommy how you doing Tommy communicate yes how long Tommy Tommy 4 minutes je come on man let’s go hurry up you got to start moving quicker bro this is your night to freaking push us out can he speed up yes or no yes chef he can let’s go he will while Tommy hustles to get orders out Elise struggles to get orders in order in Chef hey come here you oh no one aachi one shrimp co*cktail one shrimp co*cktail one aachi can you not put two shrimp [ __ ] off with you least okay pick it up I am a chef I am not a waitress obviously and I’m just not used to riding tickets I’m belong in the kitchen my goal is to get you food look over the menu when I come back I’ll help you with any questions okay thanks guys 30 minutes into the first seating with orders rolling into the kitchen Chef Ramsey needs Tommy too much too wedge how long to push appetizers out to the dining room Tommy come on please he’s not even talking this guy Tommy how long Tommy you have to talk to him I’m going I’m going you’re not going you need to talk to talking to him come on Tommy Tommy is making cold salads he’s not cooking anything answer him when he answers you something come on Tommy this guy is [ __ ] sinking he’s not talking to me he’s not communicating and all three of you are watching him sink I’m going as fast as I can I really don’t need to turn around and say yes chef I know what’s going on other side of other side of them always on the other side finally an hour into dinner service you’re welcome the blue team has finally managed to get nearly all of the appetizers out all right Entre should be coming up soon is there anything else I can help you guys out with you all good t two service please and now with Entre leaving the kitchen 1 hour gone just under 30 minutes to go come on guys come on push it out Chef Ramsay is looking to Natalie for two New York trip one me one mean ra come to the the PF come on come on I don’t know what she’s which Natalie all of you come here right now I’m a little bit confused which one’s normal and which one’s medium this one’s the normal one Chef that’s normal do you want to [ __ ] off no Chef what is that you don’t even know that’s overcooked Natalie I thought do we have another do we have a normal one to go now yes I have one to go now let’s go let’s go I know my meat temperatures but sometimes it overcooks even just after being sliced New York’s trip coming come on let’s go come on come on come on that’s it come on Natalie Chase be you’re a young girl not an 8-year-old granny come on oh come on Natalie crap what did I do now they’re over cooking the meat that is what I I didn’t realize it was that overdone Chef you sliced it yeah Chef if you’re slicing them and you know that they’re wrong why the [ __ ] do you send it Up N wake up Che with less than 20 minutes left in the first seating of tonight’s dinner service it’s kind of taking a while yeah it is diners are concerned that they may be going home hungry there was definitely um there was a problem in the kitchen right now so hopefully I’ll be back with your Entre and just okay we’ll be sitting right up here okay it took forever to get anything out of there the blue team was [ __ ] up and I hope that the red team can do better than that so we can win meanwhile back in the kitchen Natalie is doing her best to not overcook this next next batch of staks Natalie New York’s strip yes sir come on then let’s go hurry up jeez what’s going on Natalie stop fire fire stop stop that means stop stand back [ __ ] [ __ ] why are we out of control I don’t know Chef it’s not even funny anymore it’s infuriating there was four things on the menu and not one hot appetizer everything should have just flowed tonight stop clear down yes Che switch off this sucks 90 minutes gone time out 1 2 3 4 5 five ta’s not [ __ ] served so the kitchen is closed that’s it yeah the kitchen’s closed we’re done no more food so go and apologize now The Blue Team suck tonight and I think that we have a leg up on them because now we know what to expect it pains me to say this but Chef Ramsey has closed the kitchen and there’s no Entre coming out oh my god with the first seating over the tables are now turned let’s go good luck and the red team will be in the kitchen with only 90 minutes to complete their service James please yes chef open house kitchen yes chef Stay Night round two yes chef [Music] while the red team is clearly excited to be back in their element Tommy James where the small round trads for drinks and the is clearly out of his wedge salad please excuse me and the New York strip wed salad and the New York strip all right I was as polite as I could be you got to be all smiles in front of the house should we take these two yeah let me take those I’m sorry let’s go boo all right everyone stay here don’t go anywhere double [Music] check right [ __ ] did I forget something Jes how old are you 31 you’re 31 you right like a 9-year-old two WS one shrimp one New York strip one New York strip why why I’m not going to start [ __ ] off pick it up right stay here till I check let’s go I honestly couldn’t tell you what Tommy’s deing strip riby lud hang finally a decent ticket Tommy get your head in the game kid okay I order three c t 61 one w t one shim co*cktail one Hamachi yes thank you let’s go hurry up hurry up hurry up let’s go come on Elizabeth let’s do this I’m pushing it out right now how long you think it Elizabeth okay I’m going to need 2 minutes after that we’re going into four wedge and two more shrimp co*cktail okay there you go all right that’s cool working as a team does it hurt no do not hurt Chef I can come over and help you okay I’m tired of sucking at dinner service so we need to come together as a team and start rocking out this Kitchen come on ladies we got to get these abs up before we can do anything but entree right behind nice service please the red team is often running on appetizers good but out in the dining room Tom one shrimp do I write one one shrimp is having a hard time getting started order in Chef here you go Chef hey hey hey James yes chef look at that it’s like Cantonese yeah you think it’s funny speak yeah you think what what is that I was pretty sure I was writing them in English I’ve never won a penmanship competition when are we going to learn English why when pick it up come on despite Tommy’s issues the red team continues to push out appetizers service please shm for the lady oh my gosh it’s really good and are now moving on to Entre one hang of state to lud May yes yes chef yes chef 7 Minutes s minutes 7 Minutes Pantry ponytail yish the window 6 and a half let’s go yes sir let me know when you’re about 4 minutes out so I can cook my lud de yes I have to cook tonight like my life depends on it because I want to win this more than anybody here 60 minutes left 30 minutes gone we have got to do this I am not sending nobody home hungry walking here we [ __ ] [Music] go all of you come here St raw bass raw [ __ ] fast any ideas any it up put it back in the [ __ ] fire it I can’t believe this [ __ ] just brought up raw [ __ ] fish unbelievable I’m sorry Chef I was rushing but I know where I made my mistakes and I know that I’ll never make them twice because I never make the same mistakes twice well [ __ ] hurry up yes chef with 11 tickets to go and only 30 minutes remaining the red team scrambles to get back on track one strip one RI one ludar you hear me one strip one rivon one Loop to the window in a minute and a half right and a half let get it but Entre can’t the kitchen without Gish please Carrie your garnish needs to go to the window for two R I got it going right now le okay come on wait on garnish come on Carrie push it I’m going right now send it hey I’ll cook the garnish myself she can [ __ ] off come on give me a moment no we don’t have a moment go Carrie let’s go all right you’re dragging one strip one hanger and one riby it needs to go up now I got it right now I’m going guys if you need [ __ ] help you [ __ ] ass I got it this is [ __ ] that I have to scream at car to light a fire in her ass to get her moving do you want me to do it or not no I got it potatoes what the [ __ ] all of you just stop come here uhoh oh my god look she she’s so [ __ ] rude I’m not rude sir put your [ __ ] pan down that’s burn I got more potatoes coming right now garnish was slow as hell today stuff was not coming off [ __ ] I have more potatoes coming right now sh Ry was pissed it’s like a [ __ ] bullet but I can’t be rattled and I’m not going to allow anyone to Rattle me hurry up please okay I’m going guys Carrie you have screwed us up every din a service and you know what I’m [ __ ] sick and tired of it Carrie come on seriously ladies for minutes with Carrie having a complete meltdown on garnish unbelievable service has come to a standstill and diners are losing their patience I’m going to hate the color red we want Bo do you think we’ll get sered tonight I don’t know red team is all discombobulated yelling and screaming at each other they’re just going to go down hurry up hurry up hurry up Let Go garish is at yeah good Carrie has managed to catch up on garnish but with only 10 minutes left will the red team be able to complete their service can you ladies speed up yes chef yes chef come on please fish hurry up yes chef oh my God 30 seconds Chef oh [ __ ] H she dropped the bass my mouth Dro I have no idea what’s up with the lease if she was overwhelmed or what I don’t know she doesn’t know what the [ __ ] she’s doing we had a wall and it was O as a fish and it sucks ladies guess what time up shut it down Hell’s Kitchen steak night has come to a disastrous conclusion 90 minutes to cook yet you spent 85 minutes disorganized and bitching as neither team completed dinner service customers left hungry they didn’t get fed this is the worst any group of chefs have performed at this stage in this competition Tommy you buried your head in your station you ignore your team there’s like a barrier at least you have a bright future in this industry as a customer your biggest problem is you can’t work with the team that’s not true I have been trying to work with my team since I got here how many people on the red team think at least is a unique Dynamic team player then at least she’s an individual I’ll say it more concerned about her was I an individual when I went up and read the tickets for everybody was I an individual then or no one else would step up and I did was I an individual shut up was not one time shut up for five [ __ ] seconds that’s your problem you know shut up and listen to what we have to [ __ ] say I take constructive shut up my [ __ ] turn that’s the problem no one [ __ ] listens oh dear so tonight the winning team is none of you now do yourselves a favor get upstairs and think of one individual from The Blue Team and one individual from the red team who you think should be leaving this competition leave me alone guys I’m tired of this [ __ ] that Elise gives off she never takes any advice that Chef Ramsey gives her she never learns from anything it’s just all about aase Elizabeth you talk I talk a lot um Elizabeth before you answer I want you to thank team communication and what’s best that we can win tomorrow night so your vote is I vote that that Carrie should go up tonight and my vote is for Carrie let me guess your vot’s El lease I’m tired of it I’m hoping one of you going home it [Music] ends is this is hard man this is honestly the hardest one that we’ve had to do [Music] yet well I’m going to say Tommy cuz it kind of started off our communication bad and it was definitely frustrating I take a piss real quick me [Music] too oh she needs to get off her [ __ ] high horse a little bit will she’s so quick to blame everyone else and I get it I understand Tommy’s Advertiser had nothing to do with sending up a [ __ ] W on steak if you cut the [ __ ] you saw it was wrong how did you walk it up I love hanging out with Tommy and Natalie but one of them is going to leave [Music] tonight I’m U I’m lost to words Jennifer who’s the nominee and why uh nominee is caring Chef we need to work together and we need to break up the drama Paul who’s the blue team’s nominee we nominate Tommy Chef why because his lack of communication is a constant issue in this service and previous Services Carrie Tommy step forward [Music] please Carrie tell me why you think you should stay in Hell’s Kitchen they still have so much more to show you sh I do I know I have what it takes that’s why it pisses me off so much because I know I’m better than this you good tonight unfortunately in the wrong area BLT stake is not looking for a matro d Tommy tell me why you think you should stay in Hell’s Kitchen I don’t want to sit here and sell myself to you with the same redundant [ __ ] that everyone else says I want to prove myself to you with my cooking not with like some elaborate speech I’m going to be really honest with you light your spirit and your funny to have around but on the back of tonight’s performance I don’t think you have a big future in house kitchen the person leaving House’s kitchen [Music] is Carrie give me your jacket you leing house kitchen [Music] you have a big heart you are incredibly ambitious but you need a bit more time to grow I’m sorry give me your jacket please thank you what up Carrie keep your head up [Applause] [Music] Carrie bring it on Chef I’m not crying I’ll take it I got it babe no I got it this is my station why she cooking fish I don’t know what she’s doing it’s a [ __ ] dealing with Elise she’s had it out for me since day one you [ __ ] up the whole Rhythm of the kitchen and I I knew this was going to happen [ __ ] I did get away from me car I’m trying to get this [ __ ] done don’t have to yell at me I’m right here you better get out of my face but all the drama side I thought I fought hard not I’m not ready to quit Chef no Chef no I have another one in the oven I can do this [ __ ] sandwich girl I’m not just a [ __ ] Pantry girl I don’t have any regrets because I mean cooking with Chef Ramsey has been the most awesome experience I’ve ever had in my life Carrie that was for me the best dish you’ve ever cooked thank you Chef Carrie how did you sleep I have sleep dreams only person I have to blame is myself that’s what just kills me cuz I know I have it inside me and I didn’t do it I’m struggling blue team red team 10 services in and right now I’m doubting the motivation and why did you walk through these doors I’ve been thinking long and hard and I’ve come to a decision me El least take your jacket [Music] off and now the continuation of Hell’s Kitchen I’ve thinking long and hard and I’ve come to a [Music] decision Elise take your jacket [Music] off I know you think you’re ready but you’re not in fact none of you are ready all of you take your jackets off as from right now Hell’s Kitchen is [Music] closed what I’m still not convinced that you have that drive to become the head chef at BLT State you have to get inspired so you’re all flying to New York City first thing tomorrow morning to see BLT Stak firsthand are you kidding me you [ __ ] me if that doesn’t light a fire in your bellies I don’t know what will you understand yes get out of here get bags packed you’re leaving early I’m going to have my eye on the prize believe you me and not just my lazy eye my good eye I’m going to New York Big Apple woo Paul’s hitting New York City as part of his master plan Chef Ramsey has arranged for the chef to experience the culinary Crossroads of the world I’m Raheem I’m your foods of New York tour guide with a tasting tour of the Big Apple let’s go eat first up Italian we can’t come to New York City without hitting up the best pizzeria oh right oh my God let me tell you something about clam Pai off the chain delicious excellent put it up to him next up on the tour Chinese the key to making peing duck is you inflate the duck okay enjoy your that’s so good what’s up next French will what do you think of that fog off is that amazing I mean the food is so good I’m trying to paste myself I should probably eat one oh Greek are we diving in these are so good this is so my [Applause] favorite Mexican Carnitas I feel OB bees Jamaican shaba holy moly got like a little spice to it oh man Indian I couldn’t ask for anything more than a 13th 14th course you know you guys like it so I couldn’t do anymore are you guys ready for more [Applause] no after feasting on the fabulous flavors of New York the chefs head to BLT for a taste of what’s at stake o this is nice I know this is gorgeous hi welcome to blp steak before I take you into the kitchen let me give you a quick tour of the restaurant thank you so this is the main dining room wow this is beautiful the heart of the restaurant it’s beautiful I’m definitely picturing myself there and it made me that much more determined to have that head chef spot so this is the kitchen this is amazing okay this is a large Kitchen in comparison to a lot of Manhattan kitchens what would you say be the hardest thing to adjust to if somebody who hasn’t worked in New York the biggest challenge for someone who has not worked a New York kitchen is the pace we’re going to do between 230 and 250 covers every single night when I close my eyes all I imagine is myself standing at that pass like everything now is coming full circle the next time I step foot in a BLT restaurant it’s going to be me with my white coat and my hat and they’re going to say congratulations Paul welcome to the team thank you guys for coming out I wish you all the best of luck thank you if Chef Ramsey was trying to light a fire under our asses and to get us like motivated this trip definitely did did its [Music] job I’m ready to go all the way and to become head chef of BLT Steak after a whirlwind tour of New York City the chef’s return reinvigorated what’s this what’s this what’s this and ready to take on their next challenge look at you all welcome back hey thank you Chef thank you Chef so did you get inspired yes chef motivated yes chef hungry no chef Jennifer yes chef did you enjoy it it was amazing it remind me why I’m here good you all had opportunity to taste some of the finest Cuisines from anywhere in the world which brings me to your next challenge today I want to see how creative you can all be with ethnic Cuisine I hope in New York you picked up some tips what are you serious we tried to seven different Cuisines but the problem is I was just not paying attention excited yes good because right now each and every one of you is about to gamble your future in house kitchen oh my goodness excellent that’s right it’s [ __ ] crazy dude as far as gambling I’ve never been real lucky listen carefully one at a time each Chef will come forward after you pull the handle the five slots you land on will determine the ingredients what protein what starch what fruit and two vegetable you’ll be cooking with also a coin will come out the coin determines the type of cuisine Dean who’s feeling lucky Natalie step forward get him girl come on that okay pull the handle pork with corn potatoes Kum kumquats oh and green beans and the ethnic Cuisine is Jamaican Jamaican wow I had some tricky ingredients basically good luck I was just hoping that I could pull something together okay next up Jennifer great let’s go I feel lucky today I’m ready to pull the handle and see what I get what protein you hoping for anything but salmon ethnic Cuisine I would love Greek off you go come stand over oh my God so protein first is salmon wow well done I got salmon which I wasn’t happy about but my ingredients all like work together as long as I get Greek ethnic Cuisine is I got Greek Greek wow oppa it’s now Will’s turn to gamble for ingredients scallop wow mango and Espanish Cuisine is Italian Italian I come from Italian background thank God up next Elizabeth okay off we go I’m definitely very familiar with Chinese I currently work in an Asian restaurant type of Cuisine is oh I got Mexican oh D Elizabeth got Mexican and I was totally jealous I wanted Mexican so bad okay good topic is I hope I don’t get Indian I hope I don’t get Indian I hope I don’t get Indian I got Indian God ah Alise will be cooking with why tuna carrots beans beans wow I don’t even like beans come qu I never seen before today type of ethnic Cuisine is Chinese I have no Chinese food experience none the Wheels of Fortune Spin next for Paul filet with egpl I’m good with that planta grapefruit and ethic cuisine French come on yeah I hate the jackpot I think come on that is a jackpot well done so you’ve all got 45 minutes your time starts from now off you go good luck thank you Chef let’s do this after the chef’s inspirational culinary tour of New York Chef Ramsey has designed this challenge to test their creativity with ethnic foods it’s not French unless it has butter and cream each Chef must prepare an entree in the style of the cuisine featured on their coin using the five ingredients that they randomly earned playing slots what the heck is this a carrot a yellow carrot really not going to lie today’s the first day I cook something Chinese wow he like okay soy sauce what up the Sicilian olives the peppercorns 15 minutes gone 30 minutes to go Chef yes chef when I think Jamaican I think jerk and jerk is spicy so that’s what I’m going to do BL you bless you you all right girl yeah it’s all these Peppers over here anymore I think I’m good all right last 5 minutes Jen sh that’s right holy [ __ ] time to go got to move the spirit of Santo be with me I’m kind of freaking out right now I got plates for everybody here’s your plate I have a bowl let’s go stop plating let’s go 5 4 3 2 1 and sir listen carefully as you know I’m looking for someone to emerge a leader so today I’m going to determine the winner of this Challenge in a completely different way that’s right never done this before I’m going to throw up what the hell is going on King of the Hill that’s right I’m going to taste the dishes individually the person with the best dish wins the challenge for their team got it yes sir it’s time for everyone to start realizing that we’re a group but we’re also individuals and everyone needs to start to shine Tommy let’s go Tommy come on Tommy up first is Tommy putting me on the spot with his attempt at Indian Cuisine let’s do it so what is it okay I did a chicken roasted in the oven what I was going for was like a mango Curry let’s hope it tastes more Indian than it looks what do you think of the sauce it actually tastes delicious nice heat and a combination of spices it tastes that Indian thank congratulations sit in the chair good job Elizabeth let’s go Chef said that this is going to be king of the hill but this is definitely going to be Queen of the Hill cuz my dish is going to win this is New York strip I garnished it with diced treeso and kakina cheese on top okay steak slightly overcooked but it tastes a lot better than it looks and it tastes Mexican good job thank you my big question is is your dish more accomplished than Tommy’s Indian inspired dish and the answer is congratulations Elizabeth Tommy get off that chair jobl PR good good job thank you sh that’s my chair Tommy was just keeping it warm for me Natalie taught me um I had pork and the sauce is a guava paste habanera coconut Jesus have you tasted the spices in there [ __ ] G he’s almost bringing tears to my eyes is that hot for you I actually like it I tried to kind of sweeten it out that’s Way Gone okay definitely will not be replacing Elizabeth okay back in line with your dish so good Natalie Elizabeth you’re safe too much Natalie so good girl I thought my dish was good I thought the spices were perfect Paul let’s go with Natalie’s dish too hot to handle it’s up to Paul’s french inspired filet to regain the culinary throne for The Blue Team Meats cooked perfectly love the idea behind the grapefruit in the Holland days and that is French cuisine on a plate it’s delicious thank you chef and that’s exactly what happens as he unseats Elizabeth done paie job paie okay Elise let’s go and now Elise is ready to impress with her take on Chinese it’s AI tuna it’s seasoned with soy sauce yeah I like it it’s nice tuna’s cooked perfectly thank you Chef take a seat congratulations thank you chef and thus Begins the reign of Queen Elise I’m the queen of the hill and my dish is better than yours with the red team holding Court will storms the castle with his take on Italian cuisine what is that I did pruto rap scallops seared in olive oil and rendered pruto fat delous than yeah Will and Chef you’re the king great job congratulations good job good job definitely the best dis of tasty so far if the competition ended right now he’d Win It For The Blue Team but we have one more Jennifer let’s go yes sure oh my God it’s coming down to me and well I’m Jennifer New York and Boston fighting to the end that’s what I’m excited about tell me what is it pan seared salmon with uh olives feta cheese Salmon’s cooked perfectly thank you chef wow it’s delicious thank you Chef it’s a very tough call this one two very good dishes tough very tough uh okay the King of the Hill and winning it for their team is Jennifer oh [ __ ] great job oh my God good job oh my God I won I won the challenge it’s like holy [ __ ] I beat will good job go Boston beat out New York today red team clearly you you s huge inspiration from your trip in New York well done okay thanks to Jennifer your reward since we’re in Los Angeles what better place to have great fun than at the beach oh my God that’s right you’re hidden the beach the beach do you want to know what’s happening at the beach yeah I’m going to tell you this is a surprise what I will tell you is you are going to love it h well done good job thank you Chef thank you Chef blue team tonight house kitchen is open which means you’ll be prepping both kitchens ahead of tonight’s [Music] service going be a long hard tedious afternoon yes chef red team go get into something a little bit more comfortable for a day on the beach thank you have a great time beach beach beach beach beach be be be be Beach I have to shave blue team start off by cleaning out the kitchen let’s go hurry up this is the fourth time in a game row we got to sit here and prep out both freaking kitchens sucks red te take that ass all right started off Liz ladies shake that ass woo be see you bye guys that’s what I’m talking about kto goes to the beach I have never seen anything like this before in my life let’s go amazing say hey hey we’re going to get sand in our bottom crotches are you serious hey ladies oh my God it’s j welcome congratulations you’ve won zorbing what the heck is zorbing who wants to go first not me but since no one else wants to do it I’m a Zorb right now lay down and make sure you hold those straps don’t let go with whatever you do this is bizarre are we really pushing her push my God [Applause] no what the [ __ ] oh my God you guys you have to try was [Music] fun the funest part is pushing by far the more I heard her screen the more I pushed it with all my might they were kind of like thrilling screams um I kind of had fun with it just [ __ ] do it already I’m push oh my God you guys don’t hurt me and I’m going to have be death of service P dry minced D should actually minced that and put it out dude that’s a dry ingredient I worry about Tommy all the time he’s dumb you want really want to lose some fingers right [Music] now and you can’t fix dumb my wedgie is like the world’s worst wedgie right now ew they’re back we went in a plastic bubble and they pushed it and we spun and then we went on the beach but a grumpy ass mood we had a good time I hate [Music] life it’s just 30 minutes before dinner service and the blue team is still prepping both kitchens at least yes I’m unwrapping your wellingtons for you no problem but uh I’m not scoring them though cool let’s go ladies yeah yep tasting Spoons the service of your life yes chef Tommy pre the Wellington but it score them like whatever I’ll do it myself I don’t know why he did this like this that’s so stupid I’m not liking how these Wellington are prepped James yes chef let’s go open house kitchen please yes chef as usual it’s a full house for tonight’s dinner service this is about Pride boys oh yeah with only three chefs left in the red kitchen and four in the blue each will be under heavy scrutiny tonight what in Chef let’s go ladies yes yes chef you’ve been to New York you’ve been inspired you’ve seen the prize tonight is comeback night right yes sir here we go pleas sc one result yes sir thank you let’s go 6 minutes Elizabeth 6 minutes heard I am more motivated now than I have been during this whole competition I just have to show Chef that I Elizabeth can be an executive chef 2 and A2 minutes Elizabeth Elizabeth while Elizabeth dreams of a bright future at BLT stake in New York Elizabeth over in the blue kitchen tell me when to drop scalps Paul Natalie is working hard to make that dream a reality drop scallops in the last couple Services I’ve been struggling in the kitchen and I think Chef Ramsey thinks that I’m green two scops two rotto working yes yes chef going to the pass in 10 seconds Paul walking up two Scout let’s go I want to hear you nly yes chef so I just have to get that wow dinner service in wow wow wow wow wow NY NY come here all of you come here look at that you got cut one side and what’s that they’re not even seared completely raw scallop I’ve been caught a few times with some mistakes here I’m not going to tell you I’m perfect but that’s a major mistake I’ll refire right now hurry up got a grip Natalie yes sir as Natalie races to refire her first appetizers in the red kitchen service nice here in the scallops thank you I need two more scallops please Elizabeth attempts to keep the momentum going with her next order of appetizers hold on wait do we Jen I need another scallop down Elizabeth listen yes hello uh scull Elizabeth talk 3 minutes Chef come on come on come on we’re getting slower Elizabeth help her at leise yes chef jump in I know it’s hard for you to be encouraged to help somebody [ __ ] jump in there come on girl get it together a little bit of oil calm down Elizabeth she was so frazzled it was making me feel anxiety because of the way she was can you walk this up for me yeah let’s go scull up let’s go excellent service please with an assist from Elise appetizers are once again making their way out to the dining room seriously the best Scouts I’ve ever Ted meanwhile the blue kitchen is finishing off appetizers nice two reros Serv please and is now moving on to Entre to entree one New York stet one Wellington 1 minute Tommy you got 30 seconds homeboy all right Tommy put the onions on a towel when they come out of the [ __ ] fire put him on the towel Chef Scott yells at me all the time I think he thinks I’m an idiot I swear to God I will [ __ ] beat you with that thing but uh I’m not going to argue you know it’s his job to be an angry dictator that’s what I want but um I know would have cook an onion ring oh my God telling them all night to put it on tow as soon as it comes out of the fryer just doesn’t want to do it hey look onion ring onion ring like a handful of onion worms soggy fire another one right now Chef despite Tommy’s troubles on the garnish station fish going to the P the blue team has a steady flow of food leaving the kitchen yummy yummy and an hour into dinner service both teams have fed half their diners walking New York strip service so good TC bus I’m walking these two bass up right now and now it’s up to Elizabeth to get the next order out what happened to them Elizabeth yeah come here you and you touch that there hold on a minute look hold on look hold on look look at that why are you doing this to yourself it’s dry TR I felt going into dinner service that I was going to to do a really good job and I’m going through the motions of sucking was like this weird like zombie person took over Elizabeth but look at the state of you look you frazzled two bass how long talk to him uh yes I’ll be 4 minutes on this card Chef that’s a b in your I’m sorry I’m sorry Chef I’m sorry Chef I’m sorry Chef it’s my fault Chef I’m very sorry Chef I’m sorry Chef come here come here I’m sorry that I’m freaking out and I called the cast oh my God Elizabeth like I don’t know what you need to do but you need to [ __ ] wake up I’m sorry Chef come here mad find right here F right here I’m already you don’t know the difference between a cut and the bad I I don’t like to [ __ ] up I feel like I’ve been [ __ ] up too much tonight it’s like from the beginning there’s nothing wrong we’re just dragging to Bass okay I I will calm down and I will be smooth for the rest of the service I feel like I’m losing my [ __ ] mind you’re frazzled yeah big deep breath and come back it’s like I’m in this like alternate universe where like I can’t get anything done right at all what do I have working right now too Bast I see who’s weakest now can’t crumble like that if you make a mistake you got to dust yourself off and fix it Elizabeth is not good at doing that Elise Wellington yes yes oh come on what is that Elise all of you come here who chewed that that’s what you presented me that’s what you fall apart Chef I’m sorry [ __ ] off Elise start again hey you bring me that tray here here all of you come here yes sir she’s complaining they’re falling apart when you score pastry that deep with a sharp knife it falls apart I’m not going to just sit here and take the blame myself I have to do something how many of these have you screwed Chef I did not score the first tray so who scored them then Tommy did now you’re blaming Tommy I’m just saying that I didn’t score the first trip go over there and [ __ ] tell him then I want to see what you say to him come here you with eles Elise never admits that she’s wrong she always blames someone else the truth she got something to tell you that first tray of Wellington that you based it and scored they all fell apart did you or did you not score the first trail of Wellington no she’s crazy don’t come over bitching at me coming into my kitchen when we’re working I didn’t even score the damn things I did not score over there in front of me before and scored and based them no I did not score them and I’m not lying play the replay on your Wellington for you no problem but uh I’m not scoring them though cool H me up to a PO graph I’m telling you the damn truth if he scored them why wouldn’t he even scored RS why score RS wi slice of Wellington y that’s some booty ass [ __ ] man that girl coming over [ __ ] trying to blame us cuz she can’t cut Wellington man up hold up to your mistakes [ __ ] pissed about these wellingtons Elise do you have the biggest problem with you yourself who are you going to play Carrie kroer Jamie while the red kitchen’s issues have left their diners without food the blue team’s diners have their food hi how is everything it’s although some of them wish they didn’t Chef what’s wrong it’s really dry blue team yeah blue team yes Che bass returned dry I turned my back for 30 seconds hey look come here hey Madam yes chef I’m not [ __ ] around now I know Chef touch that yeah dry overseer I just I don’t know I don’t know what I’m doing hey You’ hit the nail on the head there you don’t know what you’re doing it’s not good enough I’m worried about undercooking them so I’m overcooking them Chef oh no they’re rubbery oh come on table 23 table 21 table 22 every single table on the blue side is complained about the SE bass tonight everybody said it’s dry they’re right you can’t cook fish I can cook fish so the customer was a lying no Chef the day we as chefs start blaming customers no Chef I’m not blaming customers no it’s frustrating and embarrassing cuz I’m not an idiot I know how to cook fish I really just don’t know what was going on sorry guys none of that [ __ ] get your head in game keep pumping until the last goddamn tickets out while Natalie Seabass has left diners on the blue side unsatisfied the diners on the red side are hoping Elizabeth Seabass will hit the spot too fast on New York’s trip how long I need 4 minutes you’re not even checking with me yo Jennifer can you get them together I’m trying to can you get them together you need to drive the ticket at leise I said 2 minutes 2 minutes Liz my best is not going to be done in in 2 minutes I want to leave this group but it’s hard when you have a leise who doesn’t listen you guys need to work together right now she asked me to hold it back don’t say it would say it was me and Elizabeth that just has no confidence how long Elizabeth I need I need talk how long how long everybody’s going to get mad at me how long do you need okay I need 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes now you said 4 minutes 4 minutes ago I need 5 minutes on it’s not going to be done these [ __ ] sea basses are taking so long to cook [ __ ] raw in the middle so I’m trying to rush it but there is no more way to rushing where’s the bass the two bass holy crap all of you come here oh come [Music] on look it’s raw ra you’re going down in flames chick Elizabeth you took twice as long for that table Che I feel like I had that fish down for like 10 minutes I know you’re blaming the fish like I didn’t want to drag it anymore get it back in the pan stop being a pathetic little wimp come on let’s go Che and you still haven’t got the [ __ ] table out New York strip is that ready or I need a minute on my on my come on then let’s go yeah Chef so you sliced it and it’s not cooked it needs like a second so you take one slice off don’t you stop there and put it back in hole does it dry out when you sliced it look she just shakes her head hold on cry time no Chef thinks that I’m the one behind the eightball but I was trying to tell Elizabeth and she kept asking for more time asking me for more time asking me for more time excuse me jeez I was trying to look out for the team and wait for her the New York strip unbelievable hey just stop this is ridiculous oh my God we’re going to still thrown out of here is this the one you sliced yes chef it’s dry what are you doing you’ve been to New York you’ve got your hands on the prize this is like night one in here no chef and you Elizabeth you can’t time and you can’t talk to anybody you given up over there no Chef no Chef you and you [ __ ] off out of there get out take that with your just leave me alone get out of here both of you [ __ ] off up to the dorm hey you pick that [ __ ] thing up you want to serve [ __ ] overcook me now start kicking a bin wow unf*ckingbelievable get out [ __ ] off pathetic embarrassing Jennifer Yes sh you’re on your road yes chef one card two New York trip one Wellington yes yes chef how long please Andy uh on those strips I got at least I got at least 7even minutes you got everything Jen uh yep Cod uh mashed potatoes yep we’re 8 minutes out okay yes chef oh my God working with Chef Ramsey alone was almost nerve-wracking but it was also exciting 4 minutes to the window yes yep 4 minutes Che yeah he was calling out ticket times waiting for me to respond at one point he says to me I’m slicing 30 seconds starting to slice walking with garnish 30 seconds it kind of showed me like what we’re supposed to be doing I am absolutely the luckiest girl in the world to be able to work with Chef Ramsey right now walking with two cod with the last entree served enjoy and both kitchens delivering desserts a very rough night in Hell’s Kitchen it’s an explosion talk that’s good is finally over clear down switch off yes [Music] sir I’ve decided from now on in that I will not select a winning team unless I get a perfect service and trust me I did not get one from either team tonight both teams get back upstairs to the dorm and come to a consensus on the one individual that should be leaving your team to make you more Dynamic get [Music] upstairs I obviously want to do really well here and I’m not having those perfect services like I should be having this could be my last night here it’s [Music] upsetting anybody want to start I think we all know what’s up I mean I know I need to go up so oh don’t don’t start crying girl yeah chill out baby Natalie come [Music] on come here come on if I go up there he’s going to send me home you don’t know that always [ __ ] goes home tonight Natalie had a really bad service tonight but I feel that Elise should go home tonight cuz Elise is like cancer like if I had a vote my vote would be for I couldn’t believe she came to started yelling me about a Wellington but I’m tried to concentrate and Chef Ramsey called her out for scoring them too deep and they’re falling apart and she’s still trying to argue when she had raw Willington I hope she goes home tonight make it short and sweet what’s your decision God I don’t know what to do do I base it off of tonight or do I base it on overall tonight okay just for the record Chef did not say to base your decision on tonight’s performance he said he said I’m making your team stronger right now tonight I felt like Elizabeth you [ __ ] lost it but overall I think my overall performance it just shows in my nominations that I have not been up yet I just feel like Elizabeth was so frustrated was hard to look at her was hard to Time stuff this is why I’m talk it was hard for me it was hard for me you know I don’t play the blame game you can just put me up play it all the way up to the end I’m telling it like it is is you’ll continue to blame until the end if you want to put me up put me up I don’t know who I want to put up okay give me a minute all [Music] right I’m getting nervous because you’re not getting better will the nominee and why Natalie Chef she couldn’t cook fish tonight Jennifer the nominee and why please uh nominee [Music] is um police Chef her biggest problem is she doesn’t admit mistakes she’s first to blame everyone else except herself at least Natalie step forward please keep your head up Natalie Natalie tell me why you think you should stay in House’s kitchen I’m a talented Chef I deserve to be here I worked my ass off to get here I’ve worked my ass off my entire life I know I’m green I know I have a lot to learn but I know that in the end I can be what BLT is looking for it’s your third time up here I can’t inspire you anymore there are no places left to hide Alise I cannot believe leave you have the audacity to blame Tommy for your mess when are you ever going to step up and right now take responsibility now oh right now you need to go home you have a family at home no I don’t want to go home if I don’t shine on my next service and perform perfectly then I’ll throw myself out of here opportunities like this don’t come where I’m from and I’m very thankful to be here I can really cook chef and I’m just not ready to go until I prove that okay the person leaving Hell’s Kitchen [Music] is did you or did you not score the first trail of Wellington [Music] no oh come on table 23 table 21 every single table on the blue side is complained about the SE bass tonight I don’t know I don’t know what I’m doing you hit the nail on the head there Natalie please take off your jacket look look at me continue cooking big heart love the energy but you are not ready to run BLT Steak New York please give me your jacket thank you for the effort and do not stop okay do not stop keep your head up keep your head up [Applause] Natalie come on guys keep talking to each other to Wellington Shi Natalie good job I came to Hell’s Kitchen to prove to myself that I’m a good Chef you got butternut squash p yes I do joining The Blue Team Natalie I just couldn’t imagine sharing an experience like this with anyone other than the blue team no more [ __ ] breaks I’m not doing it anymore 1 2 3 Hell’s Kitchen was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life I have a teammate that thinks I was trying to [ __ ] him on purpose I came in here with the attitude that I could do it and I never stopped having that attitude that’s awesome that’s what I do Bo it’s definitely disappointing I obviously came here to win and deep down I know I could have done [Music] it each and every one of you I’ve seen glimpses of Brilliance but I’ve got to see that level of inspiration got it yes chef get out of here Elise should have gone home I know she’s going to wake up tomorrow and she’s going to throw me or Elizabeth under the bus it’s going to be Groundhog Day all over again there’s only three people in each kitchen no reason to blame anybody else there’s no excuses anymore so now let’s put up a shut up thank you Chef Ramsay for giving me another day in hell I’m going to step up my game 200% because at this point I don’t feel like anyone else is standing in my way but myself Natalie was lucky enough to get to see BLT Steak in New York she may get to see it again as a customer [Music] and now the continuation of Hell’s Kitchen get out of here I saw that coming I’m so grateful to be here another day I had a bad night tonight but tomorrow’s going to be a new day I’m going to put this behind me and move forward with my best foot I hope that my team does that too [Music] we’re down to six people y’all this is going to be like a high intensity day and I need to calm down yesterday night that was a fluke I know I will not be frazzled again no matter what Elizabeth has this weird like track record where she just like panics I’m sorry I’m sorry Chef I’m sorry Chef I’m sorry Chef it’s my fault Chef I’m very sorry Chef I’m sorry chef at this stage of the game that cannot be happening I just want to shake her it just scares me that I was capable of [ __ ] up so much I didn’t think I had that in me after one of their weaker dinner Services both teams are eager for Redemption let’s go and Chef Ramsey is eager to test them right good morning good morning chef you know as a chef every day we’re always fighting the clock you saw my frustrations last night on service were your timing’s been out of sync that is what your next challenge is all about each team will be making three stunning dishes one chef from each team will be making a 30 minute entree one chef from each team will be making a 20 minute onree and then finally one chef from each team will be making a 10minute entree all dishes must hit the pass together oh my God at precisely the 30 minute Mark the team with the best dis wins the challenge you now have 1 minute to decide on who’s cooking what on tray off you go 302 10 got it I gave Tommy the 30 cuz Tommy is more of a thinker will can think quick on his feet and I just took the middle I don’t think I should do 10 I think I should do either 30 or 20 I jumped on the 30-minute dish because I know I can’t cook in 10 minutes the way my mind works it’s not the best place for me do you feel like you can do 10 I I can do 10 minutes red team blue team are you ready yes your 30 minutes starts now hurry up go Tomy go go go for this next challenge Chef Ramsey is testing the chef’s ability to work within time limits each team must create a 30 minute 20 minute and 10-minute entree come on Tommy I’m already on it though there will be three different start times all three dishes must be completed and arrive at the pass at the same time Jennifer what’s over there is there a Panetta over there that’s first trade with the mushrooms isn’t that petta I jumped on the 30- minute dish because I need that time to think uh Jennifer are you using mushrooms are there Hen of the Woods over there that one’s not Hen of the Woods at the end no looks like a shiitake shut the [ __ ] up I need five freaking minutes to figure out what I’m doing anything we can use red peppers oranges mushrooms oysters is another option you have you guys listening no must not while the women seem focused on their own individual dishes over in the blue kitchen you need to get your stuff going right now Tommy the men’s focus is on one individual Tommy Tommy what protein you using lamb all right don’t wait on the lamb don’t forget to take that fat cap off Tom the whole cap should peel off there you there you go there you go I’m going to say what I have to say to try to get a fire under Tommy’s ass to make sure that he’s moving I’m the kind of guy that if I have something to say I’m going to say it don’t forget to talk to him the entire time right bro 10 minutes into the timing challenge 20 minute chefs in the kitchen let’s go Elizabeth and Paul are ready to get started started on their 20-minute Entre I’m not worried about what I can do in 20 minutes it’s totally 100% game on paully is going to be on [ __ ] top I’m going to show you why I’m a big deal what are you going with Paulie tomato water fish salad I’m going to do monk fish and I am going to do it with couscous and asparagus get the couscous on right now as the chefs race against the clock go last 10 minutes it’s time for Will and Elise to take their shot at creating something special special in 10 minutes oh there’s the hot pepper I don’t see shallot where is shallot Jennifer you know you done with the mandolin yeah take it Elise what are you doing spicy tari how’s everyone doing with time winding down I have raw [ __ ] lamb right now Jennifer has made a dire Discovery [ __ ] me my lamb is not ready yet I’m like freaking out this sucks I don’t understand why Jen’s freaking out she’s uh uh uh I mean at this point in the game you got to be able to cook a dish in 30 minutes 3 minutes left I raw lamb how Raw Jer likes raw get him in the pant I am it’s got to [ __ ] heat up I have blue meat right now not even rare no one wants to eat blue meat 9 seconds to go seconds no way this is going to be ready Tommy you just about ready bro yeah we got to Plate now God five got to walk going to walk 2 1 and Sir okay let’s start off with the battle of the 30 minute dishes Tommy what is it please the lamb has a qu EG on top of hash qu EG on top of lamb mhm looks like he’s cooked properly great seere on the lamb I never thought about using qule on lamb but it actually works quite well thank you Jennifer would you mind describing the dish please it’s probably the worst dish I ever made in my life what yes young lady you had 30 minutes I’m telling you the lamb is a little rare I’m trying to like imagine like what Jennifer’s thinking pointing out exactly what was wrong on her dish which is crazy the lamb it’s pink that’s not raw wow I should go to Vegas right now cuz I’m one lucky girl the Lamb’s delicious sauce is delicious I love the dish wow good job thank you Chef the 30- minute dish congratulations red team good job one nothing to the red okay 20-minute dishes please let’s go come on pul okay Paul what is it please it’s a pan roasted SE Chef a great sear thank you Chef opaque in the center he’s reducing a little bit because he’s a little bit watery however I’ve got that zest of something sort of refreshing and light it’s got finesse I talk the game and I [ __ ] back it up I can do beautiful dishes that taste good and look very nice for 20 minutes I’m the biggest of all the [ __ ] deals Elizabeth what is it please I did Monk fish with couscous I thought it might have French or Mediterranean type feel to it monkfish you’ve now perfectly slightly opaque little bit translucent the center couscous slightly Bland the hard part you now of cooking the monkfish taste delicious two good dishes Point goes to Blue Team congratulations love the finesse that thank you love it job boy it all comes down to the battle of the 10minute on TR let’s go come on will come on will the chefs that had the least amount of time will what is that please lemon seared Santa barbar prawns I am here to win everyone should consider me their biggest threat I know I consider me my biggest threat I sear them in the Shell just to get a little more flavor at of them then I peeled them and the vegetables what you put in there salt pepper olive oil and garlic it’s cook beautifully the unfortunate thing is vegetables got too much garlic in there so it’s too over a ping Elise what is it please it’s a spicy calamari with a tomato pepper sauce how did you cook the calamari I fried it first and then tossed it in with the tomato sauce last I like the heat tomato the peppers but the calamari are undercooked congratulations goes to um blue team good job than you win the challenge well done brother oh look at that face blue team today you’re going to be rewarded in style you’re going on a shopping spree what in one of LA’s trendiest boutiques Ted Baker of London one of my favorite alltime designers are you kidding me I’m definitely going to pimp out some Chef Ramsey clothes man I want to look like Chef Ramsey I’m even going to talk with an accent I want you to arrive in style so there’s a limo waiting awesome this reward was perfect I mean at shopping spree I [ __ ] love to shop I love shopping I love shopping I love shopping I love shopping okay I need to tell you all something very important for the first time in our history of Hell’s Kitchen we’ll be hosting a unique exclusive black tii charity event what there are only going to be two tables of 12 we’ll be serving a six course menu understand the importance of this dinner got it got it yes sure team Lima’s waiting good luck ladies you’ll be setting up both kitchens for tonight’s service after you set up both kitchens I need two banquet tables moved in and I want you to reorganize the dining room yes chef get cleaning stop crying bounce back Elise bye ladies bye I accept gifts feel free to buy me gifts it sucks that I had one of the best dishes and I still have to stay back and do like punishment it’s like I’m going to get a fur coat oh [ __ ] me oh my God you can see this guy Freedom my primary focus right now is to go out and spend Chef Ramsey’s money I’m going to have a smile on my face I’m pretty stoked about the limo I’m rich [ __ ] I mean I am a big deal that’s just common sense woo oh my god get you son of a [ __ ] I need new clothes now are we on Rodeo Drive yeah Bo I could live with cruising around reverly Hills in a limousine it’s actually a pretty good time up ladies while the blue team is cruising in style back in Hell’s Kitchen the red team how are we going to do this can we slide it has hit a roadblock okay go uh-oh this is heavy oh [ __ ] we can’t even like budge this table we can’t just push it from behind no can you stand here and hold this this is where I’m going to crack today I am not the most physically fit person here but like do they not have muscles oh [ __ ] you guys need to lift it up Elis and Elizabeth are like lifting it an inch off the ground lift it up to your chest up to here just pick it up and let’s get it done pick it it up as much as I can head B here hello hi welcome ladies we’re going to help you awesome all right so what are we looking for uh I don’t know where to start man I don’t shop I have a wife she shops for me why don’t you guys take a look around and start picking things out I’m not a stylish dude really you got a leather vest on I wear this every day there you go it’s pretty styling I had no idea till I walked in there that I was such a stylish individual hey Will what do you think of this he looks like a sexy train robber go for it Tommy well is this your pink I don’t think it’s pink at all bro I think you color blind that color brings out the brightness in your eyes bro thank you sweetheart you’re welcome I don’t know if I can get enough gangster lean on it man I like that a lot for my girl for like the nice dinner dates she’d love it she’s my size she’s I don’t really know much about women sizing I’m not trying to give you like the creepy look up and down but I’m trying to think what size what size my girl is right now I kind of just said about your size I’m at zero so she’s probably a one yeah we’ll do that the highlight of my day is definitely finding my girlfriend a beautiful dress I can’t wait to see her in it and just making me miss her even more thank you very much really appreciate it Ted I say hello I will while the men finish up their shopping spree thank you sir the red team continues to make over the dining room the table looks blinging y’all did your’ candles different I like the candles like that so now I have to change my whole thing out and in out and in are you serious if at least tells me one more time where to move the candlesticks it’s going to be a blood bath I have a place for this Candlestick right now what up ladies we had the most fabulous day shopping where’s your outfits check this out I got you something here you go it’s a handkerchief so next time I kick your ass in a challenge you can cry all over it with a VIP Charity Dinner ahead of them the shfs are all business all right shave carrot each Chef will be in charge of two courses of the special six course meal these are the dishes you will individually be in charge of you got to know them backwards the chef so Jen you’ll be responsible for the lobster and the Apple tards at hand we each have an assignment we’re each responsible for two courses it doesn’t seem really complicated but one person can’t do 12 plates by themselves tonight we need to work together come here we need to have a team meeting my plan was for both of us to work rotos and then for her to drop the Calamar I’ll work squid but I need to be working my chicken at the same time so you can’t help okay so Jennifer it’ll be just me and you work in Rota because she can’t help you keep being a boss I’m not you’re like attacking me because this is what you do best God I’ve been patient with Lise but if she’s going to attack me she’s [ __ ] with the wrong person my chicken has to be ready that’s all that I said this is why I’ve never been a team from the beginning everybody else pretends to be a team player but looks out for their own stelf if that’s how it is then I can look out for [Music] me okay uh listen never before have we done something as important as tonight’s charity event you will be supervising two courses each so I’m going to use this service to figure out which five deserve the black jacket oh God okay get on your stations let’s go [ __ ] I’m in shock we’re like one dinner service away from black jackets if this doesn’t motivate us I don’t know what else will y’all ready to win cuz I am for everybody you have to be elite to wear this black jacket cream always Rises to the top and now this is my time to show what I can do James yes chef please welcome our special guest into Hell’s Kitchen yes Che let’s go [Music] for the first time in Hell’s Kitchen history the restaurant is closed for a black tie event honoring guests who’ve contributed a combined $3 million to charity I’d like to say a personal thank you on the untold support for charity thank you thank you the red team will be cooking for donors to the American Cancer Society while the blue team will be cooking for donors to the American Humane Association now I’m getting nervous I’m going St a prayer for us need a lot of prayers ladies and gentlemen if you’d like to be seated for dinner guys are sitting now okay all right let’s do it boys okay here we go Elizabeth you’re in charge this is your moment I want to hear you 12 scolars to the window 7 Minutes Chef let’s go I’m in a really stressful situation right now looking out into the dining room and seeing the Cancer Society there this has taken it to a whole Next Level and just out of Interest why aren’t tuby putting the scholars in the pan Alise can you put SC in the with me come on Chef delegate come on yes chef Chef okay blue team here we go Paul you’re in charge Chef step up to the plat and get your team to the window yes chef okay 12 covers away table 20 12 scallops to the window let’s go 6 minutes to the windows guys 6 minutes Home Tommy start the salad I am personally responsible tonight for the first course the scallops will start flipping those scallops yep you got it I’ve done tasting before like this and I understand that it’s very important for us to get off to a strong start so I’m going to take control of the situation Paul is that what you want yes you’re happy yes okay everything looks good service please let’s go don’t go until I see them more curry on there touch more on there let’s go dirty play here come on guys please finesse H who dressed that salad Tommy oh come on there’s water in the whole [ __ ] sell it Tommy go want to smack Tommy in the face dude it’s greens and olive oil shake them off put them in the bowl that’s it come on guys while The Blue Team rushes to recover from Tommy’s sloppy salad over in the red kitchen I’m dropping cauliflower Elizabeth yep Elizabeth the women turned to Elizabeth for guidance on the first of her two courses Elizabeth yep Elizabeth’s job is to be a leader speak up and tell me what to do how long’s to the window you think but instead it’s like crickets there’s no response I’m not going to let us go down tonight then going in 2 minutes do you want me to start Ling yep go Elizabeth has zero qualities as a leader Jennifer and I did her whole first course for her go very nice red team go Blue Team service go Paul and Elizabeth’s first courses have made their way out to the dining room and tonight’s VIP guests this is very good it’s delicious are giving rave reviews but back in the red kitchen Elizabeth yep come here where’s the voice there is a harsh critic where’s the leadership Chef you got one more course left own it yes chef chef obviously didn’t like the way that I was leading so when my other course goes out I want everything to be perfect so my chicken’s working you dropped your chickens yeah I’m trying to figure out why the chicken’s in already we still have two courses to go yet let’s go next course 12 rotto yes chef Jennifer you and I are going to work risotto together Elizabeth I’m going to give you the countdown when to drop my calamari thank you I’m responsible for risoto and I plan to execute it with all my heart that’s how I feel about it walking last dinner service didn’t go according to plan let’s go ladies we got this and I’m going to show them proof tonight that I can step up by game don’t send anything beautiful go thank you Chef thanks to strong leadership from Elise the red diners have received their rodo exactly on schedule really creamy really good and the red team Jennifer let’s go capalini course yes chef is moving on to their third course meanwhile over in the blue kitchen how long 6 minutes 6 minutes yeah Tommy’s risotto is still in the pan if it’s 6 minutes why are you finishing it I’m not I’m mixing a Parmesan but that’s finishing the rice unless you’re ready to finish don’t add the parmesan dude I got it just let me make it bro it’ll taste good when I’m done all right and if it’s not tear me not going to let you let I don’t like other people’s input in my cooking he’s telling me to do all this and this this different when I really just wanted to get away and let me finish the risotto myself I’m not going to let you do something that’s that’s wrong I’m not going to get yelled by Chef for you doing something like that you won’t I I will because I am directing this uh rice output right here there’s a right way and a wrong way to make rice clean and simple but you know what you want to drive the bus the way you want to drive the bus man here’s the steering wheel drive away how long Tommy coming up right now do all three taste the same bring the pans down they do tast BR down tast every single one they’re dead on I tasted each one you got three different tastes there what the [ __ ] is complicated nothing you put them all in one large pan and you finish off together half in here mix them up now you got all three in one all right you know I straight up called it 100% you want to be Mr Man bro you got to take the lumps when the lumps come P you got the calamari come on Tommy all right you guys are ready yeah I’m putting them up Tommy go please with a big assist from will the risoto is now finally making it out to the dining room I love it and the blue team is moving on to course number three three 12 capalini away will yes sir 3 and 1/2 minutes to the window meanwhile back in the red kitchen Jennifer’s capalini is already headed to the pass we need to move fast [Music] okay two something kise yes chef come on coat that pasta Elizabeth toss it it’s a draw between Elise and Elizabeth who’s the biggest waste of space now Elise PL right now seriously I swear to God you know what Elise I helped you Elise wasn’t doing [ __ ] she was just [ __ ] standing there okay these look okay that one needs more Lobster don’t send that out without without more Lobster Elizabeth just did everything half ass if you want me to be honest least give me your opinion it looks good it looks good it looks good look at this one with four little bits of Lobster on 12 on there five on there look at that to that M I’m so embarrassed come on Jennifer what do you want me to do what the hell is wrong with you guys are you trying to sabotage me I [ __ ] help both of you what do you want me to do why would I try to sabotage I didn’t have to sabotage Jen’s [ __ ] up so bad on her own do you want me to put this up there yes okay well you have to give me direction like you’re just you know what Elise back off while the women struggle to work work as a team go get out of here please over in the blue kitchen thanks to will good job guys you’re all doing a great job the blue team has come together beautiful blue team that’s a great way to do a course serve please let’s go and their third course is making its way out to the Humane Association table in a timely manner the lobster is nicely cooked and the tomato is stressed very nice dinner support after much difficulty that’s a longest pling AER I’ve ever seen come on the red team is finally sending their third cour go to the VIP guests at the American Cancer Society table P to 12 stunning chicken the chef this is what we’re going to do will I’m going to put the chickens in the oven you’re going to slice bring me up the sauce Tommy you’re going to warm up the garnishes for me I’ll start doing the puree all right okay while Paul takes complete charge of the blue team over in the red kitchen where’s the chicken Elizabeth is ready with her chicken that’s ready to go now but it’s just a little too soon okay Chef your cousin is all eating the capalini delici what it is delicious isn’t it so I’ll let them rest right now they’re ready perfectly now I wanted to give them time to rest oh [ __ ] you’re not listening you’re 5 minutes too early they’re ready perfect now yeah Chef I I I just I wanted to give them time to rest oh God Jesus God Elizabeth wake up I want to serve them at their best which is now okay Chef J please clear the plates all right Che man clear apologize uh I need to warm up my my squash right now get them doing it I need to warm up this squash right now oh man oh man Elizabeth just scatter brain she was just like like she does every dinner service Slice on the B but now when you’re messing up cooking and you’re not communicating then now what now what now way [ __ ] off guys as Elizabeth’s chicken makes its way to the dining room back in the blue kitchen Paul’s Chicken Go please is ready as well now back in the red kitchen go 12 Wellington away how long 7 minutes let’s go 7 minutes to the window yes chef Alise is in the driver’s seat for course number five are you going to want help with um the wellingtons no I don’t want my my Wellington’s touched I don’t want any of them chicks touching my Wellington because at this point in the game I don’t trust neither one of them as far as I can throw them and I can’t pick neither one of them up need to tell everybody what you want them to I am I want you to do my size because you’re really really good at that thank you thank you so what do you need me to do and when um you can heat up the red wine je heat up my sauce it’s already in a pot that’s what you can do for me and stir these potatoes that’s it please don’t burn it but I know you won’t while at police has no trouble taking charge of her wellingtons over in the blue kitchen Tommy how do you want to do this oh my God it’s Tommy’s turn to take the lead but Paul and Will are getting almost no guidance so tell us what to do man you’re leading us what do you want to do Tommy is a deer in the headlights he’s always he’s so focused he’s so focused he’s [ __ ] lost hey come you Roto was a [ __ ] disaster Wellington get a grip yeah I got it wake up want to hear you you leading your team absolutely all right will you put up plates followed by me I knocked down a pure Paul you tail me with the carrots you put down the carrots while you’re slicing the meat and in turn you will bring up the meat I will follow you with the sauce one of you guys follow me with the plate WIP that’s all systems go exactly I’m definitely more tuned in people think I am everyone thinks I daydream a lot but uh it’s really just me concentrating I do have a lazy at too so if I’m looking at the ceiling uh I’m probably actually looking at what I’m doing plates Rising these are looking great guys very nice Tommy great job go please finally hey you redeemed yourself thank you thank you Chef SMS good we ready make sure it’s perfect these are perfect all right let’s swap carrots right on top of the potatoes got it good Elise go slice the Wellington I’ll finish us 2:00 and the three carrots on [Music] top hand down work with two hands all of you come come here come here all of you come here [ __ ] just taste that all of you hurry up jump in hurry up just taste that what does that need salt what does that need salt what does that salt come here you why why are you doing this on night like tonight why this is your course yes you know it needs seasoning what is going on here hey you want to talk about sabotage Jennifer and elizab knew they were lacking leadership ability so what better way to [ __ ] it up than to try to sabotage my [ __ ] so they don’t look is bad is this on purpose no I’m tell I’m laughing I am not laughing I’m not laughing I can’t believe she said that to [ __ ] question my [ __ ] ethics please let’s go come on we already made him wait long enough go she’s not even that good why would I [ __ ] sabotage someone I don’t think is [ __ ] that good wipe the rims please go please they’re beautifully cooked those wellingtons I feel like I’m going throw up now that the VIP diners on both sides are enjoying their lamb Wellington’s that’s delicious the teams have just one course left to complete dinner service let’s go 12 stunning tatana away well T time Chef 3 minutes to the window Chef 3 minutes okay so Elizabeth do you want to do a frits for me yes what do you want me to do saut the apples okay and the Apple should be cooked through while Jennifer delegates dessert responsibilities Chef I’m clearing the blue side thank you the blue VIP table has finished their lamb wellingtons service please line up let’s go and the blue kitchen FR is ready to rock is ready to send out Will’s Apple Tartan let’s go very nice will go well done 12 tartana away on on Blue Team switch off please we worked as a team today we all had motivation we all had Drive especially for the night because of the Charities it feels great while the blue diners dive into dessert app app back in the red kitchen you start that way I’ll start this way yep the women are still slowly [Music] plating the apples are raw just touch that inside [ __ ] off really can we get the apples back in the pan okay I had at least cook one [ __ ] pan of apples and it’s raw this [ __ ] [ __ ] will do anything to get rid of [ __ ] me anything you put them on you put them on not one of you could tell her they’re undercooked you don’t care for each other I work [ __ ] hard with them for them I make sure you guys are [ __ ] great I did exactly what you told me to do Elise are you serious Yep this is for the whole mashed potato thing you know what Elise you’re as Petty as it can be you know what I’ve kept my mouth shut for a long time I’m not keeping it shut anymore War’s on what I don’t need your help thank you I’m going to help anyway I I really don’t want it is that how it’s going to be Jen’s blaming me trying to make me look bad she’s going to regret not making a Friend in Me Go please the little apple Critter is fantastic anything to say we suck [Music] yes congratulations blue team you got your [ __ ] together which was the opposite to what the red team did Red Team you got off to a much better start than blue team but then everything came crashing down on the capalini Jennifer you were supposed to lead show the competition What You’re Made Of if I go home tonight I go home with my Integrity I would never [ __ ] sabotage anyone on this team I had your [ __ ] back sabotage no I was the one that tried to Rally the team I really [ __ ] wanted to win tonight I’m more of a leader than both of you put together you know it’s true what I should have done is take over everything that’s what I should have done my performance was not as bad as YouTu so don’t even [ __ ] start ladies the only thing I can say to all three of you is get ready to ple for your life cuz tonight all three of you can believe in this competition now [ __ ] off Alis is used to living in Alisa’s World in her delusional stage she thinks she’s the leader of the team and all this complete psychotic [ __ ] once she’s gone I will shine all all the way to the end I’ll be [ __ ] damned if I have to go home over her she went up five [ __ ] times give me a break I have been so much stronger than her for [ __ ] for so long have sit there and tell me your leader are you kidding me where the [ __ ] was that where that come from Elise is one of those people that throw you into the bus and drive over you and back up three times you know what Elise sit and rotate what happened over there I don’t want to talk about it you’re safe why the [ __ ] do you care I don’t feel like I can trust anybody here they’re all looking to backstab you they’re all looking to make themselves look better than you there’s no reason I should be [ __ ] going up tonight I’m pissed everything that I had to cook was perfect now I have to fight for my life Chef Ramsey’s tired of seeing my ass up there and I could be going home tonight when I don’t deserve to don’t stress too hard are you [ __ ] kidding me blue team you gave me a performance worthy of a black jacket well congratulations thank you very much yeah continue thank you Chef Paul thank you Chef you deserve it thank you Chef Tommy a night of redemption yeah good job yes thank you Che well done okay ladies step forward please good luck girls I’ve got one question for all three of you what in the hell happened tonight I felt that leadership lack tonight I think it was more communication more talking more working together team Falls in leadership it has nothing to do with teamwork we were all assigned courses and neither one of you led your course I led my course interesting yes you know what can sit here and say he sends me home tonight that I [ __ ] worked hard for both of you that I [ __ ] can put my heart and soul for my [ __ ] team you can’t say that can you lead a team can you listen can you lead a team you can cook and you can be a team player you can’t cook I’m not going to shut up cuz I’m fighting for my life right now and don’t tell me that leadership didn’t lack in the kitchen because it did and I should have took over all of that [ __ ] but I didn’t because I wanted you to shine with me no one respects you this is why you can’t feel it’s not like it is it’s not it’s not about respect it’s not about respect it’s not about intim it’s called intimidation this is exactly what happens all day this is what we’ve been dealing with the beginning stop Elizabeth tell me why you think you should stay in house kitchen I am a great cook chef and that’s all that I think about I I live it all day and I I want to be here till the end and I want to cook my ass off against Great chefs Jennifer tell me why you think you should stay in the house kitchen I know every day you tell me me I need confidence me competing against these people would make me confident I need this cuz I want to compete against the best at leise tell me why you think you should stay in Hell’s Kitchen I am a great cook and it takes more than just being a great cook to run BLT Steak you also have to be a leader and I tried to Rally my team tonight I wanted to nail this service okay this is a very difficult decision [Music] my decision is Jennifer take off your jacket this has been your worst service yes yes chef and I don’t know what happened tonight but you were not on the game Chef I can do it I’m telling you and that is why I believe in you oh my God put that jacket on thank you back in line you deserve that jacket bringing it in bring you deserve that jacket you deserve [Music] that ladies this is very difficult chef chef please don’t give up on me Chef please don’t give up on me yet please give me another shot Chef you’re both very passionate I can do this I promise you both of you take your jackets off Elizabeth come here first you came here for all the right reasons you’re young you’ve got a huge future in front of you but you are not ready to take command of a [Music] brigade good night keep your head up girl keep your head up when I step foot in the house kitchen I really wanted to just prove to myself that I could do this I cooked my ass off I tried my hardest I think I am as good of a cook as everybody else in there with black jackets but it just wasn’t my time right now at least step forward it’s almost like you’re caught in a downward spiral but you have had success in this competition I do see something in you take this get back in line thank you woo woo [Music] all five of you congratulations thank you Chef thank you Chef you’re now one team but get ready for the service of your lives now get out of here I know that I’m a final five I know that I deserve to be here and all I can say is I got a black jacket if Elise thinks that she’s going to come in with Attitude she’s going to get [ __ ] slammed down to the ground right quick it’s just the same [ __ ] now they get to deal with good luck guys there in for a huge surprise tonight was all about charity in Hell’s Kitchen and after watching Elizabeth’s performance I’m now ready to donate her jacket to a worthy [Music] cause and now the continuation of H’s kitchen you’re now one team oh my God now get out of here have a good night Chef oh my God this is huge black jackets is a huge accomplishment it’s like winning without winning I always felt that I was good enough for a black [Music] jacket yeah yeah boy I never worked with Elise but now that we’re all on one team I hope that all the [ __ ] that happened in the red kitchen dies with the red kitchen no heart feelings one team down to [ __ ] hey guys for real the [ __ ] is done it better be done yeah we got to hold it down I don’t know what’s going to happen when this team collides the guys on the blue team hate the drama and I don’t think be on a black jacket is going to help elise’s attitude I think it’s going to make it worse black coats black coat final five fin it’s [Music] on after a night of Celebration the final five are eager to tackle whatever Chef Ramsey has in store for them wow Chef’s In Black okay your first individual challenge is all about presentation you’ll all be working with ugly Foods there’s foods like meatloaf who let’s be honest we have to sort of work really hard to transform them into something stunning now Andy and Scott are in the dining room moving plates around there are five possibilities when I say go oh my God run and grab the plates with the dish that you want God on your marks set go I have to make it to that eggplant Parmesan no matter what I will knock somebody down and drag them down the steps before they get to that eggplant before me get off get off me jeez I’m not going to make it up there everybody already beat me to the stairs so instead of turning upstairs into a wrestling Arena I took a leisurely stroll to the back of the room and grabbed the chicken and dumplings yeah I was pissed I didn’t get the the eggplant but unfortunately Elise got it yes my backup was going to be the lasagna but Jen grabbed it we was killing the game so I got to make tun a casual okay Little Miss Speedy knickers uh did you push Paul down the stairs Paul tried to jump over me and I told him get back wow that’s right okay you have 50 minutes to transform those ugly dishes into something that look phenomenal and taste delicious and your time starts now off you go don’t run me over right here for their first individual challenge Chef Ramsey is testing the chef’s presentation skills as they attempt to transform a classic comfort food dish into something beautiful and delicious I never made t a casual it’s a rough one for you anybody have butter out that they’re not using yeah for me meatloaf is amazing if I was ever on death row my last meal would be my Mother’s Meatloaf I like what your headset buddy thank you Tommy 20 minutes to go yes 20 minutes H Chef Noy just was looking at least is a pain in the ass man with everything it was just like every 7 seconds I looked over she had nine pans working for one dish at least you made eggplant P it’s not rocket science man you don’t need nine pans out need another pan 5 minutes go I got to get moving here [ __ ] you dumplings behind behind mhm behind 30 seconds to go come on 5 4 3 2 1 and serve right listen carefully for your first individual challenge I have brought in the most amazing esteemed panel of Judges let’s give a round of applause for our judges please welcome welcome welcome welcome first Leslie Barger suda D editor of La me magazine Suella author of cookbooks she’s worked with Julia Charles amazing Valerie Akin Smith Food stylist on some of Hollywood’s biggest movies Deborah Jones award-winning food photographer phenomenal Chef Eric greensman executive chef owner of The Foundry on Melrose are you ready yes chef let’s start off with Tommy this is impossible to carry each judge will rate the dishes on a scale of 1 to 10 looks like you’re walking with a BM there we are first they will score it on presentation and then they will score it on taste a perfect score is 100 points I had to put a visually appealing Twist on a traditional chicken and dumpling and in the broth is a little roasted red onion which I pedal out to resemble a uh water lily thank you lesli did it float your boat it’s it’s beautiful great color I think it’s a lovely dish the top the little garnish is perfect because of the contrast I especially love love the use of the onions the presentation’s beautiful would you be so kind to have a taste The Dumpling it’s a little bit undercooked it’s like a hard mozz ball The Dumpling is a little tough judgies would you be so kind to score Tommy’s dish on presentation right total of 44 out of 50 I’m talking about thank you guys great start now your marks for Taste please great news on the presentation taste slightly disappointing however a good start let’s go up next is Paul with his fine dining take of tuna casserole I like it I think it’s very simple almost like a crab cake thank you honestly the little round brown thing makes it kind of look cat food like wow please judges for me it was a little heavy on tunea I don’t know whether you’ve used fresh tun or can tuna I use can tuna me can tuna you had a chance to really do something wild you gave us tuna Castle I’ll eat it judges scores for presentation please wow 33 out of 50 taste oh dear 27 with the individual challenges that’s when your is your time to shine but I didn’t put up today I was very very disappointed in myself Paul’s tuna casserole fell short scoring only 60 points leaving Tommy as the chef to beat next up Jennifer let’s go please with her version of an Italian classic I have lasagna which is ironic cuz I absolutely hate lasagna who hates lasia yikes she was like I hate laalia and um you going to hate this dish too I was like dang not a good way to start off for me it’s a little confusing cuz I look at it and I’m not really sure what I’m looking at but I do love the color thank you please dig in lasagna it is delicious it’s it’s not um just it’s it’s a little disappointing damn it scores for presentation [Music] please presentation scores 28 wow taste scores please wow wow wow wow wow wow 24 it’s a total of 52 out of 100 bad they did not like my lasagna I mean seriously these judges like ripped me apart at least please present your dish there wasn’t any doubt in my mind that they were going to love it because I put a lot of thought and preparation into my dish the dish that you’re about to enjoy is what I call a tower of eggplant Parmesan um thoughts and presentation it’s impressive is it a plate like that goes past you in a restaurant you kind of want to tackle the waiter and take a bite of it before it gets to the other person I see the crispy fried of it I see the drip the Ooze of cheese it’s screaming out eat me it’s delicious I’m amazed how it holds together it is not overwhelmed by the cheese so I think you did a great job thank you School the presentation please judges 42 out of 50 brilliant great start scores for Chase please wow wow 44 great job total of 86 that’s the score to be you’ve raised the bar thank you will let’s go with the meatloaf please thank you Elise is now in the lead and all that stands in her way of Victory is will and his Meatloaf uh for me meatloaf is one of the most comforting Foods in the world so I did bacon rat Meatloaf I poached it caramelized the bacon and butter and the sauce is a fresh Morell and ketchup Jew the sauce visually for me doesn’t look that appetizing okay judgies please the texture is nice it’s even it’s pleasing it’s delicious thank you very much I’m not a big meatloaf fan and I really I liked it scores on presentation please judges wow 38 out of 50 a presentation hey Will in order to beat your lease you need a nearly perfect score scores [Music] please wow wow wow wow wow wow 49 out of 50 an almost perfect score thank you the winner of the challenge uh many congratulations will great job really good job four out of five of my taste scores were tens I definitely think that this is one of my proudest moments here my mom’s going to be very happy with that Elise great job as well that was a close second thank you judges thank you very much and will here’s the good news I’ve arranged for you to have a phenomenal dining experience of some of the most unique restaurants in in La awesome but it’s no fun to dine alone I’d like you to choose one of your fellow chefs to D with you who you taking I am going to do the honorable thing and I’m going to take El CU she came in second really yes thank you will you did a good job bro will made an honorable decision but if I won when I took the lease no outside you have a show for driven Rolls-Royce Phantom what it’s awesome what well anelise get ready your Phantom is waiting thank you will thank you the rest of you is laundry day oh my God you’ll be spending the afternoon washing in the oldfashioned way wash boards close lines and please be so kind to finish my jacket get out of here yes chef thanks for taking me will now you and I get to spend a little one-on-one I’m hoping that at least coming with me on this reward helps build team morale because in the past a lot of people have had problems with leas and I don’t want those problems hell yeah that’s what I am talking about exactly what I’m talking about your chariot the weights Madame this is absolutely insane D all right that’s Wolf Gang that’s Wolf Gang C look at them that’s [ __ ] D dude hello you guys are traveling in style here how are you Chef how are you welcome to SP I’m super excited can’t wait to get inside and actually eat his food enjoy thank you Chef very excited Chef this is crazy I know oh my God I look so extravagant thank you very much Chef this is basically the celebration of Beats it’s really the epitome of spring it’s beautiful everything is absolutely gorgeous enjoy thank you very much appreciate it all right W shall we let’s go that is so good as an up and cominging Chef to me this is the absolute perfect way to spend a day this is the one of the best rewards yet while Elise and will enjoy some of LA’s finest Cuisine back in Hell’s Kitchen I can’t even believe I’m doing this Tommy Jennifer and Paul are suffering through laundry day I’m hoping that one of you has done this before you think I’m a pilgrim seriously we use washing machines lady I have never hand washed laundry in my life is like super nasty boil bubble toil and trouble what do you put in a witch’s brew I’ve never worked with Tommy so this is my first experience and uh Tommy’s very different God help me right now while Tommy marches to the beat of his own drummer welcome to Foundry on meos will and Elise have moved on to their second restaurant and a special meal prepared for them by Chef Eric Greenspan look at that it’s so pretty this is our duck breast New York STP loin can we eat it grub yay I got to tell you really really impressive stuff today thanks it is a pleasure having you guys thank you very much a pleasure to be here that’s bomb you and I have never coed together you know what I’m saying and uh all the [ __ ] with the red team we just got to make sure that we do what we got to do as a team kick ass and take some names on your way out the door maybe some of your pre questions or thinking to yourself oh she about drama will be ER rased I know I was the most hated member of the red team but I don’t have to explain myself to anybody especially in a competition setting hello I’d like to see everybody in the dining room with their jackets on urgently yes chef downstairs to the dining room urgently oh my god with that the hell is going on listen carefully tomorrow night you will be in one kitchen together but there will be another team inside the red kitchen they too have had the honor of wearing a black jacket oh oh my God and I want you to meet your opponents right now from Hell’s Kitchen 5 you want to hear something dude I will cook circles around you you couldn’t cook my [ __ ] say hello to Ben I used to have a crush on Ben so I recognized Ben I’m looking I’m like I’ll bless him an next chef from H’s kitchen 6 I’m on my way back into the kitchen Chef let’s go I am a fighter get off my station please T what what remember tanil she’s a strong woman she’s tough as Nails I want to be just like her and now from Hell’s Kitchen a how’s my Sid you need I got I just need you to say I’m ready well done Trevor let’s go now from Hell’s Kitchen eight what happened to your eyebrows you sting them off no I got head too on skull UPS cooked perfectly come back to me I will Jillian Jillian okay and last brace yourselves this is crazy from H’s kitchen 6 don’t touch me bro [ __ ] move over let me put this [ __ ] food out now let’s go you’re going to love it brother you’re going to love it my name is Van by the way van yeah baby game time game time W it’s great to see you all yes welcome back I already mean that chefs trust me they are here to kick your ass they’re not are they’re not bring it did you guys bring your sunglasses cuz we’re about to shine N I just bought body bags see what happens tomorrow night game on I think the returning chefs are going to bring their aame they all have a chip on their shoulder that they came here and they didn’t make it to the end they’re our stiffest competition so far in H’s kitchen and I’m not taking it lately okay each team will be cooking a menu that you design what that’s right awesome you will have 1 hour to decide what your menus will be yes all right your hour it starts from now get going let’s do it let’s light this candle much respect to the returning vets they’re all badass people but we are going to kick their [ __ ] asses let’s go baby this ain’t mama first time at the rodeo I think the current Chef should be shaking under boots cuz not only have we been here but this is a chance for us to come in and compete for our reputations for us it’s pride thing second chance baby come on we all know the routine apps first apps first we’ll knock them out leafy salad a nice tomato salad straight up Fried Green Tomatoes fried green tomato that sound awesome fine sounds delicious we’re on top of our game tonight planning this menu we all got along it’s cuz we’re vent baby we’ve been through this before cool beans guys I’m liking this what about lemon parmesan risoto with what garnish for it wild mushroom do a lemon th risotto with a mushroom yeah I’m putting on the lemon Parmesan risotto at least write lemon time risotto cuz it’s obviously going to have parmesan cheese no questions yeah yeah I take it easy it’s not all what you want what about my de tuna tartar I’ll do tuna tartar I can do tuna tartar tunar tun tartar with um do like a Wasabi avocado uh yeah look if I feel like everybody’s ideas ain’t being considered then we going to start Nick and ideas cuz no person here is going to dominate this it’s a team ever we’re making tun you are everything that you guys say I noticed you you try to stick with anything that we’re you don’t want you don’t want to no you can’t say that at all girl you got your risotto up on no that’s his rotto I said lion parm I didn’t say time what do you guys think of that uh Wasabi Crush tun no I don’t like it I think the tuna tartar idea was a good idea I do too you brought up tuna tartar and he completely dominated everything that was in there I didn’t even get to finish my thought so finish your thought do to talk what’s the point what’s the point because we’re here to listen if no you’re not listening cuz I’ve thrown out so many ideas all say you know what we need to chill right now seriously we all just need to chill men it’s not you know what shut up I don’t care how much I’m going to say what I want to say you’re not my mother you’re not my mother I’m going to say what I need to say I’m not [ __ ] cooking Will’s menu I’m not [ __ ] cooking this is not red team blue team black team SI of this to this is exactly what I was talking about when I said that we didn’t want the red team’s [ __ ] coming over here you had to have been the problem whatever you had to have been the problem I’m not the problem CU I’m here my reason my reason you’re trying to overstep and try I’m you [ __ ] came out here with a been writing for a week give me the mark Alicia’s menu on top you do what you want to doam men if you want to make the whole menu go ahead but I’m going to vote you out if we lose I’m done I’m done I’m not do with this I’m done I’m going to go home right now so will please come back come back for what reason please stop The Dramatics Jennifer it’s annoying God pleas oh please this is some [ __ ] no please will oh my God bye-bye if he wants to act like that about it then fine less competition I don’t tolerate disrespect the [ __ ] we got to get this done there’s just something about it at least that lights my fuse but I came here to win I got to stay focused on the prize and if it entails me having to remove myself from the situation that’s what I need to do tun tartar with sha pickle cucumbers are we going to ever finish this I’m loving this man this is a total setup for Success menu abely so everybody’s good yeah definitely all right we’ll see you guys tomorrow as the 1H hour clock winds down the returning shafts are feeling confident in their menu while the current chefs are forced to settle on theirs I like the menu do you like the menu it’s fine I think do you like it or is it fine no it’s good it’s a good M you like it yeah all right I’m going to throw [Music] up after a combative evening the chefs prepare for their first dinner service together as the black team how’s everyone looking everybody feel confident yeah y but the veteran chefs competing in the red kitchen everybody just starts setting up a station are all business I got gar almost set up let’s go I think that the energy on the returning alumni black team is strong all of us feel like is unfinished business and the advantage that we have is that we’re not concerned about who’s going to be eliminated we’re here to just do the food Jennifer that’s how you want them they look good okay I’m not going to say that the black team are BFFs would a lease but when service comes we have to work as a team I didn’t have time to put whipped cream in a pasture bag yet I’ll help you work on all that we can’t have a blow up tonight for Lisa’s sake she better make sure that this service goes flawlessly cuz if it doesn’t it’s [ __ ] over okay James yes chef open house kitchen let’s [Music] go for tonight’s dinner service each team has created menus consisting of four appetizers four Entre and three desserts un order four cover table 20 two scol two Roto two beat salad excellent let’s go three and a half B three and a half on the first two five on the second two returning shifts here we go I four C T 30 tuni one prom one tomato salad entree 2 tuna 2 be let’s go this is the moment time to leave it all in the kitchen let it all happen let it all hang out tonight is the night where it all goes down oh [ __ ] game time baby game time while van pumps himself up in the red kitchen how long 5 minutes to the window back in the blue kitchen how long in those beat salads that’s on Tommy it’s up to Will and Tommy to get their team off to a strong start on appetizers yo you got to keep it clean bro you got to make sure they’re clean I’m gonna say what I have to say to try to get a fire under Tommy’s ass get the [ __ ] beats off the goddamn rim of the plate will how long on that three and a half minutes he’s out on that how’s that look I would go a little less dressing on it Tommy was just like Will’s [ __ ] boy good yeah it’s good right will was still busy holding his hands both of them and is nuts there the [ __ ] won chips Tom sorry man let’s go come on guys roll the orders yes TR take control come on let’s go take control long since I was last in Hell’s Kitchen I’m more confident in the kitchen you’re going to have three nois all day coming you’re going to have two prawns coming I used to operate my a minute now I’m more cool C collected pull out those when we decide ready ready ready if you’re rushing around like an idiot you’re going to look like an idiot I need three tomato salads all day please they’re right there they’re right there I have that leadership about me now where you know people listen when I talk pra PR prawn plate Ben Ben Ben need you PR plate I’ve learn how to slow down in the kitchen take your time do it right salad put a window we don’t need to make it that fast pass out or it’s going to sit all right I just want to have I want to be ahead just keep Cal yeah buddy yeah what sell is that for that’s for the next one though Trev yeah you give me the frizzy Sal for the next table we’re jumping ahead of sou Come on B boys minut take it back Trev we don’t even need this now you got to make it again it’s 45 minutes into dinner service and thanks to will walk to the window Chef walk to the window the black team of current shafts is off to a great start with appetizers that’s fantastic and is now moving on to Andre I’m walking if you’re walking you’re walking I’m walking if you’re walking uh what do you think this one’s perfect right Paul Paul Paul this one’s perfect right yeah huh yes or no yes yes yes Elise Alise was constantly questioning yourself which is not a great chef doesn’t do that looks good to you yes thank you that just proves to me you don’t know what you’re doing Paul yes do you think that’s medium or you think that’s okay I think that’s fine all right where’s the filet give me that filet at least right behind you looks nice to that beef cooked perfectly thank you Chef Elise has delivered perfect meat with a little guidance from Paul meanwhile in the other kitchen tanil is ready with her Entre T tuna coming up Chef T tuna guys come here quickly all of you 30 seconds quick touch that it’s ice cold Hell’s Kitchen is definitely what I remembered it to be tanil yes sir hurt and worse how long tanil I had two to right Chef talks like a car auctioner tanil are we ready are we going are we moving let’s go my head is about to explode somebody give me butter anybody got butter over there can you grab me sauté pants the Neal on the fish station bad what is this tanil Chef the tuna’s overcooked it’s like can tuna come on yes chef while tanil makes yet another attempt at the tuna over in the blue kitchen Chef Ramsay is waiting on Lobster how long Paul I’m walking it up right now Chef come on Paul drive it let’s go Lobster over cooked really over Paul yeah Chef come here your Butter’s too hot it’s like rubber there yes come on sorry Chef drop me two more in there quickly Paul talks a good game but when it comes to service he just can’t handle the pressure how long do you need Paul uh 4 minutes five five Paul was hesitating I’ve been a leader since the first day I stepped in here now it’s my time I’m taking over 3 minutes to the window Paul no no no 2 minutes for you Jennifer let’s go thank youe Slow Down slow it down I need to get this Lobster out first you’re not going to be bossing me around so you need more than 3 minutes just hold it El least tries to bully everybody but she ain’t getting the [ __ ] best of me Lobster hole how long please three minutes to the window oh please po it’s your cold I’m ready I’m ready holding on Paul you’re in control Chef I’m looking for a leader not a line cook come on yes let’s go 3 minutes as Paul tries to control elisee on the meat station I need garnish for two fish garnish for two Lobster and three 3 minutes H over in the red kitchen my my tuna lampy running it coming at you it took me a few minutes but once I got my bearings in the kitchen it was just like riding to bicyle coming behind very hot fire back up Baby W all right how we doing how we doing LS requested a [ __ ] here we go hey guys guys come on come on all of you come here lamb requested medium well is that well come on come on Van pull it back baby I undercooked Lam dish and Chef Ramsey threw him back at me what’s new B slow down I know you can cook perfectly well and your temperatures yes Che let’s go 5 minutes to the window two left two be let’s go van this is why we’re here baby nearly 2 hours into dinner service and with Van bouncing back hey van they cook viy the fillet thank you sir food is now flying out of both kitchens really good wow that’s quite different than what I thought all of you come here all of you hurry up right now it’s neck and neck there’s three tickets left for you and three tickets left for you come on let’s go and with major bragging rights on the line I [ __ ] way then it’s anybody’s game go go immediately go with two more bronzini four bronzini all day we all know what the all day is just get the [ __ ] off tune up be how long of everything if someone can help me we’ll be out of here in like 2 seconds push it out you guys watch your back watch your back coming down coming down coming down it’s just so cold all of you come here all of you just touch that don’t be scared I’m not going to hurt you it’s [ __ ] cold I don’t understand I need to [ __ ] win a service get your [ __ ] together put the Box short in the goddamn pan get it hot let’s go give them to me Paul give to me in no way shape or form at that moment did my heart sink the only thing that did was make me grab that pan and put on fire and do it myself 1 minute to the window Chef wait wait wait wait give me a minute give me a minute come on guys we’re almost there two tickets left damn it I want to win so [ __ ] bad right now man let’s go let’s go service please police right behind right behind coming behind pick up let’s go come on guys let’s finish strong last ticket guys they’re on their last ticket and so are you let’s Y what what two filet ready to go let’s not [ __ ] around let’s get this out now come on guys 30 seconds on Gersh 30 seconds go please good job job shake hands here thank you very much good job guys on come here quickly come around quickly tonight proved that you are all worthy of wearing a black jacket now I’ve got some serious things to do clear down good job well done great job okay both kitchens performs quite well as a matter of fact I’ve gone through each and every customer common card yes there is one question on the common card that determines tonight winner it’s the fairest one I could decide the question is would you return in one kitchen 80% of your diners said they would return in the other kitchen 96% of the customers said they would return the winning team tonight is cone [Applause] chefs [ __ ] oh my God awesome awesome like I said CREAM Rises to the top I must say a big thank you to our returning chefs great job thank you guys it was an absolute pleasure but get the hell out of Hell’s Kitchen let’s go biggest thing I’m frustrated about right now this was my second chance and I still can’t sh man but let him have it I’m executive chef baby I’m executive now okay here’s where it gets a little bit sad because unfortunately I need to go back to the dorm and give me the name of two people that should be up for elimination what get upstairs you got some serious talking to do it sucks knowing that someone has to leave after we’ve had a good service but it’s a competition and someone’s always got to go all right I’ll go first just because I hate talking about the [ __ ] Paul had a lster come back Jen you had a b Choy come back will Jen and I’m going to say a least based on the fact that it was so difficult to come up with something as stupid as conceptualizing a menu but we came up with a menu and it was a good menu but it was like pulling teeth but I didn’t make any mistakes so you could you could vote for whoever you want I’m voting for relase cuz I think she [ __ ] deenal to the team that’s [ __ ] I didn’t have any mistakes tonight you [ __ ] asked everybody in the kitchen if your Stakes were on 10 I no I asked one steak you asked three different [ __ ] liar I asked you one [ __ ] steak if you thought it was over one [ __ ] you three times Le I asked you once Paul yes this one’s perfect right yes or no yes yes that looks good to you yes do you think that’s medium or you think that’s okay I think that’s fine all right you want to put me up because you’re scared I I will beat you I don’t go home you better watch it I’m a better than you you’re intimidated you’re intimidated yeah you are your [ __ ] dish at the challenge yesterday was [ __ ] you keep making the same [ __ ] over and over again cuz you don’t have no [ __ ] creativity hold on wait let’s we’ll [ __ ] grill a lemon and put some pizza bread on it and that’s fine yeah whatever [ __ ] yourself Elise I’ll see you later whatever [ __ ] that [ __ ] bro diplomacy is [Music] over all I can think is I could be going home I don’t want to look back and say I should have done this I’m going to say what I have to say hey can I talk to you along for a minute yes well before I leave cuz I feel like I’m going home um I think you are adorable I’ve had a huge crush on you like day one a you’re so cute I love you too Jen you’re from Boston and I’m from New York it’s not going to work but I love you anyway come here come is love a wo I am so embarrassed right now Jimmy socks loves me she wants to hug me I am [Music] [Music] adorable Elise first nominee and why please Jennifer Chef because Jennifer had food come back tonight team’s second nominee me Chef excuse me myself why because I’m overly abrasive overly abrasive yep okay Elise Jennifer step forward [Music] please Jennifer tell me why you think you should stay in heal’s kitchen Chef I think I should stay in Hell’s Kitchen because I have so much more to show you I think I’m a better Chef than Elise I think I have better leadership skills I’m here to show you that I can be a leader truthfully for me on a personal note you’re just a little too quiet at least why do you think you should stay in the Hell’s Kitchen because you’re looking for a winner you’re looking for someone who takes charge and can deliver and that’s me I’m up here because they’re intimidated I’m up here because they’re intimidated yes they are they’re not they are I can be less abrasive but one thing I’ll never be is a follower like some people that are still here are dude honestly get over yourself enough okay my decision [Music] is Jennifer take off your jacket what listen to me this jacket is is filthy dirty get this one on and get back in line my [Music] God ow Elise let me tell you something really important no one performed in such a way that they deserve to leave this competition you have one more chance get back in line what the [ __ ] I brought in competition to raise your game and tonight you made me proud good job tonight thank you sh get out of here they’re mad because I won’t let them push me around I don’t care about any of them I’m here for me not for them for me Alisa’s problem is that she trusts absolutely nobody else you can’t be a good leader unless you know how to follow she’s not going to win Hell’s Kitchen I’ll be damned if I let that happen I’m so embarrassed right now I shouldn’t have told Paul but I did I’ll never live this down at all tonight’s service was the best yet in Hell’s Kitchen just like the returning chefs received a second chance I decided to give Elise and Jennifer a second chance as well hopefully they’ll make the most of it and now the continuation of Hell’s Kitchen get out of here well done yes chef night no one went home tonight I’m still in Hell’s Kitchen so I’m very happy right now oh my God I cannot believe I just said my goodbyes Jen wants to kiss me Jen and paie in the tree I’ve had a huge crush on you like a you’re so cute I think it’s cute I think it’s funny I mean it will never work cuz she’s from Boston my soulmate’s definitely going to be a Jets fan sorry I am like so embarrassed right now don’t be embarrassed be embarrassed least you blushing I didn’t want to go home with him not knowing and now he knows and I’m still here that’s all I’m going to say wow please Paul do not tease [Music] me after a strong performance at dinner service The Confident black team seems ready for whatever Chef Ramsey might throw at them okay good morning morning chef listen L carefully chefs become Heroes when they’re able to take an ingredient and turn it into something with Incredible value right Chef first you start with a top quality ingredient if you were lucky enough to have a stunning wild white Alaskan salmon full from the sky imagine holy [ __ ] scared the [ __ ] out of I thought I was going to poop myself oh my God Chef Ramsey can make fish fall from the sky that’s all I’m going to [Music] [Laughter] say now this salmon cost $450 from this one salmon 30 portions and I could make a stunning dish like this a dish like that add a minimum of $40 per portion time 30 that is a profit of $750 this plus this Plus plus this equals this hold on so for today’s challenge add your creativity and turn your salmon into the most profitable dish ever clearly the person with the highest price will win the challenge 30 minutes starts from now off you go get out in the profit challenge the chefs have 30 minutes to turn their portion of rare Alaskan White Salmon into an expensive entree the chef whose dish Garners the highest price wins The Challenge who took my grater where is it it’s right here in front of my face never mind I just got to keep shining in an individual challenge to proed the chef today that I’m worthy of being in this competition I’ve never worked with white salmon before but I can cook fish [ __ ] while Alise and the other chefs begin to work on their dishes Jennifer one piece of salmon god I think I’m thinking too much appears to be stuck in the planning phase oh my God how am I going to cook this am I supposed to leave the skin on it I just never worked with it before so my I did I moved it to the middle Jen’s poaching the fish with the skin off you’re you’re on the wrong track last 10 minutes don’t play too early oh my God my strategy was I kept it simple just a little truffle oil in there to Accent the fact that this is a a very expensive piece of fish behind you hot hot hot hot five God I feel like I need something else four coming coming coming three two one and ser [Music] okay great I’ve invited three very special judges they work in some of the finest restaurants anywhere in the country and they know what dishes attract top dollar our first judge is the general manager of noou la oh yeah please welcome Justin wyborn good to see you welcome back thank you thank you thank you so much our next judge is the general manager of Providence the two Mission Star Restaurant please welcome Donato poto thank you so much for coming thanks so much and our third and final judge is the mat of the famed Beverly Hills restaurant Mr Chia please welcome wow Chris Von how are you how are you thank you so much I’m kind of Blown Away everybody’s at the top of their field it’s awesome to be able to show these judges what I’m about so after tasting the dish I’m going to need you to tell me what price you would expect to find that on a menu and we’ll come up with an average split between all three of you the person with the highest average will win the challenge okay great well please I’m confident the way my food tastes I’m confident in the way my food is cooked I don’t want to just win I want to dominate uh what I’m presenting to you today is a pan roasted wild theas king white king salmon and a tomato and garlic stew I thought the skin could be a little crispier but the the temperature is great dish is [Music] solid probably that’s just a little too salty for me with the potatoes but everything else seems uh pretty decent okay you’ve done a good job with the other things not overwhelming the fish okay great uh Justin let’s start off with you how would you price that dish it was good but I’d probably say about $30 $30 I would give this dish $28 $28 I would say probably 28 too thank you very much so will I judges have given you an average price of 28.67 Elise next please thank you I’m next after will and my heart is about to beat out of my chest but my salmon is cooked perfectly my macaroni and cheese tastes awesome there’s no reason why they shouldn’t like I get visually not very good I’m afraid I’ve never seen it sliced like that before what was the reason behind that I sliced it to show the middle cuz I think it was pretty pretty it looks like a dog’s chewed it why past it with the fish that’s what I wanted to go with they’re looking at me like I done lost my mind put macaroni and cheese on a plate with salmon after tasting the pasta you really don’t notice the fish so much Chris price 27 I think I will give the sound 22 24 wow okay the average price $24 and 33 cents okay rock and roll Tommy let’s go I’m pretty excited about this I hope you are so I have a white Alaskan salmon pan roasted and there’s a very light pomegranate a for Blanc I like the seasoning that you’ve used but the fish is a little bit dry you know that’s a little B disappointing for me damn sorry I want to like this dish more than I did unfortunately it looks a little better than what actually it was going to taste Justin pricewise what would you give that um I’d probably go what 26 for that actually $26 Y no more than 25 25 thank you I would say uh probably 25 uh esteemed judges have given you an average price of $25.33 crap that’s a big kick in a dick uh that’s rough uh Paul let’s go please thank you oh and now Paul coming up the bat with his awesome White Salmon dish and romanesca the more I eat the happier you’re going to be the dish is very nice thank you visually I think it looks quite nice it’s quite good it’s cooked right I liked it nice good that is good no doubt about it he’s going to slaughter us all I don’t know the I would give 29 29 yes let’s just say with 29 also wow uh Chris please um price the price I would say 31 31 for that one $29.67 wow excellent well done good job boy thank you Chef good job thank you home run Paul’s creativity with White Salmon has him out in front one more Chef Jennifer please and now his not so secret admirer Jennifer is the last Chef remaining oh my God it’s coming down to me my crush ball a yeah I did a poached salmon with an oyster broth poaching a white Alaskan king salmon I know I wanted to try something different I saw everyone else searing it was a ballsy move by Jen especially when you have one go in an expensive ingredient I’m very surprised it tastes much better than what it looked I like it the presentation wasn’t terrific but the flavor is good and I respect your gamble quite good um how much would you put that at Providence $29 actually $29 probably 29 wow for Jennifer to win the challenge she needs a price of at least $32 from the last judge Justin could change the game yeah um the fish was cook well it did have flavor it was definitely great flavor in there it’s a tough call um I’d probably say 27 27 27 y Jennifer the average price of your dish is $28 33 damn it Paul beats will by a dollar and you win the challenge congratulations done great work uh judges as always an absolute pleasure great comment thank you thank you thank you so much best wishes wow okay uh Paul today you’re joining me on a phenomenal tour of La in our own private helicopter awesome I am stoked to be going on helicopter hang out with Chef you’ll have an amazing lunch at the Water Grill what one of LA’s finest seafood restaurants I picked the right day to win we can’t have this experience just you and I on our own who are you going to take is it Jennifer I would love oneon-one time with Paul in a little lunch please pick me um I don’t want to take a lease cuz I feel like I’ll be very tempted to push a lease out of a helicopter Tommy come on yeah yeah oh yeah boy hey guys hurry up get ready we got to take an off lot liter in 15 minutes quick I did not think Paul was going to choose me for a helicopter ride but hey little romance going on I’m not going to make out with you well Jennifer Elise we got work to do first of all the bar needs a little bit of sprucing up ahead of tonight’s service polishing the stemware arranging the bottles filling up the ice buckets and then tonight we’ll be serving Paul’s dish so you’ll spend all day preparing that cleaning the salmon de boning it look after these ones expensive okay [Music] disgusting oh this is weak man there they are nice pink shirt buddy wife don’t get mad at me bring him back in one piece please P you got my lipstick yeah it’s in my pocket I’m uh phenomenally attractive I mean seriously like would you not want to invite this why you bushing oh my God will you leave me alone will and Jennifer are joking and laughing and I’m thinking am I the only one pissed right now that I’m doing a punishment while Elise will and Jennifer are grounded at Hell’s Kitchen Paul and Tommy are about to take to the sky congratulations let’s go them good job Paul good job thank you Chef I’ve never been on a helicopter before I mean Chef’s used to this [ __ ] I’m not this is going to be awesome great day for flying Paul congratulations thank you Chef thank you hey well done buddy you this is gorgeous I will have to say wow yeah this is really wild amazing okay I’m officially scared sh*tless right now oh my God I’m so scared of heights oh Tommy was getting a little freaked out he had White Knuckles on his leg Tommy how can you be scared you can see the ground that’s your it just C to be landing on a rooftop this definitely uh quite the adventure congratulations thank you yeah good job you nailed it Well Done PA while Paul and Tommy are enjoying the High Life anybody want to give scaling a go the punishment back at Hell’s Kitchen is far from glamorous Elise I’m scared to mess it up it’s pretty big I don’t need to be smelling like fish I don’t roll like that I’ll do it I’m actually excited about it now I go here all right now what you’re going to do is you’re going to take the knife follow the gills up to the head okay that totally pisses me off when people stand around and watch wasn’t it a team punishment see I’ve done punishments with leas Will hasn’t so now he knows what I’ve dealt with for weeks it’s hot in here today after their exhilarating helicopter tour of Los Angeles with Chef ramsy our mandate begins woohoo Paul and Tommy settle in for a private lunch with the executive chef of Water Grill hello Chef hey guys I’m like wow Chef Amanda so hot congratulations thank you so BLT in New York that’s the grand prize right yeah that’s my next job okay oh my God I got a place for you to sit right here on my lap so do you guys have any questions is there any like advice that I can give you or you want to come fly in my helicopter she’s an attractive young chef and Paulie was trying to flirt a little bit you know run his game in his paint shirt what happens after this oh we have service tonight what happens at dinner service usually I’m bered belittled and uh end up feeling like like an inexperienced hack by the end of the evening so what are you doing later fortunately for Paul back at Hell’s Kitchen I’m going to smell great later someone still loves him yep your man’s going to love it maybe the smell of salmon will attract him oh my God Jennifer’s saying she has a crush that’s not what we’re here for it’s like you have no clue what’s going on this is a game you got to play it you naughty naughty girls how was your day was it it was awesome oh it was a good time we met the chef there her name’s Amanda oh my God smoking hot sitting down on a nice lunch it was amazing I’m the jealous wife I was very upset but you know Paul’s not my husband yet so you know you can look just get touched at least yeah right look like you got a bone to pick [Music] [Laughter] hey let’s go guys yeah quickly yes chef Che James yes chef open house’s kitchen please chef as Hell’s Kitchen opens to another packed house how are you this evening yourself good this is the best night for the first time one kitchen will be responsible for the entire dining room and there will be no place to hide as the five chefs will have Chef Ramsey’s undivided attention let’s go guys yes unorder one L some capalini yes fire the apps come on yes chef want apps I have to be vocal because if I don’t step up and Lead I’m going home Tommy supporting it yes chef Jennifer get him in action let’s go what do you need you can make one calini for me that’d be great all right how long Jennifer how long Jennifer yes chef [ __ ] talk to me 2 and a half minutes Chef thank you I’m going to get it out of you if it kills me I’m telling you either you or Tommy’s got to call out times here Jen and Tommy are on apps you need to step up you know what I’m saying final five man you know you need to man up and you need to make sure that your station is right because of you I’m toally [ __ ] how how can I help that I I don’t know what you’re doing right here all right I’m doing my best to help you I’m not going to argue with you right now let’s just do this all right that’s cool how long for the capalini you got to talk just stop panicking I’m walking right now Chef right now Jen Jen hold it Jen wait wait if you’re not communicating with your whole freaking team then capalini it’s not going to get up when you think it’s going to magically appear capalini how long come on please Tommy capalini Tommy get it out please right now [ __ ] come on I’m waiting for [ __ ] hell Tommy uh-oh stop taste that all of you taste the capalini even visually when you look at it’s in your teeth it’s in your teeth come on guys that’s what I was worried about start again all of you Jen wasn’t listening you know and now I look like a [ __ ] fool she’s standing on top of him no one’s coordinating the standards no one cares tonight just listen to The Silence on the appetizers that’s the fight back that’s what I’ve got to work with listen to it she has to talk to him Jen Jen get it out right now Tommy you taste it you’ve got to talk to each other yes [ __ ] shutting down both of you Tommy I’m walking hot hand [Music] Chef taste that all of you quickly taste it that’s exactly how Rota should be it’s delicious look at me open up yes sir with the food now up to his high standards service please thank you appetizers have landed on the tables of grateful customers one one Jennifer two Scholars one muscles one Lobster capalini the apps are backed up and you know what look at me it’s our second table yes Che Jennifer let me know when you’re 2 minutes out on N so I can start my scallop please answer her at least 2 minutes see scallops I need to know when to C my scallop if you don’t she said 2 minutes minut drop the scallop 2 minutes on on scallops H I’m freaking out God I can’t do this right now I’m not getting the apps out the door right now it’s it sucks and I can’t trust Elise Elise I’m walking Alis you walking with sculls no I you called me I told you two minutes ago don’t start you told me listen to the state of this I’m a minute out okay I’m a minute out whose’s fault this time then nobody called it nobody I told you twice Jennifer you did not give me a time I’m sorry you’re waiting on me for once in a night last time I checked we were waiting on on you since we [ __ ] opened the doors where are you going I’m waiting on her for a change guys don’t start arguing please you [ __ ] kidding me you call me two scallops it doesn’t matter all right in real life when a restaurant stops serving everyone gets [ __ ] fire oh my God guys just get the food out you guys can wrestle later on so how long man how long do you need I’m waiting on you oh my God I’m waiting on sculls I told you that 2 minutes ago I’m walking on a scallop right now out right [Music] behind uh-oh oh guys guys I guys my [ __ ] rot burn at the bottom F me yeah [ __ ] off putting up rice in a burnt pan that’s like day one and the thing that really pissed me off was like I thought J was going to be the girl that came over here and like pushed me to be better it’s such a shame if you both start talking there Harmony but no Harmony when are we going to refire at least a minute and a half minute and a half hard dropping scall hot hand Chef good girl working where’s the skullet behind you Chef nice and cook the scolars thank you chef with Jennifer and Elise finally communicating service please appetizers are finding their way to Grateful customers enjoy thank you very much so good it’s 45 minutes into dinner service and after a slow start on appetizers Chef Ramsey wants to speed up delivery of the food let’s go one muscles one Lobster capalini entree 2 salmon one New York STP one Wellington yes sir so he now has his final five working on pushing out appetizers and on trays at the same time hello b 2 minutes one strip one Welly going with two fish that you need more time at least or not yeah I need more than 2 minutes all right after the way the challenge went I got to dust myself off and prove the chef I can cook salmon where’s the salmon one minute out sir one strip in a Wellington coming up on here let’s go salmon salmon walking Chef [ __ ] useless hey you hey come here you you come here is that what you presented to me Chef is that what the best dish of the day was it’s definitely not my dish the one that I made today it’s not that at all it’s an over [ __ ] cooked piece of salmon look at the state of that dry as [ __ ] oh send the meat please Scot that the fish refire from Elise is only a short time away Chef Ramsey has decided to break his Rule and send out only half of the tables on trays um it’s going get cold at some point so we’re dragging the salmon I’ve sent half the meat for the salmon it’s coming Chef put it down and [ __ ] off Chef yes chef come here you yeah M touch the skin this skin soggy they’re cooking on the bottom not the [ __ ] skin at least they’re going to overcook if you try to steal the skin you got to just leave it on the skin put it in the oven fles you chook the fish for 99% on its skin the skin was still [ __ ] soft just means you don’t know how to [ __ ] cook fish I mean this is like straight up Chef 101 Paul yep can you look at my fish so I can get a grip and send the rest of them out right what do you think Paul you got to leave them on the skin that’s so get some Cris that’s what I’m [ __ ] up thanks [ __ ] should have told me that [ __ ] 20 minutes ago just leave it there but I don’t want it to overcook I’m not going to overcook it okay [ __ ] you got to start those over there’s literally two people sitting at a table watching other people eat while they’re like wow I wish I had my salmon M Ione your sered look good yeah flip it over on the skin don’t take it off the skin why you not cooking on the skin I guess I thought I was going to burn it not going to burn [ __ ] I just said cook it on the skin I know you did Chef I don’t know what else to do other than take a [ __ ] tack hammer and hit Elise in the head get inside down side down skin side down skin side down $30 dish you take it to zero this is embarrassing one New York strip one Wellington left the kitchen 14 minutes ago I’m dragging to [ __ ] salmon I need to complete a table no one’s picking it up it’s the skin I got it I will get congratulations you’ve just said what I’ve been saying for the last [ __ ] hour I will [ __ ] get it on the next two salmon how long the next two salmon 5 minutes and I’ll leave them skinside down that’s the part I’m missing I guess with Elise backed up on salmon and Diner getting anxious here they are down to the final five you think we’d be getting food by now right do you know when our food will be coming we’ve been waiting for a while I know I do apologize Chef ramsy has another incoming order hey Elise all meat sit back in your chair put your lip gloss on three Wellington three New York strips yes sir and now all eyes are on Paul and the meat station can you do three well three strip yes let’s go yes beautiful 3 minutes everyone’s going down in flames but my pride is at stti I’m going to show Chef Ramy what he’s looking for is me how long please gnage walks through the window Chef let’s go mate come up PO yes chef don’t you start watch your back coming down coming down hot that’s took perfectly you know where you’re going is fix while Paul and will have delivered an entire six top of meat Entre let’s see if it was worth the wait wow Chef Ramsey turns his attention back to Jennifer Tommy and the appetizers let’s go capalini Roto are we all set Tommy can you walk not yet not yet you got to give me one one minute okay one minute all right come on like the actual pasta make sure it’s not Dante the sauce is fine and seasoned it no it’s good all right coming with garnish right behind you kidding me again yep under cook calini again come on Tommy get in the game Tommy told you Jen that like the capalini is not cooked and you still serve it you still serve it you panicked do you guys want to switch dude I’ll switch I’ll switch with you if you want no I am good at this I can [ __ ] do this trying to save a station and she won’t allow me to help her do you need a hand over here so I’m going over to talk to leis and see if she needs help use this nonstick I got a nonstick heating up I have to recook let me tell you one tip and I’ll help you out Tommy comes running and over and he’s like let get crisy I am I am toau me to the rescue I was like oh hell no I like this a help you’re stearing [ __ ] on medium you’re on medium heat right now turn it up you’re stearing sea food just [ __ ] take it over what now Tommy’s on the fish no Tommy Tommy season in my scallop how long for the two salmon 4 minutes still 4 minutes because I had to start it over it wasn’t right I wasn’t going to bring it up again not right the two you had to start again what happened they stuck to the pants it’s the pants watch your throw a tantrum now I’m not Chef I’ve sent half the table I’m going to get it together Chef if this is not perfect I’m send the whole [ __ ] lot back again I swear to God yeah Chef get off my get off get off of it make sure okay all right it’s not heating hot enough you got to put it on high Tommy I can’t do that go you got to get out my space please bab trying to help me Elise cannot work on a team she’s drowning and she smacks the [ __ ] hand that’s trying to help her salmon walk in all of you stop just [ __ ] stop all of come here you put your finger in there not pink raw I’m done leave me alone all of you [ __ ] off out of here all of you get out please just [ __ ] off enough’s enough we are the final five black coats and I’m getting kicked out of a [ __ ] service no not cool I’m going to finish him put him back in the P got she get handy to get Paul and will back okay yes I mean how [ __ ] can three individuals be well Paul come with me the greatest pickme up that you can ever have in your life to have Chef Gordon Ramsay let’s go Paul let’s go will please chef say you know what it wasn’t you go finish what you started two Sal on Dragon yes yes chef why the [ __ ] do I not to go get to go with that why am I out of the kitchen right now that’s [ __ ] it’s my fault with my station I don’t know why but I get in the kitchen and I just I lose it I just can’t communicate I hate it while Jennifer stews on the patio will and Paul are fired up to get back in the kitchen some please find you yes back nice and cooked Redemption spell p a u l service please enjoy two salmon one Cod one New York strip I need to get fish going man I got a C already dropped shove up behind you as Paul and will make tremendous Headway on the backed up orders L ticket guys one salmon one New York strip two Wellington diners are finally receiving their long awaited honor tray and the last table can enjoy their dinner oh yeah we all got our food great job well done thank you very [Music] much last service in this kitchen we had the best service ever with the exact same five that’s standing in front of me now tonight it was not the same five people let me tell you that go back to the dorm and think of two individuals up for elimination leave me alone [Music] please Chef I got to ask you something why did you send me out of the kitchen I wanted to be back in with my team I should not have had to [ __ ] bleed tonight and I could have held it down within any [ __ ] STI I’m so [ __ ] mad [ __ ] off Tommy I’ll stick your [ __ ] head in that oven and I’ll talk to you through the [ __ ] gas burner do it please don’t rub any more salt in the wounds [Music] tonight’s service on apps was horrific was horrific Jen you put up Rota when a burnt [Music] pan so Jen’s going up Elise you went down you went down in a B I know I should go up too I know I can cook better than Jennifer I need one more shot to prove myself I need to use what I got to get what I want will can I talk to you for a minute oh here we go I am asking you for a favor what’s up when I go up there I’m going to put Jennifer as the week is because she is Elise she’s a tricky one she’s going to do anything to stay in this game I’m better than fifth place I don’t want to [ __ ] go home F the place I promise if you will defend me to the end I will have her back yo she can make an attempt to run a game on me but I’m going to call it the way I see it it’s you know in one ear out the other to up Paul come here please can I talk to you see I went to the king because they follow him anyway so then I pull Paul because I know if Will’s going to do it then Paul’s going to do it listen I’m going keep a real with you right now please if they ask you who think you should go home you tell them Jennifer I’m being diplomatic and I’m asking you to look out for me because I will look out for you I know I know you’re better than me oh will you’re better than me oh Paul you’re so much better than me I’m a better person than Jennifer is and I communicate better than Jennifer I’m a better cooking Jenifer don’t throw me under the bus I’m not going to throw you under the bus please don’t I need your word I need your word after all the [ __ ] she’s put us through will and Paul are smart enough not to fall for Lisa’s [ __ ] [Music] [Music] what night po first nominee and why first nominee Chef is Jennifer Jennifer didn’t take control of the appetizer station tonight she wasn’t leading second Nom and why Elise Chef she wasn’t able to cook anything tonight Elise Jennifer step forward please Jennifer your worst performance so far in Hell’s Kitchen why do you think you should stay my strengths are that I can cook that I’m organized my problem is talking to my team if you can’t talk to each other standing next to each other how in the hell are you going to command a team at leise you cook the most expensive salmon in the world upside down why do you think you should stay in Hell’s Kitchen I think I should stay in Hell’s Kitchen Chef because I’m just getting started I’m a good communicator in the kitchen I’m a leader the problem you argue with everyone no I didn’t argue with anyone tonight you AR you argue right off at me because you weren’t giving me a time at all and I was getting further behind because you weren’t giving me a time on scallops I sent up one risotto wrong how many how many salmon there’s a lot of stuff right now I have a big issue I have a chef that can’t shut the [ __ ] up and I have a chef that can’t [ __ ] talk Paul who is the weakest Chef um R son of a [ __ ] honestly will solely based on cooking chef uh pure cooking I think Elise is a stronger cook than are you [ __ ] serious you are kidding me I’m not say Tru hurts P do you have a pair of bulls yes chef and [ __ ] use them who’s the worst cook Jennifer Chef [ __ ] kidding me I’m I’m being honest you know what you better hope I [ __ ] go home come me do you have a bull back uh yeah it’s still here uh nothing personal but I’d have to say it’s a least someone that’s [ __ ] honest no it’s not on it’s realone not [ __ ] afraid of you no what they’re not afraid of me it’s not it’s not they’re not afraid of me it’s the truth wow it’s the truth that’s [ __ ] it’s the truth enough’s enough the person leaving house kitchen Jennifer Danny come [Music] here the heart is amazing the pallet is extraordinary I just don’t think you’re ready to run a team you’re a lady and you don’t like fighting I don’t no I fight I just I want to fight against these [ __ ] two Schmucks right now I want to show them where I [ __ ] stand I can’t believe you two would actually sit here and say that she is better than me I am I have a [ __ ] better palette and I can cook way better than show a challenge what at Le at least at least at Le that’s totally the wrong way to go about this you’re going about this all wrong tottally the wrong way all right thank you please give me your jacket thank you Chef thank you D good night keep your head up Jennifer [ __ ] you I guess you don’t like me anymore PK’s actually quite nice thank you and push oh my God you get your ass up there and you [ __ ] fight I going to fight not done him you know I’m tired of being second best I want to be the best that’s why I came here I think it’s the best one I’ve had so far great job JK I work [ __ ] hard with them for them I make sure you guys are [ __ ] great toast to Jennifer you know to make it this far in Hell’s Kitchen I Pro to myself that I can cook the Lamb’s delicious thank you Chef Jennifer oh [ __ ] me do you want if your team go and join them that’s the only good thing right now they get to deal with leise excuse me please shut up for five [ __ ] seconds you know shut up I have more passion and more heart than any of the EAS marks they’re lucky I’m gone cuz I would have kicked all their asses because I can [ __ ] cook [Music] it’s so hard for me to forget a night like tonight but you can help me by bouncing back Chef get out of there good night Chef I might be getting played like a [ __ ] fiddle I don’t know all I know is is that if I am getting played it’s going to bite her in the ass I just can’t even believe it like I just had a moment of Brilliance that’s all we all have them but not as good as me I can look at myself in the mirror and know that I did what was right total honesty at least can cook the people that are here deserve to be here W Jennifer finally found her voice in House’s kitchen unfortunately it was when she was being [Music] eliminated and now the continuation of H’s kitchen wow hey whatever you know [ __ ] who is the weakest Chef Jennifer’s Jennifer Chef I’d have to say it’s the least all personal [ __ ] set aside you can cook thank you and the people that you cook should [ __ ] say I’m back I’m here you know that wasn’t me doing something me doing anyone a favor in any way shape or form the truth that was me being real I don’t be mad at me I’m not mad at you you know but I owed them a hug that was real come on I don’t get one I got your back no you [Music] don’t making it this far in the competition is an impressive achievement good morning morning chef but Chef Ramsey isn’t about to let the final four rest on their Laurels I think it’s really important at this stage of the competition that you constantly get inspired and your next challenge will inspire you in fact not just the challenge but the J judges will be even more inspiring would you like to meet the judges I think you should please welcome judge number one oh my God Elise no way your son Chris Jr your husband Chris and your Aunt Dolores say hi my mom it felt really good to see my son words can’t express how much I’ve missed him throughout this journey it’s it seems like he’s grown up so much since I’ve been away and he’s motivation for me being here ready for your next VIP Tommy oh your mom Diana and your girlfriend Caitlyn God damn holy [ __ ] kiss easy Tommy e Tommy e Tommy’s girlfriend is really pretty I mean I didn’t not saying that I didn’t expect it but I didn’t expect that oh hell yeah Chris huh well so proud of you man oh my God so proud of you will there’s your mother Michelle and your wife Tara this you so much I actually see my wife and my mother I mean absolutely crazy and insane and inspiring I’ll leave you alone for a couple of minutes uh enjoy my wife and my mother are in my head every minute of every [ __ ] hour of every day I look at your picture every single minutes a [ __ ] Tommy Tom’s going from the 19 so that’s the joke I miss you so much I love you really Tommy your mom’s there God sake man goad I’m getting yelled out here I’ve been up every time they had the opport opportunity just because of you I’ve had a lot of highs and I’ve had a lot of lows lows like where I thought I was going to go home I love you too yeah this is crazy I can’t believe you’re here I can’t believe I’m here either it’s been the hardest thing in the world not to be able to go see my brother my brother is my best friend 100% what I just needed right now for my brother to walk through the doors how’s that for inspiration very inspiring Chef amazing Chef okay family first of all i’ like to say say a big thank you but unfortunately it’s time to go I don’t want to say goodbye Tommy wrap up the homework Paul please the chef at Le say goodbyes to your lovely family I love you Chris take it easy love you baby Tommy get back over there nice time you see you’ll be coming out of that door my head is in a totally different realm right now I am ready to beat the [ __ ] out of people kill them all and sort the bodies out later on now it’s time to get back to business now seeing how they are the final four Chef Ramsey has decided to cook up one of his most difficult challenges this is your next challenge ooh it’s time for taste it now make it you’re all going to have 35 minutes to duplicate this dish the chef that comes closest to recreating this dish will clearly win the challenge the winner gets to spend the rest of the day with your family oh my God I’m like super nervous right now everything’s on the line today with this Challenge and I just want to spend the afternoon with the most beautiful woman in the world I’m bringing everything I have are you ready 35 minutes your time starts now in the taste it now make a challenge each Chef must recreate Chef Ramsay’s dish from sight smell touch and taste what is that however they get no information about the ingredients or the recipe I can’t figure it out well it’s important for the chefs to analyze every component of the dish identifying the main protein is absolutely critical the battle Within Myself was the fish I could not tell if it was Cod or halib it I was like I know it’s one of these two for sure but I just don’t know one little tip you can cook two different sorts of fish and drop one with 2 minutes to go come on Elise I see your feasty little eyes watching everybody like a Hulk stop worrying about everybody else worry about your dish looking at the fish tasting the fish I’m 9% sure that it’s monkfish so I’m going to live by the gun or die by the gun and I’m going to go with what I feel will and Tommy have decided on monkfish while Elise is going with halet Paul is still unsure but has narrowed it down to two choices the only thing I was really reserved about was the cut a fish that was the hardest thing to determine because Cod and monk fish look similar so I seared both I just wanted to be 100% sure 14 minutes to go so I’m trying to figure figure out what the ham is wrapped around fish it was not salty enough to be pajo I grabbed the Serrano ham because it was the least salty to me I think I have a damn good pal I look over at Tommy and I was like that’s definitely not it I was like what the [ __ ] is he do it while Tommy believes that Chef Ramsey used Serrano ham in his dish will elely and Paul have all opted to use Pudo 4 minutes step up a gear meanwhile all of the final four have chosen mushrooms kale and cream to garnish their Entre 15 seconds start plating guys behind behind Five 4 3 2 1 and stop guys let’s go right is everybody happy with a dish yes okay uh let’s start off with Tommy oh jeez hate going first I can’t stand going first it’s the worst in the world I shouldn’t have put my dish close to the chef I should have scooted to the back right tell me what you did uh fish what did you use I used a fish monkfish why monkfish I tasted it and then just looked at it and then took the closest the best guess I had mhm and you wrapped the monk fish in what um I believe it’s a Tano the sauce cook down some cream it’s kale underneath not bad all right was that close I’ll let you know back of the line thank you okay Elise um fish what is it halit interesting I’ve got one halet one monkfish and it’s wrapped in Pudo okay thank you yep well Chef fish what is it I did uh P rat monkfish monk fish Chef were you copying Tommy not at all Chef what did you wrap the monkfish in pruto and monkfish was your first it was my one and only choice of fish it tastes good thank you I’ll let you know excellent thank you Chef all right Paul Chef let’s go I cooked off two pieces of fish I cooked off a monk fish and a Cod so what is this fish this is this is the cod cod yes okay confidence level super high cuz I think it’s Cod I don’t think it was monkfish didn’t look the same it might have been halib but I mean I was confident it wasn’t monkfish and the cods wrapped in in Pudo really okay you got two monk fish one halot and one cart you all got mushrooms you all used kale you all got cream it’s about where it’s stops so now Tommy yes you were the only one that used Sano ham was that good or bad it wasn’t right Pudo was the right ingredient congratulations all three of you Tommy game over a big boy damn it okay the person with the dish that is closest to recreating mine congratulations Paul yes bloody spot on well done yes awesome you have an amazing day today not only did you get the chance to spend time with my brother what with your big brother awesome we’re in LA right yes chef going to the Dodger game what what do you say going to the Dodger game son nice I would have loved to spent the day at the Dodger game with my wife and my mother so I have nobody to blame myself it doesn’t mean Paul was better than me it’s just that I screwed myself look what C got you look exactly this right here is the greatest reward I could possibly get to go sit and watch baseball with my brother and just come back here ready to kick [ __ ] everyone’s ass uh the rest of you today is moving day in house kitchen I need everything moved out oh no come on no don’t do that to me everybody up to the dorms well done enjoy the game enjoy with your brother bro well done job [Music] man hey bud hello welcome welcome Welcome toer Stadium thank you which I call Blue Heaven on Earth awesome which one of you is the chef I am sir do you know how to make pasta I can make some pasta Tommy Lora come on in let’s go all right let’s go the epitome the icon of Dodgers baseball this is a once in a-lifetime thing I don’t think I’ve ever stood on a Major League field before well you deserve it buddy me and my brother are huge jankee fans but second you walk onto the field in Dodger Stadium you feel feel the history you feel the presence of greatness you feel legends that have walked on that field how you guys doing how you doing how’s everything I’m great how are you wow it’s awesome what’s happening where are you guys from South Florida but originally from New York oh oh yeah you too huge Yankee fans we are uhoh I met the Yankee legend himself Don maddingley the only thing missing was his awesome mustache nice man well nice to meet you nice to meet you too so all right good luck for you guys good luck tonight hopefully thank you take care good luck thank you good luck to you awesome I shook Don Ming’s head he wished me good luck in this competition that’s it it does not get any better than this that is the Pinnacle of greatness in Paul’s book I can’t stop smiling that made my whole trip right there now I have to go and win I’m go and win I got to go and win well Paul enjoys some FaceTime with major league Legends this room is kind of nasty back in Hell’s Kitchen the losers come face to face with a major league mess oh hell no dude I’m got to start in the other room breaking down DMS is pretty freaking gross because females are disgusting creatures oh [ __ ] for real dude oh my God what whose bed was this Jennifer and whose bed was that Jennifer Jennifer Jennifer and Jennifer you guys are nasty cheeseburgers and roast beef sandwiches under the bed and like this is the girls we’re talking about they’re the most grimy ladies oh what the [ __ ] is that is that there’s like a [ __ ] stain underneath this one why don’t you smell it Tommy tell us what it is least give it a taste you have the best pallet this is a great day for the Inman Brothers definitely is and now has to throw out a first pitch this evening [Applause] Ry like of all the people that can come and throw first pitch is going to be Chef all right Gordon time for you to bring the heat EXC I don’t think I would ever saw Chef in dodger blue inste of Chef way but you know what he look good in dodger blue I ain’t going to [Music] lie Reserve Mar hey Chef you cannot go to a baseball game without a famous Dodger Dog absolutely now enjoy oh thank you Chef how are you buddy good Chef enjoy it yes what an afternoon see what happens when you win a challenge yeah good to see you Budd yes good to see you likewise enjoy the game yes Che hey it didn’t bounce remember didn’t bounce take care guys take it easy Chef beers hot dogs Frozen baseball can’t beat that with a [Music] stick it’s a big day in Hell’s Kitchen and the chefs are busy preparing for the most important dinner service of their lives that’s Marone it’s butter that’s marscapone oh yeah you’re right thought it was butter I think Tommy has made it this far because of his ability to take the back seat and to be bossed around but now there’s four of us and Tommy’s next let’s go guys yeah okay tonight is all about leadership each of you will have a turn to run the path tonight is the dinner service that is going to determine who makes it to the final two for half of you here it’s over I honestly can’t believe that two people are going home tonight I mean this makes everything that much more real the biggest day of your cooking career is about to start got it yes chef get on your stations yeah let’s go guys okay James let’s go open house kitchen please yes [Music] chef there is clearly a lot riding on tonight’s dinner service when it’s over Two Chefs will be going home and Two Chefs will be moving on to the final here we go Chef Ramsey will provide a series of quality control tests to challenge the chefs when they’re leading the kitchen at the pass first up is Paul you with me yes chef run the hot plate let’s go yes chef appetizers four scallops and rotto followed by two Wellington a seab bass and a cotton heard that yes chef 5 minutes on the first rotto Paulie is going to be on top I’m going to show you why I’m a big deal tonight scallop Roo’s up service please quick how long on the two Wellington’s cotton death I I can rock you tell me when you want garnish 30 seconds out on G let’s go Tommy how long on the [Music] fish let’s go Tommy Tommy how long is it going to be Tommy I love Tommy to death but in the kitchen he doesn’t [ __ ] talk Tommy how long on the fish uh minute and a half minute and a half Hur minute out waiting on fish Chef C’s coming [Music] Chef jef I think this is under it’s roll Tommy St fish is off Tommy one more minute in the oven throw it right back in the oven I’ll plate everything else as Paul Works to recover from Tommy’s raw fish he’s about to face Chef Ramsay’s first sabotage as Chef Scott puts shrimp instead of Lobster in the capalini to capalini capalini right now okay come here you come here yes chef it’s shrimp it’s shrimp Lobster Chef Scout sent me calini with shrimp instead of lobster you win some you lose some it’s how you bounce back that makes you the chef you are what matter it’s their shrimp oh really don’t let it happen again all right despite failing his first quality control test server please Paul is doing a solid job leading the kitchen and pushes food out to the diners at a steady Pace wow Che but back in the kitchen one more test awaits him and his name is Tommy I need one Cod right now to finish the table how long now say I Tommy Talk Co was too antsy just calling where is this where’s this where’s this like literally I’m opening my mouth to answer him he won’t give me a chance to speak he’s just frantic and yelling for everything one Cod I need right now how long um Tommy it’s coming one C how long Tommy if they’re already flustered it’s not going to do no point in screaming and yelling at somebody that’s not leadership how long all right um Tommy talk to me I’m listening to you but you’re not talking to me I’ve answered you a thousand times no you have [ __ ] me thank you there’s a difference between asking for something and totally bitching somebody out Elise can you run this up thank you with Tommy’s Cod finally going out into the dining room apologize thank you ever so much Paul’s turn at the pass is over okay good thank you chef and it’s time for the next Chef to be tested Tommy let’s go Chef Ramsey’s been on my case since I got here about being a quiet guy now I get to be loud guy and prove to him that I can work the P I’m excited let’s go all right take out the tickets with you come let’s go all right we got six top two muscle two scallop one Lobster capalini one risoto yes chef yes chef I’m articulate and thorough when I speak to my team when I’m on line Tommy bring me back those apps again two muscles two scallops I need a whole order the whole big top I’m giving it to you right now don’t interrupt me and I’ll [ __ ] tell you hold on let me look two muscle two scallop one cap one Rota thank you we 2 minutes out on that hold on 1 second I I didn’t know what the hell was going on C CL for the Scout the C what what the [ __ ] did you just say okay you got it it’s already up there how the hell that get over there while Tommy attempts to keep it together on the pass out in the dining room James is about to deliver the next planned sabotage of the night ordering for top all right thank you James coming in Onre are one C best one welli one filet and one Cai what what is a fillet I know so why don’t you go ask him then back to me with the order right there’s no F in the menu Tommy come on read them out in your mind first before we call them out hey James yes sir who’s making me read dumb [ __ ] here let me change up for you it’s an hour into dinner service they are coming I do apologize for the lake and With a Little Help from his chefs Chef walking up walking with varnish let’s go thank you py Tommy has managed to push out appetizers thank you perfect and is ready to move his Brigade on to Entre all right three one strip a minute and a half on garnish no you have 2 and 1/2 minutes out on me which means you got 2 minutes out on garnish yeah that’s what I said you said a minute and a half I don’t think Tommy did so hot but we picked up the slack and we did what we needed to do you want it now yeah bring it to me now walking despite Tommy’s uneven leadership put the food up put your food up go complete please Entre are leaving the kitchen clear down clear the [ __ ] down off there and it’s now time for someone else to take over Alise you on the hot plate she’s got to put her money where her mouth is now this is it sweetheart put up her shut up you drive the tickets that’s what’s going now fire it away let’s go yes chef let me get your attention walking in I need one scallops one rotto how long to the window 6 minutes all right 6 minutes H I can run a kitchen I’m a great leader and I’m going to kick some serious ass cuz they’re not even going to see it coming scallop walking Alise is of and running but what she doesn’t know is that a sabotage awaits her at the pass let’s go taste that it’s not even cauliflower it’s potato puree yes it is why do you put it on there sorry Chef I thought it was cauliflower puree he just tasted it mhm what’s the matter with you nothing look at me talk to me oh come on I am very hard on myself and I can’t become emotional when something means so much to me you can’t stop come on but I was like damn n i refuseed to shed a tear tonight so right now I’m looking for one season last to Wellington how long one minute out chef 1 minute out one minute on that I picked myself up I dusted myself back off and we got the ball rolling potato pure yep coming right up just as Elise gets back on track she’s about to be tested again Chef Scott has replaced the potato mash with parsnip puree three SE B in the New York strip next yes this is mat this isn’t match this is parip you sure yes positive where did that come from I don’t know you don’t know well spotted hey a great catch thank you after rebounding with our quality contr control Alise is looking to set a high standard for her turn at the pass these look like [ __ ] Tommy Su is this for real look at it it looks like it’s been chewed by your dog Alise was trying to be a little miniature Chef ramsy there’s only one Chef Ramsay and one big mouth I need another sea bass the right way get it together it’ll be cooked right babe for real first of all don’t call me babe second of all give me some SE bass that ain’t [ __ ] up thank you I’m sorry but I have standards and that is not it good job thank you Chef great standards this is good quality control perfect let’s go I need my carrots yesterday right now okay [Music] service fast please I’m looking foret it felt good up there once I got a rhythm of how the tickets was supposed to go I was like I really like this potato puree please I’m dying in the window Elise you want me to slice slice iing thank you will this is my home right here I was like oo I like the feeling that looks good service at least brought her game tble two let’s go so is complete the only thing I can do is do everything in my power to make sure she doesn’t win I’m done okay let’s go will Chef well done Elise thank you Chef right let’s go we’re going there we see if that’s W for New York STP yes chef from there obviously F now on couple anyone SCS on TR to the window let’s go you’re telling them you’re not asking them Chef all right guys listen up picking up one Seabass one Cod one Welly one strip how long 4 minutes 4 minutes heard 3 and 1/2 on garnish tonight is all about leadership it’s all about being a leader man you can put me anywhere in the kitchen and I will succeed you know what I’m saying will is off to a strong start but Chef Scott is preparing his first quality control Test X Chef can you take that back and give me a beef and not a lamp which one’s the lamp that’s the lamb oh really thank you very much and that’s not strip that’s hanger appreciate it though Chef good well spoted will has passed Chef Ramsay’s first test but his greatest test may be in front of him Elise what how long I’m spinach it’s coming right now why is there raw pasta in this in the spinach you want me to do it over yeah I would love for you to do that spinach over please good well spoted what’s R pasta doing in there I don’t know how that got in there sir at least I I think she’s really really shady female and the second she gets chance she’s going to stick a knife right in your back I just asked you to do the spinach over over 30 seconds ago why would you just take it and put it onto another why are you being an [ __ ] I’m not you do over 30 seconds ago 30 seconds for more why would you put black pepper in the freaking potatoes are you deliberately trying to [ __ ] me here no that was an accident how was that an accident it’s not [ __ ] day one he’s like oh it’s all about me and you’re trying to [ __ ] me I was like nobody gives a [ __ ] about you ready to slice anytime saua is ready don’t try to [ __ ] me like this I’m not you’re the one that’s Tred to [ __ ] me well whip my pants on well well I’ve got the seat B well I’m I need garnish release well I can’t let you slice yet cuz now she’s got to do the potatoes over nothing’s coming out yeah I know well if guy had garnished then everything would be a little better don’t blame me you’re not driving a team all you’re doing is barking no you’re just trying to [ __ ] your potato what you’re trying to do please oh come on guys attitude and a half on a girl that can’t cook for [ __ ] oh [ __ ] on order table three two two scallops one muscles one risotto Entre one Cass one COD two New York strip no answer guys can I get some Talk Back come on guys everything everything starting to die here come on let’s pick this up a little bit El Le Tommy Chef Scott please everybody stopped talking when will got up to the path like a domino effect it all fell apart the Energy’s gone no one come on will yes chef it’s just not happening they’re all switched off I have no idea why people weren’t answering I mean I just expect people to answer me when I talk and I definitely think that Elise was down to sabotage me the entire time come on guys let’s go how long on three Wellington two Cod one New York strip a minute out a minute out thank you very much call a minute 30 slice the meat Tomy a minute 15 I want the fish all right will did a lot of barking up on that PA so he needs to learn some motivational techniques because he had zero you’re spotting the quality control brilliantly what you haven’t got is a team working for you they’re working against sure y service please go go go go come on goelling oh that’s great right will jump back on service please with the final four back on the line Chef Ramsey pushes out the remaining tickets garish yes chef hot last table M service please oh wow walk it that’s it enjoy wow what a night clear the [ __ ] down [Music] tonight was tough and everybody had their ups and downs all of you go back to the dorm and think carefully of why you deserve a place of the final get out of [Music] here that was definitely the biggest service so far probably the most important of My Life as a young Chef I’m happy about it I think it went well as a whole I didn’t think I did back did you think I did that bad but honestly do you guys think I did all right I thought i’ I thought I decent right you know maybe I didn’t do as good as I thought tough crowd I’m not worried about Tommy I’m worried about theise cuz she did a good job tonight theise what nothing I’ve done here has ever been personal and nothing of it ever will be I got respect for you you know what I’m saying saying because you’re a tough chick and you want what you want you know what I’m saying I dig on you fight I feel like will feels now it’s a competition he feels that I did a good enough job tonight to make it to the finals and he’s scared you’re a good Chef you know what you’re doing all right thanks I’m just trying to come [Music] correct okay I’ve been doing a lot of thinking there’s a lot to consider and there is one person who I have by now learned to understand and honestly from the bottom of my heart I truly appreciate but I know this individual is just not ready to become the next head chef at BLT stake New [Music] York that person is [Music] Tommy please take off your jacket keep your [ __ ] head up keep your head up [Music] buddy love the energy so keep going absolutely you belong in the kitchen wouldn’t have it any other way I need the jacket absolutely without the tattoos I don’t think they come with it huh thank you jef well done another one well done got it guys hang up job kid the tattoo on the forehead says rock and roll so I’ve got to take you serious I’d appreciate it if you did when I arrived in house kitchen my goal was to create some passion and some art good job I mean really good job hey Will what do you think of this he looks like a sexy train robber go for it Tommy the whole time I was here I tried to stay true to myself I don’t care about mineral baths and foot massages and rich people I like chicken wings and domestic beer and motorcycle rides up ladies Tommy your mom’s there it’s been a learning experience a humbling experience he’s not talking to me he’s not communicating Tommy you have to talk to him at the same time it was one of the greatest experiences of my life this is what it feels like to be better than everybody else I’m a culinary Juggernaut right now compared to when I walked in the door this isn’t the end this is the beginning for me and I’m just going to keep on climbing until I conquer the world now there’s just three two of you will be battling out one more time to determine who will be the next head chef at BLT stake in New York City well why do you think you deserve a place in the finals Chef I should be in the finals because this is what I’m born to do this is it I’m a chef nobody in this [ __ ] world can tell me different nobody P I think tonight I solidified why I deserve to be in the finale yeah it wasn’t perfect but I felt that I communicated well I commanded respect I motivated my team I feel that this is my destiny at least I believe with all my heart Chef that I deserve a place in the finals because I’ve grown the most here out of anyone no one thought that I could do it but I knew all along that I had greatness inside of me and I promise to you that I am the epitome me of what Hell’s Kitchen is about as passionate as ever okay the first person into the final is [Music] Will congratulations congratulations will great job thank you okay Paul at least now I have to choose between you two and I could easily visualize either one of you in the final that’s how close it is but there’s one of you that I feel can command a kitchen better than the other and won’t back down no matter what the person joining well [Music] is pull yes thank you Chef well done thank you you did a good job you did a great jobel you did an awesome job Elise you have nothing to be ashamed of you go home with your head held high Elise step forward my darling you should not be in tears now listen to me I’ve never met anyone so resilient in all my years as you you’re Teflon well done thank you keep your head up high understand yes sir okay do you know what keep your jacket you deserve it thank you okay right come here well done come on stop crying be proud t a Wellington let’s get our trap up to the window ladies let’s go baby baby very nice that love spaghetti yes chef I came here to prove that I could throw down in the kitchen with the best of them fet coconut sour cream rich wins but they was intimidated by my leadership skills from day one I walked in here no one else is going to talk I’m going to talk for everybody you better get out of my face you need to work on your attitude I’ve been slammed hold on cry time oh I’ve been kicked while I’m down and I still got back up perfectly cooked the Wellington thank you Chef I spot hard to be here why don’t you shut up for 5 seconds I’m not going to shut up cuz I’m fighting for my life right now thank you Chef ramsy for being hard on me wake up Elise Chef they’re rubbery they’re watery and helping me to improve on my weaknesses Elise yes chef that cook perfectly thank you Chef after Hell’s Kitchen I am prepared for any obstacle that comes my way because nothing can be harder than this okay both of you listen very carefully yes chef your biggest service is Yet to Come and now the conclusion of Hell’s Kitchen okay both of you listen very carefully your biggest service has yet to come your chef chef start thinking about the menus the magic that you want to really show off get upstairs and get to work in those menus yes chef great job don’t worry will you can always be my Sue Chef yeah here comes big will you know like people say it’s not real unless you can touch it man well I can [ __ ] touch it dude I can touch it all oh [ __ ] man I told y’all y’all didn’t believe me Paul a big [ __ ] deal poly final 2 to the experience to the journey to what is to come after a brief celebration the finalists work late in into the night planning their menus for the final dinner service I’m in the final two I’m one service away from completing my goal to becoming a chef in New York City and it just makes me think of my mom my mom passed just a few months before I came out here I know that she’s proud of me she’s watching how far I’ve gotten on this and I’m not letting myself down I’m not letting my mom down I’m not letting anyone down I’m going to win this I want to win so badly man it’s not even funny because this is what I was born to do I’m the epitome of what Chef Ramsey is looking for in a chef and I will do everything in my godamn power to make sure that I [ __ ] [Music] win with the work on their menus completed the finalists spend the morning reviewing their master plan with the Sue chefs toasted peans with a sunny qu sounds amazing bronzini we’re going to cut it the same way that we did before the one fillet will’ll cut it in half talk about old school yeah and they spend the afternoon refining their dishes for the most important dinner service of their lives how are you will come here quickly Paul come here quickly okay I think right now that both you need to relax and dstress so I’m going to take you both out for dinner awesome there’s a limo waiting for you outside hurry up thanks Chef excited about the opportunity to get a break from the intense preparation Paul and will quickly change for an evening out with Chef Ramsey gentlemen congratulations you’re the limousines are waiting for you will thank you very much holy [ __ ] [ __ ] are I hope the freaking limo and it’s my mom and my wife I’m shocked I’m in awe I don’t really know what to say congratulations baby let’s get out of here let do this let’s get out of here thank you [Music] James hey guys Welcome to the go thank you very much Chef I got here a little early check out the table you didn’t expect this did you no Chef Chef’s out of New York um and he opened up literally four weeks ago really oh wow so he’s put together the most amazing menu and would you like to say hello yes we would love to your friends like let’s go see the kitchen I’m like all right cool let’s go look at the kitchen let’s go meet another Chef I’m really excited about this so This Chef is signed to meet you and the kitchen is unique [Music] this ain’t no kitchen holy [ __ ] I have arrived there’s cute girls everywhere in that crowd I felt like a culinary rock star can you remember when I told you that you weren Stars yes now you are enjoy the moment come on come on now it’s time for your final challenge we’ll have 1 hour to prepare five stunning dishes that could be on the menu at BLT Stak chef chef and your time starts now off you go wish you good luck we’re going to cook five plates in one hour the only thing in my mind is what am I going to make let’s go P for this final challenge will and Paul must create their unique take on five types of dishes that could appear on The BLT menu a seafood appetizer a salad a seafood entree a bone in ribeye and a fillet of beef better It Go bigger go home I feel my dishes will impress the judges they are things that I’m very comfortable doing they’re a reflection of how I cook very clean very Sleek awesome 30 minutes to go yes chef way to go [Applause] B under control whe Chef I’m not a safe guy I try not to play Life in a safe way these beads we’re going to peel them yeah uh quarter them out I tried to make every dish untraditional and unconventional does it not look like Pepto no it looks hot that’s just my style you know what I’m saying St pling up please yes 15 seconds to go lantro CH press okay CH cilantro lemon zest lemon juice five 4 3 2 1 and stop for today’s challenge we have five very very notable judges they are all part of the BLT Family First up please welcome the executive chef from BLT in Washington Chef Victor [Music] ALU right let’s start off with Paul please describe your dish my dish is a seafood NJ little neck clams and muscles with a lemongrass spicy broth it’s finished with a little bit of butter and alamet potatoes on the side oh this is very well done thank you um the muscles are clean really nice I think this is a very well executed dish thank you will please present your dish to Victor thank you I wanted to keep it on a lighter side I did seared scallops on a charred corn salad with a corn puree and micro cilantro wow well these are uh really well prepared you have a nice uh sear on it the Vibrance of the Citrus really accents the sweetness of the scalps very very nicely would you prefer Wheels dish or P’s dish Victor please um I I think I’m going to have to go with the scallops with Will excellent please welcome executive chef at BLT Los Angeles Chef ran Moyers see Will has the early lead and it’s now time for the salad round Chef Moyers will be deciding between Will’s beet salad with champagne vinegarette beets are cooked well use a little bit more acid okay but very nice or Paul’s mixed greens over roasted potato balanced very well I love the cheese love the vinegar it’s good salad it’s good salad Brian which one would you choose will or pause come on CH is yours I’m going to have to go with you Paul thank you we’re all tied up one to pul and one to will bril judging the fish Entre will be Johan spencon Chef the cuisine from BLT Honolulu he will choose between Will’s do soul I would have cooked the fish a little bit less but in all it’s it’s pretty good and Paul’s bronzini it’s crunchy I like things crunchy but maybe a little bit softer so you sort of get the flavors coming out tough decision do you prefer PS or whales I think we going snap Paul thank you good job that’s two for Paul and one for will it’s time to move on to the all important meat rounds please welcome the executive chef of BLT New York Crooks thank you very much with Paul only one point away from winning the challenge he hopes to score with his pan roasted ribeye with buttermilk puree CLI what do you think a extremely high appe appealing um suan could use a touch more uh salt and pepper other other than that right there uh will please with the challenge on the line will needs his grilled ribeye with greier cheese to impress in order to stay alive the seasoning is dead on it’s not overs Sauced it’s spot on spot on spot on Wow uh cliar you got a very tough choice yeah whales in front of you are [Applause] HS I’m go well well wow we are all tied up two to two well done please welcome ladies and gentlemen the president of BLT Keith Trel Che thank you so much for coming my pleasure it is 100% the most important thing to impress Keith this is the boss of the bosses that will be the bosses of me cool please uh this is my Play on steak and FRS I did a pan roasted fet minion with a brazed Endive and truffle potato fries this is superb not overdone with the Truffle great balance really well done the flavors were there plating on it was beautiful I mean he’s got to love it right please will explain your dish to Keith thank you I did a grill F minan that I serve with uh buttered brussel sprouts a black truffle and potato puree and a red grape Jew it took a set of balls to put grapes on that plate I’m just hoping that he gets it perfect bre of spouts wow I have to say both of these dishes excellent is it will or is it P please [Music] I got to go with Will Will congratulations come on yeah representing not only myself but my entire family baby was probably one of the greatest feelings I’ve ever experienced in my entire life really I got to tell you bold move with those grapes my friend B Mo okay uh will and Paul great job will congratulations thanks sir I’d like you both now to head back to Hell’s Kitchen please I’m not worried I’m not shaking I didn’t go out like a punk and I’m going to win the service tomorrow I’m going to be the next chef at BLT Stak when the finalists arrive back at Hell’s Kitchen hi guys that’s a very large present they are greeted by another surprise from Chef Ramsey open now I want to see what it is 1 2 3 [Applause] that’s Tommy’s ass all of the past contestants and Tommy’s ass fin I was definitely happy to see both of them congratulations they were my prediction Come True by the way uh will and Paul I see you received my final gift welcome back guys thank I am like a big present this pick is critical you know their strengths their weaknesses think strategy who’s going to win work well together who’s going to have your back on the most important dinner service of your entire lives will on the back of that win you get the first pick my last page is a list of the 18 competitors we have here with a ranking order I knew exactly who I wanted from the beginning first Pig I’m going to pick Tommy Tommy number one draft baby I’m not going to say I’m surprised I knew I’d be number one pick let’s get this man some money Paul the first pick come on Elise Elise thank you well Paul feels confident in my ability he should I wouldn’t have made that choice first but whatever will second pick Natalie nly wow Paul second choice Elizabeth Elizabeth I did leave um pretty angry you better hope I [ __ ] go home I guess you don’t like me anymore but I never thought in a million years Paul wouldn’t pick me hey hey girl are you going all girl Paul or just picking my strengths will who’s it going to be Jimmy socks wow Jennifer great choice smart choice if Paul was smart he would have picked me but I am very excited that I am not on at leisa’s Team Paul the third choice come on Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan well you’re choosing between Carrie and ker watch this yes I know that kruba might not be the best but I saw elely on Paul’s team and I saw car still waiting to be picked so I was like I’m going to put the two of them together and hope for some fireworks Kupa son of a [ __ ] you better get out of my face hold up I’m talking I’m tired of hearing you talk let’s toast to not liking each other come on car than Paul appreciate it I didn’t like Carrie yesterday I didn’t like her the week before that and I sure don’t like her today Elis and Carrie [ __ ] me Paulie is [ __ ] okay get back up to the dorms and start briefing your teams good luck off to go guys I’m not totally thrilled about Elise and Carri being on the same team but I’m going to make the best out of what I got before this goes any further all right if you two fight I’m going to put my foot so far up your ass I’m going to wiggle my toes your ears are going to move and that’s both of you I’m not going to fight I’m just saying I love you both I am looking to draw some blood when it comes to this next dinner service for Paul and that includes beating car’s ass after we get out of service if I have to I I pick the strongest team I know who I wanted I got oil and vinegar I got matches and dynamite I’ll be honest with you I really don’t know how tomorrow’s going to go it’s going to go fine anything that’s not self-explanatory I’m just going to explain now you know what I’m saying so let’s start on apps first uh spicy girl Quail oh you should be taking notes I’m going to show you exactly how it’s going to end up being broken down I need a strong start mhm and I feel that you can give me the strong start I can give you a strong start but I’m better off working meet I I know that but if you want me to work apps I will work I want you to work apps cuz that way when you’re done with apps I can help whoever like you’re going to have like a wing and a wing oh God will drew a picture of quail and it looks like a vagin* okay those boobs then will draws a picture of the thigh and leg and it looks like a penis that is a that is a leg and thigh oh damn like Anon so I’m guessing will is very horny right now and needs to get out of H’s kitchen look like a penis and a big set of balls I apologize immensely for for the way I am drawing after a late night preparing their teams for battle will and Paul hit the kitchen early to prepare for the biggest dinner service of their lives all right everybody knows what they got to do right you want the pecans toasted hole right uh no I don’t if I had any concern right now my only concern would be Kupa oh boiling over [ __ ] Kupa is the only person in this kitchen I’ve never worked with way too dark too dark way too dark but it’s my job to leave so I will leave take a handful of those leaks blanch them in the hot water shake them off this is the most important day in my life guys please [ __ ] hustle for me please I cannot fail tonight I cannot go subpar I’m going to lead my team to Victory the way that I know how it’s only an hour before dinner service and while Chef Ramsay may be confident in his two finalists uh right will let’s go he still needs to make sure that all of the dishes are up to his high standards two mil nudy with a little Shea black truffle parmesan broth and pea greens it’s delicious I mean really good indeed next uh spice seared scallops mhm really good I’m so confident in my menu nobody in this world can tell me that the menu is not good thank you thank you good start thank you definitely think Paul needs to be worried talk me through the menu all right this is my garlic olive oil po shrimp it looks great thank Chef roasted garlic some jalapeno lemons nice thank Chef nice nice nice tastes amazing yeah yeah next this is my earing tato Carpaccio it looks a mess and youo I’m sorry I’ve seen plates that have come back with more tomatoes on in house kitchen that’s going out fish Chef yeah and this is the grilled the grilled swordfish chef with a bol Rob yellow romanesca and a crab stuffed Tomato that needs work urgently just dense boring crab maid I told my team exactly what to do but I didn’t taste them and it really [ __ ] me right now you got some serious word to do that [ __ ] I got to get out of here I want this not just for myself but I want this for my mom I promised my mom that I was going to win before she [Music] died just give me a second I just want to make her proud even though she’s not here she’s here in spirit she’s with me always and she’s going to be in the dining room the night guys I’m the pass now please whatever you guys had inside of you that got you guys here I want it tonight Lu let’s have a good service y’all good service good service I’m not doing this for my pride I’m not doing this for [ __ ] Fame I’m doing this because I made a promise to my mom before she died that I was going to win this and I need you guys to help me win this all right you got it Paul let’s go everybody ready to rock yeah let’s go boys and girls I know I was like let’s do it tonight man this 100% comes down to me tonight I’m going to prove to Chef exactly why I am here and exactly why I will be hanging on that wall let’s [ __ ] go let’s go I’m not going down without a fight I can tell you that much James yeah Chef let’s go open house kitchen please yes [Music] chef the doors have opened for the final dinner service get kitchen and with a quarter of a million dollars on the line and VIP guests filling the dining room have a lovely evening with us both will and Paul are clearly ready to prove to Chef Ramsey why they’re worthy of being the next head chef at BLT stake in New York let’s go guys this is it first table three risotto one nudy one Quail one scallops 7 Minutes 7 minutes to the window thank you Natalie’s strong on apps Natalie’s a fighter Natalie’s a team player she’s my rock you want me to fire some scallops here for you no I’ve got a pan right here this is Will’s big night and you know I wasn’t going to let him down can I do anything for you Natalie no I’m going stop asking while will leans on Natalie over in the blue kitchen order in Paul hopes Elise can get appetizers off to a strong start appetizers two shrimp two risotto Entre two bronzini two sh come on you guys I didn’t hear a yes chef yes yes guys talk to me how long two shrimp tooda give me 6 minutes 6 minutes hurt I thought that it was going to be hard for me to come back and help somebody else win but I’m not bitter like I want to see the dud win walking with shrimp pass please Elise what there’s not supposed to be any stock in there just start them again I have to keep my cool I understand working with Elise I can’t I don’t want to frazzle her how can we cook a shrimp wrong I’ll put I’ll put a splash of stock in it it was my bad come on then first table and you’re cooking it wrong for him hurry up back on the stove come on we’re live we’re live in 45 seconds we’re what the [ __ ] let go out the [ __ ] way oh my god really is it going to start out like this you’re a talented cook yes chef your brain yes chef while Elise starts over on the first appetizers over in Will’s Kitchen nudy coming to the window Natalie’s first appetizers are already out in the dining room oh my God so good and are being thoroughly enjoyed by customers we got the right team first entree stand by one over one bass to New York strip that means get one bass in the and will is focused on pushing food out why are they cooking off the fish I just told her to put in the oven to start getting it ready understand what you’re goinging but they haven’t even cleared the [ __ ] plates not a racer they get food ran down their throat I’m nervous while Chef Ramsey tries to keep will from jumping the gun on Entre over in the blue kitchen thank you Paul is still struggling to catch up on appetizers Liz give me a new scallop these are overcooked make it quick it’s going with a risotto please okay hurry up hurry up come on Liz I don’t want my roto dying what the hell is going on over here I don’t know if it was a blonde moment or a dumb moment it was just an Elizabeth moment gallops hello yes I’m walking you one right now thank you please please it’s under cook oh [ __ ] throw it in the oven for another minute yes chef it’s 45 minutes into dinner service and while Elizabeth tries to recover on the fish station over in the red kitchen one B one’s over how how long 2 minutes will is hoping Kupa can deliver on her fish that DOA must be overcooked by now [ __ ] it’s mush do do another one all right K that’s a son of overcooked fish oh Jen I need that push back how long give me like 6 minutes a ker she was [ __ ] up fish she had no idea what she was doing watching her was like going in the dentist Koopa yes slow everything down everything slow down while will tries to recover from Krupa’s shaky start on the fish station Kupa you’re the one pushing back in the blue kitchen Paul there’s another going house hul’s Brigade seems to have lost their momentum abs are out let’s go let’s push it Jonathan give me the S Jonathan do you need help no I’m coming are they ready or not yes welome with the [Music] sauce this one’s still raw oh [ __ ] me Jonathan come on man get this [ __ ] together you say you could cook meat let’s see it don’t [ __ ] talk to me like that man turn around and talk to your [ __ ] forgame come on man seriously you’re in control talk to your brigades here give me the Saks those are raw if one’s raw they’re all raw come on you guys are killing me push put them all in the oven get them all in okay wait don’t throw things [ __ ] P back don’t get mad Jonathan was acting like a little [ __ ] put them all back in the [ __ ] oven get him cooking I’ll try to help him and he want to act like a little crybaby like Oh no I got this i got this P there’s nothing going out how long you need on those steak jonan 2 minutes give me honest long 3 minutes 3 minutes thank [ __ ] there’s a lot of thick ones man as Paul tries to keep Jonathan focused on the meat station over in the red kitchen will tries to get Kupa to focus on her fish Kupa how long on a do a bass ofing in New York a do a bass of guys pay attention bassville and New York I’ve Got 5 minutes picking C probably wasn’t the most intelligent decision oh my God behind pass you should have the sauce still yep another give it another minute in the oven please I’m not happy with that get off a great start now we’ve got deflated come on do not give up I want everyone to push until the last ticket is out heard heard while will motivates his Brigade over in the blue kitchen Paul is hoping that Jonathan Stakes two are finally the correct temperature Elise get on me Jonathan dude this is again it’s raw dude I got to I got to P you go help her with garnish I kicked Jonathan off the station cuz it got to the point where I had to go help garnish and I’ll take over one strip right now six all day got you Jonathan sucks he can’t cook man three strips right now is so I only got two here go over there he said off the KN station man don’t look please don’t [ __ ] talk what really pisses me off is BU coming from Alise get the [ __ ] out of the kitchen and let me get back on my game so I said don’t fight now just I’m not fighting I’d rather work it by myself while Elise begins her Rescue of the meat station thank you you’re keep fighting back on the red side Kupa is looking to bounce back on the fish station fine fish it’s over C SC over whatever the first two fish I I [ __ ] up on them they 31 but I’m not too worried about it I can definitely you know come back from this it’s undercooked let me let me take that back to the chef thank you oh no what’s wrong it’s it’s raw undercook well come on [ __ ] me me bro Koopa yeah Chef ref flash this all right get that in the oven right now reflash it and hurry the [ __ ] up please are you kidding me with Will now struggling to get Entre out over in the blue kitchen let’s go two strip two bronzini Alise is now in complete control of the meat station and Paul looks to carry for garnishing 30 hold on guys garnish 30 need help 45 on varnish honestly my MVP tonight is a least all right what are we doing now two strip two bronzini she had my back tonight 100% I don’t care what other people say salt and pepper yeah bab I haven’t got it come on girl give me the garnish guys come on not yet she needs 30 seconds honey I got it you’re really in my way right now okay I got this seriously I got it no you don’t got it Carrie you need help and at least to the rescue as always Captain Sao he told me to come over here I’m just doing what he told me to do I need the peas and the tendrils they’re coming right now I got it good I got this go still cold okay no they’re not they’re hot all right fine peas and P tendr thank you yep go as Paul’s strategic decision to move a lease from Station to Station pays off is it good very good over in the red Kitchen in order to turn his kitchen around will must make an executive decision of his own Natalie yes get on fish koer get on desserts okay all right I finally had to replace her at the station because there was nothing going we need to start rolling here we’re starting to slow down this is not good we got to pick it up everybody keep pushing keep fighting can you do something can you take that bass up for me this one yeah what is it supposed to be cooked uh that is raw Natalie I need a b and I need her right now it needs seriously 8 minutes 8 minutes I didn’t have anything nothing was done I have to do these from start to finish KOA definitely left me in like this [ __ ] hole like no fish seasoned nothing you really ate out yes really [ __ ] how long Natalie 7 minutes there were one too many bumps for my [ __ ] liking one too many bumps I’m being honest with you that’s what I need I’ll have the next tickets with the bag in a minute afterwards there was nothing done well it’s now or never we well right now let’s do this as will tries to get his team back on track over in the blue kitchen just push hard one strip one bronzini how long I got one and a half beautiful Paul is driving his team to deliver the final Entre this is it this is the biggest push beat it as a team we are [ __ ] blue we got ride or [ __ ] die let’s go push push we can do this baby 30 seconds push as hard as you guys can [ __ ] do I picked you all for a reason prove it to yourselves that you can even on a high note push to prove to Chef Ramsey why he shouldn’t have kicked you out of here service passionate Paul has his team motivated and moving thank you while back in the red kitchen behind fish Will’s key move of placing Natalie on the fish station is paying on off as hungry diners receive their Entre how’s your steak really good good and it appears that both kitchens are totally hitting their stride Tommy I need three New Yorks I need them right now coming right now come on guys let’s move come on we’re almost there thank you how long are I fish I’m walking right now oh yeah I need one more New York please that’s it come on guys this is my last table come on dinner service tonight was the hardest dinner service that I have ever done in my my entire career home stretch but I am the only person in Hell’s Kitchen that got Elise and Carrie to work together that’s it falling you owned it baby delicious thank you good job well done good job good job good job I don’t think I won dude I don’t think I did I know I gave it my all we fought the entire way through and no matter what happens I’m proud of myself [Music] first of all on a personal note I’d like to say a big big thank you to all the chefs who returned really good job okay Paul and will I want you to say goodbye to your brigades now please thank you thank you no matter what happens I thank every single one of you for everything you guys did for me tonight Jimmy socks thank you so much great luck pae thank you okay bothy good job seriously the way you handled your Brigade tonight was exemplary and now I’m going to refer to these common cards I’m going to take every little detail of service in account I’ll call you when I have my [Music] decision I’m filled with so many emotions right now I’m going back from day one and I’m playing back in my mind every great service every good service and every bad service I have a coin flips chance of winning and it sucks it sucks being in this position of not knowing anything pacing yes can I Pace with you yes I don’t know what to do it’s like musical chairs waiting for the phone to ring I am going to freak out I want this [ __ ] phone call I want to go I want to get this done with the anxiety is killing me oh my God my heart is [ __ ] you look exactly how I feel right now as he considers all that happened this year and what happened tonight Chef Ramsey is taking his time with this very important decision what name uh well from North Jersey um that is delicious thanks Chef stop arguing and just put the food on really I don’t like the lose do not give up I want everyone to push until the last ticket is out turn come on man come on you office [ __ ] I’m tired of getting my ass kicked he can’t [ __ ] cook he can’t get the [ __ ] Roto out Paul what is it please it’s a pan roasted Seabass Chef it’s got finesse Point goes to Blue Team congratulations ride or [ __ ] die let’s go push push [Music] hello thank you Chef let’s [Music] go okay choosing a winner was incredibly difficult will Chef you have been hell’s kitchen’s most consistent Chef across the board and there is no doubt that you belong in a kitchen thank you Chef I appreciate that Paul yes chef you’ve been one of the best chefs since you arrived in this competition and your passion young man is undeniable thank you well done thank you Chef after much thought I have reached a decision so I’d like both of you to step up to your doors please I want this so badly I can barely compose my words I’ve never wanted anything more to win would be absolutely absolutely life-altering this is it [Music] man all I’ve been talking about for the last 5 years is how if I got into Hell’s Kitchen that was going to win for my mom and now I’m one decision away the chef whose door opens will become the winner of Hell’s Kitchen and become the head chef at BLT state in New York City with a salary of a quarter of a million dollar will place your hand carefully on top of the handle Paul place your hand very carefully on top of that handle on the count of three and not before I’d like you to turn the handle are you ready yes [Music] on the count of three one two three holy [ __ ] sh oh my God [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I am BLT $250,000 of a big deal I’m so proud of you come here you good job come on you always you know that was not your best service I know it socks I’d much rather would have won I didn’t come out here here for second I came out here for first but if I had to lose to anybody man I’m glad it was Paul come here bro give me [ __ ] you [ __ ] earn that you keep your [ __ ] head [ __ ] all the [ __ ] way right all right how’s get you WI a PO good job nice job if I had to win I’m glad that I beat the best I’d also like to thank my team tonight we didn’t do it for me we did it for my mom there’s so much emotion going through me I mean sad I’m happy I’m ecstatic my mom’s looking down at me right now she knows what I’ve been through she knows how hard I’ve [Applause] worked this is all for her I mean this is it look at that I cannot be any more proud of this any more proud of there’s one lady up there I’m telling you is the proudest moment in the world don’t you ever forget that never forget that well done thank you Chef good job I can’t believe this dude I’m so proud of you I’m so proud of you PA one tonight because he’s probably the most passionate determined Chef to ever enter Hell’s Kitchen he will make a great head chef because he’s enthusiasm is contagious I’m so proud to hand him over to BLT stake in New York City this is the greatest achievement I have ever reached in my entire life I am a big [ __ ] deal [Applause] [Music] Paul from where from Fort Lauderdale have your balls drop cuz your voice is very very light yeah they’re down there lry thank you for one night not having an argument with at Le know right I mean what happened hell froze over yeah hell froze over can I buy something from a lady focus on you Tommy don’t worry about your lady right right let her graduate from high school then you can worry about really man really [Music] good job Tommy how was it I ended up going to get some for my lady I we have nice where did you go Toys are Us hey I can’t it’s not going to stop Baby Gap how was it it’s not going to stop is it till like go get out there and continue right take this yeah and run with it and really go with it I mean seriously just stop being such a [ __ ]


  1. Welcome to the old NINE and dine | Full Hell's Kitchen Season 9 Marathon - Dining and Cooking (1)

    @j.e.ferrer5603 1 day ago

    The most satisfying moment in Hell's Kitchen, bye Elise.

  2. Welcome to the old NINE and dine | Full Hell's Kitchen Season 9 Marathon - Dining and Cooking (2)

    @Literallii 1 day ago

    The comedian was not even funny fr 😂😭😭

  3. Welcome to the old NINE and dine | Full Hell's Kitchen Season 9 Marathon - Dining and Cooking (3)

    @YukiRhestia 1 day ago

    I have no prior knowledge about this season and overall Elise talked probably 75% more then everyone else in this whole marathon combined which is headache inducing

  4. Welcome to the old NINE and dine | Full Hell's Kitchen Season 9 Marathon - Dining and Cooking (4)

    @skrrtfranklin 1 day ago

    Jennifer needs to focus on her health and weight !!

  5. Welcome to the old NINE and dine | Full Hell's Kitchen Season 9 Marathon - Dining and Cooking (5)

    @jjammpponngg816 1 day ago

    my favorite moment here in season 9 is when elizabeth told everyone a different menu for the menu tasting challenge hahaha lol

  6. Welcome to the old NINE and dine | Full Hell's Kitchen Season 9 Marathon - Dining and Cooking (6)

    @Sparky82 1 day ago

    I almost cannot watch this season because Elise is such a nasty person. And she didn't get much better in the season she was on later either. She's just generally a nasty person

  7. Welcome to the old NINE and dine | Full Hell's Kitchen Season 9 Marathon - Dining and Cooking (7)

    @Vrossi400 1 day ago

    I have no idea how tf Tommy made it that far lol

  8. Welcome to the old NINE and dine | Full Hell's Kitchen Season 9 Marathon - Dining and Cooking (8)

    @melissamartinezhernandez278 1 day ago

    So funny when they call Chino… Chino. in spanish chino means literally chinese. In Mexico is THE nikename for asian looking people, even if they are not chinese. if they look asian they are called that so im so sure that its not his real name but if it is the funniest thing anyone has ever names their child hahaha

  9. Welcome to the old NINE and dine | Full Hell's Kitchen Season 9 Marathon - Dining and Cooking (10)

    @F00CHs 1 day ago

    I’m 1 hour 30 mins in and gawdam I hate Elise with a flaming passion😫

  10. Welcome to the old NINE and dine | Full Hell's Kitchen Season 9 Marathon - Dining and Cooking (11)

    @joshtaylor5090 1 day ago

    2:28:00… this is how a villain is born

  11. Welcome to the old NINE and dine | Full Hell's Kitchen Season 9 Marathon - Dining and Cooking (12)

    @mattlb1412 1 day ago

    28:31 Chef Andi's reaction in the background 😂😂

  12. Welcome to the old NINE and dine | Full Hell's Kitchen Season 9 Marathon - Dining and Cooking (13)

    @OriginalDevOfficial 1 day ago

    Words can not describe how much i hate elise

  13. Welcome to the old NINE and dine | Full Hell's Kitchen Season 9 Marathon - Dining and Cooking (14)

    @jessicameyer7247 1 day ago

    Elise is so painful.. she ruined the whole red teams dynamic

  14. Welcome to the old NINE and dine | Full Hell's Kitchen Season 9 Marathon - Dining and Cooking (15)

    @anoshanganapathipillai7341 1 day ago

    elise is the worst

  15. Welcome to the old NINE and dine | Full Hell's Kitchen Season 9 Marathon - Dining and Cooking (16)

    @TrashPanda57 1 day ago

    Love these massive videos.
    Better than having to skip the intro each time.

  16. Welcome to the old NINE and dine | Full Hell's Kitchen Season 9 Marathon - Dining and Cooking (17)

    @PotatoCatt14 1 day ago

    i cant believe i binged the entire season in just two and a half days XD. a whole 9 hours!!! this was my first time watching a full season of hells kicten and i enjoyed every episode. I am deffinatetly gonna remeber elise for a long time XD

  17. Welcome to the old NINE and dine | Full Hell's Kitchen Season 9 Marathon - Dining and Cooking (18)

    @jiahazahar6607 1 day ago

    I'm gonna remember where i stopped this time. In case this season got re-upload again

  18. Welcome to the old NINE and dine | Full Hell's Kitchen Season 9 Marathon - Dining and Cooking (19)

    @deadlygamer1893 1 day ago

    Content warning: Elise is in this one😭

  19. Welcome to the old NINE and dine | Full Hell's Kitchen Season 9 Marathon - Dining and Cooking (20)

    @vivianaatxxx512 24 hours ago

    8:41:49 built like the big white fluffy tire throwing monster/ bad guy giant 😂

  20. Welcome to the old NINE and dine | Full Hell's Kitchen Season 9 Marathon - Dining and Cooking (21)

    @yougetaspear7799 23 hours ago

    Toxic and crazy elise

  21. Welcome to the old NINE and dine | Full Hell's Kitchen Season 9 Marathon - Dining and Cooking (22)

    @fabulousilver 23 hours ago

    Watching Elise cry is the best thing ever. 😅She really annoyed me throughout this whole season. Special her lies in the kitchen. But Gordan kept her in for entertainment purposes. She should have been out beginning of this season. Knew she was gonna be cut before the last two. hehe

  22. Welcome to the old NINE and dine | Full Hell's Kitchen Season 9 Marathon - Dining and Cooking (23)

    @Valbarca 21 hours ago

    Wolfgang Puck seems like a really good/cool dude. Good comments. Generally friendly and fair.. sure he can whip people into shape in his kitchen though.. you don't get to where he is without it.

  23. Welcome to the old NINE and dine | Full Hell's Kitchen Season 9 Marathon - Dining and Cooking (24)

    @adamrushton88 21 hours ago

    I know he'd get paid good money for doing this, but Gordon Ramsay must always think "Why do I keep doing this?" 😂

  24. Welcome to the old NINE and dine | Full Hell's Kitchen Season 9 Marathon - Dining and Cooking (25)

    @stefanboehle9682 21 hours ago

    oh its the season with the lovely elise and oli sykes a

  25. Welcome to the old NINE and dine | Full Hell's Kitchen Season 9 Marathon - Dining and Cooking (26)

    @lizziemahler5294 21 hours ago

    i was really rooting for Johnathan. he was a really cool guy :/

  26. Welcome to the old NINE and dine | Full Hell's Kitchen Season 9 Marathon - Dining and Cooking (27)

    @Sodaextreme1 21 hours ago

    8:35:16 the part where Tommy tells Gordon to “Do it “

  27. Welcome to the old NINE and dine | Full Hell's Kitchen Season 9 Marathon - Dining and Cooking (28)

    @whatssogoodaboutindy6696 20 hours ago

    Tommy telling Ramsey to do it may be the most shocking moment in HK imo. Tommy is gangsta😂😂😂

  28. Welcome to the old NINE and dine | Full Hell's Kitchen Season 9 Marathon - Dining and Cooking (29)

    @jamesrobert680 20 hours ago

    Elise should’ve gone in episode 11. Her petulance was unacceptable.

  29. Welcome to the old NINE and dine | Full Hell's Kitchen Season 9 Marathon - Dining and Cooking (30)

    @jamesrobert680 19 hours ago

    Is Steven married?

  30. Welcome to the old NINE and dine | Full Hell's Kitchen Season 9 Marathon - Dining and Cooking (31)

    @joanneking170 18 hours ago

    This is the best blue tem – Will's passion, Tommy's humour and the good vibes all round.

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    @Joiewe 17 hours ago

    So, so glad that Elize is GONE! She has a terrible attitude, not a team builder at all. .. and I'll definitely walk out of ANY restaurant that she's a cheffing in!

  32. Welcome to the old NINE and dine | Full Hell's Kitchen Season 9 Marathon - Dining and Cooking (33)

    @Jack_of_Blades_1980 17 hours ago

    Elise is such a backstabber… 😓

  33. Welcome to the old NINE and dine | Full Hell's Kitchen Season 9 Marathon - Dining and Cooking (34)

    @jamesrobert680 17 hours ago

    Is Monterray married?

  34. Welcome to the old NINE and dine | Full Hell's Kitchen Season 9 Marathon - Dining and Cooking (35)

    @veljk0 16 hours ago

    no lol

  35. Welcome to the old NINE and dine | Full Hell's Kitchen Season 9 Marathon - Dining and Cooking (36)

    @_marie_sings_ 16 hours ago

    Tommy saying "do it" to chef at the end made. my. jaw. drop.

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    @local.sagittarius 15 hours ago

    i really wish Will would've won. he was solid throughout the whole competition.

  37. Welcome to the old NINE and dine | Full Hell's Kitchen Season 9 Marathon - Dining and Cooking (38)

    @sophiarodriguez3254 15 hours ago

    it must be exhausting to be as insufferable like elise

  38. Welcome to the old NINE and dine | Full Hell's Kitchen Season 9 Marathon - Dining and Cooking (39)

    @MeATurtle 15 hours ago

    The amount of Titanic references in this season is insane 😂

  39. Welcome to the old NINE and dine | Full Hell's Kitchen Season 9 Marathon - Dining and Cooking (40)

    @scottpreik8755 14 hours ago

    what do you guys think about Carrie? becasue honestly the whole team was ageist her but i didnt really see much she did and i dont understand the hate she got from her team mates

  40. Welcome to the old NINE and dine | Full Hell's Kitchen Season 9 Marathon - Dining and Cooking (41)

    @RubenBommelin 14 hours ago

    Will looks and have very similar demeanor as a Swedish food YouTuber called Roy Nader. He too competed in a chef show. Give it a look. It’s kinda crazy

  41. Welcome to the old NINE and dine | Full Hell's Kitchen Season 9 Marathon - Dining and Cooking (42)

    @morganm.6256 12 hours ago

    Ugh Elise is unbearable

  42. Welcome to the old NINE and dine | Full Hell's Kitchen Season 9 Marathon - Dining and Cooking (43)

    @FaatGeg 12 hours ago

    Haha will his face when paulie picked tommy to join his reward, you picked elise and she shat on you instead of paulie who was your bro, he would have picked you if you picked him last time.

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Welcome to the old NINE and dine | Full Hell's Kitchen Season 9 Marathon - Dining and Cooking (2024)


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