Portland Press Herald from Portland, Maine (2024)

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Mpi Ml fKbllyvood Rttr ZixUiHayvTOwnproduceiR gppar ently agree oh ka'atypicAl Alexandre Duma hero has beehjp cast once agalnta a romantlp and ewashbuckUng role aathef' star of The Return pf Monte CrlstOr which: comedi i to thdStJdTheaterWdneJday -I- rr mIhI4mI 0 (J ftv production comprises four eep- stories of the weird which have keen woven -lata- single pattern: The etoriee On which It la baaed are The Seam Xn The Tower and The Buf Conductor both byEFBen-son- and The Ventriloquist And The Jv- S' Chippendale Mirror both hyT jo bn f- 8alneel5 With each highly: unusual storir In east' the -'Sl: hunch miselflruryfC-' and -a revenge backed deteetive1 a Emperor Lqule baxik bo ftim ms -mm the Uvea of hie 'tore ehemimi aBdii'WC sucCeeda in deetroytog A trio of llkeable lads fearless ad-lr venturers aHara as -important aa tos IP Three Musketeers of Dumas-lame Inf the Charles Chauvel film Forty Thousand Horsem*n which opens Thursday- for four-day engagement! -These three musketeers of the Aus-I tralisn light Barasflghtlng forces srs-Red- Oallagber'playedby lead-mg man Grant Taylor: Larry enacted by- Fat TwohilL and Jim the light comedian of' the triumvirate portrayed by "Chips'" Rafferty Whatever they nave from shlrta to their last cigarette theeeboys with each other Taylor has ana Fleneb herolna la ths story goto IXIi kteakfe include Marvya Johns Frederick Vitt Sally Ann Howes Ooocle i Withered and Michael -Batf rif vet'v? au tsH ill i sWmsXr-x' The ro-featdre wflFbe Betty 'Co-ed''1rli-8 hew ooUege -mUsleal teattntoj' Forter Shirley -Mills WilUamMaspn 1 and'- Rosemary LaPlance the latter Mlse Amerioa of INI' Jn Bavltt and: hls cKheatra provide the musical background ExpensiTC Paying FOm atara are acenatoided to 'Jun-i usual roqueati- from- their' fans but Paulette Goddard received av iiotor during production '-of1 Onecmqw red Baihara- Britton khaii top honors with Hayward whUe a large featured cast lir headed by-Georg DM? Henry BtevenGeray andJUudwig Dcmath Hayward who was atarredaa The Man- to tbe Iron' Mask: and sTbe Son of Monte Crista is seen jta thia latest flbn aa Edmond Dantes great-neprew pf tbe original Coant ex Manto Cristo and heir to-toe fabulous Monte Crieto TheplotTbeglna wBenPantea comes ef age end as too Wightful heir stands ready to neeflre YUa taheritance But tores tofluentlal accundrela the Prefect of Polices tbopcesldentdfcthe Bank of Marseille and the dudge of a high have their own plan to abecopd with the Monte Crtifo mll-Ikma They put forward the bank president's ward' lovely: Angela Picard (Miss ar the teus heiress to the estate- and suocaed to cond Dantes to ilfe exile am Devil'S After- many hardahipo Dantes eepee Wlth tbe- ald oC another vick -an ez-aetor -'named Bombellen Dantes embarks on hie bold plan for FumStarungTimet OtrLoctdScTemfoaaj ii STATE-nib Mad' All utm Affalip 0f -Geraldine tad -r CIWQi fJAvSlagto i Ja Tke TMU Mdm- 'jj MS and Ml tMm til The- eo-feature inteomparleon Is Columbia's latest action-musical fame Star Moonlight starring Ken Curtis and Barton with the 'Booster i Hotshots Quy Klbbce Robert Ste-- venA Claud la Drake too Smart Set giri i quartetvlMerto Ttavls v-Trio 1 tmak vocalists) and- Judy Clark' and MU'her Rhythm Cowgirls: w-Described as a swiftly-moving Ight tens of a OX'S return to his hom*o town charmingly played-hy Betty Bryant ft Every ballot wa a vote for murder I igereea a gunman watching every bd-l- lot lmt Alan was the tadd'whoraB ef past and reflecting 'wide choice hewed gangland A new trigger teeh-fdf iflbateriM nic in- the co-feature Gangs Xneba fShown' this starring Alan add vttb Joan Wood-1 liihsomumt nm theaters inPortlsxv buryijack LaRuo! and linda Ware Star toeater-goerV will weekataecoadand the tag are as 'm woman wbo asked the itar to tend her ALOM -to help pave toe road to heaven- VVSronlea Lake itarring rFarat-: snounth Saigtm'is taking flying tosvf aonatoring bar nan tone in eemJKw pamr with her director -husband Andre De Thth'- Tbealser rm it 1 wnowas'-v USt a- Tuesday and the Jack -r mm I Paul Makovaky' young Swedtth-'horn vtotovlnuosolrvrtll be the guest artist at a concert of the Portland Symphony Orchestra' td ba GuestArtistmere baton of XIroRussell Ames Cotg mirwiw- ifltti fktfrm Itiitui 1 llA af tlsmi-aaUAknrJI row BaysMV6jj anMASr-UNOuwim cReii a-a Makovsky HwiU be heard In vi major violin works with orchestra ae- STi Veiee Of The EM ttl A tsjas'jur ajss- UU net -tor men oory- when Key Mllland and Murvyn Vye battle In FaramountU dolden Earrings Mar-lake Dietrich also enters brawl kicking biting scratching and- hair pulling) -'jeompahlinentT --Concerto for CrcheetrafMoaart end 'Ihtro-fjTkhietlon and j-Rond Caprfccloea jAi'7 huf5aint-0Da'-- will be the artist el-fit as local appearenee in'ioni in Sweden of Uneaten pamt M-'-Aeonsiir young Makovsky gave evidence tri bwiinal talent at-an early age -nthe ro vu taken to Faria by hlsdbm- MrV wits Tnn I tn- workwlthXvan vperformenln theaters this week lOcny and Loola Hay-excltlng opens Wednesday1 at the Put TwohUl and In soene from starting Thursdar at the CMo Walter Pldgeon Claudette Colbert atari of The seemt Heart which Thursday aft tha Stata Theater The T1ma The Fleet etarTlng Dennla Mor-gan' Canon and 'Jgnlg Paige and Criminal Court with' Ttom jriy Martha ODrlaeon and Robert Almutrang Say Ooodbye -starring Flyrm and Bleanor Parker Child of Divorce wlth Bharjn and Regla Tbomey 'Theater Seaday threegh ToungJ 1 Widow starrlni Don Xm Bowman and nan Wefsad Yon- Came Alaog star- inng stooert Cummings' and Umbeth I Boott and Behind TGheen lights 'featuring -William daman and Carrie Landl Friday- andSatardap-A Walk In tha Sun starring Dana Andrew! and Richard Ckmte plus Walt Disney feature Sahadoe Amigos iFerUand Theatan Sunday Ihreugh Tueeday Captain Caution starring Alan Xadd and' Victor Mature: -am Boot Oibson in Cavalcade of tho West Wednesday and Thureday Thrill of Braid with -Ann bCUer and Keenan wynftsjplu Riding the Wind featuring Tun Bolt -and Strange and Jc Saterday Mike technicolor feature -and tm city showing of Ttorore on Borseback a Buster Ckabbs atarter Idnema' and CspeTbaaleni San-dsyj threegh Magnificent Dofl starring Ginger 'Rogers David Niven and Burreaa Meredith plus New Yorfcr peb (AF)-Xf youYe Mr Ace with OeornerRaft 8yIvla known Tiollnlst teacher At right lie made hlsiflnt V' public appearance in thei fs Belle Cavcaa Fafla Be came to this Country la: lMO made outstanding Town Ban i' Tor City debut appeared with 'r-leading aymphoOT orcheatraa and -r cams an American eltlaen During the --war he served with the AAF made numemui mlmhme' ''a -uwfr coimtrleB aa an aerial gun- 't 'estootjtnghU enmtei: itobybntj ursday TheSeicret At State me An umtsiuft drainiatlc frustration azvd tautly-dra 1h6 Secret Heart starring and June Allpfon which tter if- radio operator r- around romantic provides the basis for bert Walter Pldgeon at the State The- uid 4 udette ins Thu riday redpnieaMd The shock of discovering that it is Lee whom Chris wants persuades Fenny that her atep--mother destroyed her happinem For Didc Powyi tittle I1 i T-'-'v5 By bena £sdaaker fr 13 5- V- tor the Other Factors sueh ai when her brother Cham (Robert Sterling) attempting! to shock her out of her apathy qnuoaea aod sellplty reveals toe reason ter their fathom death her owjn will to suicide and toe blossoming' ef romance between Lee and Chris eto up to an emotionally taut Aeloe realtor down the tom ftf Chris (Pldgeon) cuec order to devote per life to her stepchildren whom tether has killed beeauaal of dishonorable i sine sc dealinge! The daugjiter Jftenny (Mlsa A iy-sdn) a eeneitlveif introverted mqri-dan kept frm of the true motive! of her tethere suleldb blames her stepmother for his death and withdraws teem tho affection of her family to a neurotic attachment tor her tether memory i This la brought to a tragto tun when Chris agaiif enters their lives and Fexmy alia to love with him mistakenly believing her love to be ifS''felfg 't --V t4aV' I 1 Sbep film attraction win tb jrtorv of nls dog and The be My riesL soldier Farrell Ma role iT AHyaoQ has such a bewitching amflel ydney and 8M Sltvera at a bn- ag" nd U-lk fpnt tlx hoimBSSudaiaaoSuru3 will youf Tm'suie Td have roned uplhls erchestra plus The Bowery with ggg This rtvaelous hlenai mite weighs I Lurie starrlnn oifly 8Srpeundg and stande a shwl ertTm BsxbuWleimd ITank over five feriiJhut she looks wtmder-lMOrgmiu end Crack Pn featuring fuf in dark' blue riwka end a whitel SSgV3-' Hwr sweater which lB aha was wear-1 -r- --1 ing when called -at the -Brentwood' bqme ef June end' hey-husband' Pick Powell- inns Junel is happy proud to I Tring np nl nvf 7 married to that Met Shines all I IliClilCI l(1vAls Uia Thath my husband! Hriiyweed ran I IS befriended him ild baa the- leading 5" Vw-r i i- J5- 'll 'rS: A Mck Powell in Ls ifelLSSiSu inli monthaof marriaee June I buftaroef and tastead of Jdfliey haven Vhad a aingU quar- SSSf1 2LS -ia" m- I walk past i Tittle lies or mayhe evasions isl DTyouTe hard-of-hearing them are a better-word Iheadeeta Oermictdal lamps in tha tn- A Caee Of Vndentaicment -s ItaMea kUl baeteria in the air you Dlekeame twy reeently and re-1 breathe There a apltnterof wood ported -that hla mechanlcs wemeer tfUctir nub fitly wonderful a fn overhaidlng hie be good-- and June heard Dom a-flin- friend wholK to putone up In any cUmate had rwttncaeed the mlshsp! Hietbi tooe montha OiCkt Ifl InMIiia 1 haj sasw "TM WOTldl Afield sromdioo iK tbeater the theater burned out mek urf th ttl csri front dripping a mllllon miles or so a few tlmea1 -i flrasinMNrauB whamtwmytocc rniimii ej-New Yack Fib J1S After a US'? tour through Canada thef- Donald -Wolflt Repertory Companybeglna a i New Tork-rUn TUmday at Itae Cen-- tury Theater the same theater Where another? BigUrir Import 4 leurenee I Olivier and -Old- Vie Reper--tory troupe eonalderably enlivened r4 last aeiaonthmtricri pneram I 24' 'Wolflfe company wmjpraniere -A 3 Lblvalaef King dear on Tuesday SiTATilEls SECOND BIGHrr Shocking Sorerlfy Sncrnts Exposed! NOW! MA Iks Talk rC FartlaaSI "BETTY Jan Savfr and Orch except ay cept tell He lovlnsly "Bt wouldn't of multi-colored neon loomed qae to keep me fhunltaeulariy- through The pat' neapy Norths Long Beach Deesat rt Flying la golf which finishing to Fhoeniz I MONDAY i TUESWED Broadway- run by arrangement with s'j Advanced Players Association lid Revlvala of Volpoae and Bamlet win 43-be presented subeequehUy Aa Srftha se -h the dd-VIo wears Easily-- JUneW isl The streamlined beaafffeaT mg took up recently afteri geeUm of an ocean wave wai lnrbarea'V She flewl fabricated at tha factory The back with him but FtoiTthe theater am af arild way giant tand Jaet betom ywi enter a fromMtbe plant got tick pnd swore I vaeoam newns tbo dirt from yoor of flying aboo eelee threegh eioto la the One -night ue heard Dick mutter- mia break for the Janitor 21' The lobby Is tauriea wltk Of wl Bij-tri jt gel so soft iwee carpet dun alaminmn wafts and gaberetto covered wont mfc-aadi Up khen Nezt UlPliiOj va( jaaa HK6 tain £fe- Jw Wlkn mi i fr I from ho -remember that ho actually was aaleept uro Hea such a fine actor- 'Juno is23 ZXck who was mar-in toJoan Blondefl lsu ried previously Name moat Bollywood stars Jape The screeQ's favorite armnuL wlth a new f)fd Reckoning Pel shown here while the -Other fly The two girls secret of hia sue- June vails because -Stlnkyl an antema -pietume Tne anraei The FdwellS' want a family but yowg sctrsm ls now gw eM theyanget an tatm-bedroom I and starring Xtonger Street at first -These days- June rel Paramount for produeera Fine merited eetflyi takes longer to have 'Thomas plays glamorous a room buBt than to have a baby- newe reporter In the action film odffnr f-g 'sf '-CJ fa ROW TBSU i WEDNESDAY 2 r- 1 'S JACKW- -5 DENNIS CARSON MORGAN -tf Vd'The TffcalsslerSWtfi'ii TIME fhe KACC and the: -lsv JAWIff FAICK HaSTRA aims CAVALLASO lii OltkMtn W' mo nrr'K I tW TZ1 COLBERT'PIDEEOa SwAlUSOJ rnw Iriua Mm DOG SHEr Ctmn-KiHts OBikMl belief fhat Bogartla personality waeea two main testers nwHwii away avjMtl" -1 Appear by tha -Hie eereen perfeneante New sore reeipreealsa Briefly hie ikeepe her daagUng- The analysis offered by a -timid member of phi Kappa-Lambda major-the phyai- leg tn sociology continues "Women SirmNaadisef meie Appeal- ebistle Haasphrey Bogarfs aMUiy to tmkiatjafbeUM and UMUffsr as cnee acts like the tn geatla Step fa tbo I 4X City College- Lambda aororliy York college ghia of toe movie star that -women are ebistle- Voting wai to eaL and that combine to form to-the modern co-mL mens! including sudh peraanalltira of Fbl Kappa ef tho 1 the choice the grounda tal olonents Model leraonalltles i i i 1 1 1 -J I 8Uj-- AfVICTORlvG RRUCI' MATURE -CAIOT CAUTION TfektU New! 1 MMwlgbt- Waahiagtente Birthday Rvw fercertabi weoDsoae se tees Birkait BOOT CIBSON I vrCAYALCADE OF THE WEST Paul Mcnu*tt Edward 1 Btettlnlua Cliirtu Bojwr Greenberg Gen Dwight XX imUot Ttu- 1 The Phi Kappa lambda voters then man were chosen frpm a mixed field combined the aecolada with this of kiSwMi executives worts wo- aervaticn: fesslonal and toeattfeal peraenaiSwu -Be to perteet- example of hKtiiNew Ploying 4 SECOND SMASHfWEEX COHTSROM SH AM isaOM Ml WMsM-OMt ji! see wit r-Jsf MAGNIFICENT: DOLL 4yi Ginger David Nlven-Burgeae Meredith bit xa TBXnACfO CHAPTER NO I "SON OF THE GUARDSMAN? LATEST NEWS4t- CARTOONS was based on Appear1 The majority A 1 TJ PO Xaft-SnvU Sidney SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA menu Ames cook condctob CONGER TUESDAYFEB 18 I VX -Jr -iCe FesterejS Kft-fU'- SDN TVKS? JANE RUSSELL LOUIS HAYWARD mmm i' a mm aa ''V-- I VYOUNGWIDOW' 3 -trr cP'iiifS r- ssstn jigs 'U -r a 2 -4 JH A 5'rf Portland City Hall 81S MAKOYSKY Tiouuin 'JnaMlSMSRMia DMa-toKCT STEVENS OUUDM DRMK IMf HURT SS OMBm Mnw (ONGOUC: 9 N-1 two toe'Wenn Margncrito CAME TUMBUNGi iDOWN" i Latest Movietone Neks CYaia "MARGIE leelsb Beadi -Ward Bead FmsbFayim SECOND Twr hwrttt Cmb Stria lMrrttvs 'DICK TRACTIVE CUEIALL "Voles off tbs WMstlor! 1 Sr- i v-' '-i J- 'l --y- i 1 i I'- rtf 1 -4V.

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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.