Izumi's growing love - Lmorgan542 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

“Now, eat this!”

Izumi stared at Nana Shimura flabbergasted

“Hahaha the look on your face but you need my DNA and this is the easiest way. Just be glad intercourse isn’t involved, i fear your poor heart wouldn’t take it,” said Nana

“Okay, I'll do it,” said Izumi reluctantly as she swallowed the hair.

“Okay Izumi, it’ll take a couple of hours for One for All to kick in so let's go to UA to kick the exams butt,” said Nana

After the exam, Ochako and Izumi left together after only punching one butt. Shame it was a robot worth 0 points

“Wow izumi you were amazing, you jumped so high like whoosh and then bam!” Ochako said

“It was nothing, I’m pretty sure you would have done the same thing Ochako. Besides, I didn't get any points from that so I ended up with nothing,” Izumi said dejectedly.

“Don't put yourself down like that Izumi. You were amazing. Besides, I talked to Present Mic about me giving you some of my points and he told me not to worry about it.” said Ochako

“You didn't have to do that! What if you trying to give your points to me causes you to fail?” Izumi exclaimed.

“Don’t worry about it. If i fail, it won’t be because i give my points to you,” replied Ochako

“You don’t know that!” said Izumi desperately

“Tell you what, do you want to come over to the hotel I’m staying at this week until the results arrive. Maybe staying with a friend will help you relax,”

“You consider me a friend?” asked Izumi

“Of course I do, silly,” replied Ochako

“Then I'd be happy to come over, Ochako,” said Izumi. “I just need to contact my Mum.”

“Take all the time you need,” said Ochako

At the hotel Ochako revealed, “I’ll be honest, I wasn't being entirely truthful when I said that the reason I wanted you to come to the hotel was to help you relax.”

“What do you mean, Ochako?” Izumi asked

“I know it's just been a day but i think i really like you,” said Ochako

“You mean like love at first sight?” asked Izumi.

“Exactly,” replied Ochako.

“I think I understand how you feel because I think I felt the same way when you saved me from falling before the entrance exam,” said Izumi.

“What does this mean for us?” asked Ochako

“I don’t know. Maybe we could try being girlfriends?” replied Izumi.

“I don’t see why not. Maybe we can take it slow, maybe just a kiss to start with and take it from there?” said Ochako.

“Ok, I don't see why not,” said

Unbeknownst to the 2 girls, the reason why they felt the ‘love at first sight’ was due to a quirk that lay dormant and due to OfA and the kiss that Ochako and Izumi shared,it activated. As soon as they kissed, they started mindlessly f*cking. For several hours they had f*cked and by the end of it, they org*smed multiple times. As they finished f*cking each other, they started growing. By the end of their growth, both of them were just over 9ft with muscles that put Nana Shimura to shame

“That was amazing,” said Ochako

“Y-yeah,” agreed Izumi

“Wait, what happened to us?” asked Ochako

“Umm, do you think we went too far?” said Izumi

Izumi found out two pieces of information within the next week. First off she found out that she had passed the exam from Nana Shimura and more shockingly she had a natural quirk that allowed her to grow herself and someone she cared about when they both finished org*sming. Also the quirk allowed it so that anyone connected to her can share quirks so Ochako can now use OfA and Izumi can use zero gravity. Another side effect is if both parties are slightly attracted to each other, they’d be more inclined to f*ck like what happened after the entrance exam. Which has led to;

“f*ck me Izumi, kero”

“If your certain Tsu

After the USJ incident, Tsuyu was scared. She found that she didn't want to lose the people she cared about but when she was attacked by that guy Shigaraki, she froze and Izumi protected her. So she went to Izumi intending to thank her but instead she asked to f*ck her

So that’s what they did.

The thing about animal based quirks is that when they f*ck, they do it for a while and that combined with Izumi’s quirk meant they did it all weekend. However, this also meant that they grew a lot. They both ended up at 20 feet which was weird since by all rights Izumi should have ended up bigger than Tsu. However, Ochako rang saying she grew to the same height of 20 feet. Izumi deduced that anyone connected through f*cking Izumi would grow to around the same size as Izumi whether they f*cked them or anyone else connected to Izumi. At that Tsu ribbited happily.

The next person to join this growing polycule was Momo Yaoyorozu. Izumi found her crying in the bathroom after the Sports Festival (Izumi had beaten Ochako in the final but it felt less of a fight and more of an attempted make out session).

“What's wrong,” asked the 20ft woman

“I feel inadequate. That fight against Tokoyami showed me that I am a long way from people like you.” replied Momo

“I kinda get what you mean. I was like that until I my quirk came in at the entrance exam,” admitted Izumi

“You didn't have a quirk until the entrance exam? That just shows how amazing you are,” said Momo in awe.

“So are you Momo. You're probably the smartest person in the class and you have one of the most versatile quirks I’ve ever seen. I’ll tell you what, how about me, Ochako and Tsu show you how amazing you are,” Izumi said

“Are you saying what I think you are?” Momo asked

“If you’re thinking about f*cking, then of course,” replied Izumi.

“T-then I propose we use my house then,” suggested Momo

“Wow,” said Ochako, “This house is so big. One room is bigger than my apartment.”

“I’ve got a feeling that it's not going to look so big for long, kero,” replied Tsuyu.

They found Momo who led them to the biggest room in the house and they proceeded to have a foursome. Because of the link between them and increased libido, the four of them grew to 50ft.

In the weeks ahead they continued to f*ck the 1-A girls and Izumi even f*cked Nana and by the finals which was 1v1s against 1-B, each of them were 200ft big boobed muscle-bound giantesses.
Izumi ended up facing Setsuna who whilst annoying with her tail splitter quirk, ultimately she beat her handily. However, Setsuna didn't seem too upset by the loss.

Setsuna asked, “How did all the girls in your class and Nana become kaijus?”

“Well,” Izumi said, “It's kinda my fault. My quirk makes people bigger so long as I like them romantically.”.

“Ok you had me at making me bigger,” Setsuna said. “So where do I sign up?”

“I’m going to Momo’s after school so you can come with me then.” replied Izumi.

After school, Setsuna and Izumi went to Momo’s house where it seemed that everyone else including the religious ibara wanted the same thing. This meant that by the end of the night There were 14 900ft giantesses breaking out of Momo’s roof.

‘This is even bigger than I expected.’ thought Izumi. Maybe Nana’s with someone

Meanwhile whilst the 1-A and 1-B female orgy was happening, Nana was organising her own brand of fun. Nana had invited Izumi’s mother Inko, Katsuki Bakugou’s mother Mitsuru, the rabbit hero Mirko and the 18+ hero Midnight into a 5 way orgy.

“I don't think I stack up to you heroes and you, Mitsuru,” said Inko dejectedly

“Inko, shaddup you're amazing," said Mitsuru. “I've always wanted to f*ck you especially after what I heard what my idiot son did to your daughter.”

“Ok," said inko, “Please be gentle.”

“Please, with me and Mirko, we’ll be anything but gentle,” replied Midnight. And with that they commenced the orgy and like the students, they all grew to 900ft as well.

Time flew by and it was time for the raid on the yakuza base with Sir Nighteye. Well it was supposed to be Nighteye until he pissed off Izumi by tying up bubble girl so as revenge Izumi f*cked bubble girl and they grew to 950ft and they used nighteye as a human dild*. At this point beating the Yakuza and saving Eri was a simple matter. Since Inko became connected to Izumi's quirk, her quirk evolved so that familial love also triggered the growth so Eri grew until she came up to Izumi’s chest.

Izumi was scared. Not of losing to AfO but losing somebody she cared about. So she did what she did best- f*ck new girls and Pro Heroes that she cared about. From Ms Joke, Ryumi, Burnin, Saiko Intelli, Nejire and her friend Yuyu. By the time she got to Mt Lady, Every girl was around 2500 ft. The polycule doubled in size to about 5000ft from Mt Lady alone. When Izumi stared at Mt Lady she realised that a part of her quirk goes both ways and she used it to grow herself to the size of Mount Everest (roughly 29000 ft), use her mother's quirk to float up AfO and promptly killed him. With nowhere else to go, the quirks went into Izumi herself.

2000 years later

“Wanna f*ck Izumi?” asked former villain Himiko Toga

“Sure Toga, just gimme a sec,” replied Izumi

Izumi just couldn't get enough of growing. Not only that but thanks to the quirks that AfO had stockpiled, she and everyone else was essentially immortal unless something in the universe could kill them, which was pretty unlikely. Also, because of a quirk that quickly regenerates blood, Toga overcame her quirk madness and her first moment of sanity was f*cking izumi's brains out. Of course the whole polycule was f*cking 24/7, including Rei, Fuyumi and all of the of the other mothers of 1-A and 1-B. Even Eri was f*cking of Tsuyu’s sister Satsuki. As for the guys, most of them were grown to half the size of the women although some were given inhumane treatments. Namely Mononma, Endeavor and Bakugou

“Hey Itsuka, what are you doing?” asked Monoma

“What do you think? I'm placing you in my ass” replied Itsuka

“But why?”

“For all the times you messed with 1-A. Everyone else here was getting sick of it,” answered Itsuka

“Hey I’ve got an idea, how about I use him as a dild* whilst you keep him there in your ass?” asked Setsuna.

“Only if we swap places afterwards,” replied Itsuka.

“Hey Endeavour, give me a baby,” said Rei

“f*ck you, I've already got my masterpiece,” replied Endeavour

“You’re acting as if you have a choice in the matter. You're going to f*ck me and then your f*cking Fuyumi until we’re both pregnant,” said Rei

“But she's my daughter,” Endeavour said.

“So? It's not as if you didn’t consider it before having me committed,” said Rei

Since then, Rei, Fuyumi and Endeavour screwed so much that it was said that Endeavour's mind completely broke.

Bakugou was currently surrounded by the Class 1-A girls. Unlike everybody else, including the boys, he stayed the same size height wise whilst each of the girls were the size of the original Earth.The Earth that they were standing on was an artificial Earth that increased in size using Yui’s quirk. The only part of him that grew was his penis which was apt since all he ever was was a giant dick.

“You know what? Even with the increase in the size of his dick, I don't feel like f*cking that knowing who's on the other end.” said Hagakure

“Yeah, he already was a complete dick no matter how you looked at him,” added Jirou

“Yeah, let's just f*ck each other instead,” cheered Mina.

In the end, Momo and Jirou f*cked each other with Shoto and Denki, Mina and Hagakure f*cked each other with Ojiro and Kirishima and Izumi, ochako and Tsuyu f*cked. They ended up so big that they had to increase the size of the artificial Earth again so that it was twice the size of the Sun.


Meanwhile in the UA 1-A classroom on the original Earth, Mineta has been sitting in his seat wondering why nobody's showed up to class for the past month when suddenly it felt as if the whole world was shaking. He went outside and looked up to see the face of a giant teenager with a horn on her head.

“Eri?” asked a scared Mineta.

Mineta almost didn’t recognise her. Not only was she so big that she fit the Earth within her crotch but she looked like a woman in her early 20s and if she was a normal sized person, she would have boobs five times bigger than Momo’s.

“Am I old enough yet Mr Mineta?” asked Eri as she lowered the Earth towards her crotch and started grinding UA High school along with Mineta.

“Even back then I thought you were nothing but a creepy old man. Like who says that to a little girl? Well I'm not so little any more am I?” Eri said, “Oh hi Momo, Kyoka. I expected you to appear here sooner or later.”

Mineta looked up in horror at the two 1-A students who probably hated him the most. Momo due to how he fetishised her especially during the UA Sports Festival by trying to ‘gain an advantage’ during the race portion and also the cheerleader debacle whilst Jirou hated Mineta due to him always putting her down for being the most unattractive girl in class 1-A. Now, both of them are the exact same size and shape as Eri is now.

“Hi Eri,” said Momo, “We’re here to punish Mineta for what he’s done to our class and in particular us.”

“Also if he’s lucky, he might die as he wanted; inside a couple of big boobed women,” added Jirou

Eri handed the planet to Momo as she started kissing Jirou. Then Momo placed the planet between their legs and started scissoring each. They did this until they came and Earth was destroyed. Then Eri used her quirk to rewind the Earth to the point before Jirou and Momo had sex.

“Don’t worry about dying Mineta,” said Eri. “My quirk evolved so that even if a person dies, I can rewind you to a point where you are still alive. Speaking of which, it looks like everyone else has arrived.”

Behind Momo and Jirou, the rest of the girls of 1-A and 1-B had shown up.

“ I suppose you’re here for the same reason as we are?” asked Jirou

“Yep” replied Mina. “You two aren’t the only one the Grapist has harassed.”

“Well then we’ll leave him in your care,” said Momo. " Good look Mineta, you’ll need it.”

Izumi's growing love - Lmorgan542 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)


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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.